You are a gift – there is no one else in this world like you. Your life, therefore, will be just as unique. Embracing a life that is true to your heart and soul’s callings can be challenging in a world of expectations, labels, and ingrained social norms. This series is about creating a life that is true to who you are, based on the only story I am qualified to write about: mine.

Start the New Year Fresh & Clean

Start the New Year Fresh & CleanI’ve learned a lot living and traveling the world. One tradition I’ve adopted as my own is to give my living space a thorough New Year cleaning & decluttering. It feels great to start the new year fresh & clean.

In many Asian cultures, a deep cleaning of the house before New Year’s Day is standard practice.

In Japan, it’s believed that a Shinto god enters the house at New Year’s, so the space has to be worthy of this blessed visit.

Although the Chinese celebrate New Year’s a month later, they too give their house a thorough cleaning. This not only makes room for the new but sweeps away any lingering bad luck to welcome good luck.

I confess. I’m not as fussy about cleaningas I used to be . I got used to the weekly visits from the janitorial staff in my Vienna student residence. But I love de-cluttering.

From a universal spirituality point of view, the Universe abhors a vacuum. So if you create space, it’ll fill it with what’s aligned with your Highest Good. This is true in all areas of your life, from relationships to the shoes in your closet.

Having lived overseas for years with only the contents of a couple of suitcases, I’m a big fan of de-cluttering and simple living (see previous post).

It feels great to make space – to give, sell, or throw away what no longer serves you. What better time to do this than before the start of a new year.

Ideas to Start the New Year Fresh & Clean

Here’s some of the things I enjoy doing at this time of year. Please add your ideas in the comments below. 

  • Apart from buying fresh fruits & veggies, I use up the foods that are in my cupboards, fridge, and freezer. This game is great for the wallet and stimulates creativity in the kitchen.  More importantly, it keeps food from going bad if it sits there for years at a time.
  • I give my wardrobe a thorough go-through. It’s time to get rid of those socks and underwear that won’t stay up and sweaters I haven’t worn in years.
  • I’m pretty good at organizing my receipts year-round for tax time, but there’s always lots of paperwork I can recycle at the end of the year. If I haven’t looked at those webinar notes again, I probably won’t ever need them.
  • I re-evaluate my decorations – change the calendar, make a new vision board, assess whether my knick-knacks and sacred objects still brings me joy, etc.
  • I give my studio a thorough cleaning, which reminds me of my inventory and stimulates ideas.
  • I clean up my computer desktop and organize my folders.

Since I rent space from my housemate, none of the furniture is mine. In the past, I’d also go through my home to see if I could literally make space by letting go of items I didn’t use or want – from dishes to furniture.

Non-Attachment is Freeing

I know what it’s like to pay for moving trucks that charge by weight. So I’ve gotten good at letting go. Non-attachment is freeing.

If someone gave you a gift you don’t like or use, re-give it or sell it. Why hang on to something to please others when it clutters your life in more ways then one?

It’s not a gift if you feel obliged to keep it even if you cringe every time you look at it. It’s also not good feng shui to hold onto energy from a chapter in your life you’re ready to move past (e.g. wedding gifts after a divorce).

Make Room for What Serves Your Highest Good

divine-unionLet’s start the new year fresh & clean.

If you turn it into a game, you’ll learn to love this New Year ritual.

2017 is a new chapter – a clean slate. May it be a great one for us both!


P.S.  If you’re looking for new artwork that’s energetically aligned with the vibration you’re aiming for in 2017, consider one of my original paintings OR painting prints 

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A Sure Sign Society is Shifting

When I got the call from the head of the Health Network for the provincial francophone federation (FFTNL) to teach intuition across the province, I was thrilled … a little surprised, and thrilled!

This was proof! For a government sponsored program to hire me to help people reconnect to their inner wisdom and Guidance is a sure sign that society is shifting.

butterfly photo

Intuition is an Invitation to Grow

I’ll admit, I had to face my own fears when my soul asked me to come out of the visionary closet a few years back.

Sure, I’d written about living intuitively and talked about intuitive painting for years.

But I shook for 3 days when I received Guidance to start publicly talking about my visions and to use these to help people.

All sorts of fears came up to the surface – from this lifetime and, from my belief system, past ones too. I didn’t want to get burned at the stake again …

Plus, I’d learned to shut up about such things at a young age in this lifetime.

I may have nurtured that side of me when I was alone, but I learned to wear masks in public. We all do.

