My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Reconnect Lesson 10: Who Are You?

Some of us spend our whole lives seeking the truth of who we are. That’s why we’re called seekers.

Both sides of the nature vs. nurture argument influences our self-concepts.

Our identity is shaped by our growing understanding during this journey of self-discovery. It’s part of the fun of being human.

The question remains – who are you? Or better yet, who do you understand yourself to be? 

When I was offered this question by my Team of Divine Helpers in the opening session of painting #10 of my Re-Connecting Collection, all sorts of symbolism and memories surfaced in my consciousness.

Today’s 2 exercises offer you the same opportunity – the first a creative project and the second, an opportunity to share your most influential books with others.

Exercise 1: Your Journey of Self-Discovery Artwork

What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” artwork look like?

Whether you like to sketch, paint, or cut & paste magazine images and photographs into a collage, find a way to visually represent who you believe yourself to be.

In the case of my painting, I included

  • my ancestry,
  • the religion I was raised in,
  • the Akashic Record library holding information from all my past and future lives,
  • a representative from my Team of Divine Helpers,
  • my nationality,
  • my western & Chinese astrological signs,
  • spirals that I’ve been drawing since childhood
  • other spiritual symbolism that drives me (Vesica Pisces)
  • my eye with birthmark through which I see the beauty in the world,
  • my lifelong mission to harmoniously marry my Left masculine side with my Right feminine side (intuition into action)
  • my relationships that helped shape me
  • many of the books that helped me understand my human journey from my teenage years onward (the focus of Exercise 2).

So I ask again. What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” piece look like?

Take the time to brainstorm, reflect and put it all together in your unique way.

Only include what matters to you. It all depends what you feel has shaped your belief in who you are. 

You may or may not identify strongly with your career, roles in your family & community, causes, your leading values, etc.

As you spend time seeing, accepting and loving yourself for who you are, you’re better able to see, accept, and love others for their unique make-up. It’s all part of being individualized expressions of the Divine.

Who knows?! This exercise on your self-discovery journey may help you make the life-changing decisions you need to get back on track with your True Self.

Exercise 2: Book Share

I’m not known for my memory, so when I was inspired to include a stack of important self-understanding books on my painting, it sent me digging both in my mental files and on Google.

I’m sure there were many others before and in between, but I started with some of the books I read in high school, including a life-changing gift from one of my teachers.

Since I give my books away as soon as I read them, I had fun looking for the titles, authors and cover designs to make up this stack of books from scratch using Photoshop.

That is not your task in this exercise.

Your mission if you so choose, is to put together a list of your most influential self-discovery books and share them  – on social media or however you choose.

When I posted this photo during my creative process, many responded that their list was similar. They added a few of mine to their reading list and shared a few of their own.

What has helped you in life can help others. So why not share? That’s the spirit of this exercise.

To start off, please share a few of yours in the comments below, I’d love that!


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “Journey to Self-Discovery” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!


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Reconnect Lesson 9: Rise Up Rise Up!

Have you heard? We’re in a time of ascension! It may be hard to believe with all that’s happening in the world, but I believe it’s true. Of course there will be resistance. But together we can help raise the vibration of the planet and all those on it. How? By raising our own consciousness, our own vibration.

What you do for yourself, you do for others. It affects everyone else in this Divine Oneness.

So rise up, rise up dear one! It’s time to live in alignment with the divine essence you truly are.

Don’t let yourself spiral down in a funk from the many distractions, details and dramas that bombard our senses from every direction.

Remember that you are an individualized expression of the Divine. Yes, you’re human, and being in a funk is part of being human. But you’re also Spirit. 

Often, unhappiness, loneliness, despair, depression and other unpleasant realities of being human happen when we believe we are separate from God (or whatever term you resonate with) and from others.

So part of your job as a spirit in a human body is to recognize when you need to take the time to recognize, allow and process what’s triggering a funk and to then raise your vibration.

As the Law of Vibration taught us, our job as vibration managers is to raise our consciousness, our vibration so that we can attract more of the people, places, and events that resonate at that frequency. This is closely related to the Law of Attraction.

So don’t deny your sadness or frustration. Listen to it, love it, and then let it go. You’re often being shown things that are ready to be released as they’re leaving. Acknowledge them, and then let them leave.

Don’t hang on to the stories or feelings or allow them to drag you further down. That’s wallowing and yes, it’s also part of being human.

Instead, reconnect to your True Self, remembering who you truly are. Asking your Higher Consciousness to make wise choices to bring you back into alignment with the love, peace, and happiness at your very core.

Exercise: Create & Post your Raise My Vibration List

When the mind and heart are clouded by lower vibrations, it can be hard to motivate yourself to change gears. You may not even know you need to if that black cloud over your head is so thick you can’t see what’s happening.

That’s why having a very visible “Raise My Vibration List” can be such a blessing.

Whether you’re in a funk or simply busy, it’ll be a daily reminder to prioritize time to raise your vibration.

What does that for you?

I know that listening to one of my own meditations (available on YouTube) or an energy transmission from Steve Nobel- The Soul Matrix (which inspired this painting) helps me start my days on the right foot.

And if I’m going to have to deal with technical issues, lighting a candle, smudging, or saying a little prayer first can help me stay higher on the emotional guidance scale longer.

I also know that there’s no way I can get stuck in a bad mood if I sing & dance a few Sanskrit chants on my mini-trampoline.

And if at all possible, I make it outdoors to breathe the fresh air, take a few photos, and bask in beauty.

What raises your vibration? Make a list. Post it where you’ll see it every day. On the mirror where you brush your teeth is a good place.

After a while, you won’t need that reminder. As soon as you feel yourself dipping, you’ll recognize your desire for a higher vibration and make Higher Consciousness choices faster.

Do you need inspiration? Here are a few ideas.

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration List

* Meditation

* Stretching & exercise – even standing up tall in a power pose for a minute.

* Healthy eating

* Music

* Gratitude list

* Time with pets, children, loved ones

* Affirmations, mantras

* Time outdoors – lying on the ground, hugging a tree, etc.

* Smudging, prayer, or other sacred rituals

* Service to others, random acts of kindness

Leave room on your list so you can add to it.

