My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Sacred Journey Meditation

Guided visioning meditations are designed to help you feel good and access your intuition.

I like to think of them as entertaining participatory contemplations that nourish your transformational journey.

When I close my eyes and ask for Guidance for those in the room and for you who will listen to the recording in the future, I receive what looks like a Disney-Pixar movie (without the bad guys).

This is the same kind of vision as when I do one of my intuitive reading recordings for my Divine Storytelling Time packages.

This time, it’s not a non-stop story.

Instead, it sometimes freeze-frames or goes blurry for me, giving you a chance to experience whatever you’re meant to experience during that musical interlude.  

That’s the time for you to open up to receiving guidance, messages, images, knowings, visions, feelings, memories, etc.  Your intuition comes through many channels.  Even through your imagination.

So let the music carry you deeper into your inner landscape to experience your very own sacred journey.

And the next time you listen, know that it could be completely different – different Guides, scenery, gifts, messages – all leading to different inspired actions in your life.

Are you ready for your sacred journey?

This meditation was the first of five that I channeled live in Carbonear, Newfoundland & Labrador during my week as Artist in Residence at Ocean View Gallery.


“It was exhilarating to participate in Dominque’s Visioning Meditations. Her gifted ability enabled me to go on a journey to my Soul and with clearer understanding of answers I was seeking. She is truly inspiring!”

I’ll be sharing many of the blessings that came from that week in future blog posts and bi-weekly newsletter.

For now, grab your journal and sit back or lie down, close your eyes, and enjoy this half-hour sacred journey into your inner landscape.

Then write down the symbolism, messages, gifts, and inspired actions that came through. It’ll help you explore deeper layers of your experience.

Note: Audio-only is below the video if that’s easier on your technology.

Music: “Across the Sky” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke

Painting: “Birds of a Feather” – learn more about it here…

Your Sacred Journey Symbolism

What creature came through for you? Did you receive any symbolic gifts?  

First, tune into your heart and ask what their personal meanings are for you.

Once you’ve done that, Google it for further layers of universal meaning. Always check with your Self if what you’re reading is true for you.

When I listened to this meditation before publishing it, I found myself riding a hippo. When I asked my heart for its personal symbolism, I got that this water beast was a reminder of how my recent weekly swims aren’t only good for my body, but for my connection to Spirit. I’m to continue. So I’ve just decided to head to the pool as soon as I hit the publish button on this blog post.

When I went to my favourite symbolism website, I discovered that hippo symbolism “reminds us of our birthright for greatness” through intuition, creativity & faith. Good stuff!

What creature came through for you? What personal and universal symbolism resonates with your journey? Please share in the comments below.

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Affirmation Booster 7

This Oprah Winfrey quote in my planner inspired this latest edition of my Affirmation Booster series.

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.”

Isn’t that the truth! It’s another way of saying “Where attention goes, energy flows.”, a principle that keeps coming up for me.

We’re always thinking of something. In fact, I’ve read that experts say we have anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s 2,100 – 3,300 thoughts an hour!

Some research claims that up to 98% of those thoughts are the same as those from the day before. Shocking, right?!

If water keeps running the same course, it forms a groove and becomes a river. If a thought keeps being thought, it forms a neurochemical dynamic process that becomes a belief.

So the question is, what do you believe about yourself? What repeated thought formed that belief?

More importantly, is it true? Is it really true? Who would you be if you didn’t believe that thought?

If you don’t recognize this line of questioning, it’s part of Byron Katie’s life-changing The Work. I recommend her book “Loving What Is”as a introduction to her process.

Affirmations Create New Beliefs

Affirmations are a great way to form new grooves in your belief system. They work if you use them often enough to change the current limiting patterns of belief.

Give these 11 affirmations a try to see how they impact your emotions, decisions & actions.

Then pick your favourite and post it on your mirror to repeat every day this month. It just may be the one that creates the most resistance as this shows you where your groove is currently running deep and going in the opposite direction.

Pause the slideshow and repeat one at a time as often as you need with feeling until you can find an example of it in your life. Let the energy of my art support your process. Then focus on that truth and amplify the feeling. 

