My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Journey Into the Law of Vibration – Enter the Mandala


Here it is – the second of the Enter the Mandala Project paintings – The Law of Vibration.

As an intuitive artist, journeying into the Law of Vibration has meant riding the sinuous waves of energy throughout space and time as well as skipping from one God Particle to another within all things.

What a trip!

I’ll do my best to share with you the wonders of both the creative and spiritual processes here.

The Spirit Calling Card Reading

As you know, my goal in this series is to explore and express the Twelve Universal Laws.

It’s part of my own spiritual journey, using my intuitive gifts to generate a better understanding of the concepts on a body, mind, and spirit level.

In addition to the initial interpretations I share in the audio below, this Spirit Calling Card reading affirmed that by answering the call of my Angels and Spirit Guides to create this series, I am planting seeds on all levels. By using intuition and colour as my mediums, I am evolving and opening a gateway for those interested in journeying with me.

Thanks for coming along!


Listen In

I love the visual journeys I take when I channel a Divine Storytelling Time! Whether I’m doing one to source information for myself, a painting, or as part of an intuitive reading for a client, they’re such rich sources of experience and symbology.

You get to join me on this short journey, which starts right after the Spirit Calling Card reading.

I invite you to listen as you explore the meaning of The Law of Vibration through the photos below.

The Creative Process

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Up Close

It took me about 75 hours to create this 30″ x 30″ painting.  I spent about 16 of those dot-making … a very meditative process.

As it was the last week of the Hay House Summit 2015, I also spent many of those hours listening to inspiring podcasts.  While my left brain was listening, my right brain entered the mandala, riding the waves of creativity and energy.

The Spiritual Process

It’s amazing to think (and know, and feel) that absolutely everything is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies.

I’ve long accepted this when it comes to the things we can see with the naked eye – be it people, plants, man-made objects, etc. I was paying attention in science class!

I also knew that this was true of what we can perceive with our other senses, such as sounds and smells. It even made sense that dog whistles, which we can’t hear, are vibrating at an imperceptible frequency.

I remember being fascinated, however, when I was introduced to the fact that thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are also vibrations.  Even consciousness is vibration! These aren’t only spiritual concepts, but quantum physics ones as well.

If you haven’t seen the movies “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”  and “What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole” yet, I recommend them. They do a great job of explaining parts of this.


I don’t remember hearing or reading anything about it, but what has intrigued me most through this intuitive painting experience is the idea that time and history also vibrate at specific energetic frequencies. Is that why repressed emotions from this or past lifetimes get stored in our bodies and psyches? Is that where the idea of time travel came from? The fact that my visual journey through the Law of Vibration took me from cavemen to Columbus to modern times fascinates me.

The more I painted and the more I listened, the more I understood. Teal Swan, one of the Hay House speakers who was born with extrasensory perception, explained how she doesn’t see negative space like most of us do. For her, there is no empty space. Everything is vibrating in waves of energy, including the wind, the air, etc. There is no clear separation between things.


My experience journeying through this mandala also reaffirmed the link between the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction.  By vibrating at a certain frequency, through the power of our emotions, we attract what is also vibrating at that same frequency.

As Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks) explained in a great interview by Dr. Wayne Dwyer, we have 17 seconds after having a negative thought to get off that vibration frequency. Esther herself, when she notices such thoughts, simply starts counting backwards to unhook from that frequency.  It stops her from spiralling down the chain of negative thoughts that remind her of related negative thoughts, etc.  I also like Abraham’s description of sleep as a reset button.  That’s why it’s so important to spend the first minutes upon waking on the higher frequency vibrations instead of instantly checking emails or listening to the news.  I don’t listen to the news, but I do jump onto the computer a little too quickly …

As spiritual beings here on earth to have human experiences, we are bound to vibrate at various frequencies during our lives, our chapters, our days and even our minutes. The importance of our roles as vibration managers though, is an interesting one to think about.  Are we following the leadership of our Guides and Higher Selves or are we so caught up in the details that we’re spinning on the lower frequencies – stuck until we remember to reconnect to our true essence?

I could go on, but you get the picture.  The Law of Vibration is as it is. There are many ways to understand it, including the various spiritual and metaphysical teachings I’ve been studying for years.  This was simply another way to explore and express it, helping me perceive and experience life and the world in a much more unconditionally loving way.



Your Turn

I’d love to hear from you. Let’s get a community discussion going.  Scroll down to leave a reply.

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Life by Design: Stop and Smell the Flowers

tulipsDid your brain just jump in and say “that shoulda been ‘stop and smell the roses’ instead of ‘stop and smell the flowers’ “?

Well, this post is all about letting go of those shouldas, wouldas and couldas...

Plus, it just didn’t feel right to use “roses” in the title when sharing photos I took at the Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa last week.

I was there to reconnect with family and to force myself away from the computer.  I needed to get out of overdrive.

Focus is good. Driving oneself to burnout, however, isn’t.

The road signs were clear.  I was heading that way. It was time for a change of course before it was too late.

I’m sharing my story here in the hopes that it inspires you to take care of yourself as you create your Life by Design. There’s no use killing ourselves in the process.

The Mind and Body in Overdrive

When I bought my plane ticket to Ottawa, I knew it was a good thing.

The thought of slowing down before my e-commerce website was up and running, though, also had me in a bit of a panic. Earning a sustainable income as a full-time artist depends on it. But the thought of being forced to slow down for reasons out of my control appealed even less. I wasn’t interested in making myself sick.

I had been pushing myself too hard for too long.

As a full-time student in Marie Forleo’s B-School, I was learning and implementing so much.  It’s an intensive, exciting, and soulful business program!  Although one of Marie’s slogans is “there’s no behind in B-School”, I created all sorts of self-imposed pressures and deadlines. I made that worse with fears of failure and over-exaggerated concerns about the consequences.

I’m happy with the website I’m still building.  My e-shop is also coming along, but it’s not quite ready yet.

Working through my technophobic tendencies had me stretching my comfort zones daily.  I’ve had to push through fear, panic, overwhelm, perfectionism and impatience to get where I’m at.  

IMG_9051I’ve been learning as much about my beloved shadow side as I have about my gifts, technology and business. These are worthwhile exercises, but they can take their toll.

My months of 12-16 hour days in front of the computer had not only put my brain into overdrive, but my body also.  If you haven’t heard, they’re linked…

I’d wake up with subtle energy and sometimes physical tremors from the constant anxiety.  My dreams were filled with to-do lists and related fears.

Yup! I was stressed!

My body was talking to me.  I didn’t want to wait until it was screaming to listen.

It was time to stop and smell the flowers.

I grabbed Dr. Gabor Maté’s book “When the Body Says No – The Costs of Hidden Stress” off the shelf and headed to Ottawa. The book was given to me last summer, but I hadn’t made time to read it.

“What has happened is that we have lost touch with the gut feelings designed to be our warning system. The body mounts a stress response, but the mind is unaware of the threat. … (T)he salient stressors in the lives of most human beings today – at least in the industrialized world – are emotional. Just like laboratory animals unable to escape, people find themselves trapped in lifestyles and emotional patterns inimical to their health. The higher the level of economic development, it seems, the more anesthetized we have become to our emotional realities. We no longer sense what is happening in our bodies and cannot therefore act in self-preserving ways. The physiology of stress eats away at our bodies not because it has outlived its usefulness, but because we may no longer have the competence to recognize its signals.”

