You’re Not Alone – Letting Go of Loneliness This Holiday Season
It’s sad but true. Lots of folks are lonely during the holiday season, even when they’re surrounded by people.
Have you ever felt alone at a Christmas party? You may even be married or have a large extended family, yet feel invisible. The good news is that you can let go of loneliness this holiday season.
All you need to do is be seen – truly seen – first by yourself and then by others. To do that, connect to Source and your team of Divine Helpers and look at yourself through their eyes. Then be real! You’re a divine being on this earth for a human experience. What’s not to love?
It may be hard to come out of hiding after years of being an Academy Award winning actor in your own life. If you’re like most, you learned at a young age to be what others wanted you to be to fit in. Or, like me, you chose to spend most of your time on your own because those around you weren’t equipped to accept the real you. But if you don’t risk being yourself, the cost of disconnection is high: loneliness and depression.
It’s worth looking at the protective mechanisms we adopted at a young age to see if they still serve us.
Last week, I went to a Christmas party for local business women. I left feeling energized and happy. Trust me, that’s amazing! I used to feel drained and lonely at such events.
Why the difference? I brought my Self to the party and we had a good time connecting to those who chose to do the same.
A year ago, I wouldn’t have even considered going. When I first joined the Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneur in early 2015, I cringed when my advisor mentioned their several networking events. I visualized a room of energy vampires trying to “get” from each other.
But this year, I’ve learned I can be authentic in business situations. I wasn’t laughed at or rejected for my gifts. So now I don’t only take my True Self out to play when I’m with close friends or on my own. I had no problem talking about the mini-movies in my head when answering questions about my intuitive readings. Not everyone is open. I can see that right away and redirect the conversation towards them.
But to my surprise, many light up and start talking about things they too wouldn’t have felt comfortable talking about. Forget the chit chat about the weather! Let’s get real. Then we all leave feeling truly seen and accepted.
I confess. It took courage. I’m accepting and loving myself at a much deeper level because of the inner and outer work I’ve done this year. I’m blossoming because of it.
This is my first year not camouflaging my intuitive gifts behind my art – either on my website or in person. It’s given those gifts a chance to grow and serve others.
I was scared when the idea first surfaced in B-School of publicly offering my Guided Visual Journeys – the unique type of intuitive reading I give. I was rejected and bullied for speaking my Truth at a young age. And I’ve no doubt been burned at the stake in previous lifetimes.
But I’m so glad of how far I’ve come. I’ve got God, my Higher Self, my angels and guides to thank. The more I joined with them this year, the more I felt supported to journey this path of authenticity. And the more connected I felt – to my Self and everyone else too.
When you allow our Light to shine and then share that Light with others, there’s no way you can feel lonely. You’ll feel so connected to the Divine Consciousness in All That Is no matter if you’re alone in a room for a week painting or out and about socializing and networking.
So let us see you – truly see you. And if you don’t know how to do that, ask your Divine Helpers to show you. They’re always there to help. You’re never alone. All you have to do is ask. Their unconditional love is always flowing your way. You only need to open up to receive.
I also recommend the Real Love books.
And don’t worry if some people don’t accept you for who you are. It’s better to know that right away than 2 years later. Keep showing yourself and soon enough, you’ll find like-minded and like-hearted authentic people to hang out and do business with. It all starts with you.
So let go of loneliness this holiday season. Happy re-connection!
If you feel inspired by the paintings I’ve used to illustrate this post, you can get the originals and prints in my online shop. For more information on my intuitive readings (or to get a gift certificate), click here.