Give yourself a high five before going to the next.

Going back to Oprah’s quote, as you dwell on each one, you’ll become it more and more.

Life will then give you opportunities to practice being the truth of that affirmation.

It’ll also provide mirrors for you to recognize your True Self in them.

Enjoy the process!

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The 11 affirmations are:

  1. I am forgiveness.
  2. I am humbleness.
  3. I am mindfulness.
  4. I am Oneness.
  5. I am radiance.
  6. I am reflection.
  7. I am serenity.
  8. I am softness.
  9. I am unconditional love.
  10. I am wellness.
  11. I am a witness.


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Let Go of Labels & Do It Your Way

What would you think if I told you my friend sometimes spends the whole day in bed watching 8-10 movies in a row?

Would you think she’s lazy? depressed? antisocial?

There’s definitely something wrong, right?

In this day & age, there’s a label for everything.

I remember a discourse analysis class in university. The professor said that if you put a video camera in anyone’s house, you could find proof that the person was mentally ill.

Just pause and think which of your behaviours might lead to such a diagnosis.

Now, you may suffer from mental illness and need help. Sometimes a diagnosis and medication may lead to a happier healthier life.  This is not what I’m talking about here.

I’m talking about the labels and judgements we put on ourselves and others when our rhythms and ways of going through life don’t follow the standards of society.

Me the Movie Buff

That’s right. Once in a while, I’m the one who loves to spend the whole day & night in bed watching movies. I get up to go to the washroom and get my meals, but bring my TV tray right back to bed to continue my Netflix binge.

My housesister doesn’t worry. She doesn’t judge. She may frown or remark if I express guilt or remorse at my choices. She doesn’t like to see me take the fun out of my fun. She also knows how focused, productive, and hard-working I can be.

When I stopped feeling guilty or telling myself “Ok, just 1 movie and then I’ll get this or that done”, I started enjoying these movie days a lot more. I know that I if I start with one, I’m likely going to follow through with more.

When I hit perimenopause then menopause, my body called for more rest. I was working from home and so it was easier to follow my flow. I’ll admit, I struggled at first. I judged myself.

I imposed all sorts of programs on myself: Netflix-free weeks, 21-day nature challenges, etc.  These had their advantages for sure.

Now, when I choose to have a movie day, I just allow & enjoy. Mostly.

I’ve designed a life for myself with a flexible schedule that can accommodate my painting, writing, or movie-watching marathons.

I sometimes have to make a conscious effort to get out of my happy hermit home to be social or physically active in nature. But I do.

I go skating, walking, chanting, to my improv comedy class, and weekly business training days with my best friend.

And if you follow me, you know I’m not lazy. I haven’t missed a Tuesday blog or bi-weekly newsletter since I started, filled with news of the projects I’m working on.

I also love movies!

As a child of 7, I used to bike by myself across the forest from the PMQs to the base in Germany to go to the cinema. We didn’t have a TV at home yet. It was also a time when children were a lot freer to explore the world on their own.

Sometimes, I just need to disconnect and immerse myself in stories. The only time I don’t enjoy my movie days is when I start feeling guilty. I get caught up in the shoulda woulda coulda … and that’s not healthy.

But if I truly listen to my body, mind and spirit and my flow is to be in bed the whole day, then so be it.

Last Friday, after dropping off a painting at a customer’s house at 6am, going swimming for 1.5 hours, doing my grocery shopping and laundry, I prepared the feast in the photo above and giggled my way past my housesister back to bed at 10am for a movie day. No guilt. Pure delight.

I started with the DVD “Speed” (1984). That movie had crossed my mind a few times in the previous weeks, but it wasn’t on Netflix. I spotted the DVD for sale at the library the day before while I was helping my friend set up her photography exhibit. I’m still not sure why it kept crossing my mind, but I’d manifested it and so was glad to explore the possibilities.

And since I know myself and accept myself better than ever, I knew that this first movie at 10am would lead to another and another. I was just fine with that. Depressed? Definitely not!

