My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Mother Mary Meditation

It’s strange that I hadn’t painted Mother Mary yet. I’ve got paintings of angels, Buddha, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kwan-yin, Mary Magdalene, my totem animals and various representations of Source, but hadn’t yet honoured Mary or her son Jesus.

My spirituality has expanded from my Catholic roots to a more Universal philosophy. But Mary and Jesus are still very much a part of my Team of Divine Helpers. 

I’ve felt a painting of the blessed mother germinating for some years. But it’s almost as if I’d taken this part of my foundation for granted.

When I went to Ottawa in September, I attended mass at the Notre Dame Basilica. It was my first time there alone with my father since my mother moved into a long term care home.

The light was shining through the stained glass windows in mesmerizing ways. We used to go in the evenings, so the morning light here was new to me.

During that hour, I felt a whole new body of artwork calling me. And I knew that Mother Mary was going to be an integral part of it.


Mother Mary Grottos

A month later, I went to a panel discussion called “Walking and Healing: on feminism, spirituality, land”.

One of the presenters talked about the Mother Mary grottos here in Newfoundland and her doctoral research on their role in their communities.

It stirred something within me.

The Grotto in Lourdes, France

I remember visiting Lourdes in France as a young girl. I’d had a little booklet on the story of Saint Bernadette and her visions of Mary in a cave in the mid 1800s.

Although I was partly overwhelmed by the touristy aspects surrounding the sacred site, I remember feeling touched by the evidence of healings and miracles.

The sacred was palpable through the commercial veneer of this pilgrimage site.

Having said that, I did go home with 3 big plastic Virgin Mary bottles full of holy water that I kept for another 20 year. I wish I still had them now.

The Grotto in Renews, Newfoundland & Labrador

The weekend after the discussion panel, 4 of us traveled to Renews-Cappahayden to hold ceremony at the Grotto de Lourdes on Mass Rock. You can read more about its interesting history on Canada’s Historic Places website.

As I placed my hand on the Mass Rock, I connected through my heart to people throughout history and around the world who have had to hide their spiritual beliefs for fear of prosecution.

Still, they believed and gathered in secret to celebrate as they did here in the 1700s when the colony of Newfoundland fell under England’s Penal laws.

I’m so glad I live in a part of the world where I’m now free to be and believe as I do. 

Having learned at a young age to be quiet about my own visions and some of my spiritual experiences, I’m amazed at how open the world has become.

I feel so grateful for the increasing acceptance of what I’m being called to channel or participate in for the service of others.

Our time in Renews – open to each person’s background and contributions – was a part of that.

We took in the energy, held a beautiful collaborative ceremony, drank the waters, remembered the stories of how significant this place was to the local community and walked on Midnight Hill.

In our closing, we each offered names in prayer. I included my mother, Rita.

Not 2 minutes later, one of the women in the group found wind chimes on the ground, likely blown down in that week’s 140km/hr windstorm that literally shook the island. On its pendant was written “Rita’s Chimes”.

We all recognized the undeniable sign. It took 3 of us to fix the clasp and hang it back in its tree, symbolizing the support needed and manifested so that Rita’s chimes, my mother’s voice, can still be heard.

Mother Mary Meditation Video

As part of our ceremony, I channeled this meditation.  We stood in a circle holding hands, closed our eyes, and journeyed together within the visions I was being offered.

When I got home, I added the music and photos to create the video below.

I recommend you listen to this Mother Mary meditation with your eyes closed the first time and then re-experience it with the photographs afterwards to anchor your internal journey and any messages you received along the way.

I’ve also included the audio-only track below and the photographs for you to contemplate at your leisure.

May this post help you connect to your Divine Feminine, to Mother Mary, and to self-love.

Next week, I’ll share the painting that was born from this experience.

Note: You can find this and other meditations on my YouTube channel.

Photo Contemplation

Feel free to click on the first photo to scroll through them one at a time.


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Cynthia’s Divine Storytelling Time Experience

Two and a half years after hiring me to co-create a Divine Storytelling Time Package, Cynthia Ferrie asked me to channel a second one.

A couple of months after that, she offered to share her experience to help others understand the benefits of this unique kind of intuitive reading. I’m so grateful.

You see, there’s nothing else like it out there (that I know of) and so examples and testimonials really help me to help others.

May Cynthia’s sharing give you a clear sign if this style of self-discovery tool is also for you.

If this is the first time you hear about my Divine Storytelling Time Packages, make sure to also visit my description page (here) and listen/try out the 6-minute sample in a previous post (here).

Basically, I connect to your Team of Divine Helpers & Divine Consciousness at a distance to channel and record a 1-hour story that I see with my mind’s eye when focusing on your soul’s Highest Vision of your life. It’s a soul story filled with symbolism – like a dream sequence.  Your job is to play detective and decipher the meanings of the various pieces of the story for yourself and take inspired action in your life.

The package also includes an initial message through a spread of 5 Spirit Calling Cards (see below), worksheets, and a unique Visual Gift created in the essence of your story (like the one above). This custom art piece is created with many layers of my photography from around the world and can be printed wall size if you choose. It’s also filled with symbolic meaning to empower your self-discovery on your path to your Highest Good.

The whole takes me 4-6 hours to channel at a distance and is delivered to you via email.

Cynthia Talks About Her Divine Storytelling Time Experiences


Why did you choose to get another Divine Storytelling Time Package at this time?

I got the 1st as I was about to move my life and my web design business to another province. That first reading gave me the confirmation that I needed to continue on that path, and trust that I was making the right choice. Recently, I was procrastinating on a number of decisions, including another move, and starting a second business. After a rough year, I was looking for a few hints that would take me in the right direction again.