The idea is to have a variety so that when you are heading down the emotional guidance scale, you can easily access what you already know will help you change directions.

Once you’re grooving in the higher vibes, you’re bound to feel more connected to Source & humanity as a whole.

What you do for your Highest Good, you’re doing for the Good of All.

You have an important role to play in the ascension of the planet. Thank you!

P.S. Click here to go to the blog post that describes the creative process for the painting “Time of Ascension”.

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 8: Soak In Nature

Are you too much in your head? Do you feel disconnected, tired, and depleted?

It’s way too common in this day and age to feel like you’re running on empty on a hamster wheel in between restless sleeps.

Nature, however, is a great healer. Whether you need a quick boost, a deep grounding, or a major energy overhaul, the Elements are here to help.

Today’s lesson is an invitation to slow down and be present to soak in the benefits of Nature.

P.S. I wrote this blog post long before the blizzard hit Newfoundland. It’s been amazing to witness how the Elements have brought neighbours together, encouraged people to slow down, and more. So yes, we’ve had a State of Emergency in Newfoundland, but it’s had its silver linings. If you’ve got one to share, please add it to the comments at the bottom.

Exercise 1: Elemental Mindfulness & Gratitude

As you go about your day, instead of living in your head, become conscious of how the Elements that support you.

Mindfully acknowledge & express gratitude in your heart for:

  1. Earth: the ground you walk on, your indoor plants, the crystal in your pocket, your jewelry, glass, coins, trees, your house, your car, etc.
  2. Air: the air that you breathe, the breeze in your hair, the dancing leaves, your fan or air conditioner, birds in flight, the wind drying your clothes, etc.
  3. Fire: candles, fireplaces, heat in your home, the feel of sun on your skin, cooking equipment such as stoves, ovens & toasters, your changing body temperature, heat waves off the surface of your car, campfires, welcoming social warmth, etc.
  4. Water: indoor toilets, clean drinking water, cleansing showers, hot baths, swimming pools, rivers, lakes, oceans, the rain on your face, the ice in your drink, the designs of snowflakes, steam of a boiling kettle, etc.
  5. Ether: space, silence, consciousness, all that’s intangible, spirit, quintessence, vibrational frequency, OM, meditation, etc.

Exercise 2: Schedule Nature Time

“Nature Bound” 24″ x 48″ – Original and prints available.

Even if I know how much Nature nourishes me in body, mind & spirit, I have to make an effort to fit it in my day or in my weeks.

Being a happy hermit when I’m in creative mode, I can stay in the house for days on end. Yes, I’m lucky to be living in an open-concept wood-panelled home filled with plants thanks to my house-sister, but that’s just not the same as being outdoors.

So for this exercise, I recommend you break it down in 3 parts:

  • Nearby go-to spot: What’s the closest space to your home or work where you can take a 5-10 minute break to lie on the ground, hug a tree, contemplate a brook, listen to the birds, breathe fresh air, walk barefoot in the grass. put your hands in the dirt, smell the flowers or watch the breeze in the leaves? Make it a habit to choose nature breaks in your daily routine.


  • 1-hour break: Where can you go nearby for an hour on foot, by bicycle, by bus, or by car that will give you a change of scenery & time in nature? You might drive to the ocean to sit and contemplate or walk around a pond. Make a list of local go-to spots for those frazzled times when you need to get away to rejuvenate.


  • Day trips: Schedule a few day trips a month to your favourite spots or to discover new ones. These could be solo photography adventures, group sporting treks, family time at the beach, etc. Make a plan and book the time before the month or year slips by in busy-ness.


And if travel is one of your passions, also book longer trips to soak in nature’s beauty & goodness all around the world. If you prefer visiting big cities, make sure to seek out their gardens, parks & walking trails amongst your time in museums, restaurants and shopping malls.

Mother Earth is a great healer with abundant resources to support your life. Enjoy her beauty & nourishment and show your appreciation in whatever way moves you. 

P.S. The original “Nature Bound” and prints in your choice of size & medium are available for purchase. Thank you for supporting my art.

P.P.S. You can access the original blog post on the co-creation of the painting “Nature Bound” by clicking here.

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Reconnect Lesson 6: Get Creative

Are you ready to acknowledge and spark your creativity.

Lesson 6 in this Reconnect to Your True Self Series was inspired by the creative process behind the painting “The Universe is My Creative Playground“- # 6 in the Reconnecting Collection.

Exercise 1: Your Creativity Inventory

Do you know how many times I’ve heard “I’m not creative”.  It’s usually as a response to my sharing that I’m an artist.

I often heard my mother say that. She didn’t recognize her creative gifts. It’s true, she followed recipes in the kitchen and didn’t paint or play an instrument. But she had a most creative sense of style that was as evident in her wardrobe as it was in the way she decorated our homes.

Creativity has so many forms of expression in all areas of life.

So believe me when I tell you, you’re creative. I haven’t met one person who isn’t.

Instead of diminishing your worth through negative affirmations like “I’m not creative”, I invite you to look at your life and take inventory of the ways. you have been.

I painted some of mine in the long strands of hair in my painting but feel free to simply list or journal about yours.

Acknowledging that you’re already creative is one gateway to greater creativity.

Your creativity may have expressed itself in

  • your hobbies
  • how you accomplish your work tasks or solve problems
  • how you present yourself – clothing, hairstyle, message on your answering machine, languages you’ve learned, your handwriting, etc.
  • your way of preparing & presenting meals
  • how you make & spend money
  • your changing the furniture around every few months
  • your lifestyle – relationship values, simple living, modes of transportation, how you spend your leisure time
  • how / where you spend your holidays
  • your leadership and community involvement
  • your idea of play
  • your open-mindedness
  • your sense of organization
  • your spontaneity
  • your artistic expression: visual, dance, music,
  • etc.

Come up with at least 12 over your lifetime…. and keep going if this proves challenging.

Exercise 2: Spice Up Your Life – do things differently

Humans are creatures of habit. You’ve gotten used to doing the same things in the same ways.

I may be creative in the studio, but that creativity doesn’t often extend to the kitchen or how I like to spend my evenings.

