Two and a half years after hiring me to co-create a Divine Storytelling Time Package, Cynthia Ferrie asked me to channel a second one.
A couple of months after that, she offered to share her experience to help others understand the benefits of this unique kind of intuitive reading. I’m so grateful.
You see, there’s nothing else like it out there (that I know of) and so examples and testimonials really help me to help others.
May Cynthia’s sharing give you a clear sign if this style of self-discovery tool is also for you.
If this is the first time you hear about my Divine Storytelling Time Packages, make sure to also visit my description page (here) and listen/try out the 6-minute sample in a previous post (here).
Basically, I connect to your Team of Divine Helpers & Divine Consciousness at a distance to channel and record a 1-hour story that I see with my mind’s eye when focusing on your soul’s Highest Vision of your life. It’s a soul story filled with symbolism – like a dream sequence. Your job is to play detective and decipher the meanings of the various pieces of the story for yourself and take inspired action in your life.
The package also includes an initial message through a spread of 5 Spirit Calling Cards (see below), worksheets, and a unique Visual Gift created in the essence of your story (like the one above). This custom art piece is created with many layers of my photography from around the world and can be printed wall size if you choose. It’s also filled with symbolic meaning to empower your self-discovery on your path to your Highest Good.
The whole takes me 4-6 hours to channel at a distance and is delivered to you via email.
Cynthia Talks About Her Divine Storytelling Time Experiences
Why did you choose to get another Divine Storytelling Time Package at this time?
I got the 1st as I was about to move my life and my web design business to another province. That first reading gave me the confirmation that I needed to continue on that path, and trust that I was making the right choice. Recently, I was procrastinating on a number of decisions, including another move, and starting a second business. After a rough year, I was looking for a few hints that would take me in the right direction again.
Can you tell us more about the benefits of that first one?
The story symbolized steps along the way that I needed to take before I could get to where I am now. It allowed me to be more confident in my decision making in my personal and professional life.
Several elements of the story really allowed me to own my value as an entrepreneur. Before I started working with you, I was much more critical, self-judgmental, and kept putting walls up when I compared myself and my progress to others.
The whole experience of working with the different parts of my Divine Storytelling Time Package incrementally opened my mind and my heart, showing me things I didn’t realize were barriers to expressing my Best Self.
I’m so much clearer about my direction in life. Mostly, I gained such trust – in myself and my process. I used to focus on the problems. Now, I see that not all challenges are problems, and I trust in their purpose, their gift.
There’s just so much more trust, in myself and in my experiences. More self-love. Excitement. And motivation. The stories show me my potential and it’s been incredibly motivating. It’s added such value to what I do on a daily basis.
How often do you work with the material?
I listen to my story every 2 days – sometimes the whole thing and something bits & pieces. I could almost recite the first one by heart (chuckle). So it’s easy to relate what’s happening around me to the story. I still sometimes listen to the first one because it’s still speaking to me 2.5 years later.
Is your experience with the 2nd different than the first?
There were some consistencies between both my readings, like the appearance of a garden and injecting colour into everything around me. There were some big differences too.
They both have this quality of a timeline, while simultaneously hinting at other choices that occur outside the timeline. It took me 18 months to get through the first timeline in my life, using the clues in the story to help me make decisions. This time, I feel like I’m half way through the story’s timeline in just 6 weeks.
Why do you think that is?
The 2nd time around, I’m making connections so much faster. I’m manifesting spiritual but also material things so quickly – it’s mind blowing.
Because of the first story, I’m now more comfortable, more open to the symbolism all around me. I’m open to my intuition. My perception is broader. So I’m more trusting and making connections and decisions faster. I also believe in myself a lot more and I’m sure that’s making a difference.
Can you give me examples from your 2nd story and how it’s helping you now?
I was brought to tears so many times when I listened to it the first time. It was like a reality check – not like a kick in the pants, but a gentle “Hey, can’t you see what you could be doing right now?”
I’d been procrastinating on a decision to move to Ontario and start a new business. Now, I’m here, and so many things have fallen into place. My material goals, my spiritual development, and my overall well-being are coming together at a rate I previously had never experienced.
Part of the vision you received reminded you of the shopping sequence in the movie Pretty Woman – of not feeling accepted – and then you saw my kids run into a brownstone house. That showed me that my first step here was to help my kids settle in before focusing on my new career direction. I’ve done that and they’re thriving, feeling so safe and accepted. They’re making friends easily and my youngest, even more free spirited than myself, feels so much more confident to explore on her own here.
