My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

New Painting & Prayer: “Beyond Illusion”

Beyond Illusion-Dominique Hurley

“Beyond Illusion” (24″ x 48″) -SOLD

This is a process piece – a channeling of the energy I needed in my life.

It’s a prayer that took weeks to form in my heart and on canvas.

May this painting help you connect to all that is palpable and normally imperceptible as it activates your intuition, your heart.

I’m so glad I helped birth this baby into being!

Many layers of flowing paint and detail-work have completely disappeared beneath what you see here. Interestingly, so have the pictures I took of them.

That’s OK. The process itself and the Connection that came from it remains.

Even if you can’t see those first layers, their energy is part of what activates this portal into the Universal Energy Flow.

Both this painting and prayer have been co-created for you.



Beyond Illusion – A Prayer for True Sight

Dear God and Guiding Spirits
Angels of Light and Love,
Help me perceive the world
Through the Eyes of the Soul

Help me understand that my vision of “reality”
is limiting my growth, my clarity,
My ability to create transformation.

Release me of my limiting perceptions
So I may travel to the realms
Where Light and Colour
Make spiritual expansion possible.

Teach me to discern through inner knowing
That I may bear witness
To Your Radiance, Protection,
Holy Light and Power.

Open my heart with dragonfly medicine
So I may see below the surface –
Beyond the illusion
Of what I accept as reality.

May your Winged Ones,
Come from the world of nature spirits
And bring their magic
Into my everyday experience.
I welcome their messages
From the elemental world.

Ease me into my deepest truth
So I may decide for myself, with You
What everything means.

Help me shift my perception inward
So I may let go of  hindering judgments.

Help me evaluate
Both my intentions and attention
So I may focus on the heaven
that is here and now.

Guide me beyond
The veil of illusion
As I go within to commune directly with You.

I feel You resting there, Peace.

Make room.

I’m coming in to lie beside you.

So be it.

“Beyond Illusion”
24″ x 48″
Mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing required): acrylics, blue agate stone (protection, strength, harmony), mica (love & compassion)


If you’re feeling called to bring one of my energy-infused intuitive original paintings into your home or office, click here. If you’d like a painting or photography print, click here.

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Transform Pain – a Guided Visualization Meditation

Are you ready to transform pain in any area of your life?

Imagine rewriting the script of your movie right now.

What part would you change? How would you change it?

Is the pain in your personal or professional life? Does it affect both?

Is it in your body? In your mind? In your relationships?

I channeled this 23-minute Guided Visualization during a live meditation group gathering.

May it help you create the life you want.

Note: It’s best enjoyed with headphones.

Feel free to come back and do it again. And please share with those you feel might benefit.

P.S.  If you’d like to do / download a different one, sign-up here and I’ll send the access link to your email.


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Need an intuitive hearing aid?

painting "I've Got Your Back"

“I’ve Got Your Back” Original and prints available in my shop.

Are you running on empty? Then it’s time to get off the hamster wheel. You know it’s not going anywhere.

That’s what happened to me after four years in my dream job.

I was 25 years old and crying on Sunday nights because it didn’t feel right anymore. I felt stuck and had no idea what to do.

That’s what life is like when you’re not living in alignment with your Higher Self.

That’s what happens when you’re not connected to Guidance – no matter if you call that intuition, the Universe, God, your Angels, or Guiding Spirits.

There’s good news. When you ignite your intuition, you create that spark that lights up your life.

So I ask:  “Are you ready to add meaning, purpose, and passion to your life?”

My Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to A Happy Healthy Life can help.  

Here, I’ll demonstrate how one tool supports you as you practice that formula.

Living One Inspired Step At A Time

Living an inspired life takes practice. Intuition is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it.

I’ve been living this way for decades. I’ve learned to trust my intuition with no regrets.

There’s no way I could’ve imagined how all the pieces would fit together one day. But they have. And I’m not done yet.

My intuition has led me to working and studying on 3 continents and 5 provinces across Canada.

I’ll be turning 50 this year, but I’m just starting out as a full-time intuitive artist and lightworker after decades of doing it part time, along with careers in recreation, education, and arts administration. It’s been amazing!

