My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

I’m an 8. You? It’s All About Choice.


“Beingness” – available as a print on canvas or paper. Part of the Transformation Collection in my shop.

“On a scale of 1-10, how content are you?”

My housemate asked me that over dinner.

I took a few seconds to sit with different numbers, then came out with “8”.

As soon as I did, I realized the gap between 8 and 10 was totally in my head. It was a choice!

After all, I’d spent a few minutes in bed just that morning being so grateful for my life.

I love where I live. I love what I’m doing. Sure, I have challenges, but they’re helping me grow.

Any lack I feel isn’t real.  I don’t need for anything.

If I wanted to take a day or a week off the computer, I could.

If there’s something I wanted to buy or somewhere I wanted to go, I could make it happen. Raising money to go study art in Vienna and Bali in 2013 proved that!

If I wanted to spend more time with friends, not be single anymore, get regular paycheques, or get rid of my eczema for good, I could make different choices.

Some choices are bigger than others (starting a war vs. having another bag of chips), but it’s all about choice.

Can you see how your life is a reflection of your choices?

I know making the leap from an 8 to a 10 means being more mindful and conscious.

I’m the only one standing in my way.

I need to look at the choices I’m making today, especially about my thoughts and and how I see people and events (including technical problems!).

What about you?

On a scale of 1-10, how content are you? What’s one way you can close the gap today if your number isn’t as high as you’d like.  

If you’re a 10 (or higher!), I’d love to hear what you do to be / stay there. Please comment below.

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Enter the Mandala: The Law of Compensation


Holy Camoly! Where do I start?    

How about with “I love this mandala!”

Welcome to #6 in the Enter the Mandala Project – The Law of Compensation. It’s part of a series of intuitively sourced paintings to better understand the Twelve Universal Laws.

If I had to pick a favourite mandala right now, this would be it.  I’m sure it’s not the first time I think that about a new painting, but I’m on a post-painting high right now!

Basically, this law says that you get what you give.

The more you contribute in life, the more you receive from the Universe. Of course the opposite is also true.

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The Creative Process

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It’s another version of “you reap what you sow”, which we also saw in “The Law of Cause and Effect“.

Actually, I’ve just read that some people group these two laws together.  But I’m glad I have 2 different paintings for them. The teachings I got from the 2 intuitive readings were unique and worthwhile.

The Intuitive Reading

I’ve just re-listened to the intuitive reading I did almost a month ago for this mandala.  That’s where I got all the symbols I used here. I thought I’d done a good job of including the whole reading in the painting, but now I see that I just scratched the surface.

Our Divine Helpers delivered quite the mini-movie for this one – a 23-minute trip I invite you to listen to.

Here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread I got at the beginning of the reading.  It’s yet another invitation to reflect on the Universal Laws to create the life you were meant to live.


A Closer Look at the Symbols

Law-of-Compensation-wip-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2487I love this gal!

At first I didn’t get why Medusa would show up here.

But she isn’t Medusa.  She is the spirit of a being actively giving, receiving, and building in the world.

Her tentacles reach out to take and share the riches of the world. Her hands open to receive, and her mechanical arms work in the fields and cities to create abundance.

I have to say … I look at construction crews and their machinery quite differently since I painted her.

On her forehead, or third eye, I painted the symbol of eternity, or the number 8 (symbol of abundance).

At one point, I entered through her eye and into the depths of her cavernous mind. That’s where I saw some of the symbols that I painted on the outside of the canvas: the treasure chest of riches, the committee meeting, the caveman drawings, plants, and a warm golden light. I also added the cauldron and watermelon field from an earlier part of the reading.

The more you give, the more you receive… Think about it. How do these relate to the Law of Compensation for you?  

Then you’ve got Robin Hood and Peter Pan.  Why do you think they showed up in my vision? I got a sense of purposeful community when I saw them flicking back and forth in my mind’s eye.

Peter Pan’s gang also brought magic and mischievous playfulness while Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men brought moral fairness or justice.