Luckily, I have trained myself through my intuitive and spiritual practices to be aware of what is happening in my body. I also knew of the emotional connection to dis-ease. It still took time, however, to take action on those signals.  That’s so common in our go-go-go society.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

With Ottawa in full bloom, it was hard to ignore the call to stop and smell the flowers.

When I left Newfoundland, the trees were barely budding.  Nature was slowly coming out of its necessary hibernation.

By lifting myself away from my computer and changing the scene, I was surprised to see a world in full and luscious bloom.

I got my nose out of my own little story to be with loved ones, to help, to re-connect, and to re-create.

When I returned to Newfoundland 11 days later, nature had undergone the effects of divine timing – progressing at its own natural rate. Little tufts of green had started appearing on the trees.

Trees are such great teachers – they don’t stress with self-imposed expectations and judgements. They don’t hang on to stuff from the past or worries about the future. They have no shouldas, wouldas, or couldas – no comparisons with the speed of seasons in other parts of the world. There’s just perfection in being what is.

I’m back at work full-time now, but I’ll take these body, mind, and spirit lessons to heart, so that I that I may better explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. After all, that’s what being an artist is all about for me.

Your Turn

Is it time for you to stop and smell the roses? How about the tulips, or lilacs?

What are your favourite ways to decompress? Feel free to join the discussion below.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Journey Into Divine Oneness – Enter the Mandala



This is the first painting of 12 in the Enter the Mandala Project.  I’m so excited to share The Law of Divine Oneness with you!

What a journey! Here’s what I’ve learned through the co-creation of this mandala.

Sourced from Divine Energy, all that is seen and unseen comes from the field of infinite possibilities.

Together, we move as Divine Oneness in a spiralling web of interconnectedness. As to one, so to all.

Click to Buy Mandala Prints

The Intuitive Journey

Visionary artists receive their inspiration in many ways: through dreams, meditation, mind altering substances, etc. I’m one of the rare ones who’s never even tried drugs. That’s not a good or bad thing – it just is.

For this series of paintings, I decided to use my intuitive journeying process (which I call my mini-movies) to dive deeper into the Twelve Universal Laws.

As you’ll hear, I first asked Source and my team of Divine Helpers to guide me.

I then travelled through worlds of imagery to collect messages and symbols related to the Law of Divine Oneness.

Since I asked on behalf everyone, you get to play detective with me as we decipher these messages. Have fun with this. I did!

Listen In:

While listening to this 15-minute audio, take a look at the Spirit Calling Cards below and the Creative Process photos.  See if you can find how I incorporated the symbols I was given. I’m not much into realism, so some symbols are, well, symbolic.

There’s no right or wrong way of doing this. If you’d rather just close your eyes and experience the journey that way, go for it.

The Spirit Calling Card Reading

These are the Spirit Calling Cards that acted as a doorway into the intuitive visual journey.


The Creative Process

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Click on an image if you want to go through them larger – it shouldn’t stop the audio.

The Spiritual Process

I’m sure you’ve heard that spiritual growth isn’t always smooth.

Have you ever decided to work on an issue only to start having opportunities to do so hit you in the face?  This form of “ask and you shall receive” can be challenging for sure! But the rewards are worthwhile.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that having asked to understand the Law of Divine Oneness, I got to do so – not only through my intuitive journey and painting, but in every day life.  Immediately!

Right after a very absorbing painting session, I went to the kitchen, where my housemate presented me with a huge mirror (no, not literally). She helped me see that I was not only disconnected from her, but also from the here and now.  I was still in my head and in my painting, reflecting on the meaning of Oneness.  Wow!

After a few seconds of shock, we both recognized that we were being offered a wonderful opening for connection, unconditional love, and understanding.  I suddenly realized on a cellular level (as my entire body was vibrating) how true it is that what we do to one person affects everyone and everything everywhere.  At first, I could almost sense the shockwaves traveling around the planet. But then, because we chose to lovingly deal with the situation, I could see this having a much greater effect that reached far beyond the borders of our kitchen and even our world. I was grateful to my Divine Helpers for showing me that.

There have been quite a lot of shifts in my personal world since I started this exploration into the Law of Divine Oneness.

I’m coming out of hermit mode after a winter of diving more deeply into my Self and my art/business.  I’m feeling called to being of service at a greater level. I’m reconnecting to the infinite possibilities, to gratitude, and to people. I’m letting go of fear, of judgment, of limiting beliefs.  Great stuff!

Your Turn

I’d love to hear what this post/painting inspires in you. Please share your perspective, insights and comments in the discussion below.  Your contribution is a valuable part of this community process.


What will your journey through this first Universal Law open up for you?  

You are such a beautiful and important part of the Divine Oneness.

What you and I do to raise our level of consciousness will help us all.

We are all interconnected.


Click to Buy Mandala Prints
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Introducing the 12 Universal Laws – Enter the Mandala

Transform your life from the inside out!

Become the conscious creator you were meant to be.mandala-mix

Enter the mandalas to journey deep into the 12 Universal Laws that govern our lives.  

The more you understand them, the happier you’ll be.

Come on in!

*Note: The full collection of originals is now available for purchase. Learn more here.

A Universal Spirituality

Enter the Mandala is an invitation to open up to the Divine Energy that is in everything and everyone everywhere.  It’s also an invitation to go deeper into both your Self and All That Is.

The Universal Laws go beyond religion – they govern all our lives.


The word “mandala” means “sacred circle” in Sanskrit. These have long been used as spiritual tools in many cultures and religions.

Mandalas help focus attention, provide guidance, and establish sacred space for meditation.  They’re a portal into the Universal Energy Flow.

This spiritual and artistic project began when I received intuitive guidance to create a series of 12 mandala paintings based on the Universal Laws.

Some of the Laws were already familiar to me by name or essence. But this was the first time I’d studied them directly with my team of Divine Helpers (Source, Guides, Angels, Higher Self, etc.).

The symbolism in these mandalas was pulled from an intuitive reading that began the process of inquiry into each Universal Law.

The Twelve Universal Laws

Many are familiar with the Law of Attraction, made popular by the movie The Secret and the channellings of Abraham Hicks.  I’ve shared stories on stage of how this law has worked in my life.  It’s truly amazing.

But it’s not the only Law. There are 12.

Click on an image to enter the mandala and its lessons – delivered in words, images, and energy.

Law of Divine Oneness

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Law of Vibration Mandala

2. The Law of Vibration

The Law of Action mandala

3. The Law of Action

Law of Correspondence mandala

4. The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Cause and Effect mandala

5. The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Compensation Mandala

6. The Law of Compensation

The Law of Attraction mandala

7. The Law of Attraction

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy mandala

8. Perpetual Transmutation…

9. The Law of Relativity

9. The Law of Relativity


10. The Law of Polarity

11. The Law of Rhythm

11. The Law of Rhythm

12. The Law of Gender

12. The Law of Gender

Enter-the-Mandala-All-In-One-Dominique-HurleyOnce I was completed the 12 mandalas, I was guided to review and summarize all 12 into one final mandala.  Click here for a full view of the painting and the written summary on all 12 laws.

