My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

A Warbler’s Tale of Temporary Insanity

My house sister Orinda has always had a connected relationship with our neighbourhood birds. There’s a seagull that pecks at her window if she’s in bed too long. The ravens from across the street come when she caws, announcing a new batch of suet in the winter. Often, a lone sparrow will sit with her for hours at the end of the day in mediation. And hundreds of little feathered friends relish at her seasonal buffet featuring David Suzuki’s peanut butter & seed recipe.

This is the first year since I moved here 6 years ago, however, that a yellow warbler has demonstrated such strange behaviour. 

Orinda had already been aware for a few hours that he had come as a messenger to get her attention before I came on the scene. She’d been listening for its important message, knowing he was there to fulfill her need for peace.

I shot a short video, fascinated, in between simply watching and listening in for what message he may be conveying. We were mystified. Is he eating bugs? No. Is he trying to get in? Is he trying to tell us something?

I even practiced my budding animal communication skills, but they were tainted by Lassie movies, thinking he wanted me to follow him because his mate was in trouble, stuck in the chimney or lying somewhere around the house. But my walkabout turned up nothing.

In our open minded curiosity and desire for clarity, we kept asking.

I even posted a short clip on Facebook and heard back that he thought his reflection was his competition and that he was fighting for his mate. Ah…..

The next morning at 6am, when I came upstairs from recording a Divine Storytelling Time intuitive reading for a client, he was already there.

And he stayed there, repeating the same patterns of flight until about 9pm. What energy! What determination! What futility!

It did, however, give me plenty of chances to play wildlife cinematographer. Another day of fun behind my camera – all the while my heart was listening for messages and reaching out to him in his useless behaviour.

But was it useless? At some point, I shared my interpretation of the messages I was receiving with Orinda.

She delighted in them, acknowledging that both he and the meaning I’d allowed to come through were an answer to her prayers.

So here it is. If you see a reflection of yourself in here somewhere, then may it help alleviate your suffering and bring a layer of peace to your day.



Have you ever gotten so caught up in a mental spin
Convinced there was something outside of you to fight about
Wasting your time
Wasting your energy
Wasting your peace of mind
For an illusion of your own making?

Have you ever found yourself defending your perspective
Arguing the measure of your rightness,
Competing for affection,
Jealous of a threat that never existed?

Have you ever butted heads
Fighting to be heard
Only to realize after days of going nowhere
Exhausted from repeating the same mistake
Reliving outdated patterns of thought or behaviour
That all this time
You were the only one there?

What a revelation
To awaken to the truth
That all you saw & believed
Was only a reflection of your own mind
No one was stepping on your toes
No one was clipping your wings
No one was invading your territory
Or pushing against your boundaries
No one was threatening your chance at love
Except you, yourself.
That’s who you were at war with
Battling your inner demons
Projecting your fears upon the world
You made it all up!
Face to face and
Fist to fist with your ego.

Insanity, Albert Einstein said
Is doing the same thing over and over again and
Expecting different results.

And that, dear yellow feathered friend
Is what you’ve come here to show us
Day after day
As you fight your own reflection
Competing with a non-existent foe
For a prize long gone while you were too busy trying to hold onto it.

Oh darling yellow warbler
It’s time to let go of your self-defeating efforts
You’ll never win against an imaginary adversary
Choose love instead
Choose life instead
For your mission here is done.
Our hearts reach out to you
Healed by your message,
Your wise & true teachings.

And once we’d understood the lesson you were here to demonstrate
We tried to deflect your reflection
But you only perched on our wisdom
Staring at your false belief
Swinging from your stance of self-sabotage
To come face to face again with your misperception of reality.

Oh blessed winged one
Please stop this temporary insanity
Don’t wear yourself out
Leaving yourself defenceless against the real enemies.
Can’t you see how your own thinking and doing
Drew them to you in the first place?

And until you find your way
Back home to where your mate awaits
We’re so grateful to know that
Someone has your back.
So sleep well tonight and rest your weary wings
And please don’t come back again and again and again tomorrow.

Thank you dearest messenger
And goodnight to you
Fare ye well
To where your return is awaited.

For as the Course in Miracles says,
On the card my house sister pulled to shed further light
Upon the true purpose of your visit for her:

“You are altogether irreplaceable in the Mind of God
No one else can fill your part of it
And while you leave your part of it empty
Your eternal Place merely waits for your return.” T167

So please return to your nest.
And here, we too, shall rest
In Peace reborn


P.S. This was the truth of the moment. In the next few days, its messages morphed according to Orinda’s state of being. The original message wasn’t fixed in time. Its message for you may be completely different. Have fun exploring the layers of meaning-making or meaning-revealing.

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Seaside Solitude – A Video Contemplation at Middle Cove Beach in the Rain


You’re invited to use this video contemplation as a tool to help you connect to your inner guidance. Here’s how.

Ask your soul & Team of Divine Helpers a question and listen in as you experience this rainy morning at Middle Cove Beach, a few minutes from St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador in Canada.

Access your intuition through the symbolism of the sights and sounds.

Give yourself the space to feel, hear, see, remember, know, smell & taste – whatever channel your intuition finds to speak to you.

If the meaning isn’t immediately clear, dig deeper. Analyze your insights and data through reflection or journaling.

Notice any inspired actions that rise to the surface of your consciousness and Act upon them. Remember, intuitive guidance is useless unless you act on it.

Then Allow your life to unfold, knowing that every inspired action acts like a piece in the puzzle. Embrace the mystery and keep on moving on.

Like the waves of the ocean, living intuitively means repeating these 5 Steps over and over again – a dance with your Higher Self and your Team of Divine Helpers. Enjoy!

So Glad I Did!

Here’s where I ended up on my first Offline Sunday – a new habit to help me disconnect from the Internet to reconnect on a deeper level.

