You are a gift – there is no one else in this world like you. Your life, therefore, will be just as unique. Embracing a life that is true to your heart and soul’s callings can be challenging in a world of expectations, labels, and ingrained social norms. This series is about creating a life that is true to who you are, based on the only story I am qualified to write about: mine.

When Angels Send a Sign to Spend – My Kaliyana Surprise

My birthday came a few weeks early!

Imagine this.  You see something on the Internet and your whole body says YES!. That’s sign enough. But then your Guides confirm your momentum through the angel in a movie who tells you: “go ahead girl, splurge!”.

I did! And I love the results! I feel like it’s the start of a new chapter in my story. I’m curious to see where it goes.

Want to know how shopping with the angels works? Read on.

Financial Background Story

This has been an expensive year. I’ve invested a lot of time and money getting my art & inspiration business online and moving forward: B-School, website building & hosting, marketing, trade shows, art supplies, the Enter the Mandala Project, product development, exhibitions, etc.

No regrets. After traveling to Europe and Asia to study visionary art for a year, I’m following my dream of being a full-time thriving artist and trust in the process.

But I’ve avoided spending on anything but the essentials:  housing, food, and art /business.

That’s until a few weeks ago…  My angels gave me permission to spend.

My Kaliyana Her-Story

284242_493057217380877_449955604_nYou might already know that I’m a huge fan of Kaliyana Artwear.  I discovered this clothing store soon after it opened in the late 80s. I was working as a visual arts representative for the National Capital Commission in Ottawa and the style fit my artistic flare and first full-time salary.

I became a collector – what every artist dreams of 🙂

I’ve got great memories of Jana closing her doors so we could play dress-up, exploring the many ways her designs could be worn.  Her art was so me! It was unconventional yet comfortable – flowy, colourful, beautiful, practical … I’ve always loved how I feel in it! 

Later, when I was traveling the world teaching English, it crossed my mind that if ever I was found dead somewhere, they’d be able to figure out who I was because of the Kaliyana label on all my clothes.  I know…  too many crime shows… but I’ve always had a very active detective mind.

Now, Kaliyana’s located near the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa as well as in Toronto and Montreal. Her styles are more sophisticated and so are her prices.  I’m still a fan!

A Few Weeks Ago

12046689_1063659193654007_1264310227788558562_nTalk about marketing genius and a true win-win.

A few weeks ago, this ad appeared on Kaliyana’s Facebook Page.

15 mystery pieces from previous years’ stock for only $299.

That’s over $2000 in savings on styles that never go out of style!  I still get compliments on pieces I bought 20 years ago!

100 boxes would soon be released in 3 sizes (XS, S/M, M/L).

It wasn’t just about the savings though. My inner child was jumping around inside wanting to play dress-up.  The idea of a Kaliyana surprise experience was too good to miss. Plus my wardrobe needed a new infusion.

A Sign From My Angels

imgresThat night, I decided to watch a children’s movie on Netflix instead of the usual dramas.  (Note, this was before my 21-Day movie hiatus).

I chose “Angel in the House“.

The husband in this story had an old-fashioned toy factory that was on the verge of going bankrupt.

One day, this orphan / angel inspires him to create …. guess what?!  That’s right. A Surprise Box!  It was a lovely wooden box with a question mark on and 5 of his toys in it.

Of course they sold like hotcakes and the couple’s home was saved…

Well, what are the chances I’d watch a movie with a Surprise Box in it so soon after seeing a Surprise Box ad that had me excited with anticipation.

It was a Sign. Can you see that?

I Did It!

So when the email arrived saying they were now on sale, I didn’t hesitate.

Good thing because they sold out in a couple of hours. (They’ll be doing it again in the future, so if this appeals, sign-up.)

I’ve learned to trust the signs I get from my Angels / Guides / intuition. The more you trust, the more they speak to you.  Or rather, the more you practice, the more you’ll learn to hear their ways of speaking to you.

