You are a gift – there is no one else in this world like you. Your life, therefore, will be just as unique. Embracing a life that is true to your heart and soul’s callings can be challenging in a world of expectations, labels, and ingrained social norms. This series is about creating a life that is true to who you are, based on the only story I am qualified to write about: mine.

The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again

When you learn to trust your intuition, from baby steps to leaps of faith, you believe that your Team of Divine Helpers has your back.

You have faith that from their vantage point, your Angels and Guides can see the bigger picture of your life in the greater interconnected web of all humanity.

That’s a blessing because often, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Or at least I can’t.

There’s no way I could’ve ever imagined my life being what it is today as I took one inspired action at a time, following my intuition around the world.

I still can’t tell you what it’s going to look like down the road.

But I can tell you I live without regrets.

There have been ups and downs. Challenges and fears. And lots of love, learning, experience, and creativity.

I’m so grateful for every chapter of the 58 years I’ve lived so far. And it’s often only by looking back that I see how one chapter led to the other, all divinely coordinated – even the challenging times.

My job was to keep praying for Guidance for my Highest Good and to be an instrument of Divine Peace. It was also to ask for help from my Team of Divine Helpers every step of the way down the Path they showed me.

So when Spirit Calls come in through clear intuitive Guidance – be it through inner hearing, knowing, seeing, sensing, etc. it’s now much easier to say “Yes”!

Any fear of change, loss, and logistics becomes mixed with excitement and curiosity as to the bigger picture of what’s unfolding. 

That’s intuitive living.

And yes, it’s a huge exercise in non-attachment.

The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again

One day a few weeks ago, during a conversation with my brother about his life, I got a full-body intuitive message. I’m meant to move in with my father to be his helper and companion.

I then confirmed this message with my Team of Divine Helpers using my pendulum. It’s a great tool when emotion isn’t in the way.

I don’t have all the details on the when & how, but as with any intuitive Guidance, the first step is just to say “yes” to the what.

If you read my blog post 2 weeks ago, you’ll know I extended my holiday trip to Ottawa to help out Papa after he experienced heart issues that landed him in hospital a couple of times.

I’m glad to report he’s doing quite well.

We haven’t walked the 7km to the cathedral and back as we did in early December, but we did manage 2km+ this Sunday in the snow to make it to my favourite Mexican restaurant after mass.

At 92, his level of activity has always inspired me. His strong character and attitude have served him well.

I never imagined myself moving back to my hometown. But then again, I never imagined myself living, studying and working on 3 continents and 5 provinces.

These have been the chapters of my intuitive life – with a few different careers in the mix.

The next chapter – Ottawa… again.

Embracing the Mystery through Non-Attachment

So this will be goodbye to Newfoundland after 14 years.

Forever? I have no idea. One inspired step at a time is all I need to know.

I’ve loved my east coast island chapter!

I’ve lived there longer than anywhere else in my adult life.

As a water baby and nature lover, the scenery nourished me on a soul level.

It’s where I became a full time artist / lightworker.

I’ve also connected with some amazing soul sisters and friends.

But nothing in life is constant but change itself.

This is not the first time I’ve been asked to let go and embrace the mystery.

Every inspired action is like adding a piece to the puzzle, even when you don’t know what the big picture is.

Is there a career move, more thriving art practice, life mate, or other purpose down the road? 

I don’t know. And that’s part of the excitement.

For now, my outer mission seems to be helping my father de-clutter the house and transition to another chapter in his life. This in itself feels like sacred service and a blessing.

So I head back to St. John’s on Friday and start my own de-cluttering and letting go process.

I trust the Universe will continue to guide and support me with the details and logistics. I don’t own very much, but I do have over 50 paintings that I can’t imagine bringing east with me.

When am I moving? Not sure. I’ll be honouring previous teaching commitments this spring. So likely after that.

Will I continue my art / intuitive services in Ottawa? Not sure. My focus may be elsewhere for a while. I’ll keep you posted.

For now, all I know is that I’ve received strong intuitive guidance and I’m saying “yes” to it.

Because this decision was made as an answer to a Spirit Call and not something I thought I “should” do, I trust that it’s for my Highest Good and the Highest Good of All.

Amen. So Be it.


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Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs – karma yoga style

Oh how natural it is to get into patterns of thoughts and beliefs that keep us small and fearful. It’s time to let go of limiting beliefs!