There must have been hundreds of people there in the 2 hot & sunny days before, but I found myself in blissful solitude for 2 hours communing with the elements and playing with my iPhone camera on a very rainy morning.

Truly, making movies has become one of my favourite pastimes. There’s so much beauty to explore and this is just one more medium for me to express my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

And yes, my new rain gear is waterproof. Yay! I sure tested it that morning.

Of course lifting my jacket to wipe my camera lenses on my shirt didn’t keep me completely dry, but I was happy.  lol.

When you equip yourself for the weather and obstacles, there’s a whole world to discover. I’m so glad I listened that morning when my soul said “To the sea!!!”.

What is your soul calling you to do or be? What space is beckoning you to come and discover it (or discover another layer of you within it?)

Make time in your schedule this week to disconnect and reconnect. You’re worth it!

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A Prayer For Our Times – Video From NL’s Irish Loop

Mother Nature is a wonderful healer. Her breath, her beauty, her heartbeat, her love, and her bounty are constant sources of inspiration. In this 16-minute offering, she shares so generously of her energy through the beauty of  Newfoundland’s Irish Loop and the prayer for our times she inspired. May it nourish your transformational journey, a balm to your soul as you continue to navigate your way through the crises of 2020 and the new world they are birthing.

I’ve included the prayer below in the 1st person in case you’d like to recite it for yourself.


This sojourn by the sea was an answer to a Spirit Call for what turned out to be an energetically powerful time of rejuvenation, channeling and simply being in bliss:  2 sunny days of hiking & photography followed by 2 cold grey days working indoors, looking out at Ship Island and listening to loons call.

This was social isolation with style! Just 40 minutes from my home in St. John’s, my friend Elaine’s Whale Watcher House & Apartments is located in St. Michael’s on the Irish Loop of the Avalon Peninsula, on the road between 2 sections of the East Coast Trail: Tinker’s Point Path & La Manche Village Path. At the time of writing (May 29), I’d just witnessed my last of Mother Nature’s sunrise intuitive painting parties over the ocean before returning to the city. It was perfect!

After 2 months of walking in my neighbourhood, I needed time by the sea. Painting “Salacia – ocean goddess” wasn’t enough. Breathing in the beauty and grounding myself on the East Coast Trail was definitely top of mind.

The fact that a minke whale was feeding right outside my room when we arrived confirmed I was in the right place.

In addition to connecting to Nature, I thought I’d be spending time writing 12 prayers inspired by 12 of my paintings for a new series of posts. That didn’t happen! Not yet anyway.


On my 3rd morning, after meditation, energy work, yoga, Spirit Calling Card journaling, and frequent contemplations of the ocean, I just wasn’t inspired to work on my project. (A hawk just landed 6 feet from me on my balcony roof as I was writing this. One of my childhood totem animals. Wow!) I’d spent time preparing by opening my channels, but then tried to force things into being. That didn’t work.

I was getting restless, being so goal oriented but without results.

So instead of writing, I kept joyfully editing my photos and working on making a movie on my iPhone, one of my favourite new creative playtime activities. 

I thought it was done once I’d paired the imagery with music as I’ve done in the past – creating a nature meditation.

Revelation & Tears

At 9pm, I lay my head down, ready for sleep. I decided to play my video one last time in gratitude for all I’d seen and experienced so far.

As I watched in my semi-awake relaxed state, the symbolism of the scenery started speaking to me. I could hear the words of a prayer come through my inner hearing.

Energy so strong was coursing through my body like an inner buzzing vibration from head to feet focused more strongly around my heart. I was trembling and wasn’t sure my body could handle that much energy.

I had to switch on the light and write a few sentences down. Switching it off, I kept watching my movie, tears in my eye, humbled at the presence of so much love & inspiration in the room.

I realized I’d been standing in my own way with pre-conceived notions of what I was supposed to be doing while here. I was trying to force something on paper when what I had been doing – following my bliss in the moment through the creation of this video – was exactly what was meant to happen. Intuitive video making – one layer at a time.

It wasn’t about making it happen… it was about making it welcomed…

As the words kept flowing, I remembered a friends’ recent suggestion to use voiceover, something I didn’t know I could do on my iPhone if I also wanted a music track.

This co-creation is what my Team of Divine Helpers and soul wanted to share with you when I’d been guided to come here to pray for humanity. It wasn’t 12 prayers to go with my paintings (a Left brain decision with undertones of marketing for my artwork).

It was 1 long prayer coming through the offerings of Mother Earth. So very humbling indeed.

On and off, I tried putting it aside to sleep. I’m the kind of gal who likes my 8 hours!

But no! Between frequent cold visits to the balcony to watch a blanket of stars like I hadn’t seen in years (couldn’t quite capture it with my iPhone but you get a taste of it near the end) and scribbling all that was coming through, I was up until 4 am.

Going back to bed yet again, I asked my Team to ONLY wake me up for the sunrise if it was important for me to see/record it. Sure enough, 1.5 hours later, I woke up in a bolt and was back outside filming a 2-hour time lapse that the iPhone turns into a 30 second video. These were my first nature time lapses ever. Fun!

I spent the rest of that cold windy day writing and editing until I came out of my creative cocoon at 4pm to scale the eroded cliffs next door to  ground myself on that horseshoe beach you see in the video.

That’s what it’s like to be in the zone – fed by Spirit (in-spired). It took breaking my routine and being out here to do it. And I’m so glad I did. I had to make the inner space for it. I often achieve this zone in the studio painting, but not with quite the same intensity of energy. That was something else!

P.S. The next day, I listened to the video again and was still happy with it (even not minding the trip up on the words “miraculous” and “diva” instead of “deva” that I didn’t know how to fix) – but I’ll admit it sounded so much better in my sleepless state of creative ecstasy. Again, to me this is a sign that although the poetry of it could use some refining beyond the first few drafts, it’s the energy that comes through and between the words which offers its gift as much as the language and imagery. That’s how I feel about my paintings too. It’s perfection in its imperfection and my job is to simply allow it to come through me.