To tell the truth, I resist change. I’m not a natural risk-taker. But when I’m strongly guided, nothing stops me.

I feel the fear and do it anyway. I keep accepting the invitations to grow by aligning my life with my soul.

Want to try?

Intuition comes in many ways, and there are many tools to help you access it.

Although I’ve always lived intuitively, I had to learn how to use my intuition more consciously when my dream job wasn’t so dreamy anymore.

Let me spare you decades of trying to figure it out on your own. My Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life will speed up your way back on track.

I’ll explain them using one of the tools I offer clients – Discovery Journey Meditations – a style of guided creative visualization.

I’ll also give you access to a free one at the end, so you can experience tuning in to the callings of your heart & soul.

What are Guided Visualization Meditations ?

painting of meditator with light rays from the heart

“One In Love” (9″ x 12″)

They have 2 purposes.

First, they raise your vibration as they activate a particular theme.

One client wanted me to channel a custom meditation to help her with her music. Another wanted support for her healing journey.

Second, they’re a fun way to exercise your intuitive muscles. 

Because you can listen to them repeatedly with different intentions, they offer limitless opportunities to seek and find Guidance.

As you sit or lie there with your eyes closed, you’re guided on a discovery journey that opens up worlds of experience, connection, and meaning.

It’s like you’re being led through scenes from a movie, but the movie pauses once in a while. This gives you a chance to explore that moment through your own imagination, inspiration, and intuition –the 3 stages of Higher Knowledge according to Rudolf Steiner.

How Do Guided Visualizations Fit Within the Intuition Into Action Treasure Map?

These meditations help you practice The 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life.  This is how:

1. Ask

Guidance comes when you ask. You’re asking all the time, but it’s best when you do it intentionally rather than subconsciously.

By choosing a themed meditation, you’re asking your team of Divine Helpers and your Higher Self for support. They’re always present, but because of “free will”, they need to be invited into your process.

Ask and you shall receive…

2. Access & Accept

This step is about collecting clues and receiving messages.

You’re constantly receiving Guidance. It’s just hard to hear it with all the noise out there or in your own mind. Stress and desperation are like static on the line.

Intuition is about being in a hyper-aware state.

You can sustain this for days or even weeks once you’ve de-cluttered the distractions and honed in your skills.

For now, guided visualization meditations give you a structure to tap into your intuition within a set time frame.  

You may see, hear, feel, know, smell, taste, or remember things as you experience the journey.

It doesn’t matter how the messages are presented.  Your Guidance will find a way to communicate through whichever channel is most open.

When you get into a meditative state with the help of music and a loving voice, you focus your attention and open to hearing your inner callings. That’s when your imagination, inspiration, and intuition kick in.

The beauty with these recordings is that you’ll experience them differently each time you listen.

You may ask different questions, connect to different Guides, and receive different clues throughout your discovery journey.

3. Analyze

It’s best to keep the receiving and interpreting separate in the intuitive process. They involve different sides of your brain.

The right brain, or your feminine side is active in Step 2, along with your heart. Now, it’s time for left brain, or masculine side, to join in.

Guided visualization meditations help you to receive information.

Reflecting on your meditation afterwards is just as important. Some like to journal, talk about it with friends, or think about it on long nature walks – whatever works for you.

What you want to do is make connections between the messages you’ve received and the question / intention you’d set.

Intuitive messages often come through symbolism.

As you play detective, you’ll decipher the codes.

No one is as qualified to understand the symbolism you receive as you are. Just give yourself time, open up to the possibilities, and learn to trust your Self.

4. Act

Guidance is of no use if you don’t act on it.

It’s so important to follow through with inspired action that comes from any intuitive exercise.


“It was an extraordinary experience, so powerful in so many ways… I didn’t tell you what my interest in music is but you accurately focused on my voice. I have to say that my voice seems clearer, stronger, easier…and I’ve noticed that other people have noticed a change too. I love the image of the notes as rainbow colours reaching out into space, embracing planets and stars, and I keep that in mind now when I sing.”