Got it!

I had fun waiting for my box.  I visualized loving everything in it.  I celebrated my choice to play and say yes to what brings me joy.  I welcomed the abundance. I embraced the mystery and knew that no-matter-what, all was well indeed.

The day it came, I ran to my room, dimmed the lights, reached inside, took one piece out at a time, put it on, and turned up the lights to see what I’d gotten. Then I’d run downstairs to show my delighted housemate.

Truly, my inner child had a lot of fun with this.

  • I totally loved 8 pieces, including a beige linen wrap around skirt I would’ve never picked in the store. I’ve never done beige.
  • I’m not sure the big green shirt was meant to be reversible, but I especially love it inside out!
  • I was hoping for red linen pants and got some!
  • Only 3 pieces didn’t fit or suit me, so I’ll bring those to a consignment shop or give them away.
  • I got a cotton tank top that’s too tight around the hips, but I can wear it under stuff (nice neckline – not shown in photos).
  • That purple top and scarf are my ultimate favourites!
  • The design on the long black krinkle dress is gorgeous, but hard to see in the photo.
  • Can you count 11?  Everything here is new, but I look forward to accessorizing when I go out.

Thanks to my friend Leslie Bridger, the Wizard of Awe, who came by with her camera, so I could show you what I’d gotten. Can you see the goosebumps? It was chilly, but fun.

So there you have it. I’ve been dressed by angels.

Now that I’ve finished my website and painting the mandalas, it’s time to get out of happy hermit mode and into the community.

Who knows, maybe it’s time to meet a man who’s willing to grow side by side with me in unconditional love.

But first, what will I wear to tonight’s  opening of the 38th Annual Garden & Nature Art Exhibition at the MUN Botanical Garden?  I’ve got 2 paintings in that show.

Thanks Kaliyana for the past 26 years of adding to my journey of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

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Break A Habit in 21 Days – Are You With Me?

Tofino sunset photograph

“Blessings” – Transformation Collection. Available in many sizes /mediums.

  1. I woke up Saturday morning thinking “enough is enough”. It’s time to make a change …
  2. I’m choosing to tell you this because, well, that’s what I do. Plus, I look forward to writing to you again in 21 days to tell you how it went.
  3. You’re now officially my Accountability Buddy.
  4. So what’s this habit I’m ready to let go of?
  5. No movies for 21 Days.  Yikes! Yes! OMG!
  6. For you to understand what a big deal this is, let me explain.
  7. I usually get up between 4-5 am every day.  My workday starts soon after that.
  8. I paint, write, attend professional development training or networking events, work on marketing & finances, do intuitive readings, do trade shows, set up exhibitions, etc.
  9. I’m far from lazy. Just want to make that clear 🙂
  10. By late afternoon though, I’m wiped.  My energy is low.
  11. Since I don’t have a man, kids, or even a pet in my life, my time is mine.
  12. Sometimes, I take a dance break on my mini-trampoline or go for a walk.  Occasionally, I’ll see friends… as long as it’s not too late.  But being quite the introvert, I’m simply not as social as most.
  13. These days, I’m in bed anywhere between 4-7 pm with my laptop and Netflix watching 1, 2 or 3 movies before falling asleep.
  14. Here I am teaching about creating a Life by Design, and I’ve slipped into an over-dependency on movies. No worries and no regrets. It’s simply time for a course-correction.  
  15. I’m so grateful for all the movies I’ve had the opportunity to watch. I’ve not only been entertained, but inspired and educated. Sometimes though, I’ve also been disturbed … all depends on what movie I chose to watch.
  16. It’s not like I’m giving up movies for good… I’m just open to more variety in my life.
  17. Creating a Vacuum

  18. So what am I going to do with my time?
  19. I have no idea yet. That’s the beauty of it.
  20. The Universe abhors a vacuum.  The same principle applies whether you de-clutter your house, your schedule, or your mental space.
  21. Once you ask, the Universe will fill that space with whatever is in your Highest Good.
  22. So I’m asking. “Dear God and Guiding Spirits, Angels of Light and Love, guide me on my path to my Highest Good.”
  23. I’ve long heard it takes 21 days to either break a habit or create a new one.  So that’s my commitment to myself.  21-Days movie-free! You’re the witness.
  24. Join Me?