May it serve you well. It certainly has me. Thanks be to God!

Prayer For Our Times – in the 1st Person

If you like this prayer – yes, it’s a long one – I recommend you record it in your voice and play it once in a while – making it your own.


As I venture from my home
To embark on the road less traveled
May I greet my neighbours anew
To rebuild a compassionate community
Grateful for the rebirth of caring
Fresh ways of seeing
Healthier ways of being.
May I choose to garden a perspective of gratitude together
And be here now to colour our oneness with my laughter.
For on the shores of our planet’s beating heart
Treasures abound
New dreams are found.


May I rejoice in the flow of my passion
To shine & align in my own true fashion.
May I dance in the ebb & flow
At One with humanity
A witness to the glowing love & courage
Carried by the flow.


As I once more embrace life & loved ones.
May I breathe our planet’s cleaner air
My bosom rising and falling
To the rekindled rhythms of my soul.
May I allow this Life Force to grow within my being
Connecting me to my inner guidance, my intution


Thank you dear God & Goddess, Mother Earth & Universe
For your comfort when the tides are low
And your bounty when the tides are high.
As I relax into the layers of transition
May I celebrate the unity that follows change.
May I trust in the purity of my emerging health & prosperity.
May I welcome and receive guidance
To harvest and keep growing from my truth.
May I intuitively shift from my challenges to meditate on healing.
May I find balance in the fruit of my solitude
As I begin to awaken.


May my miraculous life be nourished
By Nature’s freedom of expression.
May I be still and contemplate,
What once I passed by or took for granted.
The treasures are already at my door.


May I attract complete wisdom through imagination and inspiration.
May I stretch my creativity as I seek in the direction of my mystery.
May I reflect upon the teachings of love to manifest clarity.
May I continue to explore through time
The light of my dreams and the dreams of my Light.


May I continue to rise above the harsh grounds of my challenges
As I journey onwards from this shore.
May I transform my memories to reveal the depth of my purpose.
And always feel at home at my core.


Walk on my beloved self, walk on,
May I be of service to friends and family along the way.
For no man or woman is an island
Separated by a sea, lost or astray
So walk on, beloved self, walk on
May my heart alight with the burgeoning hope of a new era
Reflecting on these times gone by:
The grief, the fear, the gifts & the blessings.
May I let go of what no longer serves me
To make room for the people, places, things, and feelings that do.


May I always know where I am welcomed
To explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love
Here my seat awaits
A gathering of those known and unknown,
Delights to discover.
May I always feel at home in the world
Knowing I’ll forever be nourished & loved.
May I take time to rest and relax
May I feed my body, nourish my soul.
To reconnect to my Higher Self
And take sight of my vision floating
On the calm waters of my shore.


And if I’m harkened back to the hidden beaches of my past
May I not be afraid of what I might find there.
May I uncover the clues to my destiny
Beachcombing amongst the garbage washed ashore.
May I remember what gave me the greatest joy
To bring that back into the expanse of my days ahead.


May the sun rise in my morrow with gentle splendour
To call me forth from my slumber
So many treasures await for me to discover
As I unlock the gifts of my shadows
To love myself forever more.


May I connect to my Team of Divine Helpers
In this, the the time of awakening.
There’s no need to journey alone.
Ask and I shall receive
Connect and the doors will be open unto me
I Welcome at my side:

* My Soul and OverSoul (I Am Presence),

* My Support Teams,

* My Guides in this dimension and beyond,

* My Ancestors,

* Nature Spirits and Devas,

* The Inner Earth Elvin Kingdoms,

* The Angelic Realm,

* Star Races and Star Councils I have a connection with.


May I tread gently and bravely
My every step a blessing, a prayer.
May I know that as varied as my pathway may be
There are those who love and support me
Walking alongside
May I know not loneliness in my solitude.


May the signposts to my healing
Bring me back to my Light within
From where I can illuminate my inner and outer landscapes
For my Good and the Highest Good of All.


May I emerge from my isolation
More familiar with my own design
May I revel in the symphony of my soul
My unique voice blending harmoniously
Into the choir of a community reborn.


May I stand tall
For I have the strength of giants at my back.
Ancient wisdom coursing through my veins
Divine unity at my beckoning call
Whenever I am ready to be joined again
Of my own free will.


May I breathe this beauty in as a mirror to my soul.
May I smile as I feel within every cell of my body that I am already home.
Let me take my shoes off and stay awhile
My feet firmly on the ground
Feeling the healing energy of nature rise within me
As I reconnect to the truth of who I am.


For we are all the light and the love,
Breathing as one,
Holding each other’s hand,
Holding each other’s dreams:
To be seen, accepted and loved
For the spirits we are in human form.
Each with our own design,
Each following our own path
Together intertwined.


May I walk on
Guided through my challenges
Rising above them with ease & grace
Stronger yet lighter for what I’ve left behind
Shedding the skins of old patterns and behaviours
That encumbered my gait.


May my attention be drawn to the light ahead
The evolving vision of my life unfolding
And the planet ascending.
And when I feel overwhelmed by the gap between here and there
May I take a leap of faith
Trusting that a bridge will appear
There’s no reason to fear.
May I simply pause to appreciate the spaces in between
And the vastness of the beauty all around.
May I see how far I’ve travelled
The precious footsteps of my passage through time.


May I embrace the mystery
As I enter the portal to the blessed unknown
May I choose love over fear
Rooted in the knowledge that I am
An individualized expression of the Divine.


May I walk on
Loving the grooves and textures of my journey
May my path be clear
My head held high
To find my way back to community.
May I always be provided for
May I welcome those at my door
May I be of service through the very gift of my presence.