By consciously reconnecting to a scene from the meditation each time she sings, Lucy’s performance has noticeably improved. In turn, this brings her one step closer to her vision as a sound healer. The power of her custom meditation is amplified by her inspired action.

Your Divine Helpers won’t drop you if you forget to follow-up. But the more you trust your intuition, your Guidance, the easier and more successful the relationship will be.

Start with baby steps and one day, like me, you won’t hesitate to take the leaps of faith, no matter what that means to you.

5. Allow

This is the last of the “Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life”.

Allow your life to evolve while staying tuned to guidance every step of the way.

Once you’ve taken action, trust that the results will fit in the big picture even if you can’t see it with your nose up against it.

Know that if you were guided, there’s a reason.

I once received a clear knowing during meditation. I was directed to study photography on Vancouver Island. This came as a complete surprise! I was just finishing my Masters of Education in Calgary and planning on going back overseas to teach English. I already had a Certificate in Professional Photography. No matter. The guidance was strong.  So I did some research and chose one of the two programs on the island.

It took 3 months to figure out that this program was only meant as a doorway. As part of our curriculum, I arranged to intern with the internationally renown spiritual photographer and author Courtney Milne in Saskatchewan. I was then blessed to work with him and his wife for 2 years before his passing.

Keep the Flame Alive

These 5 steps aren’t a one-time thing. They’re as good for major decisions as they are for daily connection. It’ll keep you on track as you journey on your Path to your Highest Good.

Getting my dream job right out of university was the result of living intuitively for most of my life. But I too hopped onto the hamster wheel and stopped listening.

It was only when I became so unhappy that I realized it was time to ask for help again. That’s when I learned to use my intuition more consciously.

You can too, and I can help you.

Guided Visualization Meditations are but one kind of hearing aid I offer.

Button 2-meditationTry a free 26-minute one (that you can download) by clicking here.

You can also hire me to come lead a live meditation for your group. Contact me here.

Would you like me to connect to your team of Divine Helpers to channel a custom recorded meditation based on your needs no matter where you live?

Learn More About Custom Guided Meditations


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Light Against Dark and Dark Against Light

summary painting of the 12 Universal Laws

“All In One:The Twelve Universal Laws” – Prints available in many sizes & mediums

I’m into moving meditation – dancing on my mini-trampoline singing Sanskrit chants in the morning.

Sometimes, I do that looking at my vision board. Lately, I’ve been contemplating my painting “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws”.

It’s a portal to the Universal Energy Flow.

It’s also a great review of the Laws I studied last year channeling the Enter the Mandala series.

I’ve noticed that the dark ring around the sunflower pulls me right into another dimension. It also lifts that sunflower right off the canvas and into my third eye.

Light Against Dark and Dark Against Light

The Great Masters taught painters throughout the ages a lesson that’s as insightful in life as it is on canvas. Light against dark and dark against light.

They passed that knowledge down the lineage of visionary painters until my teachers taught me a couple of years ago at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.

Designers in many fields know this now – the eye is drawn to where there’s the greatest contrast.

It’s the same in life.

It’s from contrast that we create focus for our intentions and attention.

Our Light shines from out of the darkness.

When we’re fully into an experience we don’t want, we realize what it is we do want and create the momentum to reach it.

Sure, it’d be wonderful if our Light were constantly glowing at full force into the world.

But I’m not there yet.

I can only imagine how I’d be if I could stay in the state of wonder and unconditional love that I’m in when I channel a meditation, intuitive reading or energy painting commission.

That would be enlightenment.

For now, I appreciate the role the contrast between my Higher Self and little self plays.

Light against dark and dark against light. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. It draws you in so that it can reflect right back at you.

We live in a world of contrast to help us choose.

Take a look at your life.  What dark parts of your history have gifted you with the ability to shine your Light in your uniquely beautiful way today?

Is your personal story richer because of the contrasts in your life?

Are your good days even better because of your bad days?

As usual, I’d love your feedback on this morning’s musings. Feel free to comment below.


And  if you’d like to add a print of “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws” to your meditation space,

Click to Order
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Take the Test: Which Face Speaks to You?

Want to play with me today?  Take a look at these 4 faces and what they’re saying.