This exercise challenges you to do something you always do but in a different way.

  • Walk around the pond counterclockwise instead of clockwise.
  • Plan a new kind of playdate with your family.
  • Sleep on the other side of the bed.
  • Try a new sport: zip line, tandem bicycling, parasailing, etc.
  • Go to an opera or stand-up comedy show instead of your usual weekend bar.
  • Try a new position or toy the next time you make love.
  • Dress in your Sunday best to go grocery shopping.
  • Say yes to your friends’ next 3 invitations (legal & harmless) if you usually say “no thank you”.
  • Make smiley faced pancakes for your family instead of serving cereal.
  • Attend a new meet-up group.
  • Call your friend instead of waiting for them to call.
  • Watch a documentary instead of your usual romantic comedy.
  • Bring flowers to all your co-workers on a Monday morning instead of coffee.
  • Only order vegetarian meals at restaurants for the next month.

Could you feel how playful some of these would be for you?

The possibilities are endless.

Sure, some might be a stretch of your comfort zones. But remember how much fun it was as a kid to just play without expectations. Everything was new!

The purpose of this exercise is to break the boredom by adding creativity in all areas of your life.

Stir things up a little or a lot!

It doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming.

Trying a new kind of ice cream might lead to a new favourite. Sure, you may end up preferring your usual chocolate mint chip, but you can always return to that next time.

Driving home using the side roads instead of the highway may only add 10 minutes to your drive. But imagine the discoveries you might make?

Kissing your partner and dancing around the kitchen for a few steps when you come home instead of heading straight to the Lazy-Boy or computer could lead to laughter, intimate conversation, or sex. Again, no expectations…. just try something new to explore what happens.

Exercise 3: Let Your Inner Child Play – bring it back

“The Universe is My Creative Playground” – purchase the original or order prints in your choice of size & medium

It’s hard to predict what effects this exercise will have. You may have a great trip down memory lane, laugh like you haven’t in years, or discover your life purpose. Those all sound pretty good to me!

What did you love to do when you were a child but haven’t done in years? 

Play in the sand? Collect stamps? Sing? Swing? Swing & sing at the same time? That was definitely one of mine…

I was doing my Masters in Calgary back in 2004, soon after my divorce, when I realized I needed more fun in my life. I used to pass by a swing set on the way to university and one day, I stopped, looked around sheepishly, got on and started swinging & singing.

Oh the joy, the release, the memories of being 3-5 in my backyard with my Superman cape swinging and singing all day. The neighbours used to comment to my parents about how long I could do that for on my own. But I wasn’t alone. My angels and guides were right there alongside me.

Bringing that back into my life at 38 (even with a cape a few times) gave me permission not to be so serious all the time. It brought back a lighthearted playful side that I (and others, I’m sure) had missed. It didn’t make me less effective, competent or professional. It made me more me!

So what are some of the things you remember enjoying as a young one? Splattering paint around? Running after butterflies? Climbing trees? Bowling? Swimming? Skating?

Schedule it in for sometime in the next 2 weeks or just be spontaneous and go ahead and do it now. Life wasn’t meant to be so serious.

Who knows what it will unleash in you – bringing back that sense of play will definitely help you be more creative and playful in all areas of your life.

Enjoy! That’s the purpose of it!


P.S. Click here to go to the blog post that describes the creative process for the painting “The Universe is My Creative Playground.

P.P.S. You can order prints of “Supersoul” in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 5: Here’s Mud In Your Eye

Do you know the expression “Here’s Mud In Your Eye”? It’s a toast wishing fellow drinkers good health. It may sound negative, but it’s actually positive. Some say that the origin of this saying is Biblical, when Jesus spat in the dirt to make mud and rubbed it into the eyes of a blind man, healing his sight.

That’s my wish for you in this 5th offering of my Reconnect to Your True Self Series – Here’s Mud in Your Eye!

May your sight be healed so that you may see the beauty of your perfect unfolding.

Too often, we’re blinded to the truth of our journey, our perfect unfolding, our beauty. This can translate into fear, false self-perceptions, body shame, and thinking challenges happen to us, not for us. 

Unlike the lotus born in the mud and cleansing itself as it reaches higher through the water to blossom mud-free above the surface and into the light, we humans often cling to the mud that hardens over time and weighs us down.

Sadly, the walls of dirt get so thick that they not only cover our golden light, but also stunt our growth.

We don’t let go of others’ comments, opinions, judgments – leaving us with low self-esteem. We then look at ourselves and our lives through the eyes of those lies, unable to recognize that people’s hurtful comments and actions are but a reflection of their own fears and illusions. We make them our truth and add to them our own judgments and self-criticism to create even thicker walls.

It’s time to let go of the built-up dirt to emerge and blossom! This is a natural part of the process. Embrace it!

The exercises in this post will require vulnerability & strength, openness & courage. It’s time to stop hiding. It’s time to sparkle & shine as your True Self.


As I was connecting with my Team of Divine Helpers and painting “The Perfect Unfolding”, they reminded me of so many significant moments from girlhood to womanhood – some that brought back smiles and others a need for forgiveness, gratitude, understanding, and compassion for myself and others.

These came bubbling to the surface as I painted so I could see them, process them,  and let them go – the seemingly good & bad in non-judgment.

The exercises offered here were inspired by my process during the painting of #5 in the Re-Connecting Collection,  “The Perfect Unfolding”.

Exercise 1: Get Rid of Built-up Dirt – Just Add Water

Your body is your sacred vehicle for your spirit in this lifetime. Spend good solid time with this exercise to hear its wisdom, its feedback.

In exercise 1, your body will be your mirror. It’s already holding so many of your negative memories and self-perceptions.

Now allow it to process years of negativity & challenges so that it can activate its built-in self-cleansing mode – in body, mind & spirit.

Feel free to proceed in whichever way you feel moved, knowing these steps are but suggestions. You might need the full force of the ceremony at the end or you may be inspired to create your own version.

Before you start, however, know that this is not about rejecting all that has made you into who you are today. On the contrary. It’s about acknowledging the mud in which you grew so you can now move past it to emerge into all you have always meant to be.

That mud was somehow necessary. My hope is that this will become clearer to you as your vision clears up.