After that,  you’ve got the caterpillars inching their way up the leaves, eating and defecating as they go. They later grew wings in my reading.  I believe they represent fuelling up with enough energy for transformation. I also got a sense of our abundance being used and recycled as fertilizer for future growth.

Take a look between the stems. You’ll see a reflective pool of water. It not only provides a mirror for our main character, but life-giving droplets dripping from the roots. That’s where they became ballet-dancing feet in my vision.

So are the drops feeding the plant or coming from the plant and nourishing the earth?  I got the sense that things are multidirectional in the Law of Compensation.

And what about those endless doors opening to the depths of the Universe? That’s where Earth, as a bouncing ball, came to rest. It’s also where its growth was being measured against the door frame, just like when parents mark the heights of their kids at various ages.  The more doors you open with your generosity and kindness, the bigger your world becomes.

How do you like what’s happening on the outside ring of our planet? In my vision, the entire surface was covered in a highly textured network of richness and community.  Everyone’s tentacles were wrapped around the planet, linking to each other in a spirit of friendship. Together they created the flow of giving and receiving.

There were cities and forests, fields and livestock.  Don’t you just love how the sheep is wearing a sweater made of its wool?

I’m not sure if Tinker Bell is flying around the canvas adding sparkle everywhere, or if it’s being generated  by the giving and receiving happening there, but the whole Universe sparkled from an abundance of love and beauty.  I used 3-D sparkle paint to outline the beings and mica chips around the outside of the planet (for love and compassion).

I tell ya, when our Guides get together to deliver these mini-movies, it’s fantastic!  You can get your own personalized symbol-filled Guided Visual Journey to find answers for questions in your life – click here for more information.

More on the Law of Compensation

Law-of-Compensation-wip-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2491Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that each person is compensated in an identical manner for what he or she has equally contributed.

That can be a lot or a little.

He called this the Law of Compensation  – the law of all laws.

Bob Proctor, who you might recognize from the movie “The Secret” explains it more in this video.

So if today is a reflection of what you’ve given in the past, how can your choices today attract what you’d like to receive in the future?

The Law of Compensation in Action

Last Friday, my 16 students graduated from their intensive 5-week English as a Second Language Explore program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It’s my fifth summer in a row teaching it.

Once again, it’s been such a rewarding summer! I’m not just talking about the very appreciated income. I’m also talking about the fulfillment that comes from fully dedicating myself to my class for 5 weeks.

As anyone who has ever taught will know, the more you give, the more the students will give back. It just warmed my heart to see them embrace what I had to offer and flourish in the environment we created together. That’s not all. The more the students gave, the more they got out of it, and the easier it was for me to teach them.

These super motivated students, mostly from Quebec, won government scholarships to improve their English and experience a different part of Canada. They g0t 16 hours of class a week, plus afternoon and evening activities, workshops, presentations, outings and weekend day-trips.  And, of course… homework.

In addition to class prep, I spent much of my free time during the past 5 weeks correcting journals and essays.  I know before I start that I won’t be getting much painting or socializing in for 5 weeks. That’s partly my choice. Teaching takes a lot of energy for an introvert like me.

But as I said, it’s so rewarding!  I designed a program that’s as much about personal growth as it is about language. I love what I can offer here and the students do too.

My employer has also been very appreciative of my work. She’s offered me special curriculum development projects in the past that tapped into my creativity at times when I needed the income.  For example, I got to develop a whole series of listening skills lessons based on inspiring TED Talks.  I also developed 3 thematic units that were fun and educational to develop and great to teach this year.

I’m coming to accept that I’m a multipassionate being. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a full-time artist year-round. This year, I only taught ESL for 5 weeks, and it was nice to get out of my hermit cave and explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love (my mission) in the classroom.

I’m grateful for it!

Your Turn

I’d love to hear what you think some of these symbols might mean. Pick one (or more) and leave a comment below.