Our egos, our small selves, hang on to these untruths, illusions and delusions because it thinks that’s what’s needed to keep us safe. All it does though, is keep us in the status quo. And how is that working?!

Letting go of limiting beliefs is part of that essential stretch of the comfort zones that leads to emerging more as our True Selves.

Here’s a story from my life that illustrates how feeling the fear and doing it anyway, when intuitively guided, can open up so much!

When my Higher Self clearly guided me to sign-up for the karma yoga program (volunteering through service) at Ananda Village in the Sierra Foothills of California for 2 months, my little self balked. 

“I haven’t lived on a set schedule for years! What if I can’t stay awake in the evenings? I’m so used to getting up before dawn and watching movies energy-less in bed after supper?!”

“What if I can’t keep up to all those young ones?! I’m not a very physical person. Apart from long sauntering walks in nature and restorative yoga once in a while, I don’t do much. My upper body is so weak. I never use my arms except to type at the computer or sit at the painting table.”…

“I thrive on being alone! As an introvert, I need a lot of alone time. There, I’ll be sharing a bedroom and constantly working in a team. I’m a much better leader than team player.”

“What!? the toilets are in a separate building than the bedrooms? Last year in March they were buried in snow. I’ll never get back to sleep if I even make it to the toilets in that cold.”

These are only some of fear-based thoughts and limiting beliefs that spun in my head along with the excitement of knowing that if I was guided, it was for my Highest Good. Now, I chuckle as I type them out for you.

From baby steps to leaps of faiths, I’ve had a lifetime of learning to trust my intuition. So if Guided, nothing can stop me.

As you know, I did sign-up for this stretch of my comfort zones.  I was part of the karma yoga team for the full months of March and April. And I thrived, so grateful for this gift from the Universe!

Sure, I was really tired, especially that first week. But I was also happy. The group was great. The variety of ways we served kept my mind, heart, and body active. The prayer, chanting and spirituality in every part of the day was so aligned with who I am. And when I put my head down on the pillow, I slept solidly.

Yes, there were adjustments. I learned not to drink water after supper, even if the evening shift sometimes ended past 9:30pm. That way, I only woke up at 4 or 5 am. I’d grab my pre-packed bag of clothes and quickly run up the few flights of outdoors stairs up to the washrooms for relief and a good shower before moving on with my day – reading before the 6:30 am yoga class when I wasn’t scheduled for the breakfast shift.

I ended up loving the simplicity and flow of our busy schedules. I like routines, and I like variety. We had both!

Our karma yoga shifts worked my body in a way that motivated me to attend, when possible, the 2 yoga classes a day (3.5 hours). Oh how those stretches, affirmations, energization exercises and meditation fuelled me. And the yoga made it possible for me to fulfill my physically demanding service duties.

This body had been used to way too much sitting in a day. But as you can see in this Breakfast Boogie Timelapse video (top of page), I benefitted from lots of exercise during my 2 months. I’m now stronger and healthier!

What you’re watching in the video is the end of the dishes shift after a light supper and my solo breakfast shift the next morning from 5am-8:15 am. Being on my own, I decided to play with my 2 iPhones to create this 4-minute glimpse into my life there. That shift officially starts at 6:15, but if I wanted do it in a relaxing & playful way, and since I could only carry 1 floor mat in from the back dock at a time, I decided to give myself an extra 75 minutes …. and needed it, especially when we had big groups. On this day, it was a small group.

As for thinking I couldn’t keep up to the young ones, it turned out that at 57, I was of average age. And the beauty of teamwork is that if I couldn’t lift the mop bucket to empty it in the tiny sink room, others could & would.

By week 3, I felt such joy that I could lift the heavy wooden cover to the large garbage storage container outside, something I couldn’t do on my first day.

Evening shifts remained more challenging for me, but it gave me great practice at observing and controlling not only my energy levels, but my irritability and patience levels. I (and everyone else) noticed that I had a tendency to be a task-master if I became afraid we’d be there too late. Some got engaged in conversation, slowing down the completion of everything on the checklist. I was given plenty of opportunities to recognize how I valued the goal more than the process. After all, this wasn’t just a physical boot-camp, it was a spiritual one too. Luckily, I went into the experience already knowing that if I were triggered, it was more about me than anyone else.

Our days were beautifully balanced between yoga, meditation, karma yoga shifts, delicious vegetarian meals, spiritual philosophy classes, special activities, Sunday service, and yes, once in a while, alone time.