Instead of feeling guilty or wondering what others would think if they found out (and now you definitely have – lol), I celebrated my freedom and my choices.

We all have our rhythms. This was mine.

Do No Harm

Now there may be labels for my behaviour. And watching movies in bed all day may not be the healthiest. It certainly wouldn’t be if I did it every day or allowed it to interfere with my life, my relationships, my work or sense of fulfillment.

Does it at times? Maybe. But then I self-correct.

We’re all learning to be ourselves in a very prescriptive world.

As long as you’re not harming yourself or others, why not explore your unique ways of going through life. Find your rhythm. Accept yourself.

If you need help, get it.  If you simply need to let go of labels and guilt for being different, do that too.

Where in your life are you not accepting yourself because of the fear of others not approving of your choices?

Which of your behaviours do you feel are sometimes healthy but at other times not?

How can being more loving towards yourself (and others) help you find greater peace about your rhythms & patterns so they are more aligned with your Highest Good?

2 people in different houses in bed all day watching movies could be having very different experiences. One may be celebrating life and the other may need help, love, or medication.

Don’t be too quick to judge or to try and change others.

In every situation, be it for yourself or others, ask “What would love do now?”.

Sometimes, it’s about accepting that others are different than ourselves. And sometimes it’s about accepting that we are.

And if any part of you is judging me right now for my behaviour… love yourself through that mirror too.

Namaste – the Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you.

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Try This Spirit Calling Card Meditation

Do you want to try the Spirit Calling Card Meditation I recorded live at Sunday’s launch party for my fundraising deck of oracle cards?

You don’t need to have your own deck. Of course that would be ideal for both of us!

But since I love to share, here’s your chance to experience it with a limited selection of cards below.

As you play the 13-minute audio track, click on one of your image choices at a time instead of picking 5 face down as instructed in the meditation.

This is one more way to use my Limited Edition Spirit Calling Cards to tune into your inner guidance.  For more, ways to use my 88-card deck, see last week’s introduction post.

And if you’re ready to buy yours now, they’re $111 Canadian. Thanks for your support! 

There are only 3 decks left. Once they’re sold, that’s it… forever! Use the button below if you want to be one of the 111 art collectors to own one!

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Spirit Calling Card Meditation

Use Your Own SCC Deck or Pick From These


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Limited Edition Spirit Calling Cards – oracle deck

This limited edition deck was designed in 2013 as a fundraiser for my Vienna Academy of Visionary Art scholarship fund. Only 55/111 decks were printed at the time.

This 2nd half of the edition is being printed in 2019 to help fund my Re-Connecting Art Project” (see Jan. 29 blog post ).

They’re $111. As of August 31st, there is 1 deck left. Contact me if you’d like it.

Thanks to Jill Lunnen’s persistent encouragement, they’re back! Watch this video to hear how it all came about and to see more examples.

What are Spirit Calling Cards?

For years, I’ve referred to the strong guiding messages I’ve received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with).

These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls.

First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world.

Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden days.

88 Samples of my Art with a word on each to help you turn intuition into action.

2 sets of 44 cards –1 based on my photography & 1 on my paintings.

Limited Edition  – Signed & Numbered Decks #56-111 of 111
I held each card in my hands this past weekend, infusing them with my love & gratitude as I sorted & packaged this small print run produced at a local shop.

How to Use Spirit Calling Cards

(Instruction sheet included with your cards)

Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved. I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your non-dominant hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/intuition.

1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:

Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week. Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages. With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks. The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together. Reflection about their meaning / messages can come afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc. Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.

For example, on one day, I made up:

“Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
“Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
“Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”

And on another:

“Create union by trusting love”
“Be the spiritual light”
“Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
“Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”

2 – Daily Picks:

Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day. Refer to it often during the day.

3 – Question & Answer:

Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – it helps to write it in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)

4 – Past, Present, and Future:

Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation. The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future. Reflect about your journey.

5 – Whole Being Perspective:

Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, pick a card with your left hand to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.

6 – Message of Love:

Tune in to your source of guidance as well as to a loved one. Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc. Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…

7 – Team Brainstorming:

Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning. Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution. The result: better team spirit and creative problem solving.