Do you resonate with this Law?  Feel free to share your stories. Thanks.

Go to Mandala #7: Law of Attraction
Click to Buy Mandala Prints
Purchase the Collection of Original Paintings.
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Are You Seeing Fireworks?

alternative fireworks photo

“Listening” from the Connection Collection

I realized back in my teens that disappointment was only a reflection of my expectations. It was one of those personal aha moments.

It was empowering to know that how I experienced the world, events, people, and even myself was of my own making.

Now, I do my best to remember that I always have a choice – between love and fear, acceptance or judgement, resistance or allowing.

We create our experiences! 

Nothing outside ourselves makes us feel, think, or do anything. We’re responsible for how we feel and how we choose to experience the world.

Are you feeling disappointed in anything or anyone? How have your expectations created that disappointment?

What expectations are you putting on your partners, co-workers, children, service people, other drivers, the weather?  How is this detrimental to you? To them?

Creating My Own Fireworks

This photograph, now available in my shop, reminds me of the joy of creating my own experience, even in bad weather.  Great symbolism there!

I was taking a spiritual workshop on a cruise to Alaska with photography projects at every stop. Although I had lived on Vancouver Island shortly before that, I had never gone to the world famous Butchart Gardens at night to see their fireworks.  I was looking forward to it.

I’m lucky. I don’t usually let myself get affected much by weather.

At this stop, I was rather grateful for the effects the rain added to the gleaming sidewalks and lit gardens.  I especially liked the clear umbrellas that the garden staff handed visitors so that they could still enjoy the gardens and fireworks.

The crowd was hopeful, but alas, we only got a smoke show that night.  Still, I had fun with silhouette shots of spectators and their clearn umbrellas.

On the way back to the cruise ship, I decided to create my own firework experience.  I sat in the front seat of the double-decker bus and took long exposure shots of the traffic lights as we drove under them.

When I got back to my computer, I had fun superimposing my crowd shot and traffic light shot. Voilà, my own fireworks. Yay!

I love the reminder and energy of this photograph. Can you feel it?


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Where Do You Stand?


“Rockface” from the Connection Collection

Back in 2011, I received a Spirit Call to move to the island of Newfoundland. It’s lovingly called “The Rock”, and it had an immediate and powerful effect on me. The energy of the land here is so strong. Plus it’s absolutely gorgeous!

Soon after I arrived, I was walking in a field and paused to look out at the ocean. Then I looked down.  I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was in total awe!

This is a photograph of what was beneath my feet.

Stunning, eh?!

To this day, it remains one of my favourites of the thousands of photos I’ve taken across this large island.

I’m happy to say you can now purchase a print of this photographs, on canvas or paper, in the Connection Collection of my new shop.

Be Here Now

How often are we so preoccupied with looking far ahead in space or time that we forget to appreciate the spot in which we’re standing?

Yes, I’m speaking literally as well as metaphorically.

Take a moment. Where are you standing? Look around. Look up, and yes, look right beneath your feet.  What do you see? What are you grateful for? 

Connecting to your immediate environment with gratitude is one of my Top Ten Tips to Empower Your SpaceHave you received your free copy?

Click here to sign-up to my monthly newsletter and receive your free print and Top Ten Tips to Empower Your Space.

Connect to the Energy From the Land Wherever You Are


Are you feeling disconnected from the land because of where you live or work?

When I was a kid, I used to wander into nature on my own all the time. I communed with nature and connected with the nature spirits.

I confess.  Now I have to pull myself away from my work to do so…  How about you?

Even if you can’t find a patch of grass or rock right now, you can connect to the energy of the land while sitting in a chair on the 20th story of your office building. There are no barriers to energy.

Visualize the loving, sustaining, healing, powerful energy of the land travel through the concrete, the soles of your feet, and up through your body. Bask in the energy with openness and gratitude.


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Yikes! Am I a Fraud?

Zippora painting

“Zippora” – 12″ x 12″ -acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas.

