Try this 6-minute Divine Storytelling Time Sample
Do you want to try a Divine Storytelling Time sample before investing in a full package?
Here’s your chance.
You’ll work with the first 6 minutes of a 30-minute reading I channeled for a group.
I’d asked to connect to the questions and Divine Helpers of all who would ever listen, so trust that your answers are in here too.
This short sample is long enough for you to see if this style of intuitive exercise is to your liking.
Our angels and guides often communicate with us through symbolism.
When I connect on your behalf, your angels and guides deliver what looks like a Disney-Pixar movie in my mind’s eye.
Instead of my telling you what it means, it’s up to you to figure out how this story answers the questions in your heart. You get to match your interpretation of the symbolism with the questions you’re asking.
Do you like to play detective? Do you like to decipher codes? Think of this as a symbolism salad.
Finding your own meaning is a great way to develop your intuitive muscles.
Couple readings are a great opportunity for you to play and work together to decipher the meanings and messages that weave their way through the story your team of DivineHelpers channel through me.
As a couple, you can use this intuitive hearing aid to help you find direction, communicate, make decisions, and take inspired action in a fun, entertaining, and inspiring way!
Try It Out
When I did this reading live, everyone in the group felt it had spoken directly to them. They’d each asked different questions and gotten different answers. Now it’s your turn.
Step 1: Ask
Think of an area in your life you want guidance in. Ask your team of Divine Helpers for help as you work / play through the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition.
Write down a question that’s
- specific (ex: in the next week)
- simple (about 1 topic only)
- open (who, what, why, how, when, where, etc.)
- related to what you want (vs. what you don’t want- avoid should / will)
Examples: “How can I improve my energy levels this week?”, “What is my next best move to generate more income?”, “How can I create harmony in my relationship with my son in the next 3 months?”
Step 2: Access
In a Divine Storytelling Time, I do a lot of the accessing for you. The story becomes an intuitive hearing aid.
You still need to engage your heart/right brain as you listen.
Pay attention to feelings, thoughts, memories, other data from your 5 senses that come in as you listen.
Click the triangle below to PLAY the 6-minute Divine Storytelling Time Sample.
Take notes.
Step 3: Analyze
Now invite your left brain to join the team to help you match the story details with your question of the day.
What do the different elements in the story mean in relation to your question?
Some may be literal, but more often they’re not.
Break the story down into parts as each contains messages and clues.
If my question was about income, I could interpret the part about the ball of creatures unable to get out of the taxi as “You’re trying to do too much and so nothing is getting out the door. ”
If I was asking about improving my energy levels, I could interpret the part about the deflated donkey skin in the water as advice for self-care: rehydrate, soak in a hot tub, slow down to avoid burn-out, etc.
If my question was about harmony with my son, the magical rainbow in the single strand of hair could be a reminder that we are one beyond our DNA. It’s up to me to choose to acknowledge the miracle that he is instead of focusing on all I feel he’s doing wrong. I need to hold him up to the Light to see him through that perspective.
There’s a lot of guidance in just 6 minutes. When I channel an individual Divine Storytelling Time session, they’re usually about an hour long.
Every time you listen to your recording, you’d approach it with different questions and receive different answers.
Your attention would be drawn to different parts of the story.
The same part may mean different things on different days.
Step 4: Act
Guidance is useless if you don’t act on it.
Your job is to take your analysis and create your inspired to-do or to-be list.
Then, to avoid overwhelm, do one at a time.
When you take inspired action, miracles start happening. Doors open. Resources appear. You gain clarity. Synchronicity becomes the new normal.
The more you’re aware of your success in the guidance cycle, the more courage you gain to take the next inspired step.
Soon you’ll be going from baby steps to leaps of faith.
Step 5: Allow
Allow for things to evolve naturally with Divine Timing.
Results or reasons may not be evident immediately.
It can take days, months, or years to see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly.
Trust that if it was truly guided, there was a reason. Then stay open and curious as to what that might be.
That’s how you’ll discover the treasure map to your soul.
Then keep working with your intuitive data and the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition and Get Your Life Back On Track.
Do You Want More?
Did you benefit from this 6-minute exercise?
With my help accessing the intuitive data, you can accelerate your results and transform your life one inspired step at a time.
Are you ready for a full Divine Storytelling Time Package? Do you know someone who is?
I’ll work with your Team of Divine Helpers at a distance and deliver your goods by email.
The story is only 1 part of your package.
It comes with worksheets and 2 customized Visual Gifts that will provide more clues and inspiration.