8 – Relationship Building:

Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level. They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving one another’s truth. This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards, make a sentence, and explain how it relates to your day) or by focusing on a common question / feeling / etc. (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow as a couple?).

The ways in which to use these are limitless and may evolve with time.

Buy Yours Now

SOLD OUT! Thank you all!


Buy Your Deck Online
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Affirmation Booster 6


Have you heard of 3D affirmations?

They add 2 extra dimensions to the usual “I am” statements.

How to say 3D affirmations:

  1. Start with repeating the I AM … until you can connect it to a memory or feeling of truth. You need to believe and feel it for it to work. Be creative on how it applies to you and your life already. For example, “I am blessed” and bring to heart/mind a list of your blessings.
  2. Then look at yourself in the mirror and start with your name and use “you”. For example, “Dominique, you are blessed”.
  3. Next, amplify the energy by creating a buzz about it. You know how powerful gossip can be. Plant uplifting rumours. Turn to your friend, cat, plants or to the cars passing in the street and say your name and “she/he”. For example, “Dominique, she’s so blessed!”

Try these 3 D affirmations:

Try it! You’ll like it. Here are 11 more affirmations with my energy-infused art support your practice.

Breathe. Be present. Repeat.

Pause the slideshow and take your time.

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Note: To access previous affirmation boosters, use the category search in the sidebar on your computer or use the search at the top (magnifying glass) with “Affirmation Booster”.

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Add life to your roles & goals

Here’s a fun exercise I just learned that’s worth the time and intention you put into it. It’s designed to help you achieve extraordinary results in your various roles so that you can go to bed at night feeling fulfilled.

It’s also a great left-brain follow-up to last week’s right-brain Divine Life Planning meditation.

The 5 Choices

We’re only a few weeks into 2019 and I’m already feeling the positive impact of the work I’ve been doing with the book “The 5 Choices: the Path to Extraordinary Productivity” by Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill and Leena Rinne.

I purchased the audio version when I bought my 2109 Franklin Covey planner (yes, I’m still using paper!).

The authors explain that our modern society is challenged because

  • of more decisions to make
  • our attention is under constant attack
  • we have a personal energy crisis

Basically, it’s both easier and more difficult to achieve productivity and feel accomplished.

So we have 5 choices to make to live & work at our best, tap into our gifts, feel great about our work and bring our whole self to our life.

Energize your Roles

As part of Choice 2, “Go for Extraordinary, Don’t Settle for Ordinary”, the authors offer this simple yet exciting exercise.

  1. List the 5-7 roles in your life.
  2. Change their title into something that captures their essence / the difference you’d like to make in that role. For example, if “mother” feels heavy, full of responsibility, guilt, daunting, etc., would “mentor”, “nurturer”, “guiding light” inspire you more?
  3. Use this formula to write down role statements for each: As …. (role title), I will … (extraordinary outcomes) through… (activities). I use the present tense instead of will, but do as you like.
  4. Review them as you plan your week and start your day.

Have fun with these. They’ve got to make you smile and feel excited about them.

My examples:

Here are a few of my before & after titles in case it inspires you.

  • “Me” became “SUPERSOUL”: As Supersoul (said with the musical tone of Superman) I let my Higher Self guide all my decisions through healthy choices for my body, mind & spirit.
  • “Housemate” became “HOUSESISTER”(which warms my heart): As housesister, I am present with and uplift Orinda through actions & moments that reflect my attentive, authentic, spirit-driven self.
  • “Friend” became “DE-LIGHT” (a name given me in the past): As De-Light, I add love & light to my friends’ and social circles’ lives through moments, connection, and actions that nourish my relationships.
  • “Daughter” became “MISS D” (what my Dad affectionately calls me): As Miss D, I love my family through my service and communication.

An interesting thing happened when I looked at the next 3 roles.

In my head, they used to be jumbled as one – “Professional Artist”, which caused some inner conflicts at time.

Separating them into 3 has brought clarity, especially when it comes to effort out and money in.

For example, I went through a whole period of “why bother?” back in 2017. I was putting so much effort, time and energy creating inspiring content for all my social media platforms but wasn’t getting much income in return.