So few of us are fully and unconditionally accepted for who we are when we’re young. Plus our educational system, as it is now, isn’t designed to foster imagination, inspiration, and intuition.

It’s time to reclaim your gifts, whatever those are, because the cost of keeping them repressed is too high. Not living in alignment with your heart & soul causes dis-ease in body, mind, and spirit. You deserve better!

So my job is to encourage folks to get back into alignment one inspired step at a time through my 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition to Get Your Life Back On Track.

This isn’t some scary woo-woo stuff. It’s natural. You were born with it. It’s simply a muscle that needs exercise.

Let the Pieces Fall Into Place

69-dominique-hurley-transformation-bFor me, the last few years of teaching people how to access their intuition and supporting them with my intuitive hearing aids have been so fulfilling.

I’m still not sure where it’s all leading, but I’m loving how it’s evolving.

Intuition also asks you to embrace the mystery.

My backgrounds in recreation, teaching, art, spirituality are all coming together like the pieces of a puzzle.  Fun! And more are being added.

Just a few months ago, I became a certified naturopath after 1000 hours of my energy-work, visionary art, and other healing training was recognized by the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada (ANN).

And now public organizations are hiring me to provide my services to their communities. Amazing!

The world is definitely opening up to different ways of being and doing. Yay!

Reap the Rewards: Learn to Activate Your Intuition

You too can learn the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition:

  • FREE 75-minute tutorial online in English (Click Here)

Share the Proof that Society is Shifting

It’s easy to focus on the negative in the world – just turn on the news.

I’d rather focus on the positive. Where attention goes, energy flows.

What signs are you seeing that society is shifting in a good way? Please fill the comments below with uplifting news!

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Avoid Overwhelm One Step at a Time

around-burnt-cove-dominique-hurley-_dlh7478Last week, I offered you a meditation to take stock of your life. Click here if you haven’t tried it yet.

When I did it (vs. channeling it – very different experiences), I identified a few areas that weren’t in alignment with my soul.

Basically, I work too hard and not always on the right things. When I lose touch with my abundance, I struggle with the overwhelming demands and expenses of being a budding entrepreneur and the mismatch with my desire for a simple life.

Identifying those areas and visualizing a more fulfilling life was a great first step. It helped shift my mindset and started the momentum for change. Taking inspired action was next.

That’s where many quit. They get overwhelmed by the size of the task and end up stuck in the status quo.

Is your to-do list already too long? Time too short? Money too tight? The learning curve too steep?

Change can be overwhelming on many levels. But the cost of staying where you are can be even higher.

Take a Deep Breath

My first inspired action – taking a short seaside holiday away from the computer – had opened up this next opportunity to spend 3 days in Burnt Cove.

I brought my laptop this time, but spent several hours breathing in the fresh sea air while walking in small communities and nature trails.

Deep breathing is key to intuition. Your breath is your Life Force, your connection to Spirit.

Ask and You Shall Receive

On my walk from Bauline East to Doctor’s Cove, I did an Intuitive Walkabout.

I asked “How can I create a viable business while living a simple life?”

For the next half hour, my attention was fully absorbed in the various textures and features of the forest path beneath my fee.  The variety in such a short walk was remarkable: gravel, bedrock, stepping stones, boardwalks, stone and log steps, dirt, moss-lined, steep, level, jagged, smooth, etc.

When you ask a question, pay attention to what draws your attention. This becomes the intuitive data to work with.

So how did I interpret this?

“Avoid overwhelm one step at a time. Appreciate where you are in every moment, knowing that your path will vary greatly. Some parts will be smooth and easy and some may require you to climb or tread with more care. Don’t worry about the terrain. You’ll be provided the resources to navigate your way through it. Others have walked before you and prepared the way. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

When I got to Doctor’s Cove, my first ocean view since the trailhead, I could see the storm rolling in. Part of me thought it’d be best to head back right away, knowing it would take 1.5 hours. But when I tuned in, I recognized it as fear, not guidance.

So I sat on a big stone boulder and admired the view, breathing it in and contemplating the meaning of this part of Intuitive Walkabout.

“Remember to pause and enjoy the results of your efforts. Even if the world or your tasks seem daunting, rest and contemplate. Tune in to know when it’s time for your next best move.”

I felt a lot lighter after that walk, filled with beauty and guidance. I got home minutes before the heavy rain and winds picked up the deck chairs and threw them to the edge of the cliff. I grabbed them just before they went over.

