My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

A Lesson From the Saints

Do you pay attention when you’re reading, listening, or watching and your whole being says “Yes!”, “I want that”, “Oh….. wouldn’t that be nice!”?

These soul urgings often come through as a feeling of expansion in your body, mind, or spirit. 

It may not be a heart calling for the exact details of what you’re looking at, but an invitation to explore its essence for what it is you truly want.

“Witness” from the Treedom Photography Collection

This happened to me during my recent trip to Ottawa.

I picked up a book on my parents’ shelf on the life of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi. I’d seen several movies in preparation for my artist retreat in Italy in 2014, but this less romanticized book was based on recent revelations.  I was curious.

Growing Up with the Saints

When I was a young child, I really liked a series of inspirational booklets on the saints.

I was impressed at how true to their Selves and Source these men and women had remained, often in the face of persecution.

These stories were building blocks on my lifelong quest to understand unconditional love.

What struck me the most about Saint Francis at the time was that he could speak to the animals, promoting harmony between humans and nature.

I remember my thrill when I later heard that the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York even welcomed an elephant during their annual Feast of Saint Francis blessing of the animals procession. Any saint that could fill a church with animals had my admiration!

But I digress…

How Saint Francis Speaks to Me Now

Saint Francis’s prayer “Make me an instrument of Thy peace” is one I’ve had in my heart for as long as I can remember.

But then I also prayed God regularly that He not call me to become a nun…. I liked boys too much.

But I digress again…

path to a blue bench

“Contemplation” from the Connection Photography Collection 

If you’re not familiar with Saint Francis, he started an order based on compassion and caring service. His brothers walked the Earth bare foot to spread the word of Jesus, much like the first disciples did.

In this book, I learned that the original brothers’ nomadic lifestyle of service allowed for periods of up to 40 days in caves or hermitages for personal devotions.

That’s when my soul said “yes!”.

I long for regular blocks of times in nature or to hermit in my studio to paint and connect to Spirit without the Internet, appointments, and other social or entrepreneurial obligations.

I can get so overwhelmed by all the stimulus and noise (internal and external).

Checking emails and Facebook 20 times a day definitely isn’t healthy. It saps my energy and scatters my focus.

The soul urging I received while reading about the saints and their orders was a confirmation that I need to better structure my days, weeks, and months so that I can both be and serve in ways that nourish my soul.

As I’m still in the early years of figuring out how to not only survive but thrive as a full-time artists, this has been tricky.

Creating a life by design requires constant listening to our hearts, trial & error, and making adjustments.

So one of the many lessons I gleaned from my reading about Saint Francis and Saint Clare is that to be an instrument of the Creator’s peace, I need to ensure my own peace first.

By carving out uninterrupted times of connection in nature or in my studio sanctuary, I can better serve my clients.

What Is Calling You?

So here’s your invitation.

dolphins in sunset sky

“Dolphin Sky” from the Connection Photography Collection

Pay attention to when your soul urges you through that inner “Ah! Yes!” on any level as you go through your days.

Then explore the essence of those calls and take inspired action to bring you closer to your ideal Life by Design.



P.S. Feel free to share some of your recent heart callings in the comments below.

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Journey into the Labyrinth

There are many benefits to journeying into the labyrinth, whether you see it as a walking prayer, meditation, or intuitive hearing aid.  If nothing else, it’ll help you get centred and relaxed – a huge bonus in stressful times.

It took 6 years for me to find out that there was an indoor walking labyrinth here in St. John’s – just 20 minutes walk from home, in the chapel of the Waterford Hospital (open to the public Wednesdays from 12PM – 1PM).  It’s a permanent 30-foot, Chartres style floor labyrinth, but they also have a few finger ones that I enjoy .  What a blessing!

Is there one in your town? If not, you could make your own or download a finger labyrinth from The Labyrinth Society and decorate it, much as you would a mandala.

My love of labyrinths is parallel to my love of spirals. I’m sure you’ve noticed those in both my art and my logo!

It’s all about journeying inward to the centre in order to better venture outward – by going deep into the core of your Truth to find peace, strength, courage, etc.

Walking the labyrinth is a process of holistic growth that naturally flows from releasing what no longer serves us in order to connect to Spirit and the cosmic energies.

Labyrinths are also a great space to practice intuitive walkabouts, as described in a previous post.

Ask a question before you enter the labyrinth and then pay attention to the messages you receive through all your senses as you slowly wind your way to the centre and then back out again.