Can you tell us more about the benefits of that first one?

The story symbolized steps along the way that I needed to take before I could get to where I am now. It allowed me to be more confident in my decision making in my personal and professional life.

Several elements of the story really allowed me to own my value as an entrepreneur. Before I started working with you, I was much more critical, self-judgmental, and kept putting walls up when I compared myself and my progress to others.

The whole experience of working with the different parts of my Divine Storytelling Time Package incrementally opened my mind and my heart, showing me things I didn’t realize were barriers to expressing my Best Self.

I’m so much clearer about my direction in life. Mostly, I gained such trust – in myself and my process. I used to focus on the problems. Now, I see that not all challenges are problems, and I trust in their purpose, their gift.

There’s just so much more trust, in myself and in my experiences. More self-love. Excitement. And motivation. The stories show me my potential and it’s been incredibly motivating. It’s added such value to what I do on a daily basis.

How often do you work with the material?

I listen to my story every 2 days – sometimes the whole thing and something bits & pieces. I could almost recite the first one by heart (chuckle). So it’s easy to relate what’s happening around me to the story. I still sometimes listen to the first one because it’s still speaking to me 2.5 years later.

Is your experience with the 2nd different than the first? 

There were some consistencies between both my readings, like the appearance of a garden and injecting colour into everything around me. There were some big differences too.

They both have this quality of a timeline, while simultaneously hinting at other choices that occur outside the timeline. It took me 18 months to get through the first timeline in my life, using the clues in the story to help me make decisions. This time, I feel like I’m half way through the story’s timeline in just 6 weeks.

Why do you think that is? 

The 2nd time around, I’m making connections so much faster. I’m manifesting spiritual but also material things so quickly – it’s mind blowing.

Because of the first story, I’m now more comfortable, more open to the symbolism all around me. I’m open to my intuition. My perception is broader. So I’m more trusting and making connections and decisions faster. I also believe in myself a lot more and I’m sure that’s making a difference.

Can you give me examples from your 2nd story and how it’s helping you now? 

I was brought to tears so many times when I listened to it the first time. It was like a reality check – not like a kick in the pants, but a gentle “Hey, can’t you see what you could be doing right now?”

I’d been procrastinating on a decision to move to Ontario and start a new business. Now, I’m here, and so many things have fallen into place. My material goals, my spiritual development, and my overall well-being are coming together at a rate I previously had never experienced.

Part of the vision you received reminded you of the shopping sequence in the movie Pretty Woman – of not feeling accepted – and then you saw my kids run into a brownstone house. That showed me that my first step here was to help my kids settle in before focusing on my new career direction. I’ve done that and they’re thriving, feeling so safe and accepted. They’re making friends easily and my youngest, even more free spirited than myself, feels so much more confident to explore on her own here.

The next step, as revealed in the story, is to unlock the gate to the garden. I have such trust now that whatever is meant to happen is happening. I’m getting hints at what that is from the story, but it’s exciting to be able to recognize the signs and opportunities around me. I know I’m going in the right direction.

At the end of this 2nd Divine Storytelling Time, the colour pink is splashing off my desk all over the floor and spreading all over the place, eventually shining through as pink veins all over the planet. The particular shade of pink is one that often reminds people of me and my work. I recognize that this is something I’m working towards – the goal of my new venture is to help others light themselves up… to be inspired and fulfilled in their lives no matter what their current circumstances. I’m moving away from just being a website designer and stepping into the role of a life and business coach.

Your story showed me the potential my life holds. That’s so exciting! So motivating!

Any other specific examples? 

There were charms in both readings, this time on a necklace. You identified some of the charms and it was easy to see that these were my goals along the way. I’m working through those so quickly.

What about your Visual Gifts. How did these help?

Your first photograph (here) had several layers of imagery from New Brunswick when you didn’t know I was considering moving there. Of all the photos from your international travels, you chose to layer a few from NB. That was the confirmation my heart and mind were searching for. It provided comfort that moving there was the right decision for my family.

I’m still trying to figure out the one from this time (top). You’ve got 2 floating chairs looking back on the tracks through the tunnel and still have a layer from New Brunswick. I was a bit confused about that. I’d been in a relationship in NB before the summer, which ended when my priorities shifted due to an illness in my family, so a second chair was a bit of a brain-teaser.

But now it looks like we may start that up again, even though I’m now in another province. So it’s starting to make sense. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’m not holding onto any fear or worry. I know I’m in the right place, on track for right now – and clearly with more abundance than I thought to hope for.

What about the Spirit Calling Card Reading? 

My latest reading was so significant. The fact “time” & “prosperity” jumped out of the pack as you were shuffling was a definite confirmation.  And when you told me that you’d been guided or even corrected to use the word “with” instead of “to” in the sentence, it totally shifted my perspective. That’s strong!

Do you see this kind of intuitive reading as helpful for everyone? 

I’d say you have to have an open mind and a belief that your intuition is guiding you. There was a huge difference between my 1st and 2nd reading because my energy was more scattered back then.

For me, this kind of reading is perfect. I think a typical psychic does a lot of the figuring out for you. You’re more dependent on what they say. With the Divine Storytelling Time, I had less fear that you were going to foretell something specific.

Because you’re a lightworker, you focus on the positive steps to live your best life. I wasn’t depending on you to make the meaning out of the story. That’s my job. That was the fun and really empowering part for me.

I find your style a lot more personal. I felt more involved. Sure, it was more of a challenge, but so much more powerful, personal. I feel you reach people at a deeper level of their soul – letting them figure out where their potential can take them. There are times I get giddy when I make a connection, which I don’t expect would happen if I visited a psychic.