Want a Mandala Print? Click to Go to my Online Shop

The Inquiry Process?

The creative process into the 12 Universal Laws as you see here lasted 10 months. It included:

  • asking: intuitive guidance
  • creating: 30″x 30″ mandala paintings
  • investigating: researching the symbolism, reading & listening
  • discussing: on my blog and during live community events
  • reflecting: the learning & remembering never ends

This project is part of my own transformational journey. But it’s so much more than that.

The mandalas have become teaching tools. They’re a chance for you to:

  • connect with the energy behind the art, your Higher Self, the Laws, and each other
  • engage with the intuitive process
  • learn about the creative process
  • engage in discussion
  • participate in life-enhancing exhibitions and events

May these mandalas empower you on your journey, in whichever form you choose to bring them into your life.

The creation of the Enter the Mandala Project artwork was supported in part by the City of St. John’s.
CoSJ Logo-Black


Mandala prints available in many sizes and mediums. Click to learn more
Universal Law Guided Meditations Bundle. Click to learn more


Go to Mandala #1: Law of Divine Oneness
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Life By Design: Embrace Your Weirdness

Harbour-Grace-Crow-Dominique-HurleyI’m weird. The truth is, we all are.  Some of us just don’t let that weird wonderful self out to play very much.  

Alas, society has been good at training it out of us.

I remember my Discourse Analysis professor in the early 90s saying that everyone could be diagnosed with a mental disorder if secretly observed for a period of time.

Funny the things from school that stick, eh?  That stuck.  I found it strangely comforting.

Freedom To Be

Rainbow-Mist-3Ever since returning to Canada last July, I have repeatedly found myself feeling grateful to be living where I am. My friends and Guides helped me manifest the perfect housemate in a beautiful home.  It’s been such a blessing!

I’ve had several sets of housemates in the last 5 years. In most of those situations, I hadn’t felt safe or comfortable enough to fully be myself. Fear, “consideration”, divergent lifestyles and philosophies – I just kept myself quiet and small.  Like many times in my life, I chose to walk on eggshells.

Can you relate? It’s no fun!

It feels so good to be weird again!  

  • I love singing, no matter if my housemate is in earshot. Luckily, she likes it too.
  • When I write, I’m constantly reading out loud in a variety of accents and levels of dramatic flair.  It makes it more fun.
  • Making strange sound effects is one of the healthier ways I have of coping with technological overwhelm (common during this website building phase).
  • I can go days without saying much of anything, intensely focused on my projects.
  • and the list goes on.

Let the Weirdness Blossom

During my walks this week, I’ve observed little spring flowers pushing their way out from under the remaining snow and packed down grasses.  Thank goodness they made it through! They add such colour to the world.

It’s the same with us.

There is such freedom in being who we are.  It takes courage. It takes heart. It takes pushing through both real and perceived barriers to fully bloom. It takes being in the right environment.  

Is your environment conducive?

Loving the Weird

More than that.

Being authentically who we are is the only way to truly feel loved.

If people love us because of the masks we wear, than it’s not us that they’re loving.

It’s only when we are seen for who we truly are, in all our weirdness, that we can feel seen, accepted, and loved.  

Sure, not everyone will love you, or even like you.  That’s OK.  Find those who will.

It’s so important to seek the nourishing environments in which you can grow fully into who and what you are – to blossom in all your weirdness.

There is absolutely no one on this planet like you.  You are unique. You are the weird wonderful you!

It’s time to unwrap the gift.

You are the Gift.


How do you express your weird wonderful you?  

Join the discussion and comment below.

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Life by Design: Self-Love

This episode of Life by Design is told as a series of stories – not to show how far I’ve come or how far I still have to go, but as fodder for your own reflections, understanding, acceptance, and self-love.

Dominique Hurley-DLH_1036One Step At A Time:

I was heading up to my room last week, when I passed by my housemate sitting at her computer.  As my foot landed on the first step, I heard my inner critic make a comment about the way she was typing. As I moved onto the next step, I was beating myself up for being judgmental. My inner grumbles obviously had nothing to do with her. After all, nothing has meaning but the meaning you give it – and today, I can’t even remember what nonsensical meaning that was. By the time I reached the third step, I noticed how hard I was being on myself, and invited a moment of silence to simply breathe.  By the time I got to my room, I was fully conscious of the fact that I mustn’t be feeling loved if I could project that lack of love onto the world outside me. Indeed, I have come to accept that the world, or rather my perception of it, is simply a mirror of my internal state.

So I sat down, gave myself a hug, smiled, and talked to myself lovingly. I also remembered that I am unconditionally loved by Source and even by certain human beings.  🙂 I also chose to change the station, from that fear-based ego-centered inner critical voice that obviously isn’t me (but a combination of negative voices internalized throughout my life) to that of the one who was able to observe all that was happening in a calm and loving way – the Higher Self, or conscience if you prefer. I was able to transform my inner reality from a harsh non-loving one to a loving one – for self first and then others.  I’d say from beginning to end, all that happened within the space of a minute.

Loving Takes Practice:

I wish I was always that fast at switching gears.  More so, I wish I could live in a constant state of self-love, which would naturally become unconditional love for others.  I’m not there yet, and that’s OK.  With decades of conscious practice, it comes much more naturally than it used to.

Dominique Hurley-DLH_1089Denial:

There was a time when I actually denied the fact that I lacked self-love.  I remember being on the Inner Voyage Caribbean cruise in 2000 – an amazing spiritual workshop cruise with many of the leaders of the time.  When I wasn’t attending workshops or socializing, I was doing my photography homework for a correspondence courses with the New York Institute of Photography. Bliss!  Investing in this experience may not have been the most financially wise decision I’ve made in my life (according to some in my environment), but I was so glad I had listened to my Guidance.  I needed it.  I had just experienced the most stressful year of my life – one that had tested my ability to stay strong for another and function in the world despite the fears and pressures around a situation that was completely out of my control.  Once the crisis was over, I needed a break.  I needed an intensive dose of love and beauty to fill my soul and strengthen my inner resources.  It worked.

One evening, somewhere between Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, I was consulting an intuitive healer about my eczema, a skin problem that I’ve had to varying degrees since infancy. At one point, she told me that I had serious self-love issues.  I reacted, saying that I was probably the most self-loving person I knew. I defended by giving examples, such as following Guidance, and coming on this cruise.  I put up quite the self-righteous fuss – I denied it.  I chuckle now as I write this.

cruiseship deckListen Up!:

Three years later, my Guides felt it necessary to speak up – literally.   I was at a silent retreat in Nova Scotia after my ex-husband and I lovingly decided to part ways. This was one of three retreats I had planned that summer before moving to Calgary to do my Masters.  It was an informal retreat that had no schedule except for a daily meeting with a spiritual adviser and a set dinner time.

One early morning, I woke up upon hearing another resident leaving the house.  My inner critic immediately started beating myself up for not being the first one to shower, eat, and get out of the house for an early morning walk by the ocean. I know! Seriously!  It’s not much fun in that head of mine at times… can you relate? (Note: I found out last week that this is normal for those with the “Achiever” theme – see last book in previous post).