  25. What about you? Would you like to join this energy and break or make a habits in 21 days?
  26. Tell me which one below and come back here if you want to share your ups and downs along the journey.
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2 Steps to Wellness

"Wellness" from the Blossoming Photography Collection

“Wellness” from the Blossoming Photography Collection available in my shop


Today, I’d like to share 2 simple steps to increasing wellness in your life.

I love Abraham Hicks‘ explanation that wellness is being in vibrational alignment with your Higher Self / Source Energy. 

So is there a recipe for well-being? Absolutely! The ingredients will be different for everyone, but what you dish out will be the same – a healthy, happy life.

Let your alignment with Well-Being be first and foremost and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have – but your dominant intent is to be JOYFUL.
~Abraham Hicks

So here’s what you need to do to feel good in body, mind, and spirit. These are your steps to wellness:

  1. Figure out what brings you into alignment with Source Energy.
  2. Add more of that and take out the rest.

“There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance – and in any moment, you are allowing it or not.”
~Abraham Hicks

Step 1 – Understanding Your Recipe

You’re unique. There’s no one on this planet exactly like you.

Doesn’t it make sense that your recipe for well-being will be different than mine?

I appreciate the guidance world knowledge is providing me, but I’ve learned to check within to see what’s true for me. Take diet for example.  I’ve seen lots of articles on the benefits of tomatoes and onions, but I react to both. So what’s healthy for most people isn’t necessarily healthy for me.

Take a look at the ingredients in your life right now.  How do they make you feel?

  • what you focus on – is your glass half empty or half full?
  • your perceptions of people, things, the world in general
  • the stories you tell about yourself and your life
  • the people you choose to spend time with
  • the movies, TV shows, books, magazines you take in
  • your lifestyle choices
  • your environment – what you surround yourself with
  • your work
  • your diet
  • etc.

Often it’s not what we eat or do, but how we do it. About 10 years ago, I had what some would call the perfect vegan diet. Plus I was wheat and sugar free and avoided the long list of foods I’d become sensitive to. I stuck to it 99% for 3 years.  But I was so strict on myself that medical intuitives pointed out it wasn’t serving me.  My intentions were good, but I wasn’t being loving. So it didn’t matter what I ate…  Now I check in on a daily basis and my body tells me what I need. Last month, I was moved to eat a hamburger I spotted in the freezer in the natural foods section. I hadn’t had a hamburger in years. But because it was an answer to an inner call, I felt great about it.

Are you aware of how your choices make you feel? Do they help you spiral upwards on the Emotional Scale or spiral downward? Do they bring you closer to joy, empowerment, love, appreciation? Or do they bring you closer to fear, grief, depression, powerlessness?

Everything moves you.  But which way are you moving?

It takes practice to increase your moment-by-moment choice-by-choice awareness, but it’s worth it.

The cost of repressing, denying, avoiding, or overreacting to our emotions, is high. We’ve been paying it all our lives. As children, we learned to fulfill the conditions of everyone around us, trying to make them happy and ignoring our own emotional guidance system. The result is that we’ve lost touch with the messages of our bodies, minds, and spirits and end up in a state of physical, mental, or spiritual dis-ease. We end up unhappy and unhealthy. As Abraham  explains,

“Until the stakes are really high, most of you are … chronically holding yourselves away from the vibration of alignment that is so natural to you, so a little bit of attention to how you feel as a determination to feel better more of the time will take an effort.”

Step 2 – A Little More of This, A Little Less of That

Once you’ve tuned in to how things make you feel on the Emotional Scale, add more of what nourishes you in body, mind, and spirit.