I’m so much more self-aware and intuitive now because I was willing to do the work, and pay attention to my surroundings. And I believe in myself more because of it.

Each move I’ve made based on the wish sequence in the atrium in the first story, for example, has set off a ton of things in motion. The vision itself was a step in the right direction and every decision since has got me to where I am now – which is way ahead of where I was 2.5 years ago. And they’re still in motion, just at a much more rapid pace.

My trust has increased 20-fold – in me and in what’s happening. There’s no end to the story. I have faith that I’m making the right decisions and that’s something that’s definitely come out of working with your particular style of gift.

I don’t know if you realize that you influence me almost on a daily basis. Specific phrases you’ve said, and your genuine nature have had an effect on not just myself as an entrepreneur and individual, but how I understand and parent my youngest child (the free spirit). You’ve made such a difference in my life.


Cynthia Ferrie
Mousai Life + Business

{Mousai are the Greek Gods of creativity, also known as the Muses}

Thank you Cynthia for being open to share your experience. It’s been an honour working for you in this way and hearing how you’ve used the tools to live your best life.

Want one?

Divine Storytelling Time Packages are channeled from a distance, so it doesn’t matter where you live. They’re $247 Canadian (~$190 US) and delivered to you by email – no scheduling necessary.

Click here to learn more.
Click here to order yours right away.

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Planting Seeds – a Visioning Meditation

Are you in need of raising your vibration to plant the seeds and cultivate the fruit that’s in your Highest Good?  In this Planting Seeds visioning meditation, you’ll have the chance to ask 5 questions or set 5 intentions and receive intuitive guidance on each.

Powerful! Can I say that about something I’ve channeled? Why not!?

I listened to this short visioning meditation for the first time 2.5 months after channeling it live for a group at my Pause for Peace event in Deer Lake, Newfoundland & Labrador.

What I experienced was exactly what I needed. I feel so much lighter, stronger, clearer.

May it be so for you too.

Planting Seeds – a visioning meditation

I only had half an hour left at the end of the event, so I asked my Team of Divine Helpers for a short & sweet meditation.

I have to admit that I felt a little time conscious, so I didn’t give you as much ‘receiving’ time as I usually like.

So here’s what you can do to prepare ahead of time.

Think of a list of 5 things you’d like to connect to your intuition for. They can be

  • 5 questions
  • 5 intentions
  • 5 affirmations

If you write them down, it’ll be easier. Keep them short & sweet.

Then put on your headphones (I find it easier to meditate and the sound is better with headphones, but it’s not essential) and enjoy your visioning experience.

It’s 19 minutes long, but save time for journaling after. It’s great to keep exploring on paper while you’re still in the vibe.

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Affirmation Booster 5

How do you surround yourself in life-enhancing affirmative messages, people, activities, event, etc?

Here’s something I taught at a recent Positive Thinkers Club of Newfoundland breakfast. They have a 10-minute affirmations session before their inspirational special guest.

First,  it’s important to believe what you’re saying for it to work. So I encourage you to repeat an affirmation until you can think of an example of its truth in your life.

Second, hold on to the affirmative feeling of that truth in you. Then, while breathing deeply, amplify that feeling 10, 50, 100 times. What you’re doing is generating the limitless possibilities of how that truth may manifest in your life from now on.

By really feeling the power of your I AM statements – the ones below or any you feel inspired to use for your life, you’re sending out vibration signals to the Universe. It’s a case of ‘ask & you shall receive’ in the language of the Universe.

And how does the Universe respond? It’ll send you people, places, experiences, etc. that will assist you in generating those feelings more and more often. The Universe will match your request with what resonates at the same frequency. 

The power isn’t just in the words. It’s in the feeling you generate through your memories, visions, and amplified vibration intention.

Try it out.  Use the pause button to stay with one for as long as you need, allowing the visuals to support your transformational journey, and then get yourself happily buzzing through this session of 11.

I’ve written them out below for you if that helps.

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  1. I am blossoming.
  2. I am giving.
  3. I am glowing.
  4. I am learning.
  5. I am letting go.
  6. I am listening.
  7. I am rejoicing.
  8. I am shifting.
  9. I am shining.
  10. I am smiling.
  11. I am soaring.

Feel free to use the search feature at the top or Categories feature in the right sidebar of my website to locate the previous Affirmation Boosters and to deepen your practice.

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Guidance on Paradise Island Meditation

Tune into your intuition on this journey to Paradise Island, where you’ll connect to guidance for this next phase of your life.

I channeled this guided visioning meditation during the Deer Lake Pause for Peace event in mid-June.

In this meditation, you’ll be carried by the gifts of your challenges to your Paradise Island to let go of what no longer serves you, raise your vibration, and receive Guidance. 

Trust that the messages you are meant to receive will make it through one of your intuitive channels during this active intuitive exercise: inner sight, hearing, knowing, memories, feelings, smells, tastes, etc.

Intuition has many channels. One isn’t better than the other.

Allow yourself to use this practice to develop your intuitive muscles. The more you practice, the stronger they’ll get.

Each time you listen to this meditation, you’ll tap into new guidance, visions, etc.  It will evolve as you do..

May it serve you well as you take this pause for peace.  This gift you give yourself is one that you give the world.

Guidance to Paradise Island Meditation

This is a 25-minute Self-Discovery Journey (best listened to with headphones).



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Intuitive Travel on the Cabot Trail – Pendulum Style

Does all the decision-making take the fun out of travel for you? Intuitive travel can help.

With the use of a pendulum, it’s even easier. Plus, it’s a lot of fun as you embrace the mystery and follow guidance.