Anyhow, I was really going at it when I heard a voice, loud and clear in the room (one of three times I can remember in my life when my Guidance came through audibly). I can’t remember the exact words, but it was something like “You’re perfect as you are”.  The tears welled up, and I fell into a deep  sleep for another few hours, probably waking up last in the center.


It had become clear that the intuitive healer on board the Inner Voyage cruise was right – I had serious self-love issues! For one, I was a perfectionist.

“At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success.”    ~ Michael Law

Indeed, I was so focused on the potential judgement of others and on wanting their approval that my ego reveled in its role as my worst critic. I was only beginning to realize that “I” was the other voice – the one that could say to the ego “yes, dear, I hear you, but I choose otherwise – I choose love”.

Sure, I excelled at many things and my reputation for doing great work grew, but at what cost?

The unrealistic expectations I placed on myself became expectations I placed on others.  I was strictly goal oriented and not only forgot to enjoy the journey, but sometimes made that journey unpleasant for others.  Although I could be very loving and nurturing in roles of leadership, I wasn’t a good team player.  My expectations of peers made it impossible to be fully present and loving.

“There is no disappointment or anger in Real Love”
Dr. Greg Baer

HalifaxTuning Into the Body for Signals:

This became very clear to me when I was doing my Masters of Education in Calgary. Although my focus was English as a Second Language, I filled my roster of optional courses with offerings from the Spirituality and Leadership branch of the department. I even conducted an action research study during one of my internships that helped me become conscious of every moment I went from love to fear in the classroom – an extension of the Vipassana meditation training I had taken the summer before. While part of me was teaching the class, another part was keeping track of feelings of expansion and contraction within my body. I would take mental or written notes and then journal about it afterward.

I came to realize that I was great at doing teaching (putting together a fun, success-oriented class for students), but that every time someone asked a question (especially a grammar question), my insides would tighten.  I was afraid that I wouldn’t know the answer. More importantly, I was afraid that this distraction would take me off schedule and that they wouldn’t have the chance to experience that aha moment of learning that I had planned after presenting them with a challenge. Sure, part of it was about the fear of losing control, but mostly, it was the fear that they would leave before the moment of truly understanding and learning (which would indicate failure on my part).

There is simply no room for love when fear takes over.


I learned a lot during those 2 years.  The greatest confirmation of that was when I received the results from my final paper / presentation on the being vs. doing of teaching: “A Lesson in Being: One Teacher’s Spiritual Journey in the MEd TESL Program”.  Three professors sat on the jury that would decide whether or not I would receive my Masters of Education.  One wrote that my work was exemplary of what all Masters students should strive for, and that if a grade could have been given, I would have received an A+. The next professor gave me great feedback and was very pleased.  The third professor, however, wrote that he had nearly failed me – something to do with self-absorption (so the equivalent of a D). The exact same paper received marks from one end of the spectrum to the other. Perfect! I smiled as I recognized that the Universe was smiling with me – I had successfully learned that others’ judgments had nothing to do with me, but with their own perceptions and criteria for success. Although passing was important for my career, the most important factor was my own journey through the whole experience and knowing that I was now not only a better teacher, but a more loving being – inside out.

Halifax 2What is Self-Love?

I have grown a lot in my practice of unconditional love through the work of Dr. Greg Baer (  He teaches that the only way we can be unconditionally loved by others is to be seen and accepted for who we truly are – not for our masks. This is why it’s so important to be authentic with others.  It would seem natural to say, therefore, that the only way we can truly love ourselves is by seeing and accepting the truth of who we are – of being honest with ourselves – in all our vulnerability.  I’m not denying my self-love issues anymore (obviously, if you’ve been following my blog!) … Carl Jung said:

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”

When we realize, however, that we aren’t the ego – we aren’t that inner critical voice, but rather that loving observer beyond that – it’s not so terrifying at all.  As written in the Course of Miracles, “The ego is your belief. The ego is a confusion in identification”.

“You will identify with with what you think
will make you safe.
Whatever it may be,
you will believe that it is one with you.
Your safety lies in truth,
and not in lies.
Love is your safety.
Fear does not exist.
Identify with love, and you are safe.
Identify with love, and you are home.
Identify with love, and find your Self.”

This channeled text also advises:

“Seek not outside yourself.
The search implies you are not whole within.”


The Journey to Self-Love Continues:

My ego has been very vocal lately.  I’ve come out of my hermit mode to join a community of thousands in B-School on a challenging, yet rewarding journey.  My determination to live a life of passion and purpose is strong.  So are my fears.  Luckily, every day offers me opportunities to grow in love – with myself and others.

Divine Union-Dominique Hurley

In the Worlds of Charlie Chaplin:

“When I started loving myself”
– A poem by Charlie Chaplin written on his 70th birthday on April 16, 1959 –

When I started loving myself
I understood that I’m always and at any given opportunity
in the right place at the right time.
And I understood that all that happens is right –
from then on I could be calm.
Today I know: It’s called TRUST.

When I started to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody
When I tried to force my desires on this person,
even though I knew the time is not right and the person was not ready for it,
and even though this person was me.
Today I know: It’s called LETTING GO

When I started loving myself
I could recognize that emotional pain and grief
are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth.
Today I know: It’s called AUTHENTICALLY BEING.

When I started loving myself
I stopped longing for another life
and could see that everything around me was a request to grow.
Today I know: It’s called MATURITY.

When I started loving myself
I stopped depriving myself of my free time
and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future.
Today I only do what’s fun and joy for me,
what I love and what makes my heart laugh,
in my own way and in my tempo.
Today I know: it’s called HONESTY.

When I started loving myself
I escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me,
from dishes, people, things, situations
and from everything pulling me down and away from myself.
In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”,
but today I know: it’s called SELF-LOVE.

When I started loving myself
I stopped wanting to be always right
thus I’ve been less wrong.
Today I’ve recognized: it’s called HUMBLENESS.

When I started loving myself
I refused to live further in the past
and worry about my future.
Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place,
like this I live every day and I call it CONSCIOUSNESS.

When I started loving myself
I recognized, that my thinking
can make me miserable and sick.
When I requested for my heart forces,
my mind got an important partner.
Today I call this connection HEART WISDOM.

We do not need to fear further discussions,
conflicts and problems with ourselves and others
since even stars sometimes bang on each other
and create new worlds.
Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!


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More Eye Opening Entrepreneurial Books

Dominique-Lean-on-Me-PortraitI’m So…. Me!

I am so typically myself, I crack myself up – I say with a serious face… B-School started on Monday.  My goal had been to finish all the books on Marie Forleo’s recommended list before the start of classes, which I almost did.  I still had 2 left though and simply couldn’t bring myself to start something new before finishing what I had started. So although I watched her 6 videos as an overview of the first module and all the work ahead of me this week (while rebounding), I just had to finish all 12 books before really diving in – because that’s what I told myself I would do…


I’ve never paid much attention to business news or even world news, for that matter.  Needless to say, therefore, I’ve learned so much!  This intense immersion into the world of big-hearted successful entrepreneurs who are making a positive difference in the world has definitely opened my eyes and my heart.  I’m thinking bigger than I did before, even if I can’t even begin to imagine their kind of impact coming from what I feel moved to create in my life. I’m not even sure I’ve got what it takes to be an entrepreneur… but that’s probably just fear talking. Eye-opening and confusing can co-exist in my world.