“You’re abundant and safe. Know it. Feel it. Then continue walking forward one step at a time when you’re moved to do so.”

Life is Beautiful

I’m sharing this with you because I believe that one person’s journey can help others.

I’ve long known that taking one inspired action at a time is the way to success – whatever that means for you.

My 3-day sojourn up the southern shore is yet another example.

Overwhelm is a state of mind.

I did what I needed to shift that mindset and the Universe collaborated with the details.

Your Turn to Ask

Do you have a question to ask your Team of Divine Helpers to live more in alignment with your soul?

Ask and then scroll through this sampling of photos from my time around Burnt Cove to see what catches your attention.

Then analyze the symbolism (with your heart and mind) to see what it means in relation to your question.

Next, take inspired action. Come up with 1-3 things you can implement to open up the doors to your ideal life.

Then allow the Universe its time to do its thing.

One step at a time. One breath at a time.

Click on the first image if you want to see them in slideshow mode.

Click here if you’d like my free 75-minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition and Get Your Life Back on Track. There’s a special invitation at the end for a Divine Storytelling Time Session.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Free Meditation: Take Stock of Your Life


Here’s another gift that I channeled with a live group to help them take stock of their lives and decide which areas to focus on for intuitive guidance in the exercises that would follow.

Consider this your Halloween treat!

In this 34-minute free meditation, you’ll:

  • look at your life as it is,
  • imagine how you’d like it to be,
  • and tap into your Guidance to raise your vibration.

It’s best with headphones.

Once you’ve listened, choose an area of your life to keep working on. Get your Team of Divine Helpers involved – they love to be invited.

Go through the 5 Steps to Activate your Intuition and co-create the life you want.

  1. Ask (specific, simple, open questions)
  2. Access (on your own or through my intuitive hearing aids)
  3. Analyze (left analytical and right intuitive brain / heart working together)
  4. Act (Take inspired action)
  5. Allow (Trust that every piece of the puzzle will help shape the big picture)

If you’d like support developing your intuitive muscles for this area of your life, consider

It would be my pleasure to continue helping you connect to your True Self to live an inspired life.

And come back anytime to do this free meditation again. I’ve done it twice in the last week and received different guidance each time. That’s the beauty of creative visualization.

Was it helpful? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Coincidence? No. Intuitive timing.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

The Power of Gratitude – Disconnect to Reconnect


What a great topic for Canadian Thanksgiving, eh? Well, here’s a little point form story about the power of gratitude. As a bonus, it comes with lots of photos of Newfoundland for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

  • I hadn’t had a holiday all summer. It was time.
  • My soul begged to get away from work and the Internet.
  • My original plans fell through.
  • I put it out on Facebook that I needed to get out of town.
  • Judith Royle told me her seaside guest apartment in Witless Bay was available.
  • My housemate Orinda offered to drive me there (40 minutes).
  • It was pouring rain. Awesome! It felt so real walking around for hours in my not-so-rain-proof rain gear. I felt like a true adventurer.
  • I walked her labyrinth, along the beach and down the road to the Irish Loop Coffee House for cod au gratin and salad.
  • That night, Judith happened to be leading a meditation group upstairs. Perfect!
  • The wind blew the flower pots and furniture around all night, but the sun came with it the next day.
  • I walked the East Coast Trail, sat and watched the ocean for hours, and had a lovely visit with a local artist. I was in a state of blissful contemplation and appreciation.
  • Judith drove me back to St. John’s, just in time for a dinner Orinda and her friends were preparing.
  • I gushed with gratitude at having spent time disconnecting from the computer to reconnect to my Self and Mother Earth. I so needed to get out of town and was so glad I did.
  • So Elaine invited us all the following Sunday to her oceanside home in Burnt Cove.
  • It was another great day up the shore (which means down south in Newfoundland).
  • Elaine loved my photos and asked to use some on her website in exchange for a few nights in her seaside rental apartment, ride included.
  • Then she invited us back for Thanksgiving too.
  • Then I get a call to see if I’d consider teaching my Intuition into Action workshop in French on the other side of the island and in Labrador.

I hadn’t spent a night out of St. John’s all summer, and now more opportunities are being handed to me. Wow!

It’s amazing what life brings you when 

  1. you follow your bliss
  2. feel grateful for it.

I’m not saying be grateful just to get more out of life. But you will. 