Intuition is playful. It invites you to be curious, wonder-ful, and yes, stretch your comfort zones by exercising trust. Once you start to play with your Team of Divine Helpers in this way, it’s amazing!

Clarity, ease of decision making, playfulness, and experiencing what’s in your Highest Good …. these are all benefits of using your intuition.

Here’s my story and a coaching video on how to use a pendulum for decision-making.

Intuitive Travel on the Cabot Trail

Although most of my trip to New Brunswick to be the godmother of the Atlantic Visual Arts Festival (FAVA) was straightforward and planned, my return trip through Cape Breton island was not.

I’ll start by saying that although I’ve lived intuitively for years and have learned to completely trust my guidance, it doesn’t mean that some of what happened on this trip wasn’t a stretch of my comfort zones.

I’m not a natural risk-taker… yup, a bit of a chicken, actually.  But I trust my guidance.

Booking a Place to Stay

When I Googled places to stay in Cape Breton, here’s the map I got. Yikes! When you blow it up, a lot more places show up.

When I planned my trip, I didn’t even know if I should stay on Cape Breton Island or on mainland Nova Scotia. All I knew is that it was 7 hours away from Caraquet. But I wasn’t sure if I’d be packing up my exhibition that morning or the night before.

So instead of humming and hawing or worrying about it, I simply took out my pendulum to ask a few quick questions.

The trick is that once you get an answer, stick to it, trust it, and stand behind it. If you start to doubt and ask the same question over and over, it won’t work anymore. Your Team of Divine Helpers will stop playing with you.

So I asked:

“Is it in my Highest Good to say on Cape Breton the night of June 18th?”


“Is it in my Highest Interest to stay on the right side of the island on this map?”


“On the left side?”


“Is it in my Highest Interest to stay in the centre?”


And then I simply put my finger on each accommodation and watched as the pendulum gave me a no, no, no, no, and finally a yes!

When I checked out the listing online to make my reservation, it was perfect for me – on the outskirts of town with a view of the water!

The historic Broadwater Inn near Baddeck was the home of Alexander Graham Bell’s right hand man.

I delighted in the view and comfort after a long drive and very busy week at FAVA. My Team of Divine Helpers were right (of course). It’s just what I needed!

Over breakfast the next morning, its current owner shared entertaining stories and very useful travel tips with his houseful of guests.

How to Use a Pendulum

Intuitive Navigation

For my first day on the famous Cabot Trail, I simply followed my intuition using my clairsentience (clear feeling).

This is a simple intuitive exercise of tuning into your body to sense its yes/no through feelings of expansion or contraction. I teach you how to do it in a previous blog post.

You likely do it all the time unconsciously.

I like walking through a city or driving around in this way. At every intersection, you ask which way is in your Highest Interest and feel your way to a yes, whether it’s go straight, turn left or turn right.

Then you embrace the mystery, trust, and stay hyper attentive with a sense of curiosity and play to find out why you were directed that way.

The Cabot Trail is a 297 km (185-mile) scenic loop that tourism guides recommend driving in 3-5 days. I only had 2.

Intuitive Navigation was a great way to see and do what I knew was in my Highest Interest and let go of all the wonderful things I knew existed but I didn’t have time to do.

I’d check in to spontaneously decide whether to stop at various vistas, artist studios, restaurants, hiking trails, etc.

It was great! And it was fun!

Many have asked if I mind traveling alone. Trust me. I’m never alone. None of us are! My Team of Divine Helpers are great travel companions.  They always have my Highest Interest at heart and  never complain about my hundreds of photo stops and illogical decisions – in fact, they applaud and reward them.

Where Will I Sleep Tonight?

The skies were threatening rain and it was getting later than I was comfortable with. I didn’t know where I’d be sleeping.

I knew there’d be vacancies as we weren’t in the height of tourist season yet. But not knowing where I’m sleeping is a stretch of my comfort zone for sure!

I’m not the easy going nomadic spirit many people think I am when they look at my resume. I feel the fear, but know to follow my guidance.

In my mind, it was logical to drive to Pleasant Bay to stop for the night and maybe take a whale watching tour in the morning.

But when I got there through the heavy rain and fog, I was intuitively instructed to keep driving.

Really?! It’s moose-hour and that fog and heavy rain are scary to drive through, especially through this section of roller-coaster hills”.

To keep going meant getting back into the nearly deserted National Park, not knowing how long it would take to reach the next patch of civilization.

But I know better than to say no to my guidance. It only leads to regret.

So, I kept going and all I could think about was “I’m glad my Dad doesn’t know I’m doing this right now“. Through the filter of my fear, it just wasn’t a smart thing to do.

But the moose were kept away and without any other cars on the road, I could drive as slowly as I wanted through the sheets of rain and blankets of fog.

At one point, I passed a hostel with cheap rooms – sounded good. But I got a strong “no” when I spotted the long lines of construction crew vehicles pulled up for the night. So I kept going.

Finally, I got to Chéticamp, an Acadian town I thought for sure would be my final destination. It was nearly 8pm and I’d been driving for more than 10 hours.

But as I stopped in the parking of all the B & Bs, hotels, and roadside cabins to use my pendulum (because I was unable to tune in to my body’s senses as well through the mild panic mixed with trust and tiredness), I kept getting a “no”.

Once I got to the other end of town, I was concerned yet still willing to play. “OK”, I said, “Now where?”.

And soon after that, I got the message to turn right. I was now driving on Chéticamp Island and spotted a bright yellow sign  “Camping & Chalet”” ahead.

My whole being vibrated when I saw that sign. It was a clear “Yes” and the joy welled up inside.