  1. Start from your feet up (usually easier) – really look at this part of your body.
  2. Invite your body to speak about what it’s holding – “Dear feet, what am I ready to see, acknowledge & let go of? “
  3. Jot what bubbles up on tiny strips of paper. Notice your thoughts, judgments, memories. For example:
    • my flat feet as a child meant I had to wear unattractive orthopaedic wear. This was followed by a lifetime of believing in comfort first, sparing no expense on good orthopaedic shoes no matter what else I’m wearing.
    • bad eczema on my toes as a child making me want to hide my feet – shame.
    • A friend calling me “sausage toes” in high school, pointing out that those who have a longer toe were superior in some way
    • breaking my right foot after sitting for hours cross-legged and walking on it wrong – feeling like a failure as I became dependent on friends for rides as if asking for help was a bad thing
    • black toe nail and bleeding blisters after my 1st hike in Newfoundland caused by bad boots and leading to feelings of being “not good enough”, “out of shape” and reminding me of all the times I was last & laughed at during physical education class, confirming my belief that I shouldn’t do group sports/ activities. I just don’t fit in.
    • my funny heel – with a birthmark on one side (that made me feel special) and a blue dot on the other where I accidentally rammed a led pencil in it when I was 7 (which made me feel clumsy) – I later worried about the health consequences of having led in my system
    • plantars warts as a child – afraid of pool floors and pain associated with going to the doctors
    • other kinds of warts later on – believing I was doing something wrong to grow those
    • constant cold feet from bad circulation – too much sitting.
    • feeling pretty with red toe nails during my trip to England, but not feeling justified to get pedicures with my simple living values and budgetary priorities – feelings of not being worthy, wastefulness, scarcity mentality.My goodness, I could go on and that’s just with the feet!You get the picture.Very slowly go up your body and spend time observing what comes up, without trying to change it or judge yourself for it. Be an active listener, a loving observer.Your body is just mirroring years of inner & outer experiences.
  4. Once you have a whole stack of these strips of paper ceremoniously burn them in a small container or in an outdoor fire. As you watch the paper burn, be grateful for how these challenges & the pain have shaped you. Acknowledge how they may have hurt but also made you stronger, more compassionate, equipped you to transform them into gifts for yourself & others.
  5.  Take some of the ashes and rub them over your body – as a mask, war paint, messages of transformation, etc. Follow your inspiration. Look at yourself in the mirror and listen to your heart – its loving messages and invitations to transformation.
  6. Shower mindfully, feeling grateful for the cleansing. Pray or sing yourself into freedom as you watch the dirt go down the drain.

Note: As I was typing these inspirations, I was also given visions of taking the ashes and flushing them down the toilet instead. Because of the analogy to a lotus born in the mud and cleanly emerging from the water to blossom in the light, I strongly suggest that you include water in whatever ceremony you create for yourself.

Exercise 2: Truth Seeing

“The Perfect Unfolding” – Original SOLD and prints available.

See how the golden glass-beaded figure in my painting stands? She’s a voluptuous, open, strong, spirited, sensual and divine being. She’s not hiding herself. She’s not covered in shame or judgment. She’s free. She’s true – part spirit and part physical. She’s balanced in the heart of that lotus and grateful for all that she’s lived, all that she is, and all that is opening up for her. She’s unapologetic and pure, radiating from unconditional love.

Now that you’ve processed so much of what you had adopted as part of your truth and carried around for years, it’s time to truly see your beauty.

Look in the mirror again.

Love your body from your feet to your head by gently stroking it and acknowledging its function as a vessel to your spirit.

Appreciate your body’s perfect imperfections as a testimony to your path. You are unique. Your body is precious and so very beautiful.

Gaze at yourself in the mirror. Accept the changes that come with age and experience. Accept the calls for love.

A teacher in one of my drawing classes helped me see this. She talked about her experience in self-portrait classes. By spending time drawing all of what made her unique, she learned to love the moles, the scars, the shapes and ever-deepening wrinkles.

The more you can see the beauty in yourself, the more you’ll recognize it in others, no matter what the media advertises as how you should look to feel good.

As you stroke and gaze at yourself in the mirror, follow any guidance leading to deeper sexual healing, health, self-love, etc.

For example, I can accept that there may be changes in my body due to menopause, but I can also take the discomfort of bloating as a cue to make the changes I need in my lifestyle to feel more comfortable in my skin.

No matter what your body is telling you, reconnect to that golden essence at your core. The dust and dirt may have covered it, but it has always been there. Be with yourself until you can feel it through your heart & see it shining through your eyes.

Remember that you’re an individualized expression of the divine, unconditionally loved by your soul & team of Divine Helpers.

Your body is a sacred vessel, a vehicle for your soul. What does your vehicle need? A tune up, repairs, detailing, better fuel, polishing, more frequent use, etc.

If any negative self-talk or judgments still crop up, look deeply into your eyes and say what your heart most wants to hear. Train your mind to see the beauty, the gifts, the truth. Acknowledge that the negative voices you hear are echos of fear or social pressure.

Connect with your Higher Self by eye gazing in the mirror and when it feels natural, say “I see you”. Sit with how that feels.

When you’re connected in this way, it’ll be easier to let any new dirt simply roll off, not taking it on as your own. Use your shower or bath time to ritually and mindfully cleanse yourself from anything from the previous day(s) that doesn’t serve you and watch it all go down the drain.

Please go beyond just reading this post. Walk through the open door of its exercises to Re-Connect to your True Self. You deserve it.

And if you need extra support for some of what comes up to the surface to be seen before it’s released or healthily integrated, please seek it out.

Here’s Mud in Your Eye!

P.S. “The Perfect Unfolding” (24″ x 48″) Mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas: acrylics, glass beads, ocean jasper stone. No framing required. Original SOLD  & prints in your desired medium & size are available.Thanks for supporting my art!

P. P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “The Perfect Unfolding” on my blog here. 


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Reconnect Lesson 4: Shine Your Superpowers

Lesson 4 in the Reconnect to Your True Self series was inspired by the creative process behind the painting “Supersoul”.

Did you know you’re on a hero’s journey?