  • Reach for the thoughts that make you feel good.
  • Read the books and watch the movies that uplift you.
  • Bless and appreciate the food you feel drawn to on any particular day.
  • Make time for the hobbies you’re passionate about.
  • Focus on the parts of your life that already bring you into alignment with Source Energy.
  • Add love, beauty, and positive energy to your life.
  • Find ways to connect to your Higher Self and Source.
  • Take an action step in the direction of your dreams
  • Appreciate those people, places, and things whose presence raises your vibration.
  • Get the coaching, treatments, or services that resonate with your True Self.

And when you become conscious of what stops you from allowing wellness in, remove those things from your recipe.

  • Get rid of the objects you associate with negative or painful times in your life.
  • Change your job or change your thoughts about your job and co-workers.
  • Stop filling yourself with substitutes to unconditional love: binge eating, drinking, drugs, shopping, etc.
  • Don’t participate in gossiping, complaining, blaming.
  • Recognize that some relationships aren’t meant forever.
  • etc.

What’s your recipe for wellness? Listen in. Your answers are within you.  As you journey through the world, pay attention to what makes you feel good and leave out the rest. 

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How You Make Your Day in 17 Seconds

yellow bird in pink flowers in Bali

“Garden of Light” from the Connection Photography Collection in my shop.

What do you wake up thinking every morning?

How do you feel?

Did you know you had 17 seconds to set the pace for the rest of the day?

And if that snowballs to 68 seconds (17 x 4), you’ve created the vibrational pull for the Law of Attraction to kick in.

Like attracts like any time of the day. But your vibration in those first 17 seconds are the most powerful. I learned that from Abraham Hicks.


Born New Every Day

I love the fact that sleep is a reset button. It’s like being “born new” every day. Isn’t that great news?!

But I’m not mastering this 17-second co-creative opportunity.

I’m told I used to wake up singing when I was a young child. And I’d keep singing in my crib until my mom came to get me. My inner child has a lot to teach me.

Now I wake up with my running checklist in my mind. And if I reach for my phone and see it’s past 5am, stress kicks in. There’s no practical reason for it… I’ve just run that program for so long that it’s on auto-pilot.

My mental checklist has boggled people for years.  It’s set a very productive tone for my days, but not a relaxing one.  I’m still learning to have fun…

For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been aligning with Source Energy more first thing in the morning. I’ve developed the habit of singing my mantra “Love, peace, joy, health, wealth and happiness. Love, peace, joy, healthy wealth and freedom.”  It’s catchy and my brain is catching on.

How to Build Momentum For Your Day

Awareness is the first key. Take the next few days to notice what you’re thinking about upon waking. If you don’t like the momentum you’re building with those thoughts and feelings, change them.

Focus is the second key.  It doesn’t just happen.

You have to decide to be happy to build the positive momentum to create it.

There are days when I wake up in total appreciation for how quiet it is. Traffic and construction haven’t started yet. It’s blissful. When that’s my first thought and feeling, I naturally continue thinking of everything I’m grateful for.

Appreciation is one way to focus and create momentum.

Going straight into meditation instead of reaching for the phone is another.

Can you think of more? I’m open to ideas. Please list them below in the comments.

17 Seconds Throughout the Day

The 17 second rule isn’t only true first thing in the morning. That’s just the most powerful time.

Notice your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Put a chime on your phone to remind you to pay attention.

And if you’re going to focus on anything negative, complain, or wallow during the day, keep it under 68 seconds. Remember, like attracts like.

Yikes! Now it’s 6:30. Time to get on with my day.

Ooops. Cancel that.

It’s only 6:30 – I’ve got my whole day ahead and have already written today’s blog post!

Was that under 17 seconds?  🙂

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Try This At Home – The Back-Splash Story

IMG_9461We all have gifts. Sometimes we recognize them. But other times, we take our skills for granted or limit them.