Which face speaks most to your soul?

Which is your clearest mirror?

Answer in the comments below.

Face 1. In the Moment

In the Moment painting

“In the Moment” – 12″ x 12″ – SOLD – Click for prints.

There are huge shifts happening in my life. I’m answering the call to travel deep within my soul to let my True Colours shine. I’m a free spirit at heart.

Dragonflies are appearing everywhere, helping me see beyond the illusions and delusions. I’m supported in both my inner and outer work.

I’m focused on being the best I can be here and now. I’m learning to love what is, knowing that’s my path to freedom. I love myself unconditionally!

I’m letting go of stories of the past and hopes/fears for the future. I’m living in the moment and going with the flow.

I’m flexible and adaptable, joyously letting go of what no longer serves me as I’m carried by the winds of change.

Face 2. Maiden Voyage

painting of lady with hair in the wind

“Maiden Voyage” -Sold. Click for prints.

I’m courageously answering the call to live a life that’s aligned with my inner callings.

I believe in my purpose. I take healthy risks. Like a ship embarking into the night, I’m embracing the mystery.

I know that as the waves crest, I’ll be given glimpses of the lights in the distance. And when I find myself in a trough, I have faith that the flow will carry me to the next crest until the ocean calms again.

I’m listening to my intuition, carried forward by the life I was meant to live.

It’s in this Spirit Dance that my own beauty is reflected back to me.

Face 3. Zippora

red, ,black and gold face led by bird spirits

“Zippora” – 12″ x12″ – SOLD – Click for prints.

I am in tune with Mother Earth and her animal kingdom. I believe in the medicine of her four directions.

I work in harmony with my Higher Council – my angels, spirit guides, totem animals, and Great Spirit.

I may feel fear, but I go boldly and confidently into my life, knowing my prayers travel upon wings, leading me into the unknown.

I embrace all teachings that serve my Highest Good – be they eastern or western. My inner fire is fueled by the passionate, fulfilling life I know I am meant to live.

I am committed to my Path. I trust in my Guidance.

Face 4. Make A Wish

"Make a Wish" - 12" x 12" - $447

“Make a Wish” – 12″ x 12″ – SOLD – Click for prints

Life’s a game. I’m a spiritual being having a human experience for the fun of it!

I’m friends with The Universe.

If I need something, I ask for it. I’m a master manifester.

It’s easy – I know I’m loved. I know I’m worthy of whatever is in my Highest Good. So I choose to learn through ease and grace.

If my bubbles pop, I know they weren’t meant to be for longer than what they were. I blow more, sending my prayers and thanks to my angels and Guides.

The powers of my mind are limitless. I am part of the Divine Oneness – made of the same consciousness and energy as all there is.

Your Turn

Tell us which Face you resonate with the most and why.

I’d also love to hear what else it’s saying to you. Let its energy dance within your multi-dimensional being and translate its message to us in words.

Try it – it’s fun! It’s also part of becoming the face you see in the mirror.

P.S.   Click here to see all originals. For prints, click here.


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What’s Your Soul Candy?

Feast your eyes on “Soul Candy” (9″ x 12″).  It’s the last of the 7 small paintings I created during my Chakra Jewel Series art marathon week.  It was also the first to find a good home.  Enjoy Tara!

Doesn’t it just make you smile? For me, it was like a gargle of giggles in my gut.

I kept thinking “This is way over the top!” But Spirit said – “Nah! Go for it! Load on the sparkles!”

And I did – allowing myself to play and laugh – both with life and at myself.

I could also feel the expansion happening as the painting branched out with layer upon layer of transformation.  Can you feel it?

This is one happy piece!

It’s like a springtime Christmas Tree – bringing out that big-eyed stare of the inner child.

What’s your soul candy?

What lights you up? 

I’d love to know – please share in the comments below.

For me, I can think of 3 things right off the bat.