The next step, as revealed in the story, is to unlock the gate to the garden. I have such trust now that whatever is meant to happen is happening. I’m getting hints at what that is from the story, but it’s exciting to be able to recognize the signs and opportunities around me. I know I’m going in the right direction.
At the end of this 2nd Divine Storytelling Time, the colour pink is splashing off my desk all over the floor and spreading all over the place, eventually shining through as pink veins all over the planet. The particular shade of pink is one that often reminds people of me and my work. I recognize that this is something I’m working towards – the goal of my new venture is to help others light themselves up… to be inspired and fulfilled in their lives no matter what their current circumstances. I’m moving away from just being a website designer and stepping into the role of a life and business coach.
Your story showed me the potential my life holds. That’s so exciting! So motivating!
Any other specific examples?
There were charms in both readings, this time on a necklace. You identified some of the charms and it was easy to see that these were my goals along the way. I’m working through those so quickly.
What about your Visual Gifts. How did these help?
Your first photograph (here) had several layers of imagery from New Brunswick when you didn’t know I was considering moving there. Of all the photos from your international travels, you chose to layer a few from NB. That was the confirmation my heart and mind were searching for. It provided comfort that moving there was the right decision for my family.
I’m still trying to figure out the one from this time (top). You’ve got 2 floating chairs looking back on the tracks through the tunnel and still have a layer from New Brunswick. I was a bit confused about that. I’d been in a relationship in NB before the summer, which ended when my priorities shifted due to an illness in my family, so a second chair was a bit of a brain-teaser.
But now it looks like we may start that up again, even though I’m now in another province. So it’s starting to make sense. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’m not holding onto any fear or worry. I know I’m in the right place, on track for right now – and clearly with more abundance than I thought to hope for.
What about the Spirit Calling Card Reading?
My latest reading was so significant. The fact “time” & “prosperity” jumped out of the pack as you were shuffling was a definite confirmation. And when you told me that you’d been guided or even corrected to use the word “with” instead of “to” in the sentence, it totally shifted my perspective. That’s strong!
Do you see this kind of intuitive reading as helpful for everyone?
I’d say you have to have an open mind and a belief that your intuition is guiding you. There was a huge difference between my 1st and 2nd reading because my energy was more scattered back then.
For me, this kind of reading is perfect. I think a typical psychic does a lot of the figuring out for you. You’re more dependent on what they say. With the Divine Storytelling Time, I had less fear that you were going to foretell something specific.
Because you’re a lightworker, you focus on the positive steps to live your best life. I wasn’t depending on you to make the meaning out of the story. That’s my job. That was the fun and really empowering part for me.
I find your style a lot more personal. I felt more involved. Sure, it was more of a challenge, but so much more powerful, personal. I feel you reach people at a deeper level of their soul – letting them figure out where their potential can take them. There are times I get giddy when I make a connection, which I don’t expect would happen if I visited a psychic.
I’m so much more self-aware and intuitive now because I was willing to do the work, and pay attention to my surroundings. And I believe in myself more because of it.
Each move I’ve made based on the wish sequence in the atrium in the first story, for example, has set off a ton of things in motion. The vision itself was a step in the right direction and every decision since has got me to where I am now – which is way ahead of where I was 2.5 years ago. And they’re still in motion, just at a much more rapid pace.
My trust has increased 20-fold – in me and in what’s happening. There’s no end to the story. I have faith that I’m making the right decisions and that’s something that’s definitely come out of working with your particular style of gift.
I don’t know if you realize that you influence me almost on a daily basis. Specific phrases you’ve said, and your genuine nature have had an effect on not just myself as an entrepreneur and individual, but how I understand and parent my youngest child (the free spirit). You’ve made such a difference in my life.
Cynthia Ferrie
Mousai Life + Business
{Mousai are the Greek Gods of creativity, also known as the Muses}
Thank you Cynthia for being open to share your experience. It’s been an honour working for you in this way and hearing how you’ve used the tools to live your best life.
Divine Storytelling Time Packages are channeled from a distance, so it doesn’t matter where you live. They’re $247 Canadian (~$190 US) and delivered to you by email – no scheduling necessary.
Click here to learn more.
Click here to order yours right away.