My first relief was that the Plage St. Pierre Campground office hadn’t yet closed for the night. My biggest relief, however, is that they had 1 cottage. And it was available!

Better than that, it was the only beach-front lot in the place. Everything else was behind the sand dunes in the trees.

Wow! What a view! It felt like wilderness luxury – with 2 bedrooms, living room, modern bathroom, full kitchen, and outdoor deck for the same price as my first night’s B & B ($120 Cdn).

I couldn’t believe my luck! But I should have. There’s a reason I trust my intuition. Look where it brought me.

I was woken up the next morning at 4:44am (one of my 2 angel numbers) just in time for the sunrise. Then, after a very welcomed hot shower, I walked the deserted beach for 3 hours in the company of my new iPhone X camera and was in total bliss.

There’s no way I would have enjoyed a hotel or in-town stay as much as I did this time to be in Nature stretching my legs with water all around.

More Fun Ahead

After taking my time to leave the campground and then exploring the bumpy road to the lighthouse on the other end of the island, I headed out of Acadian Country.

When I stopped at the Dancing Goat Café & Bakery (recommended by my Broadwater Inn host), I got a definite sign that there was more fun ahead.

First, I was given the order number 44 for my table. Then my bill came out to $11.44 (11 is my other angel number).  I was being congratulated and reminded that the game was still on.

So after a healthy lunch, I took the road with a sense of curiosity and wonder. It didn’t take long to figure out what was in store for me.

I was only about 1.5 hours from North Sydney, where I needed to be at 9:30 pm that night to line up for the overnight ferry back to Newfoundland. That gave me all afternoon to explore in the warm sunshine.

So I asked myself, “What would you most like to do?” and kayaking came to heart. I love being on the water and it had been more than a year since I’d been in a kayak. It was still way too cold in Newfoundland, so now was my chance.

I knew my loop would take me back to Baddeck, where I slept on my first night. I’d seen a marina and thought perhaps they’d have kayaks there. It was only half an hour away.

But not 2 minutes after having had that inner planning conversation, I see a sign for The Lakes Campground with go-karts and kayak rentals. For $13, I could take a plastic kayak out onto the pristine lake for an hour.

I had it all to myself, but once again, I was far from being alone.

Within the first 5 minutes I spotted an eagle at the top of a tree and crossed the lake to sing to it. Then I simply relished being on the water (definitely my element), embraced by the forest, and taking in the saturation of colours & abundance of life-giving fresh air.

A red-tailed hawk flew right above me, chased by some angry little bird. The sun through its tail feathers filled me with gratitude as I reconnected to one of my first totem animals from childhood.

While looking up, I also spotted a rainbow-coloured halo around the sun that took my breath away. The contrails added to what felt like a sacred geometry show in the heavens above.

I felt so very blessed and grateful ! I couldn’t ask for a better leisurely kayaking space. I was in bliss!!!

Then, just as my hour was up, the eagle left its perch across the lake, swooped half way down the expanse of water and pulled up a big fish with its powerful talons. Then it let it go and flew away over the distant mountains. It was as if it was simply giving me a show as I’d asked it to do an hour before. Sorry little fish…

I ended my Cabot Trail tour walking through Baddeck. I’m not a shopper by nature, but something compelled me to enter a clothing store. There, I found the perfect necklace to add to my small collection – a very long string of spirals in a hypoallergenic zinc alloy from Turkey – it felt like I’d been looking for it for years.

So I said “Yes!” and “Thank You!” embracing the circulation of abundance on this day.

I then felt completely satiated, so headed to North Sydney early to eat, line-up for my overnight ferry, and start editing the thousands of photographs from my trip.

Intuitive travel is fun. Enjoy trying it out – whether it’s for a couple of hours downtown or weeks on the road.

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What’s Your Perfect Role? This Was Mine…

You’re like no other on this planet. You’re your life experiences, skills, gifts, talents, loves, and passions all rolled into a unique combination that’s here to be in and serve the world in ways no one else can.

You’re an individualized expression of the Divine with a unique role to play.  So the question is, what’s your perfect role or combination of elements that would make up your perfect role?

Your answer will be very different than mine.

You can use the meditations at the end of this post to explore your vision in greater depth. Know that part of the process, however, is to let go of the vision and amplify the feeling it gives you to allow the Universe to help you fulfill that vision in ways beyond your imagination.

That’s what I did… for years but more intensively on a daily basis for a month using the meditation in Derek Rydall‘s Awakened Wealth Mastery course.

Exactly a month after I started his program, I received an invitation to fulfill what turned out to be my perfect role.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Godmother to the 22nd Atlantic Visual Arts Festival (FAVA)

Caraquet, New Brunswick

“God, make me an instrument of thy peace”. This has been part of my lightworker prayer for years.

When I became a full time artist, however, my focus often bounced back and forth from my heart to my head – from thriving to surviving. Becoming a soulpreneur has had its learning curve.

But since part of my mission is to help others align to their True Self to live a happy healthy life, I’ve been constantly reminded of the importance to do so myself.

It’s true, when I first received the organizers’ invitation, I thought that being named the FAVA godmother would be a great opportunity for my career. I equated “godmother” with “featured artist”.

But it was so much more than that, something that gradually dawned on me while preparing for my trip.

What does it mean to be the godmother of an arts festival?

I was chosen to nurture the other artists’ and festival goers’ transformational journeys through my scheduled offerings and presence. What a responsibility… and fun!

The theme of this year’s festival was “La faim de loup” – or “hungry like a wolf” with undertones of humanity’s deeper hunger on a body, mind & spirit level. Basically, the theme was “intuition”.