Another 6 Books:

I wrote about the first 6 books on Marie’s list in a previous post.  Here are the ones I read / listened to after that.


Two Books by Richard Branson:

Sir Richard Branson‘s 2 books kept me entertained for more than 21 hours this past week.  He had a lot to say.  I don’t think I had ever heard the name of this English billionaire and founder of the Virgin group of companies (over 400 of them!) – if I had, it hadn’t stuck.  Truth be told, that’s not surprising.

Being one of those people who doesn’t listen to the news, I know that I’m not very globally aware. Frankly, however, I’m quite amazed that I wasn’t more familiar with the Virgin brand, except for a vague recollection of a red logo on a poster in the bus one day- I think it had to do with their mobile phone service as I was in the market for one. In this world of over-consumption and visual and information overload, I confess I’ve often chosen to stick my head in the sand. It was more peaceful that way.

But what this man has accomplished goes way beyond changing the way businesses are run.  He’s made a huge impact on the welfare of the planet and its inhabitants. Did you know he was the driving force behind the foundation of the independent group of global leaders called The Elders?  I didn’t even know it existed, but listening to stories about his conversations with Nelson Mandala and other global leaders moved me.

7.  In “Business Stripped Bare: The Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur“, he basically told the story of his entrepreneurial life (through the voice of a less-than-convincing British voice actor) – which started at the age of 15.  The book is filled with stories about the various Virgin companies and why they were created. I’m certainly going to pay more attention to Virgin companies from now on – I like what they stand for. I like what they do for people – inside and outside the company.  This book is all about success and making a difference – and he’s a master at both.

This book has reaffirmed that I am more of a manager/technician than an entrepreneur, but it was super helpful to hear about the spirit, mindset, ups and down, etc. of something so huge – way beyond what I want to do.

8.  In “Screw Business as Usual“, he spent more time on the social good that individuals and companies can make on the global scene. He explains that

“Never has there been a more exciting time for all of us to explore this great next frontier where the boundaries between work and purpose are merging into one, where doing good, really is good for business.”

I really enjoyed listening to this one – not only because the voice actor was much more convincing, even if he had a North American accent.  By the end of it, I simply felt happy there were people in the world like Richard Branson (more and more of them)- and dumbfounded at how much one person can accomplish in one lifetime… with the help of many, of course.  What leadership!

9. “Tribes” by Seth Godin

His name was familiar, and although I see he’s given 3 TED Talks, I don’t think that’s why the name rang a bell. Oh well, no matter.  This is a great book on leadership that was inspiring to listen to. I’m not the most social person – I’m an introvert who loves my alone time. I find social media and much to do with crowds overwhelming.  But I know the power of like-minded groups of people getting together to empower each other and make a difference in the world.  I really felt this when I lived in Saskatoon.  I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to make a difference..

CoCreative Bliss-Dominique HurleyBy the time I finished listening to this book, I felt clearer about my desire to offer / market co-creating energy paintings with the Higher Councils of those attracted to this service. Some of you may remember that I offered this as the highest-level gift during my Vienna Visionary Art Fund crowdfunding campaign.  While working through the preparation exercises for B-School, I reconnected to that experience as perhaps the most powerful and fulfilling artistic experience of my career.  During an amazing weekend by the ocean, I worked with 2 donors’ teams of angels and guides to create empowering paintings for them on their paths to their Highest Good.  I’ve thought of that experience several times since, but had yet to offer it more publicly. I’ll admit, part of me was scared of claiming my ability to do so…

In “Tribes”, Seth Godin reminds us that the whole being burned at the stake for being heretics thing is over and done with and that we need to own up to what is calling us – to become leaders. That was exactly what I needed to hear. “The only thing holding you back is your own fear – not easy to admit, but essential to understand”.

Time of Transition-Dominique HurleyHe also addressed some of my other fears:

“The secret of being wrong isn’t to avoid being wrong. The secret is being willing to be wrong. The secred is realizing that wrong isn’t fatal. The only thing that makes people and organizations great is their willingness to not be great along the way. The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret of success.”


10.  “Business Model You Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur (and Co-created by an amazing crowd of 470 practitioners from 45 countries).

You can download a 72-page preview of the book at the link above.  They describe it as “A handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers.”

Again, this book is much more than I’ll likely need for the micro-business I’m creating, but it did help me find a bit more clarity on what and how I’ll offer my art & inspiration to the world.

The greatest gift this book has given me is an understanding of the 9 building blocks to any business: customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relations, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure (in a very visual way – perfect for me as an artist).  Alas, being a successful artist is going to take so much more than just painting in my studio. It’s true, I’ve done a lot more than that for the past 26 years of being a professional artist, but not nearly enough.

What was really cool is that the morning after I finished reading this book, I received experiential proof of how it has helped me in my understanding of how businesses work. After booting up the computer, I was immediately faced with 2 invitations, one about some technological advance and offering by Firefox and the other by Wiki for teachers. I found myself responding with curiosity, openness, and knowledge instead of reacting with my usual suspicion, annoyance, and dismissiveness (I’m a bit of a technophobe).  So wow! what great feedback that information is indeed power.


11. “ReWork” by Jason Fried& David Heinemeier Hansson

This is a great little book. I bought the hard copy because I couldn’t find an audio version, but it exists. That’s OK. I had it done in a day and the funky visuals the the start of each chapter add personality.  The authors, founders of a very successful software company, talk straight and in a very down-to-earth manner about what they’ve learned along the way. I related much more to this book than to Richard Branson’s because theirs is a small company and that’s how they like it. They understand the financial realities of those starting a company and offer their own version of screw business as usual.  They didn’t do it like the books / school say to do things, and it worked.  I liked that.

If you want to do something, you’ve got to do it now. You can’t put it on a shelf and wait two months to get around to it. You can’t just say you’ll do it later. Later, you won’t be pumped up about it anymore.  … When you’re high on inspiration, you can get two weeks of work done in twenty-four hours.  Inspiration is a time machine that way.”

That reminds me of several times when people were surprised at how quickly I had accomplished a project – be it my Spirit Calling Cards or curriculum development.  Once inspiration descends upon you, and you mix that with discipline and focus, magic happens.


 12.Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton & “Strengths Finder 2.0″ by Tom Rath

The one book on Marie Forleo’s recommended list that I hadn’t immediately purchased was “Now, Discover Your Strengths”. The reason? I read the book and took the test about a decade ago.  It was totally life-enhancing and I recommend it to anyone!

I loved how it focused on the importance of developing your strengths instead of becoming a well-rounded person who was mediocre at everything (my words, not theirs).  I’m such a fan of self-awareness tools and completely resonated with the unique profile it came up with for me.  I even remember handing part of the results to my employers – it was an itemized list of my strengths and how best to lead me as an employee. It totally made sense.

This week,  I downloaded a free 12-page summary of the book from this website.

I had to chuckle at this quote – it’s what many spiritual advisers say as well.

When you exploit your natural abilities, you can’t help but succeed. Of course, the converse is also true.  Expect an uphill climb if you are always in “self-improvement” mode.