There was always a table for those wanting to eat in silence instead of socializing. There were plenty of nature spots to retreat to in order to read, take photo walks, etc. And every week we got to indicate what shifts we wanted off. I’d always ask for the lunch shift off after the Crystal Hermitage Garden shift so I could stay to picnic and bask in the beauty with my camera for an extra couple of hours before the beautiful 1-hour walk back through the forest and village. I’d also ask for Friday evenings off so I could join kirtan (devotional chanting) in the temple.

By the end of April, I could envision doing this for a few months every year, either in California or at Ananda Assisi community in Italy. We’ll see…

I’m just so glad that I didn’t let my fears or limiting beliefs stop me from a Spirit-guided opportunity to experience 2 beautiful months fulfilling my life purpose – to travel the world exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

Your Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

What about you? What limiting beliefs are standing in the way of your emerging more fully as your True Self in the world?

What are you being Guided to be, do or have that requires a stretch of your comfort zones? Can you take baby steps? How about leaps of faith?

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to

  • guide you to what’s in your Highest Good
  • help you see and let go of your limiting beliefs
  • feel the fear and do it anyway
  • live the amazing life you were meant to live.

May it be so. Namaste (the Spirit in me bows to the Spirit in you).


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Peaceful Pauses

Are you feeling frazzled? Have you had a few minutes to reconnect to your Higher Self & God through meditation / prayer / nature contemplation lately? 

Whether for 5 minutes, half a day, a weekend, a week, or a few months – we all need peaceful pauses in our life. That’s the space intuition needs to communicate with you.

Don’t wait until your nervous system is fried and can’t do its job.

Instead, give it the healing calmness and stillness it needs to rest and rejuvenate, adding years & guidance to your life. A little bit here and there as well as bigger chunks when you can are so worth it!

I’ve just returned from 3 months of travels, including 2 months as a karma yogi (volunteer) at the ashram at Ananda Village in the Sierra Foothills of California.

When I was intuitively guided to go, I didn’t think I could make it happen for many reasons. In part, I was nervous I wouldn’t be able to fulfill all the physical tasks, being so used to sitting at the computer or art table. Plus being on a full schedule within a community setting was going to be quite the stretch of my comfort zones. I’m usually an early to rise and early to bed introvert who thrives in alone time.

Well, it turned out to be amazing, and I’ll tell you more about it as the weeks go by.

As soon as I returned, however, I got caught up once again in the busy-ness of life. I

Basically, I got busy running all around town on foot, with friends, and on the bus for this or that.

I’d included several nature walks and occasional morning yoga & meditation in the mix, but it wasn’t enough. After about a week back, I started to feel frazzled.

This introvert had been way too “out there”. I may have been very busy at the ashram, but life was simpler, more focused, more balanced, and definitely more attuned to God.

So it was time for a day off. Calmness. Peacefulness. Quiet. Contemplation. Communion with God. At home.

And part of that time was spent consciously deciding what aspects of my ashram experience I needed to continue as part of my daily routine at home.

I’ll admit, I miss the 4 hours of yoga & meditation I was getting a day when I took full advantage of the offerings at the Expanding Light Retreat in between karma yoga shifts. OK, I’ll aim for the 1 hour 45 minute morning routine at least.

The yoga philosophy classes based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda were also such a treat. So more reading – I definitely brought enough books back.

And oh, how I appreciated having amazing chef-prepared vegetarian meals every day of the week. Time to get creative in the kitchen. Don’t wait until you’re hungry, Dominique.

What a blessing those weekly visits to the Crystal Hermitage Gardens, taking pictures and being in a childlike state of curiosity, wonder and bliss. Yes, I’ll definitely continue to schedule nature time with my camera.

So now that I’m back and noticed how quickly that frazzled feeling can come back, it’s time I re-prioritize what keeps me connected to the Divine Peace that is always at my core (and yours!).

This includes inviting Divine Mother and Heavenly Father (the feminine and masculine aspects of God) to work through me instead of trying to do it all myself. I loved how much prayer was involved in everything at the ashram, all the way to evening prayer on the kitchen dock after locking up at 9:30pm after night shift.

I was aware and practiced all this to some extent before I left for California. But having 2 months of intensive practice, including much more physical labour than I was used to – was so good for me, giving me more energy to do more for others.