And when the clouds darken my skies once more
May I remember I am vaster than the passing weather
And that light always comes to fill the darkness
And when the sun sets upon my day
May I rest my head in peaceful slumber
Wrapped in the warmth & comfort of a prayer answered.
May I know that I’m protected in the glow of Divine Love
As the stars cultivate my gratefulness
Multiplying my wishes & dreams come true
To be welcomed back unto me.


And if the night hangs heavy upon my mind
May I remember that as the sunrise I will find
Love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness and freedom.
May I continue to appreciate the promise of an open path of compassion.
Dream on, beloved self, dream on.
May I never sleep alone.
Loved by the sun and the moon,
The earth and the sea
Loved by the Heavens above and within me
For that is where is found the love & beauty of my heart
With a song so pure
Resonating with the original sound of OM.



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Guided Meditation to Calm the Fear

In early April, I asked my Team of Divine Helpers to co-create with me a visioning meditation that would help you cope with the waves of fear washing over the planet during this Covid-19 pandemic.

I released this channeled “Lighten Up with Love” guided meditation on YouTube a few weeks ago, but if you don’t receive my bi-weekly e-zines in your inbox, you may not have seen it yet.

I was surprised at first that they guided you to start by looking at the fear in your life before turning to look at the love. I myself felt a spike of discomfort, mostly because I didn’t want to worsen your anxiety levels.

I can now see, however, that a short but good look at the fear first can help raise your awareness of its effects on your body, mind & spirit, but also of the root of it.

Is it truly what’s happening in the world that is causing your fear or your beliefs, thoughts, your choice of media, worry about the future, etc. that is fuelling the flames?

I’m not belittling what’s happening. This isn’t about denying or diminishing the level of tragedy and the need to process grief as we let go of our expectations, plans, and souls that have transitioned Home.

It’s about recognizing that we have choices on which perspective to fuel – love vs. fear.

Activating the power of your Observer Self, you’ll increase your awareness of the effects of both fear and love on your body, mind, and spirit in these challenging times. Awareness is key to transformation. From this awareness, you’ll fuel your spark to shine so brightly as to spread Light & Love around the planet, helping yourself and others to choose what’s in the Highest Good of All.

Fear will eat away at you. It weakens your immune system.

May this meditation help reduce the effects of fear and boost the benefits of love.

By raising your vibration and visualizing how love can be just as viral, may this offering brighten up your inner and outer world as you continue to journey through this time of transition.

Are you ready to redirect and retrain your thoughts, your words, your beliefs, your actions, etc. towards the light & love that are aligned with the Greater Truth? 

Allow your Light to shine brighter to let go of the layers of fear and spread the effects of your love in your life and around the planet.

Peace be with you.

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An Ocean Visual Meditation

It’s easy for me to stay home in the best of times – social isolation is the creative space in which I thrive as an introverted artist. The fact my home is nestled in nature, with a hill of trees leading to a small river in the backyard and a huge park nearby makes this chosen simple lifestyle an easy & pleasant one for me.

My heart, however, also craves variety in my nature time to open my eyes and my soul to Mother Earth’s expansive and ever-changing beauty.

When I borrowed the car on April 7th and drove to Cape Spear, it felt like I was heading out on a big adventure. It was my first time venturing outside my neighbourhood since mid-March.

Cape Spear is the most easterly point of North America, on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. It’s only 15 minutes drive from my house.

This mini-trip was part of a 3-day offline self-directed retreat. I so needed a break from all the online meetings, trainings and events. I was actually missing my alone time!

The change in scenery did me so much good. In the 3 hours I was there, I only met 3 other people so staying more than 6 feet away was easy.

I walked, sat & contemplated, and shot 61 video clips that I then edited together to create this 23-minute Ocean Meditation video.

May it now offer you a calming change of scenery as  you soak in the beauty of the waves, snow, icebergs, rainbows and more.

The whole is accompanied by the composition “Across the Sky” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. With the high winds, I had to completely mute the recorded sounds from my iPhone.

Do You Need an Offline Retreat?

If you’re feeling frazzled by how much time you’re spending online, it may be time to give your technology a break.

I’m spending less time alone during this period of social isolation than I did before  – albeit it’s all online now.

If you do decide to take a break, give yourself enough time. It took me 3 days to slow down.

On Day 1, I was very busy doing all sorts of things to raise my vibration: journaling, meditation, dance, yoga, podcasts, neighbourhood walk, cooking, etc.

I’d left Day 2 wide open, but after spending 3 hours at Cape Spear, I ended up spending 10 hours on the computer editing, dealing with technical issues, and uploading this video. I went to bed later than my body wanted to.

It was only on Day 3 that I consciously left my phone and computer untouched. I made time for stillness and reflection. That’s when I could more easily access the intuitive messages I needed to move me forward.

May something in my experience be of service to you, inspiring and nourishing your transformational journey. You’re worth it! Namaste.



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Reconnect Lesson 11: It’s Birthing Time


It’s very moving when a layer of the big picture reveals itself.

As I sat beside my father on Ash Wednesday at the Notre Dame Basilica in Ottawa after we created this video for the last Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson, it dawned on me…

The first time I sat with Papa alone in the very same pew after Maman had to be placed in long term care, I received the inspiration to create the Re-Connecting Collection – 11 intuitive visionary paintings answering an inner call to examine my roots and spiritual evolution.

9 months later, the collection was complete.

6 more months, so are the lessons.

What had initially appeared like procrastination on this last lesson turned out to be divine timing. My mother’s passing helped me understand the lesson this painting was to offer you as she entered the Gateway back Home to God.

As I sat beside my father again in the same pew during a mass dedicated to my mother’s memory, I realized we’d come full circle.

11:11 – 11 paintings, 11 lessons: a deeply personal and spiritual journey which can now serve others …

I dedicate this blessed project to both my parents, Jerry & Rita Hurley, who helped make my being a possibility in this lifetime. Rest in peace, Maman. Continue walking in love, Papa.

Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson 11 – Birthing Time

Welcome to the last of the Reconnect to your True Self lessons. It’s now time to birth what your Spirit has been calling for – be it a new way of being, doing, or co-creating.

Say yes to this year being the gateway into a new chapter of the life you are meant to live.

How is your Spirit moving you?  What will the next chapter of your life look like?

Every day is a gateway, a choice.

When you align those choices with your True Self, you’ll naturally feel happier and healthier. You’ll be living life on purpose.

In the past 20 weeks, the Reconnect to Your True Self lessons have given you the chance to get to know your Self better.

  • Lesson 1: creating space to listen within and to connect through prayer
  • Lesson 2: recognizing how your Light shines for yourself & others
  • Lesson 3: surrounding yourself with those who see, accept & love you – finding your tribe
  • Lesson 4: uncovering your superpowers through your unique hero’s journey
  • Lesson 5: getting rid of the accumulated dirt to see the truth & beauty of who you truly are
  • Lesson 6: reconnecting to your creativity
  • Lesson 7: consciously choosing your roles in community for a perfect fit
  • Lesson 8: nurturing mindfulness, gratitude & intuition in nature
  • Lesson 9: raising your vibration
  • Lesson 10: re-examining your identity building journey

And now, with Lesson 11, it’s time say yes to emerging more fully into your Self through the birthing of what’s next.

No matter if you’re clear on the big picture or simply need to take the next inspired step on the journey – enter the gateway.

My Gateway

When I started the Re-Connecting painting series in late 2018, I only knew I was being called to paint 11 2’x4’ paintings. Each piece was created intuitively over a period of 9 months, guided by my Team of Divine Helpers.

It was while creating the first painting that I understood I was being called to travel to Glastonbury near the end of the series, before creating the last piece.

I accepted that call, knowing the journey through the co-creative process for the series would prepare me for what was to come.

My trip to the UK to spend time in the sacred Chalice Well garden and participate in the Sun Lover Goddess Conference led to this final piece “The Gateway”.

It celebrates Divine Procreative Energy and the bridge between Heaven & Earth, the Etheric Field, the Akashic Field. That’s the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces that so fuels my creative quest.

Still, I wasn’t clear on what that gateway was inviting me to.

Birthing is not an immediate process. Just as I learned when being guided through the creation of the Law of Gender mandala, there are 2 aspects to consider.

First, there’s a need for both the feminine & masculine – the intuitive, receptive, open aspects of ourselves and the action-oriented implementer.

There’s also a gestation period – 9 months for humans and for my Re-Connecting Collection and various other time periods for various projects, transformations, etc.

I knew that my gestation period included the time to create these 11 video lessons for you. This is part of what I dedicated myself to after completing the collection. It also involved a 5-month hiatus in painting.

I thought I’d been procrastinating in the preparation of this last lesson. Known for being goal-oriented, organized, and efficient, I uncharacteristically delayed it.

Then, on February 3rd, my mother passed away, transitioning from her earthly body back to her Spirit Self. I knew she was ready to go, although I only understood the messages I’d intuitively received after she’d died.

At the age of 88, Maman chose to enter her gateway back Home to God. I was at peace with her passing and have been blessed to spend this month at my father’s side.

So, as this painting celebrates the Sun Goddess giving birth to the Earth and the birthing process itself, I said goodbye to the one who gave birth to me in this lifetime. Exactly one month later, I offer you this final post of the project.

Had I been procrastinating, or was the delay in designing this last lesson perfectly timed to understand what I was meant to share with you?

Divine Patience During Your Gestation Period

In our modern rushed times, when most have gotten used to running on the hamster wheel, we’re not always patient with the gestation time.

But as you wouldn’t want to rush a mother’s 9-month pregnancy, so too do you need to nurture your birthing or re-birthing process.

First, the seeds are planted through listening to your soul and implementing the inspired actions that will eventually bring your dreams and soul callings to fruition.

Then, divine patience is needed, focusing your attention on nurturing those dreams. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Going on Maternity Leave

What’s next for me now that the birthing of this Re-Connecting Collection project is over? I’m not sure.

The full picture of my next chapter is a mystery. I’ve only been shown the next Gateway and my heart is saying YES! to it. What I’ll birth at the end of it is unclear.

I know changes are required as the status quo of my career in the arts doesn’t seem financially viable.

Something has to change, but I’m not sure what or how. 

What I do know is that my soul has called me to travel to Ireland to spend time soaking up the energy of the land in solo contemplation at various hermitages, retreat centres and pilgrim walks.

It’s time to go deeper within – to pray, write, sketch, photograph, listen, and open to the next inspired action.

I’m ready to disconnect from the Internet and from the distractions of my everyday life. That’s the gateway I’m saying yes to at this time.

Excited & scared (the kind of fear that comes from a call to grow by healthily stretching our comfort zones), I bought my ticket. I’ll be there from April 27 – June 22.

The seed was planted a few years back on my intuitive vision boards.

When I applied to an art residency in Ireland in late in 2019, my excitement was a sure clue. One artist from Newfoundland would be chosen to spend a month, paid, in County Donegal.

Reading historic fiction novels, stories and researching spiritual travel on the land of some of my ancestors has fuelled that dream.

Residency applicants were told we’d know if we won by the end of February, so I guess that route wasn’t meant to be.

As I awaited the announcement of the residency winner, I became clear of my need to prioritize investing the time and financial resources into this project no matter what. Interestingly, submissions for other projects were also ‘unsuccessful’, leaving 2 blank months in my calendar.

Do I know what creation might come out of this? What I’m birthing next? No. I don’t need to know. I trust in the journey. Life has taught me that.

This spiritual maternity leave after the birthing of an intensive 15-month project will become the gestation period for the next birthing.

What about you?

Your Birthing Time

Is your status quo fulfilling? Or is your soul calling you to birth the next chapter of your life?

Is it a new project? A relationship renewal? A career change? A course of study? A soul-nourishing trip? The start of a family? A move? A letting go? An adoption?