Others don’t.  They may even assume those skills expand way beyond what or how we’ve ever used them.  They’re often right. We just needed that nudge.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if others hadn’t encouraged, or pushed me.

When I came back from studying visionary art overseas a year ago, my friends helped me find a great place to live. My landlady/ housemate/ friend Orinda and I get along great. And I couldn’t ask for a better setting with trees and a river in the backyard.

Orinda just loved the fruit bowl I added to our kitchen. I’d bought it at a craft fair in Guelph years ago (it usually has fruit in it).

It inspired a whole new colour trend in the kitchen.

First, she asked if I could create something round and red for the fridge. No problem. Here’s a photo of the series of magnets I painted using sheets of magnet from Michaels and watercolour paper.

But then she asked me to create a glass back-splash for the sink and stove. She wanted them to look like my bowl, but one with the spirit of water and the other fire.

I resisted.  I’ll admit, I really don’t like being told what to do (even if that’s not quite what she was doing).

She didn’t give up though. One day, she came home with 2 pieces of glass.

I resisted again. I was scared of ruining it. There’s a difference between painting behind glass and painting layer up layer on canvas. I’d never done anything like that before.

“It’s just glass. I can get more.” she said.

After weeks of sitting in my studio, those pieces of glass finally spoke to me. Now they speak to Orinda too. She got what she wanted!

It’s not hard. Want to try?


  1. Get a piece of glass in the size you need. Think back-splash, table top, etc.
  2. Get some Fluid Acrylic Glazing Medium (gloss).  It’s white but dries clear. Pour it on thick in the general pattern you want. It will spread. Let go of control. You have little here.
  3. Drip several drops of the colours you want.  Use fluid acrylic paint.  Just drops here and there. Lots of them.
  4. Move that paint around with something like a chopstick.  Don’t overdo it, but make sure some of the colours mix together in swirls.  Let dry for 1-2 days.

The paint will be on the backside of the glass.  So what you see when you’re creating it isn’t at all what you’ll get when it’s done. Plus it moves around for hours, so really, you have to embrace the mystery. Oh… don’t forget the plastic drop sheet underneath.

Do like me. Ask your Guides to help and trust in the co-creative process.  That’s how “happy accidents” happen.  I tell ya. The studio has been a great teacher for me.

No, I’m not going into the back-splash business. But I’m glad Orinda pushed me. The fact she also pushed my buttons has nothing to do with her. We both know that.  That’s another reason we make great housemates. 🙂

May my growing experience help you too.

Click For NL Events This Weekend
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Grateful For Grocery Store Miracles

"Receiving" from the Blossoming Photography Collection

“Receiving” from the Blossoming Photography Collection

Have you ever left the grocery store with tears in your eyes?  I did. Yesterday.

I’d just finished telling the lady at the Customer Service desk how touched I was by the all the good service I’d received.

Thanks to the staff at the Stavanger Drive Dominion for caring!

If you’re not familiar with where I live, St. John’s is the most easterly city of Canada, on the island of Newfoundland.

We’re the last stop for delivery trucks in this country. Sure, we’ve got some local produce, but with this year’s cold, blueberries and raspberries are just ripening now…. at the same time!

Back to Dominion’s.

When I walked in, I could see the organic fruit section was pretty empty.

I asked the man placing produce if he had any organic fruit in the back.

I craved grapes. I’ll only buy organic since they’re on the dirty dozen list.  If we get them in at all, they’re often close to the hairy stage.  But I keep hoping.

He said he’d seen some, but they were all gone.

Good news though. They had peaches and nectarines in the back – another rare treat! They were the nicest I’d seen all year. I didn’t mind paying $10 for 5. I felt so blessed!

I then went to the natural foods section to get Vega One protein powder. I’ve been adding this whole foods supplement to my morning smoothies for at least 10 years. I love the berry flavour!

OMG! $20 off in-store special! I could save $140 if I stocked up for 6 months – my usual habit.