My Intuitive Walkabout with Courtney Milne

When I was looking through my computer files to find pictures for you, I found a letter I’d written in 2006 on the first day of my internship with internationally renown photographer and author Courtney Milne (1943-2010) and his wife / co-author Sherrill Miller in Saskatchewan. Working with them on their spiritual and artistic projects for the following 2 years was one of many blessings in my life.

I didn’t find any pictures, but these words paint the picture.

“Right before dinner, Courtney led me through a large labyrinth he built in the backyard. As we followed the path in silence for what seemed like half an hour, I became acutely aware of how it was speaking to me. Its tales and lessons are what I’d like to share with you now.

The path of the labyrinth is not unlike life’s roundabout journey. Freshly freed from its snowy coat, the flattened brownish grass was not always easy to navigate. At times, I was grateful to have Courtney’s footsteps guiding me – having created it and walked it many times before, his experience alleviated the need for questioning and struggle, leaving more time for meditation and observation.

I observed, for example, that red brick markers were placed strategically along certain bends to make the path clearer. These markers, placed by the labyrinth’s creator, weren’t unlike the many signs and synchronicities God places along our Path to guide us through our lives. They aren’t always as obvious as these red bricks, but if we simply let go and live in the flow with awareness, not fighting the current of life, we too can easily see and turn at the bends.

Prickly bushes along the path also caught my attention. These natural markers reminded me that nature provides us with an opportunity to reconnect with our soul and our life’s purpose. Their subtle clues can be as powerful or even more meaningful than the manmade red bricks.

The labyrinth offered other lessons too. It clearly showed how the path gets clearer and easier to navigate the more others have walked on it ahead of us. For the more people have walked it, flattening the grass, the clearer its twists and turns are. How many times have our journeys been helped by the fact that others have journeyed there before and now offer their lessons in order to lighten our load along the way? How many times have I heard or read that everyone’s purpose in life is to help others through whatever experience we have successfully navigated through ourselves?

The lessons were a lot more than about how to navigate through life, however – they were also about our choices on how to live it.

Once in awhile, my analytical side got involved, wondering if we were turning back towards the beginning or whether this was leading us anywhere in particular. Time became an issue during those moments that I became goal oriented. That’s when Courtney would stop, bend down and pick up some wild sage to smell – a nice reminder that life is indeed a journey, not a destination. Literally stopping to smell the flowers – enjoying the process – is so important. Just noticing someone else doing so helped bring me back to the present moment.

I started noticing more after that – like the small piles of deer scat here and there. I couldn’t help but smile and remember that scene in the movie “Forest Gump” when the slogan “Shit happens” came to being. Well, that’s just it. Shit does happen and instead of getting all dramatic about it, we can always choose to smile and lift our feet a little higher to step over it without missing a beat on our meditative journey.

And then, just as I had let go of trying to figure out where this journey was leading me to, we came to an unexpected opening, the centre of the labyrinth where Courtney and I sat and broke our silence to talk about our hopes and goals for the next 3 weeks.

This was a truly beautiful beginning to working together. The long quiet walk to the center, with its reminders, lessons and reflections, helped create the space for our spirits to communicate.

But just as I was feeling the profundity of the moment, the labyrinth offered me yet one more lesson – the importance of humour.

Sherrill came out of the house and straight to the center of the labyrinth, bypassing all the twists and turns and any ceremonious “rules” and seriousness to ask if I would be willing to eat mixed grains that weren’t organic as part of the dinner she was preparing. And just as her actions had modelled, I answered that I was happily willing to be flexible with my diet. After all, being too serious and making everything a struggle can’t be healthy!

After having been given that gift of humour, I wasn’t too disgruntled that we too, on our way out, chose not to walk the labyrinth back, as I had been taught to do. There was something quite freeing about bee-lining it back to the house for dinner. The labyrinth was obviously teaching me to loosen-up a little – always a good lesson!”

I got to walk that labyrinth quite a few more times after that and found within it exactly what I needed at the time.

Feel free to share your labyrinth stories in the comments below? Where was it? How did you benefit?

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A Winter’s Prayer and Painting

New painting "A Winter's Prayer"

A Winter’s Prayer (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

A Winter’s Prayer

May this season of
Quiet contemplation
Rejuvenate me in its growing Light,
Connecting me to purpose, passion,
And divine timing.