How would your perspective on your life change if you truly understood that your soul had arranged to embark on this adventure with its series of blessings, challenges & people designed to help you be all you were meant to be in this lifetime?

Imagine that many of these people & events – be they mentors or petty tyrants, nightmares or dreams come true, were chosen by your soul before incarnation to fulfill the Path your spiritual self wanted to travel while in this human body.

Does that belief ring true to you? It does to me.

Looking back at your life through this belief system is one way of uncovering your unique set of superpowers, shaped by a life that is unlike anyone else’s.

You are an individualized expression of the Divine, crafted by your experiences on your hero’s journey. Your superpowers are what can propel you forward in your own journey to be of service to others. 

Isn’t that exciting?

Exercise 1: Uncover Your Superpowers

So what are your superpowers?

Here’s an exercise that can help you figure that out – recognition and acknowledgement are key to putting them to good use.

If you don’t use them, you lose them.

So for the sake of all others, let’s do that!

Take out a piece of paper and make 3 columns.

On the left, write 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, …. all the way to your present age.

In the middle write down the significant blessings/gifts, challenges, people, places, etc. that have shaped you. Think of the 5W – Who, What, When, Where, Why.

On the right, acknowledge what superpowers these have given you.

For example:


lived in Germany

open to differences, connection to nature/ intuition, strong self-knowledge


was bullied

alignment to True Self vs. peer pressure


Mme George gave me lead roles in high school plays

effective public speaker

You’ll have more than 1 in every age increment – those are just memory triggers.

The important columns are 2 & 3 for you to take account of how the blessings, challenges and people in your life have shaped you to be your unique combination of skills, gifts, & superpowers you are today.

Exercise 2: Shine Your Superpowers

“Supersoul” Original & prints for sale.

Once you’ve recognized & acknowledged these superpowers, it’s time to celebrate them.

How can you shine your superpowers in your life today?

To illustrate:

The amount of time I spent alone in nature as a young child kept me highly connected to my Team of Divine Helpers. I’m using that superpower today to help others tune into their intuition through my workshops and intuitive services.

My being bullied gave me great empathy for those who feel they can’t be who they want to be in the world. I can understand how many don’t even know who they truly are because their circumstances shaped them to be part of a cookie-cutter society. Being bullied also helped me take inspired action to live a life that’s aligned with my True Self no matter social norms or peer pressure. Now, I can offer inspiration and insight to those who wish to walk their own path too.

And thanks to my teacher Mme George who assigned me lead roles in many of our high school plays (we were a small school), I love being in front of a group. Yes, I thrive in solitude and spend most of my creative time alone, but I still make sure I use this superpower to share & inspire through keynotes & workshops after 25 years of teaching ESL around the world.

What about you?

Look through your list for patterns. Some of your superpowers may be your strongest because of a series of related blessings, challenges & people that helped you strengthen them. 

Are you using these now in your life or in the service of others?

Brainstorm how you could do so more.

There’s nothing quite as empowering as recognizing that everything has happened for you, not to you – and that it all contributes to the amazing being that you are today.

You’re like no one else. So don’t try to be someone else.

Your Higher Self needs you to activate these superpowers for your Highest Good in designing a life that’s well-suited to who and what you are. The world needs your superpowers too.

Creating a life by design means seeing where both those needs intersect for the Greater Good of All. 

Thank you for being you!

P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “Supersoul” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints of “Supersoul” in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 3: Cheers to Your Tribe

Do you remember the TV show “Cheers” – “Where everyone knows your name?”  Norm would walk in and the whole bar would greet him with an exuberant “Norm!”

The characters knew they belonged. They felt seen for who they truly were. Why? Because they were comfortable enough to be their authentic selves. At least that’s how I remember it almost 30 years later.

Lesson 3 in this Reconnect to Your True Self Series is about surrounding yourself with those who can see, accept, and love you for who you are. When that happens, you can blossom more fully and quickly into your potential. 

Here’s a caveat. You can’t control who that’s going to be. Not everyone will like or understand you. Don’t take it personally. Keep looking until you find where you belong.

Your goal in this lesson is to find your garden – where you can plant your seeds of authenticity, nourish your ground, grow, and bear fruit. 

Let’s break this down into 3 exercises inspired by the creation of the painting “With Arms Wide Open”, #3 in my Re-Connecting Collection..

Exercise 1: Spend more time with those who welcome you whole-heartedly.

“With Arms Wide Open” – Prints available here.

Who already welcomes you with open arms?

Yes, this could be literal – I’m big into hello hugs. But it also means those who light up when you enter a room. You can see it in their eyes, in their smile, in their vibe. They’re just plain happy to see you… the real you.

You don’t need to pretend or hide. You don’t need to play games and manipulate.

You know that you’ll be accepted and loved for who you are no matter what.

If several people come to mind for you – awesome! You’re lucky. Reach out to them.

If you grew up feeling like you didn’t belong anywhere and that no-one truly understood you, you’re not the only one.

Know, however, that you’re surrounded by a Team of Divine Helpers (from your Higher Self to Source – whomever that is in your belief system) who cherish you and are ready to embrace you if you ask.

What you want is to have more contact with those who can welcome you whole-heartedly. Connect by phone, Skype or in person.

Be it your dog, a friend, an old teacher, a relative, a neighbour, a priest, your favourite tree, or your Team of Divine Helpers, make sure you connect with that feeling of belonging and acceptance as often as possible.

Those reminders that you’re OK  just the way you are fuel your soul.

You’re not alone. You’re never alone. You’re loved. Open more to feeling it by connecting more often to those who already welcome you with open arms.

To help you connect on both the human and celestial levels,  I channeled this meditation on Unconditional Love back in 2016. Start there if you feel called to.

Exercise 2: Greet People Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul

I’m sure you’ve entered a house, office, or store where the person doesn’t even look up from their computer or phone. They may grunt a “hi” in response to yours, but wouldn’t even notice if you’d dyed your hair in rainbow colours.

How did it feel? Are you guilty of doing that too?

A friend’s son used to call me “smiley voice” because even on the phone, he could tell I was happy to hear him.

Exercise 2 is about welcoming others with open arms.