I asked my Team of Divine Helpers whether I should quit. That day, I got a message from a Facebook fan that I had helped save her life. She was feeling suicidal and had gone to my newsfeed for inspiration. I still get teary when I recall that.

Just this week, a man in my community told me I was one of his muses in terms of his art/poetry. I can’t equate that to income! But I can equate it to one of the roles I was born with and feel such joy fulfilling.

  • LIGHTWORKER: As a lightworker, I shine my light and love through sharing my art, stories, life lessons in person and online.
  • ARTIST-CREATOR: As an artist-creator, I explore and express my love of beatuy and the beauty of love through connection with my Team of Divine Helpers to create powerful energy-infused artwork.
  • SOULPRENEUR: As a soulpreneur, I thrive by nourishing people’s transformational journeys through my art, keynotes, workshops and intuitive services.

My role as a Soulpreneur is the one that focuses on marketing and income as I’ve got to pay the bills. It’s still about my service to others, but different than Lightworker, for which I have no idea the amplitude of the return in the big picture of things. I don’t need to know. I just need to do what I naturally do, praying that I remain an instrument of Love.

The Artist-Creator is the part of me that creates because I need to for my own journey. It follows those inner calls to create projects like my 2015 Universal Law Mandalas (a year’s work with little financial return so far but so much learning, growth, fulfillment and new opportunities opening) or my current Re-Connecting art project (which I’ll introduce soon).

Separating them like this is helping me stay on track and more at peace within myself. That in itself was worth the exercise. One day, they may all be lumped together again. But for now, this helps.

I have a plastic sleeve with my roles/statements that I use as my bookmark in my weekly planner. Seeing them daily has helped keep balance and priorities in my life.

P.S. Can you guess which role I was fulfilling taking a few hours to write & share this post?

What would your roles be?

Now for your goals.

Once you’ve got your roles, you can look at the year ahead and set a few extraordinary goals and steps to get there.

The authors recommend using the formula: From X to Y by When. I’ve found that Y by When works too.

For my Artist-Creator Role, my only extraordinary goal so far is: From 3 to 11 Re-Connecting paintings (24″ x 48″) by September 30th.

Now that I have my end in mind, I need to work from there to schedule painting blocks and financing efforts to make sure I reach those extraordinary goals. 

Working from the end in mind to outline the steps necessary and then plugging those into your monthly / weekly / daily schedules will help you achieve these goals.

For example , as Supersoul, one of my steps to achieving optimal physical/ mental energy is: “From 10+ Netflix movies / week to 3 by February”. I’m still working on that. My habit of intensive work bursts followed by Netflix binges aren’t optimal, especially if they take me past my ideal 9pm bedtime. I enjoy successive movies. They can bring me joy. But when I just keep watching past that, or watching movies that aren’t nourishing, then it’s not appropriate Supersoul behaviour.

It works…

I first learned about this when I took some Franklin Covey training in the late 80s, when I worked for the government. It was so in line with my left-brained, Type A, hyper-organizer self.

In recent years, I’ve wanted to live more intuitively, allowing for more space for Guidance. My Franklin Covey agendas got smaller and smaller.

Now my focus is to optimize and harmonize how the right and left brain work together. It’s not about rejecting one side for the other. They’re a team!

As your intuitive right-brain leads, your left brain can help make things happen.

It’s not about forcing life. It’s about helping Guidance manifest into your daily life so you can go to bed feeling happy in all 8 areas of your life.

What are some of your new role titles?

Feel free to share some of your before-after titles in the comments below to help inspire others and to voice them to the Universe.

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Divine Life Planning Meditation

This is the perfect time to look at the 8 areas of your life to see which ones need your attention for a happier healthier year.

Let’s do it with a whole-brained approach to success.

First, let me explain the traditional way to do this.

Then, I’ll offer you a guided visioning meditation to go even deeper for guidance.

This Divine Life Planning Meditation was channeled to give you access to more than what your Left analytical brain can come up with on its own.