May the silence of falling snowflakes
Bring inspiration and guidance
As I continue to embrace
The mystery of the unknown.

May Winter’s blanket of snow
Appease my gaze,
Soften my steps,
And lead me with ease and grace
to the hearth of mine own Self.

May I find comfort and peace
In the stillness of the night
To awaken within the mystical essence of life
That courses through my veins
And shines within my spirit.

May I be gently rocked
by the rhythms of the seasons
Accepting that there’s a time to listen
and a time to act.

With this prayer,
I join in Oneness with Winter
to be a part of its resplendent magic
and restful wonder.

So be it. Aho. Amen.

Created In Divine Time

iridescent effects of A Winter's PrayerI’ve said it before. The studio is not only my sanctuary, but my classroom. I learn so much about life without leaving the house. As you read about the creative process behind this painting, see how it relates to your life.

This little gem of a painting (if I can say so myself) took longer to create than some of my big ones.

Instead of being birthed from one of my beloved painting marathons, it came into being very slowly as other pieces emerged around it, including a couple of Soul Energy Portraits.

You see, I hate to waste paint. Some of my fluid Golden acrylics cost $50 a bottle. It’d be a shame to leave a small puddle of it on my palette to dry and throw out.

That’s why I usually have a small canvas around that evolves layer after layer with the leftovers of other paintings.

O,K. That doesn’t sound good. Let me rephrase.

This painting was blessed with the communal essence of its growing family of energy-infused visionary paintings.

It came into being from both the material and spiritual realms of inspiration.  

It sat there for months, open to the happy accidents of life as well as the application of intention and experience.

And then, in the end, it found a clarity of purpose and called itself into being, with my help.

P.S. The photo above shows how, from some angles, the soft snowflake shape and colours behind it become iridescent gold, violet, green, and blue. It’s magical!

So there you have it – the birthing of:

“A Winter’s Prayer” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas – no framing required.

How do you feel gazing upon it?

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“Ask And You Shall Receive” mandala painting

I’m so excited! I actually finished this mandala painting before “Rise ‘N Shine” from the last post but wanted to wait to get my haircut before filming this video. Hee hee. I’m human.

I’m in love with it! The energy emanating from this piece is incredible! Can you feel it here on screen?

Title: Ask and You Shall Receive
Year: © 2016
Size: 36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $3997 CAD

Click here to purchase.

Prints are available (in your choice of size & medium) by clicking here.

Ask and You Shall Receive – Representing my Intuition into Action Treasure Map – 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life

Here’s what the various rings of the mandala mean, from the centre out.

Step 1 – Ask

“Ask and you shall receive”. You’re asking all the time, but best do it intentionally. Because of “free will”, you need to ask for answers, help, and clarity.

Many of the symbols I used here have more than one meaning.

The hands in prayer are also peace doves.

The flame is not only your Light, your passion, and your meditative focus, but also the Holy Spirit.

What else do you see?


Step 2 – Access

Step 2

You’re ­­constantly receiving Guidance, but it’s hard to hear with all the noise. When in a state of hyper-awareness, you can see/hear/feel/etc. the clues. Intuitive hearing aids can accelerate results and give focused practice. The right brain and heart are active here.

I included a solid ring here to remind us to create space.

Then I represented the 6 clairs and the power of symbolism plus The Eye of Ra (symbol of all intuitive channels) inside chakra or rainbow-coloured hexagons – part of sacred geometry.

In between these, I painted scenes representing my tips to access your intuition:  1) Trust  2) Create Space, 3) Centre, 4) Pay Attention, and 5) Record

Step 3 – Analyze

With practice, the gap between accessing and analyzing get shorter. Here, the left brain joins in to make connections between the question and the clues. Decipher the the symbolism. You’re the most qualified to understand the messages you receive.

As you can see, the hexagons (intuitive channels) overlap into this ring of the mandala. That’s because intuition continues to play a role here, but interpretation helps, especially with the symbolism.

In this ring of the mandala, I painted the yin-yang as a symbol of the harmony between your right feminine intuitive mind and left masculine analytical mind.  I also painted question marks between the puzzle pieces because your job here is to match the pieces with your original question.

Step 4 – Act

Guidance is of no use if you don’t act on it. Follow through with inspired action, from baby steps to leaps of faith. The more you act, the easier it’ll get.