It’s good to feel the contrasts in our lives (frazzled / at peace, for example). It helps us make and be grateful for those healthy choices and peaceful pauses.

What needs prioritizing in your life? What can you add more of and what can you reduce? 

May you enjoy the kinds of peaceful pauses that help you attune to Divine love, beauty, joy, calmness that are your very core.

P.S. The video above is one of the eight I created while at Ananda Village, before my video editing app banned me for being under 13 (lol!). I’m still appealing that … but did manage to laugh at the time, knowing Divine Mother wanted me to read and meditate more … not just create videos. I got more sleep too!


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Create Your 2024 Intuitive Vision Board

Happy New Year! May 2024 be your best year yet, for reasons yet to unveil themselves and some you may already have an inkling about.

It’s that time of year again! It’s Vision Board time! Of all the kinds that exist out there, my favourite is the intuitive vision board.

Every year for the past 18 years, I’ve created an intuitive vision board

  • to add some sacred playtime to my New Year rituals
  • to help me uncover Spirit Calls
  • to shed light on potential choices and perspectives
  • to help me make decisions year-round based on Guidance
  • to give me courage to follow through on that Guidance
  • to keep me inspired to live my Best Life
  • to act as a daily mirror & reminder of what’s in my Highest Good for this year

I trust intuitive vision boards because they’ve been such an important support on my journey. Plus, they’re a fun & easy way to connect to your intuition. 

So that’s my New Year’s offering to you –  this 33-minute play-along video .

Get your supplies ready because you’ll be following the steps along with me for the first few.

Then, I explain the rest of the process for you to continue at your own pace. During vision board parties, it takes some 1 hour, some 3 and some 5.

So take your time. This is not a task to be accomplished but a process of communication with your Team of Divine Helpers to be relished.

Take advantage of this intuitive hearing aid to dive deep into what your heart & soul are calling for.

And know that the interpretations of your intuitive choices of words & images will evolve as your life does throughout the year.

Looking at your board often will inspire you to take the next best steps. It’ll encourage you to aim in the direction your heart & soul want you to.

Are you ready to play?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • a poster board (available at dollar stores)
  • a marker or pen
  • a glue stick (easiest to work with but other forms of glue work too_
  • scissors
  • a pile of magazines (at least 20 of a variety – the more inspirational the better)
  • instrumental music playlist for your gluing / Listening time (I recommend gentle music without lyrics for this part)
  • a journal & pen
  • stickers & paint / markers if you choose to continue decorating it once it’s done

If you want to see more examples, you can also visit my previous Guide to Intuitive Vision Boards – 7 Easy Steps.

Off to a Great Start – My 2024 Intuitive Vision Board in Action

My 2024 vision board has already had an impact on my life, and it’s only been in existence a few days.

It’s provided encouragement and guidance on how to prepare for my 2-month karma yoga (volunteering) at the Ananda ashram in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains in California this March & April.

I received an intuitive message on November 12th, my birthday, to spend 2 months there.

I thought I might go some day, but didn’t think it would be so soon after my summer in Europe. It didn’t seem … financially reasonable.

But it’s meant to be. It’s booked!

Instead of going as a guest, however, I’m joining the intentional community of karma yogis – volunteers serving the guests.

The Ananda ashrams were built by Swami Kriyananda, one of Paramhansa Yogananda’s direct disciples. You may have heard of the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” – one of the best selling spiritual books on the planet. I studied it in my Masters of Education program back in 2003. These ashrams are communities living Yogananda’s teachings.

I was at the Ananda ashram near Assisi, Italy for 2 months this summer while studying in the Transformative Art Certification program.

In Italy, I was a guest. I had my own room with a private bathroom. I was thankful for that every day! Apart from my art classes, my schedule was my own – free to come and go in programs, ceremonies, meals, etc.

This coming Spring at the Expanding Light Retreat inside Ananda Village, my situation will be very different and outside my comfort zone for sure!

Here, I’ll be sharing a room-  a bunkbed – with another volunteer. And the bathrooms are 40 feet outside our building. Knowing that last year in March they were buried in snow makes my mid-night pee … daunting.

Sure, I’ll be attending meditation, yoga, and Yogananda philosophy classes. That’s why I wanted to go in the first place- why I think I’m being guided there.

But I’ll also be working … or rather, serving God through serving the guests and the community. I imagine I’ll be doing the kinds of things I don’t think I’m great at – washing toilets, making beds, gardening, cooking & washing dishes, and whatever else I’m asked to do.