What a perfect match!

I’d basically been hired to allow my Light to shine and my love to flow through my energy-infused art and intuitive services while opening myself up to a circulation of positive energy in return.

My Team of Divine Helpers had been preparing me for this for years.

Exhibition: Enter the Mandala – The 12 Universal Laws

In 2015, I’d been guided to spend a year creating the 13 Enter the Mandala Project paintings. There’s one 30″ x 30″ mandala for each of the 12 Universal Laws and a summary piece that incorporates symbolism from all 12. See video below.

This was the first time I’d created a body of work that wasn’t for sale (unless I find a buyer for the whole collection willing to display them for the public).

This intuitively guided collection was designed to first teach me about the 12 Universal Laws and then become a teaching tool for others: helping us transform our lives from the inside out by becoming the conscious creators we are meant to be. 

The FAVA exhibition was the collection’s first time in public since its 1-day unveiling during a Winter Solstice event in 2015.

I knew I hadn’t painted those mandalas to sit in a closet. Part of me trusted guidance that the collection and I were experiencing a gestation period. But I’ll admit I’d been discouraged when my exhibition proposals for the collection hadn’t been accepted in 2 local galleries.

Still, I held on to visions of the mandalas and I travelling together. The FAVA exhibition was an answer to my prayer.

The festival organizers built a spacious gallery with perfect lighting for my work on the main stage. I was blown away!

The space allowed for 2 chairs to be placed in front of each mandala so the paintings could be used as meditation tools and portals to the Universal Energy Flow.

Many people accepted that invitation to go deeper into both their Self and All That Is by really taking the time to be in the experience. 

I was thrilled with the response! It was so fulfilling on so many levels.

I had the honour of energetically supporting a young woman experiencing a healing while sitting in front of The Law of Vibration.

I got to observe a young couple sit in front of each mandala for at least 10 minutes to animatedly discuss them!

I couldn’t help but melt when a beautiful man in his golden years shed one huge tear when I talked about my Source of Inspiration for the collection. The accompanying texts that I’d written as a summary of the painting and inquiry process had inspired him to ask me about my Team of Divine Helpers. His response was but one of so many touching moments during my time in Caraquet.

To witness so many people enjoying, feeling, opening to the exhibition was a dream come true.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Yes, tears are rolling down my cheeks again as I write this – tears of gratitude and joy.

You can learn more about the 12 Universal Laws and my mandalas by clicking here.

Intuition Into Action: A Gateway to Creativity

Another way my Path had led me to this role was in the development of my intuitive services, workshops, and Intuition into Action: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life presentations.

Traditionally, a godmother’s role is to take responsibility for the spiritual education of her godchildren.

Part of my role as the FAVA godmother wasn’t so far off from that definition. I was asked to share in my intuitive gifts and teachings, something that brings me such joy and fulfilment while helping others.

I’ve been inspired to do this work and love it. Still, it isn’t always easy. I’ve had to cancel workshops due to lack of registration after months of preparation and marketing. I’m still learning about the business and marketing sides of things.

Thanks to several recent conferences and a yoga festival, however, I’d come to the conclusion that I love being a special guest in someone else’s group. That way, I can focus on sharing my offerings instead of marketing.

So I’d been focusing on that in my visioning meditations and the FAVA was a perfect manifestation of it.

42 participants attended the visionary art workshop, in which they experienced a channeled meditation before translating their inner discovery journey into a mandala drawing and list of inspired actions.

Many reported that the messages and visions they received had made a difference in their lives, their art, and their understanding of the energy flow as they witnessed it in the group.

*Note: Many of the photos in this blog post are by Louis Légère on the FAVA team.

I also gave a 1.5 hour talk and Q & A session on Intuitive Living & Intuitive Painting. The feedback was equally affirming that my work is making a difference. That’s a wonderful feeling indeed!

To share the intuition offerings I’ve developed in recent years in an event that not only featured my visual art but fully supported and appreciated my desire to share life-affirming processes was truly a vision come to fruition.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My Beloved Godchildren

Just so you know, I giggled when I wrote that subtitle.

The Artists

One of my favourite parts of being the godmother of the festival is that I was given a leadership role when it came to the 20 or so other artists involved.

As much as I may be an experienced and enthusiastic teacher and public speaker, as much as I can be shy or uncomfortable in public. Hyper sensitive to energy in crowds and an introverted social observer by habit, there have been many times when I’ve chosen to be on the outskirts.

Not this time. I was hired to be a leader and a nurturer, and I thrive in that role.

Instead of focusing only on my exhibition and events (there was a lot to coordinate), I really enjoyed the encouragement my role gave me to connect with the other artists.

I consciously made the time to circulate to their booths to chat or shoot videos that I posted on Facebook or sit with them during meals to have heart-to-heart conversations (instead of taking quiet solo retreat times).

My interest in the other artists and ease with which we shared connections, techniques, experiences, etc. delighted me.

I met so many wonderful beings in this process and look forward to deepening some of these peer relationships through collaborations, exchanges, and more.

Being the FAVA godmother gave me the responsibility and permission to just let my full self shine. I did and was reminded that I shouldn’t need a role or excuse to be and do what I did at this festival – and am grateful for that lesson. I’ll never forget it.

When we shine our light, it gives others permission to shine. Please remember this next time you wonder if you can really fulfill the role of your dreams.

The Community

The reception, appreciation, generosity, enthusiasm, open-heartedness, etc. that circulated during the whole weekend and the days leading up to it was amazing.

Together, we raised our vibration. The more I gave, the more I had to give. The more I received, the more I allowed myself to receive.