Indeed, take inspired action in all areas of your life. Here, I chose to represent them as glowing arrows forward for your 1) physical environment; 2) fun/recreation; 3) business / career; 4) personal/spiritual development; 5) wellness & health; 6) Romance/Family; 7) Finances/life planning; 8) Society.

Step 5 – Allow

Go with YOUR flow. Let things evolve and stay tuned in. Miracles and magic will happen. Trust that if you’re guided, there’s a reason for it in the big picture. 

That’s why I used a design in here to indicate movement in both directions.  You can also see that divine timing is involved here in the rising and setting of the sun, day after day. Stand in your Truth and trust that all the pieces of the puzzle will eventually come together.

Don’t worry if you disconnect and fall out of alignment with your soul. Just start the 5 steps again.

P.S. Click here to sign-up for my free 75-minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life.

Ask and You Shall Receive Mandala painting

“Ask and You Shall Receive” – original 36″ x 36″ – $3,997 CAD or click to order prints on paper or canvas.

Title: Ask and You Shall Receive
Year: © 2016
Size: 36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $3997 CAD

Click here to purchase the original.


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Start the New Year Fresh & Clean

Start the New Year Fresh & CleanI’ve learned a lot living and traveling the world. One tradition I’ve adopted as my own is to give my living space a thorough New Year cleaning & decluttering. It feels great to start the new year fresh & clean.

In many Asian cultures, a deep cleaning of the house before New Year’s Day is standard practice.

In Japan, it’s believed that a Shinto god enters the house at New Year’s, so the space has to be worthy of this blessed visit.

Although the Chinese celebrate New Year’s a month later, they too give their house a thorough cleaning. This not only makes room for the new but sweeps away any lingering bad luck to welcome good luck.

I confess. I’m not as fussy about cleaningas I used to be . I got used to the weekly visits from the janitorial staff in my Vienna student residence. But I love de-cluttering.

From a universal spirituality point of view, the Universe abhors a vacuum. So if you create space, it’ll fill it with what’s aligned with your Highest Good. This is true in all areas of your life, from relationships to the shoes in your closet.

Having lived overseas for years with only the contents of a couple of suitcases, I’m a big fan of de-cluttering and simple living (see previous post).

It feels great to make space – to give, sell, or throw away what no longer serves you. What better time to do this than before the start of a new year.

Ideas to Start the New Year Fresh & Clean

Here’s some of the things I enjoy doing at this time of year. Please add your ideas in the comments below. 

  • Apart from buying fresh fruits & veggies, I use up the foods that are in my cupboards, fridge, and freezer. This game is great for the wallet and stimulates creativity in the kitchen.  More importantly, it keeps food from going bad if it sits there for years at a time.
  • I give my wardrobe a thorough go-through. It’s time to get rid of those socks and underwear that won’t stay up and sweaters I haven’t worn in years.
  • I’m pretty good at organizing my receipts year-round for tax time, but there’s always lots of paperwork I can recycle at the end of the year. If I haven’t looked at those webinar notes again, I probably won’t ever need them.
  • I re-evaluate my decorations – change the calendar, make a new vision board, assess whether my knick-knacks and sacred objects still brings me joy, etc.
  • I give my studio a thorough cleaning, which reminds me of my inventory and stimulates ideas.
  • I clean up my computer desktop and organize my folders.

Since I rent space from my housemate, none of the furniture is mine. In the past, I’d also go through my home to see if I could literally make space by letting go of items I didn’t use or want – from dishes to furniture.

Non-Attachment is Freeing

I know what it’s like to pay for moving trucks that charge by weight. So I’ve gotten good at letting go. Non-attachment is freeing.

If someone gave you a gift you don’t like or use, re-give it or sell it. Why hang on to something to please others when it clutters your life in more ways then one?

It’s not a gift if you feel obliged to keep it even if you cringe every time you look at it. It’s also not good feng shui to hold onto energy from a chapter in your life you’re ready to move past (e.g. wedding gifts after a divorce).

Make Room for What Serves Your Highest Good

divine-unionLet’s start the new year fresh & clean.

If you turn it into a game, you’ll learn to love this New Year ritual.

2017 is a new chapter – a clean slate. May it be a great one for us both!


P.S.  If you’re looking for new artwork that’s energetically aligned with the vibration you’re aiming for in 2017, consider one of my original paintings OR painting prints 

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Use it or lose it. A quick intuitive exercise.

trinityCan you believe it? I almost lost my mother tongue. Even though I studied in French all the way through my first university degree, I almost lost it in the 25 years of teaching English across the world after that.  If you don’t use it, you lose it.