And hey! if this inspires you to spend a few days in nature without your phone or Internet, great!

What is it you need to schedule time to reconnect to? Trust me, you’ll be grateful you did.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Take the test: what’s your soul saying?

When I co-create intuitive paintings with Spirit, energy is infused into the art that raises both my and the viewer’s vibration. Whatever I’m working on at the time for me can then support you on your transformational journey.

So when you’re browsing my collection, know that the painting that attracts you the most holds within it a key to your Highest Good. Its energetic vibration can move you upward and forward.

So take the test.  Which of the three paintings above is calling you the strongest, then read below to find out what your soul is asking you to do.

Of course, feel free to add your own interpretation. Why else do you think you were called to that painting?

Choice 1: Life By Design


Dear One, You’re amazing! Your life has been rich in experiences and opportunities to grow, and you’ve said ‘Yes!’ to them. Bravo!

What’s next? It’s up to you. All that you are and all that you’ve lived has prepared you for the choices you have now. Keep co-creating your own True Life by following your Guidance.

Sure, it’ll take you off the beaten path, but isn’t that exciting?

Stretch those comfort zones. You’re ready. Take one inspired step in front of the other and have fun with it.

And remember, be loving and compassionate to yourself and others as you live and learn. Happy travels.

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Choice 2: Exaltation

painting ExaltationDear One, Stand tall and open yourself to the divine within you.

Your Light is so bright, reflecting the Light of All that Is. Take the time to nurture and connect to it. You’re worth it.

We know your life is not without challenges. How you experience them depends on you. Don’t wallow. Seek the Light. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Focus on what you love and let all else to fall into its rightful place. Attract what you want. Align with the Universe, raise your vibration and shine!

Allow your wellspring of unconditional love, gratitude, purpose, and passion to overflow.  You are radiant. You are a lightworker.

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Choice 3: I-ve Got Your Back

painting "I've Got Your Back"Dear One,  You’re not alone. Your whole team of Divine Helpers is here to support you. You’re wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love. Feel it.

You’ve been so hard on yourself. Isn’t it time to breathe, to connect, to open up to receiving? All you need to do is ask. We’re here.

Create space to reconnect to your Self and Guides. Give your monkey-mind a break. Get off the hamster wheel and dream a little.

Get back in the co-creative groove. Breathe Life Force back into your body, mind, and spirit. We’re here to help.

It’s time to choose peace. You deserve it. Please allow it.

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Tell Us About It

As usual, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Did your choice speak to you today? What inspired action might you take from it?


Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Need answers? Try an intuitive walkabout

Vibration from the Treedom Collection

“Vibration” From the Treedom Collection

There are so many ways to get Guidance. The intuitive walkabout is one of my favourites and anyone can do it. 

It’s quick and easy.

I taught this at last weekend’s Intuition Into Action Intensive and the participants were blown away with the results.

You can do it anywhere – your house, your office building, a downtown street, etc.

My favourite place for an intuitive walkabout is in nature. You get the added bonus of fresh air. Breath is your Life Force, which is your connection to Spirit. Use it well.

By breathing deeply as you walk on Mother Earth, you open your communication channels.

So try your own intuitive walkabout using my 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition.

Step 1. Ask

Because of free will, we need to ask our angels and guides for help. Invite them to play with you.

Do one question at a time.  Make it simple, specific, and open (5Ws).

“How can I best resolve my conflict with my teenage son in the next 2 weeks?”
“What can I do this Fall to meet the right man for me?”
“What’s my next best move to increase the number of customers I serve this month?”

Then state that you need the answer before you get to some landmark or curve in the path (about 5-10 minutes).

Step 2. Access

Now it’s time to collect data. Access your intuition.

Pay attention. Whatever catches your attention has meaning. Trust that.

Don’t try to figure out the meaning at this point. Just write down or record everything you notice.

Remember that intuition speaks through your senses and symbolism, so pay attention to

  • how you feel
  • what you smell or taste
  • what you hear
  • what you see
  • thoughts or memories
  • everything
"Compassion" from the Treedom Collection

“Compassion” from the Treedom Collection

This might look like

  • tangled roots with moss – beautiful
  • trunk stump looks like owl
  • snail slow and graceful through grass
  • ambulance siren fading in the distance
  • juvenile eagle flies over river downstream
  • 2 squirrels chasing each other up trees
  • memory of childhood picnic & playing frisbee
  • sudden chill when I turned left so went right instead
  • butterfly lands in front of me
  • young man bends down to pick up after his dog and gives a treat

Step 3. Analyze

It’s easier to keep Steps 2 and 3 separate at first.