As a godmother would, it was my pleasure to proudly share my Caraquet experience, FAVA, and the many wonders & miracles that took place while I lived my perfect role in such a warm-hearted community. If you follow me on Facebook, you know I enjoyed spreading the word about the love & beauty I witnessed in the heart of Acadian country.

From the organizers, staff, and volunteers who helped me with my events and showed me around town, to the light technician who helped my work shine, to the people in the streets that recognized me from my picture in the program they received in the mail, to the costumed characters at the Acadian Historic Village who crossed the time barrier to say they knew who I was – I felt so welcomed!

Yes, I could see how such attention could go to my head. Instead, I let it go to my heart.

I was scared when I came out of the visionary closet a few years back. It wasn’t easy to talk about things I’d learned to shut up about when I was a child. Intuition, however, is always an invitation to grow. I’m glad I followed guidance.

To be so welcomed, acknowledged, appreciated, and given a platform to be fully me without fear or resistance has left me a changed woman.

So I’ll keep asking:”What would love do now?”, “How can I be an instrument of thy Peace dear God and blessed Universe”. And I trust that my next perfect role is on its way.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The Bucket List

Part of my vision for my life is that my teaching/ art will allow me to continue to travel the world exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

Thanks to my FAVA sponsor, Tablo-Solution, my 2-week road trip across Newfoundland to New Brunswick was fully paid for.

I also got to check 2 things off my bucket list during this trip: the 7-hour ferry from Port-aux-Basques to North Sydney (which I’d read about in many NL -based novels) and a 2.5-day drive on the Cabot Trail on the island of Cape Breton on my way home from the festival.

I’ll write more about that in the next post.

I wonder… does an event in Ireland need a godmother? That’s still on my bucket list and my mandalas now have excellent crates to travel in. I’m ready! Hee hee.

I’ll keep visioning and generating the feelings of my ideal life and am open to what the next perfect role the Universe has in store for me.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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French Immersion – Acadian Style

If you don’t use it, you lose it. That’s as true about the language of communication, intuition, and love.

In the next few blog posts, I want to share about all three as inspired by my 2-week trip to be the godmother of the 22nd Atlantic Visual Arts Festival (FAVA) in Caraquet, New Brunswick – the heart of Acadian country.

Today, I focus on my French immersion and offer you an Acadian photo gallery and a guided meditation in French, so keep reading.

Benefits of Immersion

Is there a language or skill you’d like to learn?

Language, as most things, is a lot easier to learn when fully immersed it in. You absorb it into your being as it becomes the new normal. The more you use it and are surrounded by it, the easier it gets.

I learned to speak Czech within a month when I moved there in 1992. I was in a village where no one spoke English or wanted to.

I sat in my hosts’ kitchens, went shopping & socializing with them and soaked it in.  After 2 weeks, I was told I was speaking it in my sleep. Having a past life connection to the country and love for the experience and culture definitely helped.

When I moved to South Korea, however, I was surrounded by fellow English teachers and students who wanted to practice their English. So after 3 years, I only learned enough to find my way around, order in restaurants and do basic shopping. So much for thinking I had a facility with languages!

French Roots

I knew from my correspondence with FAVA festival organizers that French was the main language in the area. What I didn’t expect was that only 2 of the thousands of people that came through the festival spoke to me in English.

For 6 days, I spoke 99% French, and it did me so much good on so many levels. It brought me back to my roots, to a part of myself I’d left behind.

French is my mother tongue. We spoke French at home and at school in Ottawa growing up but often English with our friends outside. My first degree at the University of Ottawa was half in French and half in English as I could choose the professor with the better reputation as courses were offered in both languages.

But when I left Ottawa in 1992 to teach English overseas and then in English provinces across Canada, I basically didn’t speak French for 25 years and almost lost it.

It’s only when I moved to Newfoundland & Labrador that the provincial francophone federation and newspaper helped me reclaim my native tongue. I had to get over my fear, shame, and lack of art & intuition-specific vocabulary to answer a journalist’s questions and teach my programs across the province – all great blessings.

Now, I participate in their improvisation comedy club once a week, but that’s the only French I speak apart from calls to my parents which are sometimes in French and sometimes in English.

So a full week immersion did me good.  I even had a moment of re-entry culture shock when I stopped for gas in Moncton on my way out of the region, surprised when all the workers and customers were speaking English.

Acadian Country

I didn’t know much about the Acadian culture except for the fact that they’d suffered from deportation and now were everywhere from Louisiana in the U.S. to various parts of the Atlantic provinces. I also knew that they had a different accent than other francophones across the country.

On my way into northern New Brunswick, I couldn’t help but smile, knowing I’d be OK if I inserted English words in my scheduled French TV and radio interviews. When I asked the gas station attendant how to get to a landmark I’d seen driving over the bridge in Bouctouche, she answered “Tu peux parker ton car là …” . With 2 English words out of 6, you get the picture.

I didn’t experience that further north in Caraquet, however and am glad to report I only had to search for my words in French a few times. It all came back being fully immersed in it for a week.

Thanks to the volunteers who showed me around town and took me out to lunch before the start of the festival, I learned more about the resilience of the Acadian people and their rich culture.

If my reception is any indication, Acadian people are definitely generous, open-hearted, and very very welcoming! I was so well received, which made my role of godmother easy to embody – more on that in a future post.

I must have listened to my B3 Acadian music CD I was gifted by one of the band’s musicians about 20 times while driving the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton after the festival. Love it!

Now, I look forward to reading the historic novel I purchased and the souvenir guide to the Acadian historic village I was generously given to learn more about the Acadian history.

