Meet the visionaries at the root of the Tree of Life sustainability project and retreat centre in this inspiring 1-hour documentary created after my August 25-28 staycation at its Airbnb.
From vision quest to reality, this is a story about building community in a sacred space lovingly and artistically designed to help us reconnect to nature and the Self.
Ian Goudie dives deep into the rich soil of the land in the Salmonier valley of Newfoundland & Labrador – its history and its gifts. He also lets us in on the spirit & stories behind each of his architectural creations – the several buildings at the Tree of Life.
At the core of his work is the desire for sustainable building & sustainable living inspired by the spirit of sacred geometry.
Meranda Squires branches out into the community aspect of the Tree of Life. Her contribution to this collective vision was a retreat centre for spiritual teaching & practice in the heart of nature.
Supported by the Elements, she explains how the space is conducive for connecting to our Selves, each other and the Divine.
Enjoy the video here or by searching for it by title on YouTube on your big screen TV.
Read more below about my growth experience there.
A Stretch in More Ways Than One
People come to the Tree of Life for many reasons: work exchanges, retreats, workshops, etc.
My only other time there was in a group of 50 for a one-day water blessing ceremony with Zimbabwe shaman Mandaza in June 2013.
This time, I was there on my own to photograph the Cedar Lodge Airbnb in exchange for a 3-night stay, once again thanks to my friend Gordon Martin who manages several vacation rentals.
I’ll admit, I was nervous when I found out my cabin wouldn’t have a stove or even a fridge. I had this preconceived notion that I’d really be roughing it at TOL and well, it’s been years since I’ve been camping.
Without wheels of my own, making sure I’m well fed for 4 days was top on my mind. I’d never cooked on a propane burner, and wasn’t sure how long a cooler with ice would work.
But like Mark Twain said: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve lived on 3 continents and 5 provinces, but still feel like a chicken in new experiences. If I’m intuitively guided, however, nothing stops me. I feel the fear and do it anyway!
I brought pre-cooked frozen soups & stews and never lacked for anything.
It also turns out that Ian is not only a master builder but a great cook. That raspberry pie he made during the storm with berries he picked on the land was amazing!
And the wood stove kept me nice and toasty on that rainy day/night.
In fact, my 3-night stay at the Tree of Life was absolutely comfortable & wonderful on so many levels! I got to stretch my body in the yoga studio and stretch my mind & comfort zones on the trails too. Yay!
My friend Leslie drove me there and joined me on my first hike to the waterfall.
I then went back alone in the afternoon for a swim. I met Ian’s nephew and his friend there, who told me about the small ledge you can stand on under the falls. Exhilarating! Thanks to my tripod, you’ll witness that in the video! I’m so glad I went before the storm though as you’ll see from the changing flow & colours of the falls.
I tried hiking the trail for a bit after my swim, but didn’t know at that point that it was a 3km loop and got nervous that I’d miss the magic light at the Cedar Lodge for my work photos before sunset. So I turned back the way I came.
The next morning, I tried the trail again.
I confess, I had to breathe through my fears. I don’t know why I was so nervous, but this nature-loving city girl had to stretch her comfort zones … not a bad thing!
Was it a release of all the fears I’d absorbed from the world as an empath during these strange times? Was it old fears rising to the surface to be seen as they left?
Yes, I’d recently seen a lynx on a drive back from St. Vincents, shocked to discover there were big cats on this island!
Yes, we were approaching fall, rutting season for moose.
Yes, there are coyotes in the region.
What if something happened to me alone in the woods?
Imagination can work for you or against you. In this case, it wasn’t helping. But I could discern that it wasn’t an intuitive warning. So I moved forward and did the 3 km loop with occasional stops to take photos. Mostly, however, I just wanted to get it done. And when the buildings came into sight, both arms reached up in the air and I found myself doing a little “I did it!” dance.
Why do I share this? It doesn’t paint me in the best light. That’s OK.
I’m all about being real. Fear for me was real. Facing it and growing past it was also real. And if sharing my story can help even one more person to stretch their comfort zones and grow, then great!
The results were sooooooo worth it!
When I returned on the trail that second afternoon with Ian, having done it once before and now with a guide, I was completely relaxed and saw so much more than I did in the morning.