Your gateway can take many shapes and open to many new possibilities.

The question is which gateway will you consciously say yes to, embracing the mystery of what lies beyond it while taking each inspired step necessary to make it happen.

Listen in, act, trust and be patient – knowing that each inspired step leads to the resources you need to take the next step. That’s the Law of Action.

If you’re feeling discontent, depressed, disconnected – these are all signs that your soul is calling for change.

If your whole being comes alive around a particular focus, that’s the direction you’re being called to.

Changes can take so many forms – within yourself and the details of your life.

The more you know who you truly are, which I hope this series has helped you with, the clearer you’ll be to knowing which gateways to say yes or no to.

Once you’ve said yes, put your trust in it and allow the Universe to reveal the “how” to make it all happen. Be patient as this can take time.

Birthing is a miracle, be it of a new life or a new chapter in your life. Here’s wishing you a life of miracles!


Make sure to discern if your calls feel like you’re moving towards something and not running away from something. Let your intuition & love guide you, not your fear.

For more on how to access your intuition, I offer a free online tutorial here.

Revelation UPDATE

Sometimes, the meaning of an intuitive process only becomes clear years later. The pandemic hit before my trip to Ireland, canceling most of my plans and delaying the 2-week bus tour (for which I couldn’t get a refund) until 2022.

When the pandemic hit, I realized that this painting’s messages were not personal but global. Oops…

My message to isolate for 2 months for a re-birthing of my world turned out to be a glimpse of the Gateway our entire planet would experience through 2 years of isolation. 

It is time for a re-birth of the planet, for a harmonizing of the Divine Feminine & Masculine for the Good of All.

When we started hearing reports of pollution lifting and wildlife thriving, I kept coming back to this painting and its messages.

Focus on your inner peace, the marriage of your Feminine and Masculine to birth the world you would like to see. We’re entering this Gateway together – this is a message of hope!

How has that manifested for you? Feel free to write a comment below.


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “The Gateway” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints  in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 10: Who Are You?

Some of us spend our whole lives seeking the truth of who we are. That’s why we’re called seekers.

Both sides of the nature vs. nurture argument influences our self-concepts.

Our identity is shaped by our growing understanding during this journey of self-discovery. It’s part of the fun of being human.

The question remains – who are you? Or better yet, who do you understand yourself to be? 

When I was offered this question by my Team of Divine Helpers in the opening session of painting #10 of my Re-Connecting Collection, all sorts of symbolism and memories surfaced in my consciousness.

Today’s 2 exercises offer you the same opportunity – the first a creative project and the second, an opportunity to share your most influential books with others.

Exercise 1: Your Journey of Self-Discovery Artwork

What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” artwork look like?

Whether you like to sketch, paint, or cut & paste magazine images and photographs into a collage, find a way to visually represent who you believe yourself to be.

In the case of my painting, I included

  • my ancestry,
  • the religion I was raised in,
  • the Akashic Record library holding information from all my past and future lives,
  • a representative from my Team of Divine Helpers,
  • my nationality,
  • my western & Chinese astrological signs,
  • spirals that I’ve been drawing since childhood
  • other spiritual symbolism that drives me (Vesica Pisces)
  • my eye with birthmark through which I see the beauty in the world,
  • my lifelong mission to harmoniously marry my Left masculine side with my Right feminine side (intuition into action)
  • my relationships that helped shape me
  • many of the books that helped me understand my human journey from my teenage years onward (the focus of Exercise 2).

So I ask again. What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” piece look like?

Take the time to brainstorm, reflect and put it all together in your unique way.

Only include what matters to you. It all depends what you feel has shaped your belief in who you are. 

You may or may not identify strongly with your career, roles in your family & community, causes, your leading values, etc.

As you spend time seeing, accepting and loving yourself for who you are, you’re better able to see, accept, and love others for their unique make-up. It’s all part of being individualized expressions of the Divine.

Who knows?! This exercise on your self-discovery journey may help you make the life-changing decisions you need to get back on track with your True Self.

Exercise 2: Book Share

I’m not known for my memory, so when I was inspired to include a stack of important self-understanding books on my painting, it sent me digging both in my mental files and on Google.

I’m sure there were many others before and in between, but I started with some of the books I read in high school, including a life-changing gift from one of my teachers.

Since I give my books away as soon as I read them, I had fun looking for the titles, authors and cover designs to make up this stack of books from scratch using Photoshop.

That is not your task in this exercise.

Your mission if you so choose, is to put together a list of your most influential self-discovery books and share them  – on social media or however you choose.

When I posted this photo during my creative process, many responded that their list was similar. They added a few of mine to their reading list and shared a few of their own.

What has helped you in life can help others. So why not share? That’s the spirit of this exercise.

To start off, please share a few of yours in the comments below, I’d love that!


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “Journey to Self-Discovery” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!


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Reconnect Lesson 9: Rise Up Rise Up!

Have you heard? We’re in a time of ascension! It may be hard to believe with all that’s happening in the world, but I believe it’s true. Of course there will be resistance. But together we can help raise the vibration of the planet and all those on it. How? By raising our own consciousness, our own vibration.

What you do for yourself, you do for others. It affects everyone else in this Divine Oneness.

So rise up, rise up dear one! It’s time to live in alignment with the divine essence you truly are.

Don’t let yourself spiral down in a funk from the many distractions, details and dramas that bombard our senses from every direction.

Remember that you are an individualized expression of the Divine. Yes, you’re human, and being in a funk is part of being human. But you’re also Spirit. 

Often, unhappiness, loneliness, despair, depression and other unpleasant realities of being human happen when we believe we are separate from God (or whatever term you resonate with) and from others.

So part of your job as a spirit in a human body is to recognize when you need to take the time to recognize, allow and process what’s triggering a funk and to then raise your vibration.

