Holy Camoly! Where do I start?
How about with “I love this mandala!”
Welcome to #6 in the Enter the Mandala Project – The Law of Compensation. It’s part of a series of intuitively sourced paintings to better understand the Twelve Universal Laws.
If I had to pick a favourite mandala right now, this would be it. I’m sure it’s not the first time I think that about a new painting, but I’m on a post-painting high right now!
Basically, this law says that you get what you give.
The more you contribute in life, the more you receive from the Universe. Of course the opposite is also true.
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It’s another version of “you reap what you sow”, which we also saw in “The Law of Cause and Effect“.
Actually, I’ve just read that some people group these two laws together. But I’m glad I have 2 different paintings for them. The teachings I got from the 2 intuitive readings were unique and worthwhile.
I’ve just re-listened to the intuitive reading I did almost a month ago for this mandala. That’s where I got all the symbols I used here. I thought I’d done a good job of including the whole reading in the painting, but now I see that I just scratched the surface.
Our Divine Helpers delivered quite the mini-movie for this one – a 23-minute trip I invite you to listen to.
Here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread I got at the beginning of the reading. It’s yet another invitation to reflect on the Universal Laws to create the life you were meant to live.

A Closer Look at the Symbols
I love this gal!
At first I didn’t get why Medusa would show up here.
But she isn’t Medusa. She is the spirit of a being actively giving, receiving, and building in the world.
Her tentacles reach out to take and share the riches of the world. Her hands open to receive, and her mechanical arms work in the fields and cities to create abundance.
I have to say … I look at construction crews and their machinery quite differently since I painted her.
On her forehead, or third eye, I painted the symbol of eternity, or the number 8 (symbol of abundance).
At one point, I entered through her eye and into the depths of her cavernous mind. That’s where I saw some of the symbols that I painted on the outside of the canvas: the treasure chest of riches, the committee meeting, the caveman drawings, plants, and a warm golden light. I also added the cauldron and watermelon field from an earlier part of the reading.
The more you give, the more you receive… Think about it. How do these relate to the Law of Compensation for you?
Then you’ve got Robin Hood and Peter Pan. Why do you think they showed up in my vision? I got a sense of purposeful community when I saw them flicking back and forth in my mind’s eye.
Peter Pan’s gang also brought magic and mischievous playfulness while Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men brought moral fairness or justice.

After that, you’ve got the caterpillars inching their way up the leaves, eating and defecating as they go. They later grew wings in my reading. I believe they represent fuelling up with enough energy for transformation. I also got a sense of our abundance being used and recycled as fertilizer for future growth.
Take a look between the stems. You’ll see a reflective pool of water. It not only provides a mirror for our main character, but life-giving droplets dripping from the roots. That’s where they became ballet-dancing feet in my vision.
So are the drops feeding the plant or coming from the plant and nourishing the earth? I got the sense that things are multidirectional in the Law of Compensation.
And what about those endless doors opening to the depths of the Universe? That’s where Earth, as a bouncing ball, came to rest. It’s also where its growth was being measured against the door frame, just like when parents mark the heights of their kids at various ages. The more doors you open with your generosity and kindness, the bigger your world becomes.
How do you like what’s happening on the outside ring of our planet? In my vision, the entire surface was covered in a highly textured network of richness and community. Everyone’s tentacles were wrapped around the planet, linking to each other in a spirit of friendship. Together they created the flow of giving and receiving.
There were cities and forests, fields and livestock. Don’t you just love how the sheep is wearing a sweater made of its wool?
I’m not sure if Tinker Bell is flying around the canvas adding sparkle everywhere, or if it’s being generated by the giving and receiving happening there, but the whole Universe sparkled from an abundance of love and beauty. I used 3-D sparkle paint to outline the beings and mica chips around the outside of the planet (for love and compassion).
I tell ya, when our Guides get together to deliver these mini-movies, it’s fantastic! You can get your own personalized symbol-filled Guided Visual Journey to find answers for questions in your life – click here for more information.
More on the Law of Compensation
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that each person is compensated in an identical manner for what he or she has equally contributed.
That can be a lot or a little.
He called this the Law of Compensation – the law of all laws.
Bob Proctor, who you might recognize from the movie “The Secret” explains it more in this video.
So if today is a reflection of what you’ve given in the past, how can your choices today attract what you’d like to receive in the future?
The Law of Compensation in Action
Last Friday, my 16 students graduated from their intensive 5-week English as a Second Language Explore program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It’s my fifth summer in a row teaching it.
Once again, it’s been such a rewarding summer! I’m not just talking about the very appreciated income. I’m also talking about the fulfillment that comes from fully dedicating myself to my class for 5 weeks.
As anyone who has ever taught will know, the more you give, the more the students will give back. It just warmed my heart to see them embrace what I had to offer and flourish in the environment we created together. That’s not all. The more the students gave, the more they got out of it, and the easier it was for me to teach them.
These super motivated students, mostly from Quebec, won government scholarships to improve their English and experience a different part of Canada. They g0t 16 hours of class a week, plus afternoon and evening activities, workshops, presentations, outings and weekend day-trips. And, of course… homework.
In addition to class prep, I spent much of my free time during the past 5 weeks correcting journals and essays. I know before I start that I won’t be getting much painting or socializing in for 5 weeks. That’s partly my choice. Teaching takes a lot of energy for an introvert like me.
But as I said, it’s so rewarding! I designed a program that’s as much about personal growth as it is about language. I love what I can offer here and the students do too.
My employer has also been very appreciative of my work. She’s offered me special curriculum development projects in the past that tapped into my creativity at times when I needed the income. For example, I got to develop a whole series of listening skills lessons based on inspiring TED Talks. I also developed 3 thematic units that were fun and educational to develop and great to teach this year.
I’m coming to accept that I’m a multipassionate being. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a full-time artist year-round. This year, I only taught ESL for 5 weeks, and it was nice to get out of my hermit cave and explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love (my mission) in the classroom.
I’m grateful for it!
I’d love to hear what you think some of these symbols might mean. Pick one (or more) and leave a comment below.
Do you resonate with this Law? Feel free to share your stories. Thanks.