I couldn’t believe, for example, that I’d missed the hundreds of puff ball flowers that grabbed my attention that afternoon. For me to have missed something like that means that I truly wasn’t present in the moment – such a good lesson! Instead of focusing on the beauty and on the potential joy of the moment, I had let my fears fuel my blindness to the truth around me.
It also highlighted the blessing of having a guide in unfamiliar territory. Not only did Ian point out all the lichen and their benefits to the bio-diversity of the planet, he chivalrously helped me cross the river to access the Hidden Falls.
Even with Ian there, I was nervous walking on fallen trees above the rushing waters at the edge of a cliff (small waterfall) to get to the other side of the river. But I was motivated to see / film the Hidden Falls again. Back in 2013, there was a bridge there, but it disappeared in some storm.
Thanks to Ian’s shoulder that got a hard squeeze, I got over the butterflies in my stomach, crossed to the other side, and was rewarded by a magical world opening up before me – rainbow lens flare included (my favourite video moment!)
After some contemplative time there, we trudged through the water and up rock faces for more river magic – total movie-making bliss!
I’m so glad I felt the fear and went to the Tree of Life on my own anyway when my friend had to cancel coming with me.
The Tree of Life isn’t roughing it! I was comfortable and very well nourished in body, mind & spirit.
I trust you can feel some of that for yourself in this visual & educational tribute to the visionaries, volunteers, and land that have made the Tree of Life what it is today.
It soon became evident that this staycation was going to turn into another video project! I had no idea, however, how big a project it would evolve into – with over 100 hours of work, improving my technical & editing skills, not to mention my appreciation for the work Ian & Meranda are doing. I felt so inspired!
One thing for sure, my Spirit Calling Card reading was spot on when I’d asked for Guidance about my upcoming trip.
I’d originally imagined another nature video with maybe an introduction by Ian, who lives there.
I had no idea I would learn so much through my time spent with him, both on the land and during our interview. I gained such a deeper appreciation for everything I saw and experienced there.
As you know, my being is naturally programmed to seek beauty in my surroundings.
For example, I’d already photographed the outside of the power house with it’s black log-end pattern. Gorgeous! But after our interview, I became fascinated with what was happening inside – awed at the fact that power from the dam, solar panels and wind turbine all got transformed in there, so I could charge my phone.
So when it came to creating a video, I felt moved to share not only the beauty but the story too.
It soon became clear that this film would be incomplete without Meranda’s contribution, so once back in St. John’s, I arranged to meet her at The Lotus Centre to interview her.
That’s also where I had my first ever movie premiere on October 2nd with a small group of 15 filling the yoga studio (a large group for COVID times).
With 3 of my videos in the Unscripted Twillingate Digital Arts Festival a couple of weeks ago and now this, I definitely feel like videography is a skill I can offer as I pivot my art praxis to delight, inspire & generate income.
If you enjoyed the video, please share it far & wide. Thanks.
Answering the Call – Your Turn
What a thrill to be able to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love through this medium, nourishing your transformational journey in the process.
I had no idea when I started playing with video in the snow last Christmas that it would lead to what my summer staycations projects have opened up for me … and others!
After Ian first saw my 400+ photos and the 4 mini nature videos I shared on Facebook, he texted me:
“Your work inspired me so much that I made the decision to proceed with the Artist Studio & it opened me up when I opened into it. I’m getting blown open here working on the model. Thank you! “
I was so moved that my following my bliss inspired an opening for Ian to dive even deeper in his work. If you’ve watched the movie, already, you can imagine the ripple effect of what he’s creating on the lives of so many from around the world.
You never know how something you say or do, when inspired to, will change the life of those around you. So please, turn your intuition into action – be it a smile, a creative project, a thought shared, a person called, etc.
We are all interconnected in the web of Light, the Tree of Life. Know your life is making a difference. The more you put You into your Life, the more we all benefit.
Thank You for your Movie-Ticket Donation
I gratefully accepted donations instead of selling movie tickets at the movie premiere of “Tree of Life Sustainability Project & Retreat Centre”.
If you enjoyed my documentary and are moved to do so, you’re welcome to send an e-transfer (Canadians) or PayPal donation to [email protected]. Thank you for your support.
Feel free to also explore my original paintings, prints, oracle cards, and intuitive services. And contact me if you’re interested in my videography skills to hightlight the beauty of your area.