It’s an opportunity to ask your heart, your Right intuitive brain and Team of Divine Helpers for what is truly needed in each area of your life for your Highest Good.

The Life Coaching Approach

A life coach may ask you to draw a circle divided into 8 pie pieces. Then, you’d give a score for each of these 8 areas to rate your sense of fulfillment in each.

A score of 1 marked with a dot near the centre would mean no fulfillment. A score of 10, near the outside edge of the circle, would mean total fulfillment. By joining the dots, you would see where your life is out of balance.

The 8 Areas:

  1. Physical Environment
  2. Fun / Recreation
  3. Business / Career
  4. Personal / Spiritual Development
  5. Wellness & Health
  6. Romance / Family
  7. Finances / Life Planning
  8. Society / Community

Awareness is key to making changes.

An Example

Last year, after doing this exercise, I realized that I’d neglected my social and fun areas for the sake of my career (which is also fun…).

So when I was told about the the formation of a French improvisational comedy league here in St. John’s, I said “YES!”.

I’ll admit, it was a stretch of a few comfort zones. I’m not much for going out at night, and this meant taking the bus across town if my housesister’s car wasn’t available. What can I say…. I can be a bit of a homebody.

No regrets though! I had such fun in 2018! New friends. New skills. New laughs. New opportunities.

By December, we’d received a grant to fly to the French islands of Saint Pierre & Miquelon south of Newfoundland for a weekend of training & play.

Their team is joining us here at the end of January for more fun & games.

My social / fun & recreation scores are much higher now, all because I was aware and took inspired action! 

Go Deeper with the Intuitive Approach

Let’s tune in to see what your heart & intuition have to say about the 8 areas of your life.

Your answers are within you. This meditation can help you access them.

You may not be able to see your next level of emergence into your True Self from your current limited perspective or emotional state.

That’s where visioning can help. It raises your vibration and opens you up to receiving messages through all your channels for the bigger picture of your life.

(For a description of your intuitive channels, make sure to listen to the free 75-minute tutorial on my Intuition into Action Treasure Map.)

The more you practice this kind of meditation, the stronger your intuitive messages will be. Do it more than once and keep exploring the layers – during the meditaiton and in your journal afterward.

Love yourself through this exercise. Let it be what it is for you.

If meditating right before bed puts you to sleep, try it at another time of day while sitting in a chair instead.

Just ask & get ready to receive.

Video – Play here or on YouTube

Enjoy this meditation I channeled last weekend at the Holyrood Public Library during the closing of my art exhibition.

39 minutes. Best experienced with headphones.

P.S. This painting is called “Ask & You Shall Receive”, a summary of my Intuition into Action Treasure Map. The 8 areas are represented within the arrows. The original (36″ x 36″) and prints are available for purchase.

P.P.S. You can hire me to channel a custom meditation based on your needs. I’m also available to join your group for a live experience.

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3 Tips to Welcome In the New Year

Happy New Year!

Thank you for being a part of my 2018 and for choosing to journey with me into 2019.

It’s going to be a great one, I’m sure!

Our world is being shaken up for change. It’s all part of the transformation.

Opportunities are opening for our love & compassion to shine.

Life is asking for greater allowing and accepting.

Your soul is guiding you toward stronger alignment so that you can emerge more fully into your Self.

This is a time of rebirth, creativity, discovering your truth, and living your passion.

Are you ready?


3 Tips to Welcome In the New Year

1. Clean House

It’s time to get rid of what you no longer need, want, or care for. That’s how you make space for what’s in your Highest Interest!

First, imagine 2019 being a special guest in your physical space. How do you want to receive it?

What’s the energy you want to set the tone for this year?

This is a great time to de-clutter & clean so that energy flows.

Give/sell/ or throw out what you don’t need and purify the space with a good smudge.

Using sweet grass, sage or my favourite, palo santo smoke, walk through your space singing, praying, or simply asking your Team of Divine Helpers to help cleanse the space of all that no longer serves you to welcome in what does. Put your heart into your intention.

If you’re doing it with someone else, add candlelight or instruments in the mix and parade through your space with love, appreciation, and cheer.