But the sale wasn’t for all the flavours. So I asked the man stocking the fridge if some tags might be missing.

He came back with the section manager, who scanned the tag. More good news!

So I asked if the sale overlapped with one of their tax-free days. Yes, on Saturday. That would save me an extra $45. But since they weren’t expecting another delivery, I decided not to wait. I took 7, leaving the shelf pretty bare.

We chatted some more about the Vega products. He was new to the section and appreciated the info.

ChipaholicI had one last stop before leaving.

I may be a health food nut, but I’m also a chipaholic.  They love me back too. Look what I found in my last bag.  I had a coupon for a free bag of chips of any size, so of course I chose the party bag. Another smile on my face.

A few minutes later, when I was in the checkout lane, the natural foods section manager came to find me. He handed me a gift card to thank me for our chat and to help make up for the difference with the tax-free day.

How nice was that!?

The cashier had trouble processing the card, and so I had to wait for a supervisor to come help. I don’t mind waiting. I know I’m in no position to judge anything as good or bad because I have no idea how it fits in the big picture.

I soon found out.

Just as I was about to leave the store, the produce man called to me. He was coming from the opposite end of this huge store, so he’d been looking for a while.

“I found some organic grapes. Did you want some?” YES!  Thank you! I followed him smiling ear to ear. There were 2 kinds! The stems were still green on the Coronation grapes and the green grapes were still plump and juicy.  Not a hairy one in the bunch! I took both.

After paying and giving my compliments at the Customer Service desk, I headed out the store again, feeling truly high with gratitude at the small miracles in everyday life.

Oh – but I stopped to buy a lottery ticket first.  I haven’t checked yet, but either way, I’m a winner.

I received little miracles, great service, and more saving on all my errands yesterday.  

What a great example of many of the Laws I’ve been learning about in the Enter the Mandala Project, including the last one, The Law of Attraction.

Like attracts like. My high from the little miracles of every day life brought more to me. And I’m sure that those who were so helpful on my path are also enjoying the gifts they’ve created for themselves.

What are you grateful for today? Please inspire us to be grateful for the small and big miracles happening everywhere. Comment below.

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Challenges Happen For You, Not To You


“Gateway” from the Connection Collection

How did you feel when you read that title?  Do you agree?

Sure, I pray for a life of ease and grace. But I’m grateful for what my challenges have given me.

My 2 biggest ones were:

  • being bullied from the ages of 11-13
  • my ex-husband’s health crisis and its many fallouts in the late 90s

I believe my soul chose those challenges before I was born.  

That’s right. I believe challenges happen for me and not to me.

I wouldn’t wish those experiences on anyone, but I don’t regret them.

  • When I was bullied, I learned to be true to my values and say no to peer pressure.
  • When my ex-husband got sick, my fear pushed me deep into my spirituality and inner resources.  I became so much stronger for both of us and even more connected to my Guides.

I could’ve chosen to be bitter or start throwing blame around. But that wouldn’t’ve served me or anyone else.

It may have taken time, but I eventually recognized those challenges as the gifts they were.

Now if only I could apply that to the relatively small challenges I face these days, like website-building glitches…

Where attention goes, energy flows.  I know that. I need to focus on the learning, not the difficulties. Since I needed the reminder, I thought you might like it too.

What gifts have come out of some of your challenges? Please inspire us below.

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Up Close & Beautiful

Wave autoscape -close up photo of car

“Wave Autoscape” from the Shades of Time Collection

When you start to appreciate the beauty in the details, it’s so much easier to let go of labels and judgments. That’s why I fell in love with macro photography.

So let’s get up close & beautiful!

For example, what do you think of this photo?  Is it an exquisite piece of abstract art that reminds you of a Monet painting?


Or is it just an old rusted car?

Spending part of the day in a scrap yard in Saskatchewan years ago with my nose up-close to old rusted cars was truly an uplifting experience.  There’s beauty everywhere if you look for it.