Earlier this month, I went to see the movie “Inside Out” with a friend. Have you seen it?

I don’t usually go for animated films, but the preview for this one grabbed my attention. It’s all about how our emotions rule our lives – for better or worse. I definitely recommend it!

It was cute. It was funny. It was sad.  But throughout large chunks of the movie, I kept asking myself: “Do my intuitive reading clients think I’m a fraud?” 

“Why?” you ask?

Some of the visions I’d described to recent customers were right there on the movie screen!  When I had downloaded guidance from their Divine Helpers, they’d given me some of the same visions they gave the creative team at Disney-Pixar! Sure, that was cool, but it was also weird.

When you think about it, it’s really not that surprising. When we connect to Divine Oneness, we tap into the same Creative Source. So it’s natural that we may end up with very similar ideas, etc.  

Dominique-Hurley-NamasteWhen I connect to your Divine Helpers, ask a question, and close my eyes, it’s just like being in a Walt Disney movie.  I see the mini-movie your guides are screening for you in my mind’s eye and describe/ record it. You then use the worksheets to further develop your own intuitive skills, interpret the guidance, and come up with an action plan.

So there you have it – I’m not a fraud!  If ever I’m looking for a career change, though, I might consider writing movie scripts for Disney-Pixar.

If you’re curious about how my style of intuitive readings can help you, click here


“Honestly, working with Dominique was amazing! It was a very powerful experience that I highly recommend. So much of the imagery she created really resonated with me. Her visual gifts are lovely and she has an incredible talent at painting images and entire scenes for you with her words. Through her reading, Dominique was able to channel the answers I was looking for, showing me that they were deep within me all along.”



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Enter the Mandala: The Law of Cause and Effect


Here’s mandala #5 in the Enter the Mandala Project, a series of intuitively sourced paintings to better understand the Twelve Universal Laws.

Welcome to the Law of Cause & Effect.  It teaches that today is the result of your past thoughts and actions. Tomorrow is being shaped through your thoughts and actions of today.

Click to Buy Mandala Prints

The Challenge

The Law of Cause and Effect has been the most challenging of my Enter the Mandala Project paintings to create so far. I not only connected to Light and Love, as is my usual practice in the studio, but also to Darkness and Fear.

It was a journey into contrasting choices, emotions, thoughts, actions, beliefs, and resulting realities.

At first, I struggled with the idea of including the dark side in my painting. My Divine Helpers explained, however, that this was a necessary element of the teaching tool I was co-creating.

The Intuitive Reading – Visual Journey

As with all the Universal Law mandalas, I started with an intuitive reading. This is a visual journey that my Spirit Guides and angels take me on in response to my request to explore each law. It’s where I gather my ideas and symbolism.

During this reading, my whole body and energy field was plunged into a state of despair and fear. It was only momentary, but I’ll admit, it was much easier to focus on that yuckiness than to focus on the joy and manifested success of the second part of the journey.  That in itself was part of my lesson.

Listen in if you’d like to hear the stories behind this painting. I was so surprised by the “bad trip”, though, that I didn’t really succeed in expressing the fullness of my experience.

The Spirit Calling Card Reading

It was only after the reading was done that I understood the full message of the initial Spirit Calling Card spread.


By experiencing contrast (love / fear), we can better appreciate the power of free will – the power of the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions that we choose every moment of every day.

“Man becomes what he thinks about all day long.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When we can fully appreciate our own creative power, we open ourselves to unconditional love – for ourselves and others.

What else does this reading mean to you? Feel free to comment at the end.

Enter the Mandala: The Law of Cause and Effect


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The Karmic Wheel

Law-of-Cause-and-Effect-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2296bIf you believe in karma, you believe in the spiritual principle of cause and effect, not only within this lifetime, but across lifetimes.

Good deeds and intentions lead to happiness and bad deeds and intentions lead to suffering.

The karmic wheel at the center of this mandala represents the cycle of life – our repeated births, rebirths, and opportunities to work out our karma.