I decided to take the test again online for $19.95 USD (since I didn’t have the code at the back of the book).  There are 177 questions and you have 20 seconds to choose between paired descriptors (about 35 minutes). Great stuff! Based on Gallup research, the authors developed 34 dominant “themes of human talent”, or strengths (talent + knowledge + skill). Based on our online test results, we’re given our top 5 themes out of 33 million possible combinations, and several tools on how to use our new-found information and how these work as a group. Although they say a few may change if you take the test again at a future time, they were probably all part of your top 10.

Test results:  This isn’t the exact list I got 10 years ago, but the feel is similar.  I’ll admit, my first reaction upon reading my list was: “I sound so boring – serious and boring!” I know I was comparing myself to all I’ve been exposed to in the past couple of weeks. I’m afraid I don’t fit the entrepreneurial bill…

This is what I got this time: Discipline, Achiever, Responsibility, Learner, Deliberative.  Ten years ago, I remember I had Focus, Fairness, Empathy.  The other two were probably part of this group. The list of action steps and descriptors are useful – and very very accurate.  I certainly recognized myself in 99% of what they reported.  The trick, according to them is seeing my perfectionist tendencies, for example, as a strength, not a weakness. They provide a few tips.

I’ll re-read their report again soon – although I’m sure I still won’t find “fun-loving, extrovert, go-with-the-flow, risk-taker ” on there.  Don’t get me wrong …. I love myself – no use wanting to be someone else or comparing myself to others.  My talents have been amazing gifts in my life and I’ve used them well. We’ll see how I can put them to work in bringing my art & inspiration to the next level.

Flower Child-Dominique HurleyOnce again, I wrote about the first 6 books on Marie’s list in a previous post.


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Stoked on Quotes: A Journey Through 6 Entrepreneurial Books

Walking the Moon Path-Dominique HurleyWant to know some of the gems I’ve gleaned from the first batch of recommended audio-books I worked with in preparation for B-School?  Here goes.

1.  “Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield

I had to rewind and play that bit a few times – it tickled something deep down inside.  I even wrote a brief email to Steven Pressfield to thank him for making a difference in my life – something I like to do. Little did I know at the time that he had also written another book on the list – “The War of Art” and the novel “The Legend of Bagger Vance” – I had just watched the movie the week before as part of my Waking Up to the Movies program.  His insights on how we create obstacles for ourselves (one of the many things I’m good at 🙂 ) were very useful.  By the way, he responded – “Thanks for that, Dominique. It’s great to be quoted! Seriously, thanks for the very kind words — and thanks to Marie Forleo too.”


2. “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber

To say that I learned a lot about running a business from this book is an understatement.  It was an eye opener that led to some useful questioning.  In it, Gerber

dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. He walks you through the steps in the life of a business … (and) shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business whether or not it is a franchise. Finally, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business. (

That last point was the kicker for me.  I realized that I’m mostly a technician (I like to do my art).  Part of me just wants to be a hermit painting in my studio… and win the lottery so I can do that.  Although I do have a strong manager in me, I’ll really need to awaken the entrepreneur inside if I want to make it as full-time artist in my own business.  That’s why I’m in B-School. I’m already ahead of where I was last week.


3.  “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek

I was familiar with Simon’s work.  He gave a great TED Talk that I use with my ESL students.  His main point is that “People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.” It’s all about mission / purpose. That’s why Apple is such a success – no matter what kind of product or service they come out with.

Angel of Mine-Dominique HurleyAbout 15-20 years ago, I identified 5 nouns as my governing values: Spirituality, Love, Beauty, Freedom, Integrity. From there, I developed my personal mission statement, a powerful decision-making tool I’ve used ever since:  “My purpose is to travel through life exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.”  After listening to this book, I understand that my values don’t only drive me, but also my customers –  those who believe as I believe. 

Coming up with verbs for those values was a very valuable exercise for me.  This is what is at the root of all I am. This is why I do what I do – my guiding principles.

Spirituality = Connect to your Higher Source.
Love =  Love yourself and others unconditionally.
Beauty = Appreciate and create beauty that touches hearts and souls.
Freedom: Be true to your Self, and follow your Inner Guidance.
Integrity: Always do the right thing. (Simon had already translated that one for me – yay!)
I’ve always disliked the question :”What do you do?” I usually ask “How do you enjoy spending your time?”.  Next time, I’ll try “Why do you do what you do?”…
4.  “The Fire Starter Sessions:  A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms” by Danielle LaPorte
Have you heard of her?  I hadn’t, but I seem to be among the few who haven’t. Grant it, I’ve been focused inward in the past few years, so it’s not surprising that I’m not up to date on the new inspirational generation.  She’s Canadian – living in Vancouver, and she rocks!
Dancing with my inner child-Dominique HurleyThis book was a great listen and each session was accompanied by a short video and worksheets online. You can also access the first chapter of the book below the first video once you listen to it.
I had to get off my rebounder quite a bit while I was listening to write a few of her messages down:
You become a trailblazer by virtue of being your genuine self. It is that simple, it is that profound.
If we want to live bold full lives, we must take our whole selves into the future. Nothing can be forsaken or hidden because it is in integrating all of the aspects of our beings that we expand: cosmic love and worldly ambitions; consciousness and cash; high standards and compassion.
She also touched on my recent inquiry into the roles of the Left and Rain brain in business.
In the Moment-Dominique HurleyWe speak the same language – even if hers is a tad more colourful at times 🙂
Choosing easy is smart, efficient, elegant; a fantastic form of self-compassion; giving yourself a break and getting out of your own way. Choosing easy is letting inspiration be your compass. Choosing easy is allowing for the things that you’ve been asking for to enter your life. … Quality easy brings a sense of expansion to things. Quality easy is compelling—because when you say yes to grace, you’re saying yes to the natural flow of life. You lift your face toward the grace, like flowers lean into the light.
In one of her sessions, she talks about Eckhart Tolle’s principle of awakened doing:  acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm, the third modality of awakened doing, is when the universe creates through you. You are involved in a creative act. You are bringing something new into this world. When that energy comes in, you feel an intense aliveness that flows into what you do. That is enthusiasm.  ~Tolle
That is why I create art – be it in the studio or in nature with my camera… Although I had read his books years ago, it was good to reconnect with his work again. I may not retain the source or the details, but everything I’ve learned along the way has helped me to be exactly who and what I am today – more and more of my Self.
The most useful exercise, however, was in “Session 7: Fear and other Tough Stuff.”  I did her worksheet on deconstructing fear and had myself the kind of aha moment that left me stunned. I basically asked myself “Why are you afraid of running out of money?” over and over again until I got to the root of that fear.  Although some of my earlier answers included being afraid of not having access to a healthy diet of high quality and organic products and having to work at a job that no longer fuels my passion, the root went much much deeper.  I was actually afraid that not being financially successful at my business would prove that I’m not worthy or good enough a channel for receiving and expressing God’s love through my art – Major “not good enough” junk!  The interesting thing is that this revelation is so not aligned with what I believed I believe: my concept of Divine Love!  That’s probably why I’ve been bouncing from scarcity mentality to abundance mentality most of my life.  That “Not good enough for God/ The Source” was in there somewhere deep.  Time to let that silly belief go, eh? 
Later in the day, when I was rebounding gleefully and energetically to the song “Happy” – (there’s a 24-hour video to which you can keep going for as long as you want), I started sobbing (not like the crying that happens when I watch movies). It caught me off guard. I was happy, but sobbing. So what was this? It only took a moment to figure it out.  It was a deep cleansing sob – every cell in my body was shaking off that deep-rooted nonsensical fear that was driving the scarcity mentality that sometimes takes a hold of me. I was letting go of all “I’m not worthy” beliefs.  Yup! I was literally shaking the fear up and out while dancing with joy.  Phew! There’s one potential dis-ease gone – out of there! Yay!  Do you want to dance with me? (Listen to the lyrics – the fact I’ve had a studio without a ceiling for a week is pretty … coincidental?)