  1. Whenever I cross paths with a dog.  I may be certified as a professional dog trainer and behaviour therapist, but I’ve never shared a home with a dog. I just took the course because I so wanted to spend time with them and understand them better. I’m still like I was when I was 5 – I just light up inside when I see one coming my way, hoping the owners are open to my saying hello (to the dog, not the owners… I have to make a conscious effort to remember the 2-legged beings if a 4-legged is around  🙂 ).  I also have to remember to reign in my energy not to swarm the poor pup with it.  It took me years to learn that.
  2. Swinging (in a playground, not relationships).  But I have to actually stop my destination-oriented walk and get on the swing.  Then it’s like being a kid again – feeling free ! I’m told I spent countless hours on the backyard swing singing when I was 4 – with my superman cape…
  3. Discovering a new place with or without my camera. This is probably one of the reasons I’ve moved around so much in my life (3 continents, 5 provinces).  I love that feeling of childlike wonder when I jump into tourist mode. So do tour guides. I’ve had more than 1 offer me to come back on any of their day-tours for free because my excitement is contageous.  And I’ve taken them up on it more than once too!

So what does that for you?

Can you bring any more of that into your life this week?

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Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

painting "Guardian Angel"

“Guardian Angel” – original and prints available in my online shop.

Wouldn’t it be great if we got phone calls from Spirit or text messages from angels with detailed instructions on how to live in alignment with our Highest Good?

Back in 2013, I would’ve loved an email from God saying:

“Dear Dominique: It’s in your highest interest to study visionary art in Vienna for six months, and here’s exactly how we’ll make that happen. … And don’t worry about the EU visa issues that come up because you’re meant to go study in Bali for a month before returning to Europe to continue in Vienna, but also in Italy where you’ll be artist-in-residence for a couple of weeks. We’re taking care of everything, so just keep listening for further instructions and have fun. It’ll all happen with ease & grace.”

Although our souls don’t come with explicit directions, Guidance is always available through signs, and “reading” them is a skill that improves with practice.

Learning to Read the Signs

Intuition is something that’s often driven out of us at a young age.  As I explained in an earlier post, I kept my Connection alive and so my intuitive antenna stayed up.

I’ve experienced many kinds of intuition, or what some call psychic abilities.

  • clear seeing: visions, dreams, premonitions
  • clear feeling: empathy
  • clear knowing: thought download
  • clear hearing: hearing guidance with the inner ears

But I still got a lot from reading and listening to teachers like Laura Day and Sonia Choquette.

The exercises in their courses or books helped me to better understand and use my innate skills. I remember stunning my skeptical brother in the late 90s when he asked me: “So what did I get you for Christmas?”

The beauty is that intuition is  innate to all of us. Anyone who’s successful in life is using it. They just might not call it that.

I’ve been revisiting stories of my past for a business course I’m taking.  And so I’ve decided to share my Bali story again to help you recognize the various ways intuition speaks to you.

Decisions Decisions

My decision to study in Bali for the month of April 2014 serves as a good example of following the path of intuition.

My original plan was to study 3 months in Vienna. But when my fundraising exceeded my original goal , I assumed I was meant to stay for nine.

But delays in the school’s certification affected my legal ability to stay in Austria that long. I was stressed. My reservation for a housing extension required a financial commitment.

Desperation, it turns out, is like static on the line. It was only when I prayed and surrendered that I started recognizing the signs.

Feelings / Happenings

Imagine saying “yes” or “no” to a decision and tune in to how each feels in your body / mind / spirit.

The answer that leaves you feeling higher on the Emotional Scale is right for you.

This is why I cancelled my housing-extension reservation in Vienna, but still extended my travel health insurance until June.

It made no sense, but it felt good!

Also, pay attention to occurrences that bring you joy.

Here’s what I mean.  One day in class, I immediately felt uplifted when I heard a song that had been the soundtrack from a painting e-course I took with Flora Bowley eight months before. This association led to my exploring Flora’s website for live workshops. But nothing fit into my spring timeframe. Not yet anyway… 

Keeping Your Antenna Up

Have you ever needed or gotten a haircut only to start paying attention to everyone’s hairstyles?

The same is true with intuition – if you ask for guidance on something, you’ll start noticing the signs.

That’s what happened when I looked at my inbox a couple of weeks later and Flora Bowley’s Bali workshop announcement grabbed my attention.

I knew not to skim over it.