“Situations seem to happen to people, but in reality, they unfold from deeper karmic causes. The universe unfolds to itself, bringing to bear any cause that needs to be included. Don’t take this process personally. The working out of cause and effect is eternal. You are part of this rising and falling that never ends, and only by riding the wave can you ensure that the waves don’t drown you. The ego takes everything personally, leaving no room for higher guidance or purpose. If you can, realize that a cosmic plan is unfolding and appreciate the incredibly woven tapestry for what it is, a design of unparalleled marvel.” 
― Deepak Chopra

The Chains

Everything happens for a reason. In fact, everything in our current reality is linked to what came before it.  

I represented this chain of events / thoughts/ feelings with 2 chains circling inside the mandala.

The Teeter Totter


I love it when this happens.  After seeing a teeter totter in my intuitive journey,  I found one on a cause and effect website, where I was looking for quotes to add to this post.

The teeter totter is a great representation of the physical side of the the Law of Cause and Effect. If one side goes down, the other inevitably goes up.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” ~Sir Isaac Newton

In my vision, I saw the teeter-totter transform into both a pendulum and the balancing scales of The Lady of Justice, adding to the relationship between choice and consequence.

Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram

This symbol came out of my Internet research, not my intuitive vision.  It’s called the Ishikawa Diagram.  It shows the various causes for a particular event, grouped in various categories.

I used this graphic symbol in the base of the teeter totter to represent how our past has led to our present.  I also used it in 2 of the corners pointing outwards, to reinforce how we are creating our future through our present decisions.

Buddha says it well:

“If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present.”

This is the quote I wrote in the outside ring of the mandala.

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The dark side of my journey was like being an actor in a horror movie.  I knew it wasn’t my reality, but I witnessed and felt the physical, emotional, and mental consequences of

  • addiction
  • unhealthy eating and viewing habits
  • fear, anger, hate,
  • inner and outer violence and the threat of violence
  • reactivity,etc.

Needless to say this part my intuitive and creative experience wasn’t fun.

It took conscious effort not to let it affect me… for too long.

I have to admit, though, scrawling all those cartoon swear symbols added a bit of comic relief to the heaviness.


The lighter side of the picture was inspired by the story in my vision.


A little boy wanted to befriend his new neighbour, who spent long periods of time sullenly staring out his window.  The boy followed his inner guidance through a series of inspired actions (having a lemonade stand to raise enough money to buy a baseball and glove). He was then able to draw our his neighbour and they connected through this shared passion, becoming good friends.

Instead of focusing on the separation between them, the boy kept a loving vision in his mind. From there, he followed his inner guidance, leading to growth, fun, and friendship.

I also included the cheering crowds from my vision, standing in front of marquees announcing love, peace, joy, health, and success.

Change your actions, and you change your life… Transform your thoughts, and you will create a brand new destiny.” Adam Sicinski 


Law-of-Cause-and-Effect-Dominique-HurelyDo you notice how the words love and fear are not facing the same direction?

Well, that was a gentle lesson on the law of cause and effect.

I was watching something online when I was painting these words. My spacing was great, but I guess I was too distracted to notice “love” was heading in the wrong direction.

There are no mistakes. I smile now. It’s a perfect “accident”.

Your Turn

Are you currently sitting on the Love or Fear end of the teeter-totter?

What future  are you creating with the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of today?

Please share one choice you’re making in the next hour to pivot more towards Love?

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Purchase the Collection of Original Paintings.
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Are you a Water or Mountain Person?


photo of wake

“Flow” from the Connection Collection

Are you a water or mountain person?

If you had your choice, where would you spend your holidays? Where would you live?

For many, the answer is clear, one way or the other.

Either way, your preference can tell you a lot about yourself.  Once you’re aware of this, it can help with your decisions about where to live, holidays, careers, etc.

If you’re a mountain person, for instance, what aspects of the mountains do you prefer?