This, I believe on a deeper level,  is why I’m really being “sent” there – to open up to an even greater degree to love in action. To community. To a different kind of service than I do from my happy hermit studio and from behind this computer.

Can I handle 2 months of crowds?

The Ananda community is situated on 900 acres of meadows and forests amidst the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in northern California. That sounds idyllic!

But thousands of people come through in April to visit the famous tulip gardens at the Crystal Hermitage, so I’m not sure how much time I’ll get for solitude.

I confess, I also worry I won’t be strong enough or have enough energy to keep up with the group. 

Can I live in constant community, in a shared room, and serve long hours around people on top of the spiritual practices, etc?

If Guidance is sending me, I trust I’m ready. It’s time I let go of  limiting beliefs and get over my fears about …. a lot! Yay!

So how is my Intuitive Vision Board helping me?

  • it’s shown me that I need to expand my restorative yoga practice into more strength-building practices in the next 2 months
  • it’s highlighted that “energy” is my theme for the year – and that’s a big part of Ananda teachings – so it’s very confirming
  • it’s encouraged me to relax my fears and shown me that the result – peace of mind, calm energy, connection, planting seeds in my inner paradise, etc. – are worthwhile goals within my reach.
  • it’s assured me that I will come out of this year more inspired and inspirational, of better service to my community
  • it’s given me a preview that through light-hearted fun, I will set myself free of some longstanding fears, some yet to be identified.
  • It’s pointed out that the learning I’m about to undertake is not only for a healthy body & mind, but for connections rooted in vitality – the right kind of connections on both the horizontal (human community) and vertical (with God & my Team of Divine Helpers) planes.
  • it’s explained that now is the time for me to gather in person within a mindful movement.
  • it’s promised that it will help me age more actively, and stronger for a better future while tasting the best of Spring on many levels.

And that’s just after a few days.

So you see how it can work.

I’m motivated and inspired looking at it. It will inform my choices every day until I leave and beyond (as I’ll carry a photo of it during my travels).

Your Turn

So if you want to know what your Team of Divine Helpers, your Higher Self, your heart wants you to know and aim for in 2024, have fun creating your intuitive vision board using the video above.

And if you benefitted from this offering, and feel moved to encourage me in my journey,  I welcome donations by clicking here.

I’m currently working on making sure my blog and newsletter continue while I’m traveling.

Love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness and freedom in 2024!




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Mindfulness Walk Exercise

Reconnecting to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers through your intuition is made a whole lot easier when you’re aware of all your senses.

This mindfulness walk exercise will help you do that. As a bonus, time in nature does wonders for your health and happiness.

So give this a try!

It could be in your neighbourhood park, urban nature trail, or out in the wilderness.

Getting to know your inner landscape via a journey on Mother Earth’s landscapes is best done alone or with others also dedicated to the process. So if you choose to do it with friends, I encourage you to do each step respecting each other’s space. You can take time in between steps to share.

The more you practice, the more mindful and in tune you’ll become. Bring water & a snack for one of the exercises. Enjoy the process.

P.S. The video above is of a recent walk around Long Pond in St. John’s – a little eye candy to inspire you to explore neighbouring nature spots.

A. Intention Setting & Affirmation

As you arrive at your location, set an intention for your walk. What feeling would you like more of in your life?

Ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers (whomever that is for you) to support you on this journey to your intention.

Then create an affirmation that carries the essence of that intention.

Use the affirmative and present tense. Include what you’re aiming for, not what you’re trying to get away from.  For example, “I am at peace.” is much better than “There is less chaos in my life”. In the latter, the Universe only hears “chaos please”. It doesn’t take negations into account.

Once you’re clear on your affirmation, activate your throat chakra by declaring it out loud with feeling. Your throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. Declaring that it’s already true on some level beyond time and space is empowering. This is a great opportunity to let go of what others think – lol!

B. Letting Go of Blocks

Pick up a stone, stick, or other gift from nature that you’ll carry with you on your walk.

Take 3 deep breaths and blow your intention and affirmation into your object.

Next, ask your Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers to help you release everything that doesn’t serve you and to open you to what does.

Blow the first layer of blocks into your object, asking Mother Nature to help you transmute those energies. You don’t have to be conscious of what they are, but if you can name them, go ahead.

Put your stone/stick in your pocket until the end of the trail or hold it in your hand.