The email got me so excited.  But making a hurried decision about Bali overwhelmed me.

I had nothing to lose by applying.  Participants would be handpicked based on their application answers, and full refunds were possible.

So I decided that if I were accepted, that would be a sign to keep exploring this option. If not, that would be an even clearer sign.

Whatever happened would be meant to be: non-attachment.  I gave the Universe another way of speaking to me.

Premonitions and Happy Accidents

Three weeks later, I woke up thinking about Bali: “If I am accepted today, I’ll commit.”

Ten minutes later, I heard the familiar ding of incoming mail. It was from Flora! Yay! I was one of 14 chosen out of 80!

But wait… it was for the “wrong” workshop – the one in April, not the March one I’d asked for as my primary choice – the one that between trimesters at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.

I quickly emailed back, but two days later, received an automated bounce-back – for some “odd reason”, my request to change workshops had never reached its destination. Coincidence? I think not.

During those two days, I came to the conclusion that the April workshop (which included a possibility for extension and was close to a very affordable yoga ashram) actually felt much better than rushing in and out of Bali for a week before doing a third trimester in Vienna.

So what first appeared as a “mistake” turned out to be a “happy accident.


The whole time I was trying to make a decision about going to Bali, I wondered “If I could get an Austrian visa, would I change my plans?”

One of my teachers served as a “messenger” when she asked me why I was bothering to learn oil-painting techniques if I had no intention to continue after the program.

This pointed question reminded me of my original goal: learning to draw, so I could integrate that into my more intuitive abstract style of acrylic painting.

My messenger helped me refocus on my goals to make the right choice for me. I’d done 6-months of drawing as part of the curriculum and I could keep doing that as well as intuitive painting in a new exotic setting.

Also, one of my classmates told me about another visionary artist teaching a workshop in Bali the month I’d be there.

Perfect. I ended up spending my first week at the ashram, week 2-3 in my intuitive painting workshop & cultural tourism extension, and the last week in a visionary art workshop – all in the same town.


Collecting signs from our environment is fun, but it means staying in a hyper-aware state for indefinite periods of time.

Tools can act as instant hearing-aids. They help you hear your inner guidance and messages from your team of Divine Helpers (whatever you call them).

When used properly, pendulums will give a trusted “yes”, “no”, or “maybe” – very helpful.

I’ve also long used divination cards as a communication tool. My sold out Spirit Calling Cards (a crowdfunder for my studies in Vienna) are my current favourites. You can work with them every morning on my Facebook Page until June 7th.

And although I’ve long used creative visualization meditations as a way to tap into guidance, I’ve only recently started using my visionary gifts to lead others in ways to empower their own intuition. I co-create these with your Divine Helpers and the recording becomes a tool you can use for years with ever changing experiences and guidance. Click here to learn more about my Custom Guided Meditations or try a free one here.

Then there’s my Divine Storytelling Time sessions (intuitive readings).  These are like a treasure map to your soul. Unlike many psychics, I don’t tell you your future. I believe we’re the best ones to translate our own intuitive clues to make important decisions. I present you with a story that comes to me through your Guides as a “mini-movie download”.  They’re meant to empower you in your own intuitive development as you play detective and decipher the symbolism in your recording. These come with two visual gifts and worksheets that support your interpretation.

What About You?

Believe it or not, I’m not a natural risk-taker. I resist change.

I’ve learned, however, to follow my heart and trust my intuition – it’s stronger than fear.

As the Five Man Electrical Band sings, there’s a “Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign” and the more I pay attention, the clearer they get.

May you also find clarity in your life.

What decision do you need help with? Try asking your Source of Guidance and keep your antenna up. It’s a great way to live!

And if you want, I can help you gather these signs . It would be my honour to serve you through a custom-guided meditation, intuitive reading, or Co-Creative Soul Energy Painting.

Either way, know that you can access the intuitive keys to live a happy, successful, life – whatever that means to YOU!

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A Prayer for Your Transformational Journey

Yoga tree pose painting

“So Be It…” (9″ x 12″) – $357

Are you experiencing huge shifts these days?

Do you feel that when you’ve dealt with one challenge, another presents itself?