As the Law of Vibration taught us, our job as vibration managers is to raise our consciousness, our vibration so that we can attract more of the people, places, and events that resonate at that frequency. This is closely related to the Law of Attraction.

So don’t deny your sadness or frustration. Listen to it, love it, and then let it go. You’re often being shown things that are ready to be released as they’re leaving. Acknowledge them, and then let them leave.

Don’t hang on to the stories or feelings or allow them to drag you further down. That’s wallowing and yes, it’s also part of being human.

Instead, reconnect to your True Self, remembering who you truly are. Asking your Higher Consciousness to make wise choices to bring you back into alignment with the love, peace, and happiness at your very core.

Exercise: Create & Post your Raise My Vibration List

When the mind and heart are clouded by lower vibrations, it can be hard to motivate yourself to change gears. You may not even know you need to if that black cloud over your head is so thick you can’t see what’s happening.

That’s why having a very visible “Raise My Vibration List” can be such a blessing.

Whether you’re in a funk or simply busy, it’ll be a daily reminder to prioritize time to raise your vibration.

What does that for you?

I know that listening to one of my own meditations (available on YouTube) or an energy transmission from Steve Nobel- The Soul Matrix (which inspired this painting) helps me start my days on the right foot.

And if I’m going to have to deal with technical issues, lighting a candle, smudging, or saying a little prayer first can help me stay higher on the emotional guidance scale longer.

I also know that there’s no way I can get stuck in a bad mood if I sing & dance a few Sanskrit chants on my mini-trampoline.

And if at all possible, I make it outdoors to breathe the fresh air, take a few photos, and bask in beauty.

What raises your vibration? Make a list. Post it where you’ll see it every day. On the mirror where you brush your teeth is a good place.

After a while, you won’t need that reminder. As soon as you feel yourself dipping, you’ll recognize your desire for a higher vibration and make Higher Consciousness choices faster.

Do you need inspiration? Here are a few ideas.

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration List

* Meditation

* Stretching & exercise – even standing up tall in a power pose for a minute.

* Healthy eating

* Music

* Gratitude list

* Time with pets, children, loved ones

* Affirmations, mantras

* Time outdoors – lying on the ground, hugging a tree, etc.

* Smudging, prayer, or other sacred rituals

* Service to others, random acts of kindness

Leave room on your list so you can add to it.

The idea is to have a variety so that when you are heading down the emotional guidance scale, you can easily access what you already know will help you change directions.

Once you’re grooving in the higher vibes, you’re bound to feel more connected to Source & humanity as a whole.

What you do for your Highest Good, you’re doing for the Good of All.

You have an important role to play in the ascension of the planet. Thank you!

P.S. Click here to go to the blog post that describes the creative process for the painting “Time of Ascension”.

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 8: Soak In Nature

Are you too much in your head? Do you feel disconnected, tired, and depleted?

It’s way too common in this day and age to feel like you’re running on empty on a hamster wheel in between restless sleeps.

Nature, however, is a great healer. Whether you need a quick boost, a deep grounding, or a major energy overhaul, the Elements are here to help.

Today’s lesson is an invitation to slow down and be present to soak in the benefits of Nature.

P.S. I wrote this blog post long before the blizzard hit Newfoundland. It’s been amazing to witness how the Elements have brought neighbours together, encouraged people to slow down, and more. So yes, we’ve had a State of Emergency in Newfoundland, but it’s had its silver linings. If you’ve got one to share, please add it to the comments at the bottom.

Exercise 1: Elemental Mindfulness & Gratitude

As you go about your day, instead of living in your head, become conscious of how the Elements that support you.

Mindfully acknowledge & express gratitude in your heart for:

  1. Earth: the ground you walk on, your indoor plants, the crystal in your pocket, your jewelry, glass, coins, trees, your house, your car, etc.
  2. Air: the air that you breathe, the breeze in your hair, the dancing leaves, your fan or air conditioner, birds in flight, the wind drying your clothes, etc.
  3. Fire: candles, fireplaces, heat in your home, the feel of sun on your skin, cooking equipment such as stoves, ovens & toasters, your changing body temperature, heat waves off the surface of your car, campfires, welcoming social warmth, etc.
  4. Water: indoor toilets, clean drinking water, cleansing showers, hot baths, swimming pools, rivers, lakes, oceans, the rain on your face, the ice in your drink, the designs of snowflakes, steam of a boiling kettle, etc.
  5. Ether: space, silence, consciousness, all that’s intangible, spirit, quintessence, vibrational frequency, OM, meditation, etc.

Exercise 2: Schedule Nature Time

“Nature Bound” 24″ x 48″ – Original and prints available.

Even if I know how much Nature nourishes me in body, mind & spirit, I have to make an effort to fit it in my day or in my weeks.

Being a happy hermit when I’m in creative mode, I can stay in the house for days on end. Yes, I’m lucky to be living in an open-concept wood-panelled home filled with plants thanks to my house-sister, but that’s just not the same as being outdoors.

So for this exercise, I recommend you break it down in 3 parts:

  • Nearby go-to spot: What’s the closest space to your home or work where you can take a 5-10 minute break to lie on the ground, hug a tree, contemplate a brook, listen to the birds, breathe fresh air, walk barefoot in the grass. put your hands in the dirt, smell the flowers or watch the breeze in the leaves? Make it a habit to choose nature breaks in your daily routine.


  • 1-hour break: Where can you go nearby for an hour on foot, by bicycle, by bus, or by car that will give you a change of scenery & time in nature? You might drive to the ocean to sit and contemplate or walk around a pond. Make a list of local go-to spots for those frazzled times when you need to get away to rejuvenate.


  • Day trips: Schedule a few day trips a month to your favourite spots or to discover new ones. These could be solo photography adventures, group sporting treks, family time at the beach, etc. Make a plan and book the time before the month or year slips by in busy-ness.