As you carry your chosen object, also carry all those who would benefit from your achieving this intention in your heart. For example, if you were more at peace, you may bring your family, co-workers, grocery store checkout clerks, and pets to mind and to heart.

Manifesting what we want in our lives is always improved by recognizing all others who would also benefit from that manifestation.

C. Awakening Your Senses

1. Sight

Decide in advance how long your first section of the path will be. Then, tell your Team of Divine Helpers and Higher Self, “From here to there, I’m awakening my sight”.

For this first part of the trail, focus on what you see.

Mindfully direct your gaze to what’s close-up, at medium-view and far away. Look up, look down, look all around.

Take the perspective of a squirrel, a child, and a bird.

Take your time. See like you’ve never seen before.

Allow your childlike curiosity & wonder to guide you.

2. Hearing

For the next section, focus on what you hear.

Use your inner and outer ears: pay attention to the voices in your heart & mind as well as your environment.

What do you hear nearby or in the distance?

What sounds are you contributing?

What noise in your head is interfering with your being fully present?

Notice any judgments and let things be as they are. Simply increase your awareness.

3. Feeling

As you walk your next declared section of the path, pay attention to what you feel, inside & out.

Does your environment or your emotions evoke memories?

What’s the temperature? Can you feel the elements on your skin, in your hair?

If someone is near you, close your eyes and feel their presence as they walk by.

What other body sensations can you feel? Again, close your eyes and take a full body scan.

Then pay attention to how things feel in your hands or against your body – tree branches, moss, wood railings, water, etc.

If you’re near a water current, on a bridge or next to the water, close your eyes and imagine the Water Elements energetically passing through you, carrying away yet another lawyer of the obstacles to your welcoming your intention into your life. 

When that feels complete, repeat your affirmation out loud or in your heart.

4. Smell

For this section, breathe deeply and fill your lungs with Life Force, your connection to Spirit.

Then pay attention to what you’re smelling.

Does one kind of tree smell different than another? Rub pine needles . Get down on your knees to smell the moss or wildflowers. Hold up some dirt, rocks, etc.

Keep searching for new fragrances to awaken your sense of smell until you come to a nice spot to sit.

5. Taste

Mindfully enjoy your snack with your eyes closed. Fully taste each sip & bite, awakening your sense of taste.

It’s not true that water is tasteless… can you taste it?

Also, if there is anything in your environment that is safe to taste, go ahead. There is so much in nature that is tasty and healthy. Foraging is a great hobby if you want to learn more about where you live.

6. Knowing

As you walk your next stated area, ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers an open question related to your intention.

For example, “How can I experience more peace in my life?”

Then open to answers.

You may get sudden ideas. Or you may know with confidence the meaning / interpretation of something that catches your attention.

Be aware that everything you see, hear, feel, remember, smell and taste holds a clue to your answer.

For example, if a snail catches your eye, it may be a message to slow down.

If the traffic noise annoys you, it could mean “Spend less time in traffic.”, or “Embrace city noises as just another part of your environment”. You’ll know which of these interpretations feels better to you. Trust yourself.

This tool for intuitive guidance is what I call an “Intuitive Walkabout”. Learn more about it in this blog post.

D. Inspired Actions

As you spend time in your next dedicated area, reflect on the messages and clues you received.

Come up with 3 inspired actions to implement in your life.

For example, if a snail inspired you to slow down, you may choose to eliminate something from your weekly schedule.

Change can be exciting or scary. Notice any resistance to the inspired actions that percolated to the top of your awareness.

Pause and hug a tree, asking it to help you release any new doubts, resistance and negative energies through its roots. The earth will transmute these to be of service to the planet.

Then ask the branches to help you raise your vibration to help you connect to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers for even further insights and courage.

Feel the welcoming embrace of this wise connected presence. Let it be your witness as you speak aloud the 3 inspired actions you’re committing to take after today’s Mindfulness Walk. Ask it and its underground network with all trees around the world to support you with your intentions from this day forth.

Then thank your tree-friend for its assistance.

E. Grounding in Gratitude

Find a spot where you’re comfortable taking your shoes off to make skin contact with nature. If the weather and environment permits, lie on the ground with as much exposed skin as appropriate. If it doesn’t, use your bare hands or cheeks.

This will help ground you in the energies of Mother Earth, something that isn’t possible through rubber soles.