In the video above, I refer to how dogs greet their people when they come home. Now, I’m not suggesting you jump on someone and lick their face. But I am inviting you to acknowledge another soul, even if it’s for a minute when they enter a room before you return to your project.

Are you present when people enter your space? Do you make eye contact, genuinely smile, hug?

For the next few days, try greeting others soul to soul – at work, at home, in the streets. You’re all part of the Divine Oneness. Train yourself to truly seeing these people for the expressions of the Divine that they are.

Look past the masks & fears to discover them.

Be the one who knows their name… “Norm!”

Exercise 3: Find Your Tribe

You can live in a city for years feeling like no-one gets you. You may have gone through school feeling that way too.

Your tribe is out there though – people who understand your journey or share similar values, passions & purpose.

Finding them requires a bit of work, but it’s worth it. 

Keep taking a chance. Express your truth in small doses with those you meet. If they show genuine interest, keep expressing and sharing.

Even if you’re a loner who prefers Netflix to crowds, or are a busy mother who can’t imagine taking a few hours a week to socialize – prioritize finding your tribe.

They’ll boost you up and fill your cup. They’ll help you appreciate who and what you are so that you have more to give others.

I was 40 when I understood what soul family meant- and what a revelation that was! I’d always had 1 or 2 close friends in the many cities where I’d lived, but when I moved to Saskatoon, I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who spoke my language.

I blossomed in those 5 years because I felt appreciated and valued for who I truly was. They helped me see the gift that I was and what I had to offer on levels I hadn’t experienced before. Wow! What a feeling!

So whether it’s through an interest or support group, a spiritual community, or business meet-up – try a bunch of groups or settings until you find the right fit.  And if there’s truly no one in town, explore social media groups. They’re a lifeline for many.

As you show up more as yourself, you’ll soon know if it’s a match.

Remember, however, that you’re there to give as much as you are to receive.

And even if you’re too busy to meet them every week, you’ll know in your heart that you’re not alone – that you fit in. And that feels good.

Are you happy with the company you keep? In this lesson, you’re asked to show up as yourself to attract those who will be thrilled to get to know who that is.

No more hiding. Cheers!


P.S. Click here if you want to dive deeper into the creation of the painting “With Arms Wide Open”.

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 2 – Own Your Light

Lesson 2 in the Reconnect to Your True Self series was inspired by the creative process behind the painting “Our Lady of Light”.

An amazing feeling washed over me when I was channeling the meditation for our small group at the Renews grotto (listen to it here).

Bringing a candle to Mother Mary to honour her felt completely natural. When she brought one in return to honour us, it transformed something within me. I was moved!

Why wouldn’t our Team of Divine Helpers – whomever they are for you – recognize and honour the Light within you?

If we’re all part of the Divine Oneness, isn’t that light of the same Source as theirs? Wouldn’t they too cherish us and the role our souls have come to Earth to fulfill?

Often, however, we don’t recognize our own light. We’ve been conditioned to minimize our importance and focus on our perceived faults & mistakes.

You are not less than anyone else. You are emerging more fully into the potential of who you have always been.

You are a Woman of Light, a Man of Light!

You hold within yourself a Light of the same essence as Father Mother God, as the grand masters, as all those who walk this earth and likely those from beyond (depending on your belief system).

Like a drop of water that is one with the ocean, your flame is part of the Divine Flame, the Great Light. Own it!

Today’s exercise may be a stretch of your comfort zone, but I guarantee you, it’ll help mirror your light so that you can see, accept, and love yourself more.

Once you’ve done that, it’ll be easier for you to shine bright in the world as the Light you already are.

Exercise: Your Collaborative Poem

When I painted “Our Lady of Light” (see original post), I wasn’t given a name for it.

I was guided to ask my online community for suggestions.

More than 50 name suggestions came in. I took all these, like pieces of a puzzle, and created this collaborative poem.


“Our Lady of Light” – Original SOLD)- prints available.

Hail Mary –
Divine Lady of Light & Love,
Mother’s Grace,
Gentle Woman,
Madona du Mondo,
Reine des bois,
Sacred Devi,
Lady of the Portal,
Mother of Light,
Devine Grace,
She who goes by ten thousand names –
Blessed are you
For you hold the Light of the world
In your hands.

Blessed Saphira,
Light of Grace,
Magnetic blue jewel,
Exquisite radiance,
Inspirational Lady of Light & Peace,
Mother of Renewing Life,
You are the vessel,
The Light Bearer,
Virtue embodied,
Radiant all embracing loving Light.

Oh Serene Mother
Light of Life
Connecting with Pure Essence
You have birthed
Divine Vibrations of Radiance
The Essence of Light
The Christ Light
Brought forth from your very being.
Continue to light the way
to Sacred Stillness

I bow to you Radiant Mother,
Seed Planter of Light,
Mother Goddess.
Glory be thy names.
May you shine your Immaculate Light
That I may see my own divinity
For I too am one
With Mary’s Light
A Particle riding the blue wave
To enlightenment.

I am Light.

So be it. So I let it be. Amen.

Your Turn: Own Your Light

Your mission, if you choose to accept it (you won’t regret it) is to do exactly that.

  • Create a list of words & expressions of how you feel you’ve shone your Light in the world.
  • Ask your family, friends, colleagues and social media community for 3 words or expressions that describe the highlights of who you are to them. What qualities do they see in you? What do they perceive as your values? How do they see you shining your Light in the world.
  • Piece the puzzle together until you have a collaborative poem that makes your heart sing.
  • Place it on your bathroom mirror (or somewhere you’ll see it every day) and read it often – silently & out loud.
  • Shine even brighter in the world recognizing your Light and loving yourself for who you truly are – in the eyes of others and through the eyes of your own soul.

Yes, it can be a stretch of your comfort zones to ask others what they like or love about you.

Would you hesitate telling them if they asked you?

Present it as part of a creative exercise, homework. Tell them more if they ask.

If it helps, get a friend to agree to do this exercise for themselves too and hold each other accountable. Share in the joys and revelations of the process.

Please don’t take it personally if people don’t answer your call for loving words to describe you.

People are busy or may feel awkward. There are so many reasons they won’t answer – including not seeing your post or your email ending up in their spam folder.