This is where the left analytical brain joins your right intuitive brain (and heart) for teamwork.

Interpret the data by matching your clues to your question.

You’re the best person to play detective with the symbolism you receive. 

The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

So, if your question was: “How can I best resolve my conflict with my teenage son in the next 2 weeks?”, you might interpret the clues like this.

  • tangled roots with moss – beautiful
    – We’re family. It gets messy, but it’s nourishing and beautiful anyway. This is an opportunity to grow. Relax with it.
  • trunk stump looks like owl
    – I need to change my perception of his being cut off to recognizing his wisdom. He’ll make mistakes, but he’ll learn from them.
  • snail slow and graceful through grass
    – There’s no fast & easy fix. Be OK with it taking time. Don’t rush it. This is about moving “home” forward. It doesn’t have to feel like a burden.
  • ambulance siren fading in the distance
    – You’re alarmed by the situation, but there’s no reason. The danger is behind you.
  • juvenile eagle flies over river downstream
    – My son is growing and needs to spread his wings on his own. It’s up to him to choose his direction.
  • 2 squirrels chasing each other up trees
    – If I keep harping on what he did, he has no choice but to run. I’m pushing him away.
  • memory of childhood picnic & playing frisbee
    – We used to play and have fun a lot more together. Now we mostly argue. I’ll organize a family picnic to bring the family together. We haven’t done that in so long. We need time to just play and bond again. Maybe I’ll ask if there’s something else like that he’d rather do instead.
  • sudden chill when I turned left so went right instead
    – I need to pay attention to when my mood or interactions with him are going the wrong way and bring more warmth and love into them
  • butterfly lands in front of me
    This isn’t about him. This is an opportunity for me to transform the way I’m being in this situation. This can be beautiful!
  • young man bends down to pick up after his dog and gives a treat
    – I have to let him clean up this mess and take responsibility for what he did. But I also need to encourage him for the small steps he’s taking to improve his situation.

You get the picture. Here, it was about relaxing, backing off, allowing, changing perceptions, adding fun, and supporting growth.

You may have gotten different meanings from the same clues. That’s the beauty of the process.

Your angels, guides, the Universe, Source – whatever you call Guidance – speaks to you in a language that relates to you. Sure, you need to decode it, but that’s part of the fun.

Step 4. Act

Now take inspired action.

Guidance is useless if you don’t act on it.

Organize that family picnic. Get off your son’s back and let him figure things out. Recognize his wisdom and trust in the process. If you get angry, stop and ask how you can bring more warmth/love to the situation.  Find ways to encourage and reward his efforts to clean things up. Be there for him – don’t make it about you.

Step 5. Allow

As Above So Below photo on canvas

“As Above So Below” from the Treedom Photography Collection 

Then let things evolve. Trust in Divine Timing.

If you were guided to do something, know that it somehow fits in the big picture.

And whenever you have more questions, go through the steps again and enjoy another walkabout.

Last weekend at my workshop, participants had a list of 10 questions they wanted clarity on during their walkabout. They did one at a time as we walked through the building and the grounds.  They collected data for Question 1, stopped, analyzed their results, then went on to Question 2, and so on.

They were amazed by the results and now have a list of inspired actions to take to move their lives in their right direction. You can too.

Intuition Into Action Treasure Map

These 5 Steps are the same whether you seek your answers on your own during an intuitive walkabout or use intuitive hearing aids, like my Divine Storytelling Time PackagesIn this case, I do “Step 2 – Access” for you.

However you choose to get your answers, know that Guidance is available. If you’re feeling lost or depleted, ask and you shall receive.

Your Turn

So go ahead, give the intuitive walkabout a try.

Then feel free to share your results in the comments below.

I’d love to know your original question and 2 inspired actions you’ll take based on your findings.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Do you practice what you preach?

Possibility from the blossoming photography collection

“Possibility” from the Blossoming Photography Collection – click for prints.

No one’s perfect. I’m not. I believe the best way to learn something is to teach it. And even the best teachers need reminders and refresher courses.

So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t practice what you preach.

You’ve seen it – doctors who smoke, writers who don’t write, parents who lie, yoga teachers who don’t practice, chefs who don’t eat well, etc. What about you?