  • the forests?
  • being on the very peak overlooking the world?
  • the challenge of climbing the rockface?
  • the relaxing gondola ride to the top?
  • being so far from civilization?
  • the fun of family skiing holidays?
  • making your way to the top?
  • looking down to see how far you’ve come?


If you’re a water person, have you thought about what you like best and why?

  • the crashing waves on the cliffs, shaping grooves into the rock?
  • the peaceful trickle of a stream?
  • walking in the rain?
  • the meditative quality of lily pads growing in a pond?
  • the romantic canoe paddles on the lake?
  • the wilderness camping adventures and week-long portages?
  • the gentle rocking of a boat?
  • the excitement of surfing the big waves?
  • reflections ?

What does this tell you about your Self?

sunset photograph

“Mystery” from the Connection Collection

Being true to ourselves in all our choices comes a lot easier when we’re aware of what moves us.

What is it about mountains or water that helps you connect to your essence? They’ve both got different energies. What you like best can tell you what energies are most nourishing to you.

I’ve traveled to many places in the world.  I’ve lived on 3 continents and across Canada – in the prairies and on islands on both coasts.  No matter where I end up living, I always make sure to spend time by water.

When I was little, I used to go to the next village to feed the ducks.  When I was a teenager, I used to bike to waterfalls in the city and sit there for hours, or bike along the river.  Now, I’m so grateful to have a small river in the backyard that leads right to the ocean half an hour’s walk away.

I need water, all kinds of water, depending on my mood.  It’s also about the only thing I drink.

Even a photograph of water can help soothe my soul. I breathe deeper if I gaze upon a reflected sunset or the wake of a tall ship, like in the photo at the top.

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How Inner Guidance Talks. Are You Listening?

This is an article I wrote for the latest  NL Wellness Expo newsletter.  Mark your calendars St. John’s. I will have a booth there.  Sept. 19-20, 2015
"Life by Design" – original and reproductions available.

“Life by Design” – original and reproductions available.

Are you well? Are you happy? Are you living a life of passion and purpose? These questions are all asking the same thing: are you listening to your inner guidance? 

This isn’t an easy thing to do, especially in this day and age when our inner and outer worlds have become so noisy. We’ve learned to turn a deaf ear to both our intuition and signals from our bodies. From the time we were born, we’ve been trained to please each other, taking on the conditions of our parents, teachers, and society. We’ve rejected our own emotions and developed a gamut of unhealthy coping mechanisms.
When the Body Talks:
As Dr. Gabor Maté writes in his book “When the Body Says No – The Hidden Costs of Stress”,
What has happened is that we have lost touch with the gut feelings designed to be our warning system… (T)he salient stressors in the lives of most human beings today – at least in the industrialized world – are emotional. Just like laboratory animals unable to escape, people find themselves trapped in lifestyles and emotional patterns inimical to their health. The higher the level of economic development, it seems, the more anesthetized we have become to our emotional realities.”
If we ignore the whispers of our emotions and intuition, however, our Higher Selves may feel the need to shout – creating a state of such discord or dis-ease that we finally stop and listen. As Abraham, a group of evolved spiritual teachers channelled through Esther Hicks, explains:
“If you were more unwilling to put up with negative emotions, your lives would go a whole lot better for you. You have trained yourselves to be willing to endure misalignment and then you make decisions without clarity…. after a while, you get really tired of feeling bad.”
When You Start to Listen:
"Exaltation" - reproductions available.

“Exaltation” – reproductions available.

Luckily, there’s a huge shift happening. People are waking up to the costs of living a life that is disconnected to their heart’s callings.  They’re choosing wellness. They’re choosing happiness.  They’re choosing healing, which simply means aligning with their true essence, with Source.