The next time you’re taking a walk, be it in the city or in nature, zoom in real tight to the world around you.  What did you miss every other time you walked there?

The Shades of Time – Autoscape Collection

More than an invitation to let go of judgment, my Shades of Time – Autoscape Collection celebrates the beauty of impermanence.

That’s what Wabi-Sabi is all about. Have you heard of it?

It’s a Buddhist-derived “Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection”. Wikipedia

I first showed this collection of rusted cars in my photography program’s graduation exhibition  at North Island College on College on Vancouver Island back in 2006.  

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I’m an 8. You? It’s All About Choice.


“Beingness” – available as a print on canvas or paper. Part of the Transformation Collection in my shop.

“On a scale of 1-10, how content are you?”

My housemate asked me that over dinner.

I took a few seconds to sit with different numbers, then came out with “8”.

As soon as I did, I realized the gap between 8 and 10 was totally in my head. It was a choice!

After all, I’d spent a few minutes in bed just that morning being so grateful for my life.

I love where I live. I love what I’m doing. Sure, I have challenges, but they’re helping me grow.

Any lack I feel isn’t real.  I don’t need for anything.

If I wanted to take a day or a week off the computer, I could.

If there’s something I wanted to buy or somewhere I wanted to go, I could make it happen. Raising money to go study art in Vienna and Bali in 2013 proved that!

If I wanted to spend more time with friends, not be single anymore, get regular paycheques, or get rid of my eczema for good, I could make different choices.

Some choices are bigger than others (starting a war vs. having another bag of chips), but it’s all about choice.

Can you see how your life is a reflection of your choices?

I know making the leap from an 8 to a 10 means being more mindful and conscious.

I’m the only one standing in my way.

I need to look at the choices I’m making today, especially about my thoughts and and how I see people and events (including technical problems!).

What about you?

On a scale of 1-10, how content are you? What’s one way you can close the gap today if your number isn’t as high as you’d like.  

If you’re a 10 (or higher!), I’d love to hear what you do to be / stay there. Please comment below.

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Are You Seeing Fireworks?

alternative fireworks photo

“Listening” from the Connection Collection

I realized back in my teens that disappointment was only a reflection of my expectations. It was one of those personal aha moments.

It was empowering to know that how I experienced the world, events, people, and even myself was of my own making.

Now, I do my best to remember that I always have a choice – between love and fear, acceptance or judgement, resistance or allowing.

We create our experiences! 

Nothing outside ourselves makes us feel, think, or do anything. We’re responsible for how we feel and how we choose to experience the world.

Are you feeling disappointed in anything or anyone? How have your expectations created that disappointment?

What expectations are you putting on your partners, co-workers, children, service people, other drivers, the weather?  How is this detrimental to you? To them?

Creating My Own Fireworks

This photograph, now available in my shop, reminds me of the joy of creating my own experience, even in bad weather.  Great symbolism there!

I was taking a spiritual workshop on a cruise to Alaska with photography projects at every stop. Although I had lived on Vancouver Island shortly before that, I had never gone to the world famous Butchart Gardens at night to see their fireworks.  I was looking forward to it.

I’m lucky. I don’t usually let myself get affected much by weather.

At this stop, I was rather grateful for the effects the rain added to the gleaming sidewalks and lit gardens.  I especially liked the clear umbrellas that the garden staff handed visitors so that they could still enjoy the gardens and fireworks.

The crowd was hopeful, but alas, we only got a smoke show that night.  Still, I had fun with silhouette shots of spectators and their clearn umbrellas.

On the way back to the cruise ship, I decided to create my own firework experience.  I sat in the front seat of the double-decker bus and took long exposure shots of the traffic lights as we drove under them.

When I got back to my computer, I had fun superimposing my crowd shot and traffic light shot. Voilà, my own fireworks. Yay!

I love the reminder and energy of this photograph. Can you feel it?


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