Awareness is the first step.

Take this as an opportunity to reflect on whether it’s your teaching or your practicing that needs re-alignment. It could be that you’ve outgrown a previous belief or way.

As for me, I’ve been so busy teaching others how to ignite their intuition and light up their life that I’ve let go of my sacred morning connection routine of yoga, dancing, and chanting. Instead, I jump right onto the computer and start going through my endless to-do list. Then, I get exhausted and turn on Netflix.


I should know better, right?! Well, I’m human. It happens.

So, this past week, I decided to try something different. I stayed in bed a little longer to do some of the guided meditations I’ve offered you here on my site.

Welcome-Meditation-cover-V2Wow! What a difference it’s making to my days. Not only do I get to connect to my team of Divine Helpers and raise my vibration, I’m getting all sorts of celestial gifts, messages, and inspiration.

If you’d like to try a free one, click here. You’ll find more on my blog and can also order a custom one channeled for your needs.

One of the messages I got loud and clear during one of these meditations is that “It doesn’t pay to work TOO hard”.  Yet there’s so much to do to run a business. Being a single entrepreneur can be daunting.

If I don’t practice what I preach though, I won’t be giving my attention and investing my energy in the right tasks. I’ll also burn out, which doesn’t serve anyone.

It’s so easy to keep busy and work too hard on things that don’t lead to where you want to go. Can you relate?

So – enough of that! I need to connect to my Higher Self and Source first thing on a daily basis, even when I’m not doing it for clients!

What’s it going to be for you? Do you still believe in what you’re teaching? If yes, are you practicing it?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below – what has this post inspired you to invest more time and energy in?

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Where Do You Belong?

IMG_1264Where do you belong?

Here’s my answer.

You belong where your heart and soul are free to express themselves. You belong where you can feel the happiness that lives at your core. 

Does that feel like a good answer to you?

Indulge me as I use these reflections to share more of my summer photos with you.


Feel Your Way Home

I’ve come to the conclusion that you belong where it feels good to be you. I’m not talking about instant gratification but where you have access to that inner well of joy and happiness.

To have that access, you need to find what resonates with your Highest Good. That will look completely different for different people. It may be helping orphans in Africa for one, leading a mega corporation for another, writing a book alone in a cabin for a year, or raising 2 children to the best of your love and ability.

Where can your True Self shine so you can live in alignment with your soul?

Let your feelings guide you there. Make your decisions on what feels better, more expansive.

So let me ask you. Do you feel at home in your life right now?

Are you at home in your job? in your relationships? in your house? in your city? with your friends? alone with yourself? 

What can you do to feel more at home where you are right now? What changes do you need to make to feel like you belong in your life?

This may mean a change of perception, acceptance, skills, practice, or circumstances. It also means getting help when it comes moving time so that the transition happens with ease and grace.

Yes, some changes will be physical (location, environment, diet, lifestyle) but others may be emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Try a bit of automatic writing to tap into your guidance. Ask the question in writing to your Higher Self and Guides and just keep writing for 3 pages without pauses, trusting they’ll find a way to speak to you through your own hand.


The theme of “home” has been wafting through my inner space a lot this summer.

One of the thematic units I taught to my ESL students this summer was on resettlement: a post-confederation program whose goal was to move small remote communities to growth centres throughout Newfoundland to have better access to government services. It had a huge impact on life in in this province and is still affecting some communities today.

My photo buddies and I recently went hiking in LaManche, one of the many communities that voted to move.

Some families actually moved their houses- towing them across the water to their new location. But the question that remains in my heart is whether they all succeeded in moving their homes. What kind of help did they receive to feel fully at home in their new circumstances?

I’m always reflecting on the meaning, energy, and symbolism of my experiences. This unit and field trip to a resettled community was part of what inspired today’s blog.

Happy to Share

Something else that inspired this post was that my housemate and I hosted an Irish student for a week while he was attending a conference. I happily volunteered to play tourist guide for 1.5 days – something I love to do!

If you’re happy with who, what, and where you are, you’ll naturally want to share it.

Here are a few snapshots from our visit along the southern shore of the Avalon peninsula and to the neighbouring fishing village of Petty Harbour, where the fishermen obviously loved to share.

May you feel at home no matter where you are.

Love & light as you make your inner and outer journey to where you truly belong.

P.S. If you need help letting go of what no longer serves you to connect to what does, click here for a free 26-minute guided visualization.




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