Many of these books touched on my fear of failure and provided uplifting perspectives on both success and failure.
5.  “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield
All the Days of My Life -Dominique HurleyIn this book, Steven Pressfield went far beyond helping us understand resistance. It’s his later chapters that most touched me this time. He talked about the Muse – about angels.  I so resonated with his description of the creative process. It was so refreshing to listen to someone describe it in my language. There’s no way I could describe it better, so I’ll leave you with his words.  If you’re not comfortable with references to God and angels, substitute with whatever works for you.
Every breath we take, every heartbeat, every evolution of every cell comes from God and is sustained by God every second, just as every creation, invention, every bar of music or line of verse, every thought, vision, fantasy, every dumb-ass flop and stroke of genius comes from that infinite intelligence that created us and the universe in all its dimensions, out of the Void, the field of infinite potential, primal chaos, the Muse. To acknowledge that reality, to efface all ego, to let the work come through us and give it back freely to its source, that, in my opinion, is as true to reality as it gets.
Watch Over Me-Dominique HurleyCreative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It is a gift to the world and every being in it.  Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.
6.  “Super Rich” by Russell Simmons
This book was so much better than I ever expected from that title. I fully appreciate the flow of financial energy and welcome more of it into my life, but I’m not in it just for that.  Focusing on the business of my art & inspiration this year is not about becoming a millionaire – it’s about living the life I feel guided to live.  It’s true, to do that I need the financial means to not only survive as an artist, but thrive. I would never have picked this book up off the shelf though, but I’m so glad I did.  It’s all about the yoga of life and business from a guy with quite the story. Again, I had never heard of him, but Russell Simmons went from being a drug dealer to music and fashion mogul. He’s also a vegan yogi/meditator/ philanthropist who is now helping people have super rich lives – way beyond the superficial meaning of that phrase.
Note: I’m not sure of the official punctuation in this quote – I wrote it down while listening.
This Little Light of MineWhat a great week of learning – I wonder where the next batch of books will take me.  My goal is to have them read/listened to before the official start of B-School on the 9th.  Alas, my schedule is a bit fuller this week than last, so the hermit must leave the bedroom.
Another 6 books have been reviewed in a future post.
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Life by Design: Learning is Winning

On a Wing and a Prayer-Dominique HurleyI’ve long been a big fan of that quote. It rings of Truth to me. What happened this week proves it yet again.

As you know, I signed up for Marie Forleo’s B-School on February 18th. Since then, I have been completely devoted to preparing for its March 9th official start by working through Marie’s preparation materials and list of recommended books.  I’ve already learned so much – about entrepreneurship, life, and myself. With the studio still out of order (water pipes and ceiling were replaced) I brought my yoga mat and mini-trampoline to my bedroom and spent the WHOLE week listening, doing the work, exercising, and growing in so many ways. I’ve also been very active in the Facebook Mastermind group – learning from others, sharing, etc.  Needless to say, my attention and intention were totally focused – and the energy is flowing big time!

On Friday, I was chosen one of Kris Carr’s Lucky 3 Winners. I don’t know how many people actually qualified, but she’s got over 4,300 people in her B-School Mastermind Group.  To qualify, you had to register for Marie Forleo’s B-School through her affiliate link.  This automatically gives you access to her 2 follow-up business training courses and work-life balance webinar after graduation. Then, you needed to promote the opportunity on Facebook.  That was easy – I was so excited about it all.  I was already sold on all B-School had to offer – now I would get to go deeper into the whole process with the internationally renown Kris Carr, a New York Times and #1 Amazon best-selling author, wellness activist and cancer thriver – the Sexy Crazy Wellness Revolution coach. Well, I’ve won!  Once I graduate from Marie Forleo’s B-School and complete Kris Carr’s Spotlight Crash Course and Mastery program, her team will review all of my work (website, social media, video, etc.) and give me one-on-one coaching via Skype.  Wow!  I’m the kind of learner who needs that kind of specific feedback, as I’m a bit of a technophobe and easily get – rewind…. got –  overwhelmed by creating an online business.  So Yay!

Learning is Winning:

I was a winner even before getting that great news. With every prep task and every book, my knowledge and mindset expanded.  I feel so much more confident and equipped than I did a week ago.  I’m standing taller, thinking bigger, seeing clearer, and feeling better than I did when I started. My body, mind, and soul are rejoicing from the devotion to my path.  My fears are dissipating, the possibilities are multiplying, and the signs are affirming.  Now I’d say that pretty well describes a winner, wouldn’t you?

Phoenix-Dominique Hurley

Where is Your Attention/ Intention?

Now I’m not saying that you need to drop everything and obsessively dive into something the way I do.  That’s great for me and everything has aligned so that I can do that at this time in my life. I’ve been working on my career as an artist since 1989 though…

What I am saying is that it is true that where your attention and intention go, the energy flows.

What kind of energy is flowing your way these days? From what I’ve read, heard, and lived, that’s a reflection of your past intentions / attention.

Where is your attention now?  Are you on course towards your life vision? Is it time to adjust your focus? Is it time to create new intentions?

There’s great power in learning more about your professional field, personal interests, your Self, etc.  There are also many ways to learn – life, mentorship, courses, etc.  What’s right for you?  Where would you like energy to flow?

Your thoughts and reflections are welcome – feel free to comment below.

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Life by Design: Committing to Passion

Spiral Tree - Dominique HurleyI made a huge decision and investment last week. I went from feeling guided, to scared (about the financial investment, as usual), to excited, then to calm once I had committed even more to my passion – all within a few hours. I’m on the right path. I know it. I’ll tell you more near the end, but that’s what has inspired this post.

What are you passionate about?

If money and time weren’t issues, what would you be doing? or not doing?

Are you taking the necessary steps to bring more passion into your life?

Committing to your passions goes hand in hand with simplifying your life.  It’s about identifying what’s important to you and eliminating everything else.  It’s about committing your time and finances to what fuels you. Sure, this may mean lovingly saying “no thank you” to many of the demands, requests, invitations, expectations, social norms, etc. that come your way.  It also means saying YES! to truly living life – especially once the basic physiological and safety needs are met (as per Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs).

Committing to your passions – whether that means scheduling time for a weekend soccer game with friends, devoting time every day for reading, or going back to school to change careers –  is also about loving yourself enough to be true to who you are, no matter how quirky or risky that may seem to others. So no matter if your passion is creativity, raising children, tango dancing, clock mechanisms, ant colonies, sky diving, quantum physics, skiing, traveling, writing, or statistical analysis, you’re worth it.