This is called the Year of Mastery in spiritual circles. That means it’s also a time of accelerated growth.

You’ve no doubt heard that by saying “yes” to the transformational journey, it presents you with limitless possibilities to see, accept, love, release, and grow from life and all it has to offer.

Don’t get discouraged. Focus on the gifts that are birthed from your process.

You know the expression “ignorance is bliss”. It’s also a choice.

But knowledge is power. And the more you know yourself, the more empowered you are to act in alignment with your true values. The more courage you’ll have to shine as your True Self.

Here’s a prayer I offer you, inspired by my new painting “So Be It…”, one of the chakra jewels series from my painting marathon (more on it here).


A Prayer for Your Transformational Journey


May your Light shine
Through the darkness
Of your Days and Nights.

May all that you’ve lived
Hold space for you
As you grow more fully
Into your Self.

May you feel tall & strong,
Flexible & adaptable,
As the winds of change
Flow through you with ease & grace
No matter the weather,
forever more.

So be it…

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Yoga Bliss and the Body Temple

honouring the body temple through yoga painting -anjaneyasana

“Yoga Bliss” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

I confess… the only yoga I did during my painting marathon week was on canvas.

Sure, there are countless benefits of spending focused time in the creative flow. It was truly blissful in mind and spirit – which benefits my whole being.

Those marathons take a toll, though – whether they’re in the studio or at the computer.

I’m glad the mat called me back.  Or should I say my body called me back – refusing to be ignored any longer.

It’s always the way. If I don’t pay attention to my body’s murmurs, it eventually screams until I pay attention.  Why do I do that?!

Raise your hand if you’re as guilty of knowing how good it feels to stretch, to exercise, to honour your body temple in so many ways …. but don’t do it often enough?

Good for you if your hand’s still down.

If not, stop reading right now and make a commitment to doing something physical today. It’ll clear your mind and open your heart too!

I just stopped in the middle of writing this post and called a friend to go for a walk in the glorious sunshine.

What are you going to do?  

Go ahead, write it in the comments below. Help us generate ideas.

So whether you end up in this low lunge yoga pose (anjaneyasana), dancing in your room, going on a group hike, or getting a massage, hourray to you for honouring your body temple.

You won’t regret it!

I mean, just go back up to look at my new painting “Yoga Bliss”. Can’t you just feel the happiness that comes from allowing the Life Force to flow through the body?

May you be healthy and happy – in body, mind, and spirit!

P.S. You’ll find “Yoga Bliss” and the other chakra jewels I created during my painting marathon in the Original Paintings section of my online shop.

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Take a 15-Minute Soul Break

photo of the snowy Battery in St. John's during a soul break

Ahhhh….. What a difference a 15-minute unplanned soul break can make in the middle of a busy day. 

Am I ever glad I listened when my soul said “Turn left!” on my way home from running a bunch of errands with my housemate’s car yesterday.

I’d spent the morning taking down an art show, checking on a print order for a customer, and exchanging the broken microphone I’d recently purchased to make better-quality videos for my blog/website.  I was tired and hungry.

When I was less than 5 minutes from home, the sun broke through after a few days of wind and snow storms.

I cranked my neck to see out the St. John’s harbour as I drove through downtown.  By the time I got the intersection that leads to both Cape Amherst and Cape Spear, I had no choice but to turn left.

I know better than to ignore those soul callings.

My stomach and the rest of my to-do list could wait. As long as I was home for my phone-meeting at 2pm, I’d be fine.

I didn’t even drive all the way down to the Cape Ameherst lighthouse. I made it to the first parking lot and walked along the pier for 15 minutes with my camera.  That’s all it took to get me back on track.

It’s hard to believe I live about 5 minutes by car from where I took these!

I may have a river running through the backyard, but I have such a deep connection to the ocean. It pulls me and lifts me up.

I love St. John’s!

I’d been wanting snowy pictures of the Battery every since I moved here in 2011. I spent 2 months that summer living in one of those houses at the base of Signal Hill, right by the trail head. Click on a photo if you want to see it larger.

So where can you go for a 15-minute soul break in the middle of the day today? Trust me. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.


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