Don’t give up. Call those near to you and ask them to get back to you within a few days. Send a second email if need be. Create a follow up post. Tell them you’re aiming for 50 and need more words & expressions to fulfill your homework.

You won’t grow if you don’t stretch.

Imagine how you’ll feel after you play with all those beautiful mirrors to your light to have your very own poem.

Don’t say “I’m not creative”. Others will have done most of the work here. You just need to phrase it all in a way that is pleasing to your own heart.

Yes, you have artistic license to embellish the list with your own phrasing, qualities, self-love.

Ready to play? Enjoy!

I’d love if you came back here to share your poem. Share it also on your social media. Inspire others to shine brighter through this same exercise.

The more we all shine as the Light we already are – the more loving & bright this world will become. For the love of beauty and the beauty of love, do it. You deserve it! We all do!

P.S. Feel free to use this text to reach out to your circle. It’s short, sweet, and you now have no excuse to do it. Love you!

Hi. I need your help with my homework please. I’m working on a creative exercise and need you to send me 3 words or expressions that describe what you see as my strongest qualities, values, or role in your life. What do you see me as representing in the world? I need these soon. Will you help? Thanks!


P.S.  Click here if you want to dive deeper into the creation of the painting “Our Lady of Light”.

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 1 – Every Sock a Prayer

Welcome to this first edition of my Reconnect to your True Self series inspired by the 11 paintings in my Re-Connection Collection. 

Each post will start with a video followed by a more elaborate text version for those who prefer.

Co-creating “Every Dot a Prayer” in my studio resulted not only in this award-winning painting, but in life-enhancing lessons for you too.

Are you ready to emerge more fully into Divine Oneness through connection to your intuition & community? 

Exercise 1: Create Space to Listen In

As explained in a previous post on the creative process behind “Every Dot a Prayer”, the imagery that came forth from the intuitive & visionary processes led to my decision to make a sacred pilgrimage to Glastonbury last summer.

I’m sure glad I turned that intuition into action – what a trip!

Taking inspired action can only happen if you’re open to receiving Guidance.

You might have a specific goal in mind that you don’t know how to achieve. Or you just want to know what a next best step would be towards your Highest Good.

Either way, ask for Guidance and make space to listen. 

Your answers are within – provided by your heart and your connection to your Team of Divine Helpers, no matter what you call them.

The problem is that we live in a world of go-go-go with rocketing anxiety levels and blood pressure.

You first need to take the time to access that space of peace within yourself where wisdom lives.

Whether it’s carving 15 minutes out of your schedule every few days to contemplate nature or turning the TV off to meditate before sleep, you need to relax to hear the soft whispers of your soul.

What activities (or lack of activities) leads you to that peace?

Find what gives you that sense of inner peace, that purposeful silence. Reconnect with your True Self and with the ones who can see the big picture, who know the Way.

It might be through an activity like painting, knitting, gardening, solo nature walks, or washing the dishes. 

It could also be a more structured intuitive-listening activity like my guided visioning meditations. They”ll help you slow down and provide musical interlude in between the guided storyline to connect with guidance before taking inspired action.

Whatever it is, make regular quiet time for your Self. Write it in your schedule or do it 21 days in a row to engrain the habit.

If you never get off the hamster wheel, you’ll never relax enough to open the communication channels with your intuition.

Reconnecting to your True Self, means being able to hear what she/he has to say. So go ahead, make the time for Your Self. You need it! You’re worth it!

Exercise 2: Every Sock a Prayer

“Every Dot a Prayer” prints available in your choice of size & medium.

You may be an individualized expression of the Divine, but you’re also a part of the Divine Oneness.

If you feel lonely, disconnected from others and are suffering from your perceived separateness, this exercise can take care of that.

While making the first dots in “Every Dot a Prayer”, I started chanting and praying for loved ones – my family and friends.

I then extended that to situations that needed an extra layer of love & beauty through my energy-work and focused love.

That lasted a while, but nowhere near the days of dot-making I knew would be involved in this piece.

So for the first time, I asked my friends & fans on social media if anyone needed prayers.

Around 100 names came in – those asking for prayers and the first names of those they wanted me to pray for.

As I sat alone in my studio for very long hours, I became more connected to loved ones, strangers, society and Mother Earth than I had in a long while.

The more I prayed/chanted for others, the more connected and uplifted I felt. I’d reconnected to that part of myself that is connected to all that is. I’d tapped into the web of light & life that connects us all. What a feeling!

You don’t need to make dots to practice this. And you don’t need to do it for hours straight like I did that time.

Dedicate one of your repetitive activities to others. It could be:

  • cleaning up toys
  • folding socks
  • a flow of yoga postures
  • brushing your teeth
  • putting away dishes
  • mindful walking
  • climbing steps

The possibilities are endless. What counts is that you get in the groove to remove the veil of separateness.

As you do so, send love or prayers (whatever you call it) to whomever you know could use your love.

Reconnecting to your True Self means reconnecting to that unconditional love that is generated by your heart & soul. 

So no matter if it’s “Every Dot a Prayer” or “Every Sock a Prayer”, be an active part of the Divine Oneness by nourishing it with your love. You’ll see… you won’t feel lonely after that!


P.S.  Click here if you want to dive deeper into the creation of the painting “Every Dot A Prayer”.

P.P.S. You can order prints of  in your choice of size and medium. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Spiritual Photo Tip 2: Simplicity

I’m a big fan of simplicity – in my life and in my photography.

By de-cluttering your images, conversations, schedules, homes, and so much more, you focus your attention on what’s truly important.

This gives you, your priorities, and your creations room to breathe and shine without distractions.

May this 2nd element in my bi-weekly spiritual photography series help you open new ways of seeing your world & your life.

Spiritual Photo Tip 2: Simplicity

Simple Subjects

Absolutely no-one sees the world the way you do. What catches your attention may go totally unnoticed by others. By sharing it in a photograph, you’re sharing your way of seeing.

It’s wonderful to get pleasure from the simple things in life.

For example, the line of the white fence against the blue ocean at a lighthouse on Bell Island (see above) caught my attention. Yes, I took  dozens of photos of the lighthouse… but this one was my favourite as it captured the sense of open space I was so grateful for.