And if travel is one of your passions, also book longer trips to soak in nature’s beauty & goodness all around the world. If you prefer visiting big cities, make sure to seek out their gardens, parks & walking trails amongst your time in museums, restaurants and shopping malls.

Mother Earth is a great healer with abundant resources to support your life. Enjoy her beauty & nourishment and show your appreciation in whatever way moves you. 

P.S. The original “Nature Bound” and prints in your choice of size & medium are available for purchase. Thank you for supporting my art.

P.P.S. You can access the original blog post on the co-creation of the painting “Nature Bound” by clicking here.

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Reconnect Lesson 6: Get Creative

Are you ready to acknowledge and spark your creativity.

Lesson 6 in this Reconnect to Your True Self Series was inspired by the creative process behind the painting “The Universe is My Creative Playground“- # 6 in the Reconnecting Collection.

Exercise 1: Your Creativity Inventory

Do you know how many times I’ve heard “I’m not creative”.  It’s usually as a response to my sharing that I’m an artist.

I often heard my mother say that. She didn’t recognize her creative gifts. It’s true, she followed recipes in the kitchen and didn’t paint or play an instrument. But she had a most creative sense of style that was as evident in her wardrobe as it was in the way she decorated our homes.

Creativity has so many forms of expression in all areas of life.

So believe me when I tell you, you’re creative. I haven’t met one person who isn’t.

Instead of diminishing your worth through negative affirmations like “I’m not creative”, I invite you to look at your life and take inventory of the ways. you have been.

I painted some of mine in the long strands of hair in my painting but feel free to simply list or journal about yours.

Acknowledging that you’re already creative is one gateway to greater creativity.

Your creativity may have expressed itself in

  • your hobbies
  • how you accomplish your work tasks or solve problems
  • how you present yourself – clothing, hairstyle, message on your answering machine, languages you’ve learned, your handwriting, etc.
  • your way of preparing & presenting meals
  • how you make & spend money
  • your changing the furniture around every few months
  • your lifestyle – relationship values, simple living, modes of transportation, how you spend your leisure time
  • how / where you spend your holidays
  • your leadership and community involvement
  • your idea of play
  • your open-mindedness
  • your sense of organization
  • your spontaneity
  • your artistic expression: visual, dance, music,
  • etc.

Come up with at least 12 over your lifetime…. and keep going if this proves challenging.

Exercise 2: Spice Up Your Life – do things differently

Humans are creatures of habit. You’ve gotten used to doing the same things in the same ways.

I may be creative in the studio, but that creativity doesn’t often extend to the kitchen or how I like to spend my evenings.

This exercise challenges you to do something you always do but in a different way.

  • Walk around the pond counterclockwise instead of clockwise.
  • Plan a new kind of playdate with your family.
  • Sleep on the other side of the bed.
  • Try a new sport: zip line, tandem bicycling, parasailing, etc.
  • Go to an opera or stand-up comedy show instead of your usual weekend bar.
  • Try a new position or toy the next time you make love.
  • Dress in your Sunday best to go grocery shopping.
  • Say yes to your friends’ next 3 invitations (legal & harmless) if you usually say “no thank you”.
  • Make smiley faced pancakes for your family instead of serving cereal.
  • Attend a new meet-up group.
  • Call your friend instead of waiting for them to call.
  • Watch a documentary instead of your usual romantic comedy.
  • Bring flowers to all your co-workers on a Monday morning instead of coffee.
  • Only order vegetarian meals at restaurants for the next month.

Could you feel how playful some of these would be for you?

The possibilities are endless.

Sure, some might be a stretch of your comfort zones. But remember how much fun it was as a kid to just play without expectations. Everything was new!

The purpose of this exercise is to break the boredom by adding creativity in all areas of your life.

Stir things up a little or a lot!

It doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming.

Trying a new kind of ice cream might lead to a new favourite. Sure, you may end up preferring your usual chocolate mint chip, but you can always return to that next time.

Driving home using the side roads instead of the highway may only add 10 minutes to your drive. But imagine the discoveries you might make?

Kissing your partner and dancing around the kitchen for a few steps when you come home instead of heading straight to the Lazy-Boy or computer could lead to laughter, intimate conversation, or sex. Again, no expectations…. just try something new to explore what happens.

Exercise 3: Let Your Inner Child Play – bring it back

“The Universe is My Creative Playground” – purchase the original or order prints in your choice of size & medium

It’s hard to predict what effects this exercise will have. You may have a great trip down memory lane, laugh like you haven’t in years, or discover your life purpose. Those all sound pretty good to me!

What did you love to do when you were a child but haven’t done in years? 

Play in the sand? Collect stamps? Sing? Swing? Swing & sing at the same time? That was definitely one of mine…

I was doing my Masters in Calgary back in 2004, soon after my divorce, when I realized I needed more fun in my life. I used to pass by a swing set on the way to university and one day, I stopped, looked around sheepishly, got on and started swinging & singing.

Oh the joy, the release, the memories of being 3-5 in my backyard with my Superman cape swinging and singing all day. The neighbours used to comment to my parents about how long I could do that for on my own. But I wasn’t alone. My angels and guides were right there alongside me.

Bringing that back into my life at 38 (even with a cape a few times) gave me permission not to be so serious all the time. It brought back a lighthearted playful side that I (and others, I’m sure) had missed. It didn’t make me less effective, competent or professional. It made me more me!

So what are some of the things you remember enjoying as a young one? Splattering paint around? Running after butterflies? Climbing trees? Bowling? Swimming? Skating?

Schedule it in for sometime in the next 2 weeks or just be spontaneous and go ahead and do it now. Life wasn’t meant to be so serious.

Who knows what it will unleash in you – bringing back that sense of play will definitely help you be more creative and playful in all areas of your life.

Enjoy! That’s the purpose of it!


P.S. Click here to go to the blog post that describes the creative process for the painting “The Universe is My Creative Playground.

P.P.S. You can order prints of “Supersoul” in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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