Dominique Hurley Art & Inspiration Quote SeriesThe benefits of doing what you love are countless. For yourself, this could mean skill-building, feeling more engaged and energized, connecting with your gifts and talents, self-esteem, happiness, fulfillment, and self-actualization. There’s nothing selfish about that. In fact, the benefits to those around you and those you serve can be just as limitless.

What benefits would you gain from reconnecting to some of your passions?

How would it benefit others?

Following What Calls You:

Many passions make great hobbies and don’t require huge financing (reading vs. race car driving for example.)  Some passions lead to great careers and require much more in terms of finances, time, and risk-taking.  If you’re a multi-passionate person, the challenge may be figuring out what passions to focus on at various times in your life, which to keep as hobbies, and which to combine into a business. That’s been my path. What’s really cool is seeing how delving into each one has made me who I am today and helped me build the skills/knowledge/experience I need to materialize this Life by Design.

  • Even as a young child, I loved spending hours alone in the woods, which helped develop my imagination, strong connection to my guides, and to Nature.
  • In elementary school, I loved stamp collecting, which helped develop my organizational skills, focus, and attention to details.
  • I’ve always been passionate about dogs, probably because they’re naturals at unconditional love. Interacting with one is often a highlight of my day. Not many know that I’m a professional dog trainer and behaviour therapist…  I certainly wouldn’t hire me or even ask me for advice though as I’ve strangely never lived with a dog before. But I wanted to understand and spend intensive time with them during a transition phase in my life. Since I was about to move provinces with my cat to do my Masters of Education, it wasn’t time to adopt a dog. Instead, I took an intensive certificate course that opened up many opportunities to learn about and connect with these wonderful creatures.  Who knows how that will fit in the big picture.
  • I’m obviously passionate about learning. I seem to be back in school every few years studying something, or doing some other self-study program for personal or spiritual growth.  It’s all been worth it!
  • I’ve long been passionate about providing life-enhancing experiences through event planning and teaching (which I started at the age of 15). I climbed the career ladder quickly in recreation and arts administration, then jumped to English as a Second Language, and now I’m more in the wellness sector.
  • I’m passionate about travel – discovering new places, cultures, etc.  I spent 11 years of my life living on other continents, teaching and traveling, and have lived in 5 provinces across Canada, from coast to coast.  I can’t begin to list the opportunities and growth that has led to.
  • I am passionate about photography, which came out of traveling. As a bit of a technophobe (OK, a lot), I had to take courses in the late 90s to get over my self-imposed obstacles.  I took a professional certificate program online and a whole series of local workshops to learn how to use a real camera.  Then, when digital photography came out, I went back to school in BC for 10 months. This led to working with a photographer and his wife who both greatly influenced my spiritual path.  Now, my photography is one of the ways I use to get fully present, to share my way of seeing the world, and to inspire.
  • I am passionate about unconditional love.  My extremely sensitive nature and early bewilderment by human behaviour led me to focusing my life on love. My focus on being more unconditionally loving (of myself and others) has required lots of study and practice, but what a worthwhile journey!
  • I am definitely passionate about painting. I dove into it in the late 80s. Although I was self-taught for years, I devoted a couple of years to full-time art education in my 40s. Painting has been a healer and spiritual tool for me and seeing how my paintings have become so for so many others over the decades has definitely been fulfilling.
  • I love writing!  I spend a few days every week writing these posts, for example. I love sharing, educating, entertaining, and empowering.  I used to write 20-40 page circulars that I mailed when I lived in South Korea (before the age of blogs).  I’ve also written articles for health & wellness magazines and as a guest blogger.

Dominique Hurley Art & Inspiration Quote SeriesI’ve long said that should I die today, I would have no regrets. I’ve already lived a very full life listening to my heart callings and living my passions.  Having said that, I look forward to continuing to explore my love of beauty and the beauty of love and to finding clarity on how they’ll come together in ways that better serve the world while earning a fruitful income.

A Passion-Filled Business Model:

As you can see, I’m a multi-passionate Creative.  That’s part of why I’ve had a hard time coming up with a business model over the years. I love a lot of things and can be equally satisfied behind the camera in nature as in the studio painting! I’m at a point now, however, that I want to have a cohesive business in which I can give and receive more generously. I need to figure out what to put together in my business model to give me the time and location freedom my passions require, with unlimited potential for income while living a simple life- all that while having local and global impact.  Figuring that out is what I had set as my intention for the year.

Life by Design-Dominique HurleyOne key point that I’ve been hearing a lot in my business coaching lately is that we don’t need to monetize all passions, especially if we’re multi-passionate creatives. Some things are best left as hobbies.  We don’t necessarily have to focus on just one either – there are ways to combine things.   I need to decide what passions will be the most profitable – financially and spiritually.  It’s not all about making money from my passions, although I’m a firm believer in “Do what you love and the money will follow”.  A successful business, however, means focusing on those passions that will bring me to my goals and presenting them to the world in a way that will best serve my market. Indeed, it’s about creating a Life by Design that will make the biggest difference in my life and that of others.

I’ve already talked to you about registering for 6 half days of training over a six-week period starting in March with NLOWE (Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneur).  Well, it turns out that is just the beginning.

My Big Decision:

Last week, a friend of mine sent me the intro videos to Marie Forleo’s B-School, which starts on March 9th. It’s an internationally renown 8-week super intensive online business/ marketing course (with lifetime access to materials) to fuel higher profits and higher purpose. I had gone through her videos and got all excited about B-School a year ago, but I was still in Vienna and my plate was deliciously full with art school.  At the time, I had told myself “maybe next year”. My memory being what it is, however, I forgot about it. I’m so glad my Guiding Spirits have a better memory than I do!  They worked through my friend and within 24 hours of her email, I had invested $2,500 ($1,999US) in what will be a life-changer for me and my business, I’m sure. Here’s how I started my reply to my friend that morning: “Yikes! Hee Hee! OMG! Why not?! Yes! Thank you!” 

I’ve seen what this program has done for others (many whose free online summits have provided me with hundreds of hours of inspiring podcasts), and so I was totally ready to commit. I’ve also witnessed Marie’s spirit, integrity, and authenticity through countless inspirational videos on Marie TV – she truly is a big-hearted creative. Fun too! 

Wings of ChangeIf money hadn’t been an issue, I wouldn’t have hesitated.  Selling “Wings of Change” in Europe last week was a big help, and a sign –  so was that calm certainty that lay beyond the fear.  I know the Universe will support me through this as it has every time I answered the call.  Spirit wins out over ego yet again. Yay!

Dominique Hurley Art & Inspiration Quote SeriesI’m saying YES! once again – to myself, to my art & inspiration, to my love of beauty and the beauty of love, to you and all those I will reach through my work … and to life itself.

I’m fully confident that this program will help me thrive as I find clarity, create a professional website that sells, develop a communication plan, get more traffic, develop products and services that inspire and empower, and then market them  -one pillar at a time.

Very exciting times!  As Marie says:

The road ahead will be exciting, uncomfortable, challenging and ultimately, one of the most rich and valuable experiences ever.

I’m open to that!

How would your life be different if you committed to your passions?
(if you haven’t already) 

Believe me, you’re worth it and the world deserves it – whether it’s finding more time for your hobbies or committing to turning your passions into your career.
Exaltation-Dominique Hurley


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