It’s the same with intuition! You’re born with it. But you’ve got to use it or lose it.

Intuition is your communication line between your heart and right feminine creative brain. Losing it means losing access to your essence, your inner GPS, your source of Guidance.

Don’t worry though. Like with any muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it’ll get. Soon, you’ll be fluent again in the language of your Higher Self and Divine Helpers.

Play the video below to try a quick exercise you can use any time you have a yes / no decision to make or a choice between options.

From baby steps to leaps of faith, this exercise will help you tune into what’s appropriate for you in every moment.

Remember, the more you exercise your intuitive muscles, the stronger they’ll get.

Is it time to reclaim your intuition – the language of your soul and an innate ability that needs regular practice?

You’ve got to use it or lose it.

You can always access my free online Intuition into Action tutorial by clicking here.



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Try this 6-minute Divine Storytelling Time Sample

DST SampleDo you want to try a Divine Storytelling Time sample before investing in a full package?

Here’s your chance.

You’ll work with the first 6 minutes of a 30-minute reading I channeled for a group.

I’d asked to connect to the questions and Divine Helpers of all who would ever listen, so trust that your answers are in here too.

This short sample is long enough for you to see if this style of intuitive exercise is to your liking.

Our angels and guides often communicate with us through symbolism.

When I connect on your behalf, your angels and guides deliver what looks like a Disney-Pixar movie in my mind’s eye.

Instead of my telling you what it means, it’s up to you to figure out how this story answers the questions in your heart. You get to match your interpretation of the symbolism with the questions you’re asking.

Do you like to play detective? Do you like to decipher codes? Think of this as a symbolism salad.

Finding your own meaning is a great way to develop your intuitive muscles.

Couple readings are a great opportunity for you to play and work together to decipher the meanings and messages that weave their way through the story your team of DivineHelpers channel through me.

As a couple, you can use this intuitive hearing aid to help you find direction, communicate, make decisions, and take inspired action in a fun, entertaining, and inspiring way! 

Try It Out

When I did this reading live, everyone in the group felt it had spoken directly to them. They’d each asked different questions and gotten different answers.  Now it’s your turn.

Step 1: Ask

Think of an area in your life you want guidance in. Ask your team of Divine Helpers for help as you work / play through the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition.

Write down a question that’s

  • specific (ex: in the next week)
  • simple (about 1 topic only)
  • open (who, what, why, how, when, where, etc.)
  • related to what you want (vs. what you don’t want- avoid should / will)

Examples: “How can I improve my energy levels this week?”, “What is my next best move to generate more income?”, “How can I create harmony in my relationship with my son in the next 3 months?”

Step 2: Access

In a Divine Storytelling Time, I do a lot of the accessing for you. The story becomes an intuitive hearing aid.

You still need to engage your heart/right brain as you listen.

Pay attention to feelings, thoughts, memories, other data from your 5 senses that come in as you listen.

Click the triangle below to PLAY the 6-minute Divine Storytelling Time Sample.

Take notes.

Step 3: Analyze

Now invite your left brain to join the team to help you match the story details with your question of the day.

What do the different elements in the story mean in relation to your question?

Some may be literal, but more often they’re not.  

Break the story down into parts as each contains messages and clues. 

If my question was about income, I could interpret the part about the ball of creatures unable to get out of the taxi as “You’re trying to do too much and so nothing is getting out the door. ”

If I was asking about improving my energy levels, I could interpret the part about the deflated donkey skin in the water as advice for self-care: rehydrate, soak in a hot tub, slow down to avoid burn-out, etc.

If my question was about harmony with my son, the magical rainbow in the single strand of hair could be a reminder that we are one beyond our DNA. It’s up to me to choose to acknowledge the miracle that he is instead of focusing on all I feel he’s doing wrong. I need to hold him up to the Light to see him through that perspective.

There’s a lot of guidance in just 6 minutes. When I channel an individual Divine Storytelling Time session, they’re usually about an hour long.

Every time you listen to your recording, you’d approach it with different questions and receive different answers.

Your attention would be drawn to different parts of the story.

The same part may mean different things on different days.

Step 4: Act

Guidance is useless if you don’t act on it.

Your job is to take your analysis and create your inspired to-do or to-be list.

Then, to avoid overwhelm, do one at a time.