Village Historique Acadien

In between a TV interview and the grand opening of the festival, I took 2 hours to drive out to the Village Historique Acadien for a power walk around the village.

A free pass, souvenir guide book and t-shirt were waiting for me when I got there. Wow!

I’d mentioned in the morning that I hoped to have time to visit and the festival organizers ensured their godmother was well received.

It felt surreal, however, when a character from the 1700s recognized me (as many did in town because the FAVA program featuring a big photo of me had been sent to all homes).  Time warp!

I could have spent days there! You can actually do that as their historic hotel offers overnight stays in the village. Wouldn’t that be cool?!

With limited time however, I rushed through with my camera – a tool that actually helps me be more present.

I did take the time to sing to the sheep and have a wonderful conversation with the cobbler about intuition. But as I said, I could have spent days here.

Enjoy your mini-tour through my eyes. This is half the photos I shared on Facebook.

French Meditation

And now, as a gift to any who want to immerse themselves in French for an hour, I offer you this guided visioning meditation to help open the gateway to  your creativity.

I recorded it in the studio as part of an artist training program. It’s an adaptation from the 24-minute English one I channeled live at a creativity retreat and offered you back in April .

It’ll help you:

  • let go of obstacles to creativity,
  • receive the qualities and resources necessary to create,
  • connect to your Guides, angels, Higher Self, artistic muses – whatever is aligned with your belief system,
  • receive inspiration,
  • visualize the essence of a new project,
  • and more.



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The Layers of Life

“The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self”

You’re a work of art! Did you know that?

I didn’t say a piece of work… I said a work of art.

Who you are now is a result all your layers of experience from this lifetime and beyond.

They’re what brought you here. They’re the reasons you have the gifts you have to share. They’re why you have the compassion, understanding, perspectives, tools, skills & inner resources to be and do YOU!

As I share in the creative layering process for both my intuitive painting and photography, I invite you to honour the many layers of your life that make you who you are today: your experiences, challenges, blessings, relationships, dreams, etc.

Whether it be in intuitive painting or photography, the final art piece is infused with the energy, symbolism, texture, and colour of the layers that came before it.

Keep reading to discover the parallels between intuitive art & your life.

The Layers of Intuitive Painting

I paint in layers. Some paintings have 20 layers of paint on them. The creative process is as important, if not more so than the final piece.

I sometimes start with a vision I receive for what a painting wants to become, but I often have no idea. I just paint, following the flow of inspiration, layer by layer.

This asks me to:

  • embrace the mystery
  • let go of expectations
  • accept what is
  • be in the present while pulling from my experiences and skills set
  • enjoy the process.

Each layer, with its intentions, flow & designs, interaction with previous layers, happy accidents, channeled energy work, or misperceived disasters, helps shape what’s to come.

Here are but a few of the layers in the creation of: “The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self” – you can see all of them and close-ups in the blog post on its creation.

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In the end, the piece has a depth of texture, colour, energy, and meaning that goes beyond what the eyes can see. It’s a portal from the process to the Universal Energy Flow. This, I believe is why healers and spiritual seekers have long since been called to my work.

The Layers of Intuitive Photography

I use a similar process when I create the Visual Gifts for Divine Storytelling Time clients – these are a unique and empowering self-study intuitive reading package created at a distance to help you tune into your intuition and take inspired action in your life.

After channeling your soul story for about an hour, I am intuitively guided by your Team of Divine Helpers and mine to pull photographs from my vast collection of images from around the world.

Each of these holds additional symbolic or energetic clues for the client to explore on their Intuition into Action Treasure Map.

Together, these photographs hold the essence of their story and act as a visual portal to move them forward on their Path to their Highest Good. As I manipulate the layers digitally, I create a custom piece that the client can have printed up to wall size – with or without the affirmation.

For example, this client’s Visual Gift was created using 6 layers from 4 photographs (2 repeated with different effects):

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  1. a stone angel holding a tray with a shell necklace and a bigger shell in the middle;
  2. a strong perspective line of towering palms leading up to the Kalachakra Stupa in the Paleaku Gardens Peace Sanctuary in Hawaii;
  3. a nightlight in the bathroom that changed colours, attracting a beautiful moth
  4. on the way back from a ceremony in Bali, a picture of a street market through the rain splattered windows of the car

The final result is something new & unique, only possible with the meaningful and colourful layers of what came before it. It’s a work of art inspired by the client’s life and his / her Divine Storytelling Time guidance.

Your Life is a Work of Art

Can you see now how your life is also a work of art?

Sure, it may have had an awkward teenager phase or layers you’d rather scrub off.

But in truth, every layer is a gift.

It’s just about learning to look at each layer through the eyes of your soul, through the eyes of Source to see how each has added the necessary energy, texture, colour, and gifts to what is opening up to you now.

Please allow yourself to see that and to stay open to what the next layer is calling you to co-create.

You’re a work in progress – perfect in your imperfection – and the creation of this masterpiece won’t be over until it’s over.

Happy co-creation!

Oh – and feel free to comment below on how this post has helped you see with new eyes.

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Gifts from the Crystal Pond Meditation

In this 28-minute Gifts from the Crystal Pond Meditation, you’ll journey on the flow of gratitude & intention to interact with one of your Divine Helpers.

May it raise your vibration so you can tune into Guidance and take inspired action. May it help shift you into greater alignment with your Highest Good.

This is a recording of a live group meditation I channeled at the Body Mind Spirit Retreat in Salmonier.

It’s best listened to with headphones.

P.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation mp3 just for you, based on your needs, no matter where you live, I’ll do that for you for only $247.  You can also contact me if you’d like me to lead a live meditation for you or your group.

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