Simplify Your Subjects

When someone looks at your image, it’s great if they can immediately identify its subject.  What is this photo about?

If you want to focus on your best friend, don’t place her in a crowd unless you can find a way to make it clear she’s your subject. If the crowd itself is the subject, then that’s different.

Here, the bush and water hose caught my attention. I liked the simplicity of lines and shapes as well as the questions it left in my mind.


If I’d photographed a wider shot of the scene, including the building behind the fence, you wouldn’t know what I was trying to show you. Even including a sliver above the fence was distracting (on left). So I took another shot without it. Do you agree that it’s better? (Note: click on an image to see it full screen.)

Clean Up Your Edges

This butterfly image was never a strong one, but it captured a moment before it flew away.

That’s where cropping comes in handy if it’s too late to take another photo. Smart phones make this easy with their built-in app or you can do it on your computer.

As the human eye is drawn to white/light first, the eye kept being drawn to the bottom left corner and a few other distractions on the edges. After cropping, the image was better. Not great, but better.

In the windowsill shot of the geraniums, the white sky totally takes away from the image. Simply change the height and tilt of your camera to cut out the sky.

By the way, white skies rarely look good in a photo. Cut them out. Overcast days, however, are the best for close ups, portraits, or many other kinds of shots without sky because there aren’t any harsh shadows!

Here’s another important reason to watch your edges. When I looked at the first photo of the wild grasses, I got a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’d cut off just the tip of that one stem, making it very uncomfortable.

It’s that same feeling if you have an almost full body shot of someone but cut off their feet at the ankles. There are natural places to cut off your shot... not at the tips/ankles. By taking another photo with a bit of space above that tallest stem, nothing distracts from the simple beauty of the scene.

Simplify Your Background

I rarely only take one photo of a subject, especially during this era of digital photography.

I’ll often grab a photo to capture that first feeling of excitement. Then I’ll come in closer or move around until my subject isn’t lost in its background.

Here, shifting just a bit put the shed to the side instead of behind the flowers, making it stronger.

With this hummingbird, I took dozens of shots before it flew off.

See how it’s lost in the chaos of the first photo?

I did 2 things to improve on that. First, I kept taking photos until we were both positioned to have a less busy background.

Next, I changed the depth of field for a shallow one (low f stop) on my SLR camera.  You can also do this on your smart phone. If you tap on the subject that’s close to you, you’re telling your phone where to focus.

The closer it is, the blurrier the background. With a soft background, your subject stands out.

Here, there are 2 photos of the hummingbird with a simple soft background. Whether you prefer the lighter or darker one is a matter of personal choice.

Here’s another example before you go out to practice.  With these lady slippers, I wanted an overall context shot. But the first was too chaotic. The second made it clearer what my subject was within its context. Then I kept working my subject to simplify both the subject & background.

Heart Sight: Simplicity

Simplify Your Subjects

It’s the same in your life as it is with photography.

By simplifying, you’re focusing your attention and others’ on what matters most.

When you’re talking to someone or writing a social media post, can you keep it simple and to the point? Or do you suffer from verbal diarrhea? 

Customer service reps will be the first to report that those who get the best service are those that clearly identify the point or question without going too far into the details or drama.

Simplifying your conversations gives more room for both to talk & listen. It takes the interaction from me to we. It can also be a sign that you’re coming from love, not fear of not being heard or other fears.

I’ve been accused of writing way too much in my blog posts. And although I can easily spend days without talking to anyone but myself, I can also embark on a monologue that takes the listeners all over the place or right out of the conversation (and connection). Awareness is key.

After all, it’s what I teach when it comes to asking your Team of Divine Helpers for Guidance. Stick to one subject at a time. With a clear question comes a clearer answer.

Avoid Distractions

How good are you at cleaning up your edges? your distractions?

When I’m in the writing or painting flow, it’s so important that I block out solid periods of time in my schedule without appointments, dinner dates, interruptions, social media notifications, etc.

According to Gloria Mark, it takes almost 25 minutes for the mind to refocus after checking Facebook (23 minutes and 15 seconds, to be exact). Wow!

I’m definitely the most connected & fruitful during my 12 to 16-hour marathons. They don’t happen every week, but if I have a big project, I prefer focusing on 1 thing at a time for a long time.

It’s the same for my nature walks. They’re so much more enjoyable if I don’t have a fixed time to get back home.

The less things in my schedule, the more space I have to follow my intuition and work on what matters most.

And if I do have a series of errands to run, I like to borrow the car once and get them all done effectively in a loop. Getting easily drained in crowded spaces has helped me become very organized.

Simplify Your Background

How do you function when surrounded by chaos? 

If my desk, desktop, walls, studio, or fridge are too cluttered, I don’t feel as motivated to create.

If my house is too cluttered, I don’t feel as comfortable or at ease.

And if my schedule is too cluttered, I can easily tip into overwhelm or frustration.

Creating a life by design that focuses on who or what’s important to you means saying no to other things. It’s all about priorities. 

Focus, clarity, beauty, and love stand out when you let go of the rest.

It may not have been easy financially to become a full-time artist – yet! – but I’m so grateful for the simple life I lead focused on what I value most: time in nature, creating art, sharing inspiration, 2-week trips to Ottawa to be with my family, studying, etc.

I’m certainly not suffering! I’ve just learned to spend wisely and earn creatively.

When I returned from a year of art studies overseas in 2014, I rented a room in a beautifully peaceful home by the river close to downtown St. John’s. I live in the lap of luxury at a fraction of the cost! I not only get to share this beautiful nature sanctuary and car with my generous house-sister, but I get to spend my time creating and sharing in ways that are aligned with my values.

I’ll admit, more painting sales would simplify both the management of my inventory and occasional concerns about finances. So if you’re moved to beautify your space & your life, check out my energy-infused art & intuitive services.

Have Fun!

How can you apply the photo & life tips in this blog post to live a simpler & richer life?

And please share some of your photos with your friends online or in person. It’s a great way for them to get to know how you see the world.

Remember last week’s Spiritual Photo Tip on Context and add Simplicity to the mix.

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