Then look at your life. Where do you need to clean house in your schedule, habits, social circle, etc.

The tone you set in the first few days will open up to attracting more of the same in the months to come.

2. Raise Your Vibration

What lifts you up?  There are so many ways to spend New Year’s.

Do you love to party, immerse yourself in family,  or spend time in solitude for reflection and intention setting?

Give yourself the time to do it your way. Everyone else will be better for it if you nourish yourself with what you need. That’s how you can shine brighter this year.

New Year’s Day and the days that surround it are perfect to look at the different roles in your life.

Ask yourself what your best version of each would look like in the year to come and write that down. Then read it at the beginning of each week as you plan your schedule.

Don’t forget your role in your own life. Make a commitment to being, doing, and having what truly raises your vibration. What opens you to the self-love that lights you up so you can shine brighter in the world?

I offer you this 42-minute meditation – probably still my favourite of all those I’ve channeled – as it offers you a chance to connect to your inner guidance, love yourself, and set intentions for the year to come.


3. Tune In with an Intuitive Vision Board

Do you know what your heart truly desires? Are you looking for guidance, direction, and fun?

A great way to start the year is by creating an intuitive vision board. It’s my favourite of the many kinds out there.  

Your intuitive vision board is a spontaneous tool to tap into your intuition.

You’ll get to actively engage with your Higher Self to gain insight and find direction and/ or answers to a question that’s important in your life.

It’s not only a visual representation of your inner guidance, but also a highly practical manifestation tool. 

Transition times like the start of a new year is a powerful time to do one – on your own or with friends. Just follow my instructions on my page:  7 Easy Steps to Create an Intuitive Vision Board ,

Happy New Year Dear One! May 2019 be the best yet – whatever that means for you!

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Collaborative Poetry – inspiration begets inspiration

“Ammonight” – 6″ x 6″ – Acrylics & ammonite on cradle board.

You’re invited to reflect on how today’s creative process mirrors your life?

Around the time of the October full moon, I started working on this painting with leftover paints & mediums from 2 other paintings.

A full moon circle ceremony later inspired its subject. Layer by layer, it evolved into what it is today – perfect in its many imperfections.

Since the painting didn’t whisper its name to me, I was then inspired to ask my Facebook Friends for suggestions.

44 people contributed names overnight.

From these, one spoke softly to my heart. Thanks Annie Parrell for  the name “Ammonight”.

And thanks to all who played with me –  your contributions were all incorporated into the poem below.

Nothing is created in pure isolation. We’re all connected and contributing to the creative flow. Inspiration begets inspiration.

Enjoy the results as we head towards the Cold Moon (Dec. 22nd) on the morning after Winter Solstice.


Oh Moon Mother,
Moonlight Pearl,
Your halo is the perfect offering
to the luminous cracks
of my spinning life.
Oh tempestuous moon,
Empress of the Night,
You feed my wanderlust,
My transformation,
My expansion.
I embark on this life flight,
To dive into the vortex
At the core of your illuminance
And rise above
The swirling currents
Of my moon shadows.
Ever-present sacred globe
Your lunar cycles
Illuminate the crackles
Of my sacred journey within.
In fullness I evolve
Unstuck between the cracks
In wholeness always.
Oh Evolution Moon,
Gateway to the galaxy,
You are the equinox
to my spiralling spirit
The entrance to Infinity.
Yes to the blessed moon shifts,
Sacred spirals spinning,
I finally understand that
The only constant in life
Is change itself.
This is my light shift
My Moon Effect
My Moonammonight cake.
I am of the illuminating crackle in the night.
I ammonight.

The Painting

So many different Golden professional paints & mediums went into the creation of such a small jewel – fluid colours, GAC 800, Crackle Paste, Clear Tar Gel, UVLS varnish.

I was also moved to incorporate an ammonite fossil. It symbolizes continual change and evolution. It’s a powerful earth healing fossil for health, prosperity, success and life path activation.

It’s all about intuition into action!

“Ammonight” (6″ x 6″ on cradle board) – SOLD
See all original paintings available here or go here to order prints of some of my work.

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