When you take inspired action, miracles start happening.  Doors open. Resources appear. You gain clarity. Synchronicity becomes the new normal.

The more you’re aware of your success in the guidance cycle, the more courage you gain to take the next inspired step.

Soon you’ll be going from baby steps to leaps of faith.

Step 5: Allow

Allow for things to evolve naturally with Divine Timing.

Results or reasons may not be evident immediately.

It can take days, months, or years to see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly.

Trust that if it was truly guided, there was a reason. Then stay open and curious as to what that might be.

That’s how you’ll discover the treasure map to your soul.

Then keep working with your intuitive data and the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition and Get Your Life Back On Track.

Do You Want More?

Did you benefit from this 6-minute exercise?

With my help accessing the intuitive data, you can accelerate your results and transform your life one inspired step at a time.

Are you ready for a full Divine Storytelling Time Package? Do you know someone who is?

I’ll work with your Team of Divine Helpers at a distance and deliver your goods by email.

The story is only 1 part of your package.

It comes with worksheets and 2 customized Visual Gifts that will provide more clues and inspiration.

Price: $247 (Canadian)


Buy Yours Now
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A Sure Sign Society is Shifting

When I got the call from the head of the Health Network for the provincial francophone federation (FFTNL) to teach intuition across the province, I was thrilled … a little surprised, and thrilled!

This was proof! For a government sponsored program to hire me to help people reconnect to their inner wisdom and Guidance is a sure sign that society is shifting.

butterfly photo

Intuition is an Invitation to Grow

I’ll admit, I had to face my own fears when my soul asked me to come out of the visionary closet a few years back.

Sure, I’d written about living intuitively and talked about intuitive painting for years.

But I shook for 3 days when I received Guidance to start publicly talking about my visions and to use these to help people.

All sorts of fears came up to the surface – from this lifetime and, from my belief system, past ones too. I didn’t want to get burned at the stake again …

Plus, I’d learned to shut up about such things at a young age in this lifetime.

I may have nurtured that side of me when I was alone, but I learned to wear masks in public. We all do.

So few of us are fully and unconditionally accepted for who we are when we’re young. Plus our educational system, as it is now, isn’t designed to foster imagination, inspiration, and intuition.

It’s time to reclaim your gifts, whatever those are, because the cost of keeping them repressed is too high. Not living in alignment with your heart & soul causes dis-ease in body, mind, and spirit. You deserve better!

So my job is to encourage folks to get back into alignment one inspired step at a time through my 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition to Get Your Life Back On Track.

This isn’t some scary woo-woo stuff. It’s natural. You were born with it. It’s simply a muscle that needs exercise.

Let the Pieces Fall Into Place

69-dominique-hurley-transformation-bFor me, the last few years of teaching people how to access their intuition and supporting them with my intuitive hearing aids have been so fulfilling.

I’m still not sure where it’s all leading, but I’m loving how it’s evolving.

Intuition also asks you to embrace the mystery.

My backgrounds in recreation, teaching, art, spirituality are all coming together like the pieces of a puzzle.  Fun! And more are being added.

Just a few months ago, I became a certified naturopath after 1000 hours of my energy-work, visionary art, and other healing training was recognized by the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada (ANN).

And now public organizations are hiring me to provide my services to their communities. Amazing!

The world is definitely opening up to different ways of being and doing. Yay!

Reap the Rewards: Learn to Activate Your Intuition

You too can learn the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition:

  • FREE 75-minute tutorial online in English (Click Here)

Share the Proof that Society is Shifting

It’s easy to focus on the negative in the world – just turn on the news.

I’d rather focus on the positive. Where attention goes, energy flows.

What signs are you seeing that society is shifting in a good way? Please fill the comments below with uplifting news!

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Avoid Overwhelm One Step at a Time

around-burnt-cove-dominique-hurley-_dlh7478Last week, I offered you a meditation to take stock of your life. Click here if you haven’t tried it yet.

When I did it (vs. channeling it – very different experiences), I identified a few areas that weren’t in alignment with my soul.

Basically, I work too hard and not always on the right things. When I lose touch with my abundance, I struggle with the overwhelming demands and expenses of being a budding entrepreneur and the mismatch with my desire for a simple life.

Identifying those areas and visualizing a more fulfilling life was a great first step. It helped shift my mindset and started the momentum for change. Taking inspired action was next.