How do you do that? Your emotions will act as your guidance system as you ask and listen. How can you truly be your Self in the world? What are your governing values? What are your passions? What’s your perfect fit in terms of diet, fitness, creativity, work, hobbies, lifestyle, etc.?
This is the time to create your Life by Design – a life that is as unique as you are. It’s not selfish. To be who you truly are, in all your love and beauty, is the Greatest Gift to all. As Marianne Williamson shares,
“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.”  
Hearing Aids for Your Transformational Journey: 
Transforming your inner and outer realities isn’t easy. It takes courage to let go of beliefs, patterns and choices that no longer serve you.
There are many empowering tools available to help you connect to your true essence on this transformational journey. It’s not necessarily the choice of tools that matters, but your intention. In selecting tools that resonate with you, you’re creating the necessary expectation of healing that opens yourself up to their benefits.
It’s important to remember though, that alignment with your Higher Self is a moment-by-moment process – one that takes time, patience and unconditional love.   You deserve it!

Download a free print and “Top Ten Tips to Empower Your Space”. Sign-up to my monthly newsletter.

What are your favourite hearing aids?  

Please share in the comments below.


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Life by Design: When Symbolism Speaks

birch tree layers photoI thrive on the power of symbolism.  It’s how my intuition speaks to me.

My job as an active listener is to first spot those symbols. Then I can interpret them as they relate to the questions I’ve asked the Universe.

Some symbols, like the butterfly, are universal in nature – common for people of various ages and cultures.

Others, however, are quite unique to our life experiences. That’s why we’re the best ones to truly know what a symbol means to us. Learning to trust that is very empowering.

Heres’ an example. A trail of breadcrumbs will mean something quite different to someone who grew up with the horrific fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel than to someone who used to spend every Sunday with their beloved grandmother taming the ducks with them.

When I do an intuitive reading, I basically take you on a recorded 30+ minute guided visual journey through a mini-movie filled with symbols that your Guides give me. Because the story and symbols are unique to you, it’s your job to interpret them, using my worksheets. This is fulfilling transformative work if you’re willing to do it.

What Symbols Speak to You?

It’s also helpful to add the power of symbolism to your home and work environments.

Take a look around. What are your walls saying to you? Does your art support you in this chapter of your life? Does it inspire you? Does it keep you stuck?

If you’re experiencing a time of transformation, for example, what would help you?

How about the birch tree above?  Does it remind you to accept the natural cycles of life? Does it invite you to let go of what no longer serves you? Does it encourage generosity and  non-attachment?

Or would you resonate more with a colourful butterfly  – celebrating freedom and beauty after its challenging stage as a chrysalis?

Explore the power of symbols in my new online shop. Which paintings speak to you right now, in this chapter of your life? As you look through the galleries of images, pay attention to your feelings and your energy levels?


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Life By Design: Appreciating the Treasures in Your Backyard

lady's slippers

Canada celebrated its 148th birthday yesterday. I’ll admit, I’m glad I was born in Canada. I’ve been fortunate enough to live in 5 of its provinces from coast to coast. This is one amazing country! It’s so diverse – in its culture and geography.

This isn’t only true of Canada, of course. This entire planet is a treasure trove, filled with blessings for those with the eyes and heart to see. 

I’ve had the chance to live in 4 other countries on 2 other continents and my travels keep teaching me this.

By connecting to my environment and truly appreciating where I am (literally and figuratively), life gets even better.

Sure, there are many other places I’d like to visit in my life and things I’d like to do or learn. But I was reminded yesterday that I don’t need to travel far to have my heart and soul filled with the love of beauty and the beauty of love. 

For example, here are some photos I took yesterday in the paths that link to my friends’ backyard. I joined 3 of my friends, the Awe Project team, for a day of good company, good food, and a forest filled with rare exotic flowers. These Cypripedium Acaule, AKA Pink Lady’s Slipper, are a member of the orchid family and on the endangered list. Look no further than the backyard for the rare and exotic!

Truly, I am blessed to be living on the island of Newfoundland, on the very east coast of Canada.

What treasures are in your backyard?

What is one thing you appreciate about where you live? Please share below.

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