That’s where many quit. They get overwhelmed by the size of the task and end up stuck in the status quo.

Is your to-do list already too long? Time too short? Money too tight? The learning curve too steep?

Change can be overwhelming on many levels. But the cost of staying where you are can be even higher.

Take a Deep Breath

My first inspired action – taking a short seaside holiday away from the computer – had opened up this next opportunity to spend 3 days in Burnt Cove.

I brought my laptop this time, but spent several hours breathing in the fresh sea air while walking in small communities and nature trails.

Deep breathing is key to intuition. Your breath is your Life Force, your connection to Spirit.

Ask and You Shall Receive

On my walk from Bauline East to Doctor’s Cove, I did an Intuitive Walkabout.

I asked “How can I create a viable business while living a simple life?”

For the next half hour, my attention was fully absorbed in the various textures and features of the forest path beneath my fee.  The variety in such a short walk was remarkable: gravel, bedrock, stepping stones, boardwalks, stone and log steps, dirt, moss-lined, steep, level, jagged, smooth, etc.

When you ask a question, pay attention to what draws your attention. This becomes the intuitive data to work with.

So how did I interpret this?

“Avoid overwhelm one step at a time. Appreciate where you are in every moment, knowing that your path will vary greatly. Some parts will be smooth and easy and some may require you to climb or tread with more care. Don’t worry about the terrain. You’ll be provided the resources to navigate your way through it. Others have walked before you and prepared the way. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

When I got to Doctor’s Cove, my first ocean view since the trailhead, I could see the storm rolling in. Part of me thought it’d be best to head back right away, knowing it would take 1.5 hours. But when I tuned in, I recognized it as fear, not guidance.

So I sat on a big stone boulder and admired the view, breathing it in and contemplating the meaning of this part of Intuitive Walkabout.

“Remember to pause and enjoy the results of your efforts. Even if the world or your tasks seem daunting, rest and contemplate. Tune in to know when it’s time for your next best move.”

I felt a lot lighter after that walk, filled with beauty and guidance. I got home minutes before the heavy rain and winds picked up the deck chairs and threw them to the edge of the cliff. I grabbed them just before they went over.

“You’re abundant and safe. Know it. Feel it. Then continue walking forward one step at a time when you’re moved to do so.”

Life is Beautiful

I’m sharing this with you because I believe that one person’s journey can help others.

I’ve long known that taking one inspired action at a time is the way to success – whatever that means for you.

My 3-day sojourn up the southern shore is yet another example.

Overwhelm is a state of mind.

I did what I needed to shift that mindset and the Universe collaborated with the details.

Your Turn to Ask

Do you have a question to ask your Team of Divine Helpers to live more in alignment with your soul?

Ask and then scroll through this sampling of photos from my time around Burnt Cove to see what catches your attention.

Then analyze the symbolism (with your heart and mind) to see what it means in relation to your question.

Next, take inspired action. Come up with 1-3 things you can implement to open up the doors to your ideal life.

Then allow the Universe its time to do its thing.

One step at a time. One breath at a time.

Click on the first image if you want to see them in slideshow mode.

Click here if you’d like my free 75-minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition and Get Your Life Back on Track. There’s a special invitation at the end for a Divine Storytelling Time Session.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Free Meditation: Take Stock of Your Life


Here’s another gift that I channeled with a live group to help them take stock of their lives and decide which areas to focus on for intuitive guidance in the exercises that would follow.

Consider this your Halloween treat!

In this 34-minute free meditation, you’ll:

  • look at your life as it is,
  • imagine how you’d like it to be,
  • and tap into your Guidance to raise your vibration.

It’s best with headphones.

Once you’ve listened, choose an area of your life to keep working on. Get your Team of Divine Helpers involved – they love to be invited.

Go through the 5 Steps to Activate your Intuition and co-create the life you want.

  1. Ask (specific, simple, open questions)
  2. Access (on your own or through my intuitive hearing aids)
  3. Analyze (left analytical and right intuitive brain / heart working together)
  4. Act (Take inspired action)
  5. Allow (Trust that every piece of the puzzle will help shape the big picture)

If you’d like support developing your intuitive muscles for this area of your life, consider

It would be my pleasure to continue helping you connect to your True Self to live an inspired life.

And come back anytime to do this free meditation again. I’ve done it twice in the last week and received different guidance each time. That’s the beauty of creative visualization.

Was it helpful? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.