As you bask in the beauty of this meditative spot, bring to heart & mind all that you are grateful for (big or small). Don’t just list them, feel them.

Now focus on aspects of your intention that are already present in your life.

Imagine that gratitude like a light infusing every cell of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Feel that energy also being nourished by your contact with nature, be it grass, sand, water or snow.

F. Gifting & Receiving

"One Step at a Time" from the Treedom CollectionWhile consciously walking your last section of your Mindful Walk Exercise, know that you’re leaving an energetic imprint with every step.

Consciously share some of the positive energy you’ve collected on this journey.

Also receive from all those who have walked before you. Only allow in what will serve your Highest Good (you can set this as an intention).

Truly feel that what you did for yourself today in self-care positively affects the whole world.

Greet those you meet along the way, smiling with your whole body. Allow your radiance to shine. You’ll see, it’s contagious.

When you come to the end, blow your affirmation once more into your object (stick, stone, etc.). Kiss it in thanks and give it back to nature.  

Know that the current or energy lines of the earth will carry your intention and inspirations around the globe.

Give thanks or close your Mindfulness Walk in whatever manner feels appropriate.

Pay attention to how the Universe responds in the next few days as you turn intuition into action and continue your mindfulness practice in your everyday life.


P.S. Photo:  “Dreampath: One Step at a Time” – I have a 24″ x 36″ print on canvas of it for sale if you’d like it – $350 CA. Contact me if interested.



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Permission Granted – On Summer Sabbatical

horse painting with sunset colours

“Spirit Horse” (12″ x 24″) – $867 – Buy it here

How good are you at giving yourself permission?

I still can’t believe I’m doing this, but what a relief! Permission granted! 

I’m taking a break from online work while on sacred pilgrimage to Glastonbury. No blog posts. No newsletters until September. I’m not even bringing my computer! I have my skating injury to thank for inspiring this lightening of the load since my shoulders can’t take the weight.

As a full-time artist, sole bread winner & ex-workaholic, this decision wasn’t made easily.

But who would I be if I didn’t practice what I preach, including self-care.

I haven’t missed a newsletter since I started 5 years ago or a blog post in almost twice that time.

But all year, my eyes have been drawn to a magazine clipping in the corner of my Intuitive Vision Board that says “Yes, you can pull off a sabbatical.” 

So I am…. I’m taking a summer sabbatical. This will be your last blog post until September.

That’s not all. I’m going on a total digital detox! 

Despite what the marketing experts say about “out of sight, out of mind” and the potential impact on my income, I’m breaking my pattern of persistency and consistency.

In this day & technological age, we’ve not only become dependent on technology for our life but have started living for it. 

You know I enjoy sharing the love & beauty I experience. I’m all for exploring & expressing it. But I too have been guilty of living only partly in the moment while thinking of what I’ll be posting about it.  I’ll even draft the accompanying text in my mind as I swim, walk, or cycle.

I need a break from that to break that pattern.

This is no ordinary holiday I’m on. It’s a divinely guided sacred pilgrimage and what my Team of Divine Helpers have called a Gateway. 

So I’m giving myself permission to get off my personal Facebook and Instagram while I’m out of the country.

It’s time to disconnect to reconnect. After all, this trip is part of my Re-Connecting project and the build-up to my last painting in the series. 

I have, however, pre-sheduled 3 posts a day on my professional Facebook Page, so feel free to login there if you’re in the mood for a bit of Dominique Hurley art & inspiration. Or peruse the wealth of resources here on my website.

Or maybe this will inspire you to try a digital detox of your own.

Turn your social media off for blocks of time. Check emails only every few days. Give yourself the time and space to be with and for yourself.

And if you’re already great at this, take a look at what other area in your life you don’t give yourself permission in.

Have a great month and I’ll be in touch sometime after I get back. Until then,

Love & Blessings,


P.S.  A few days after preparing this post, I found out I didn’t get the $25K art grant I was hoping for to cover my investment in the 9-month project I’ve been working on. The Universe obviously has other plans.. “When one door closes, God opens a window”. I don’t regret spending 2 full weeks preparing the grant application package early in the year. It helped me open up to the inspiration for the details of this guided project, including my amazing week as Artist in Residence in Carbonear. My job is to stay happy no matter what. I appreciate all the abundance in my life, and there’s so much of it. I’ll admit the ego had its few minutes of coping with rejection and expectations. But after grieving what I thought was going to happen, it quickly became time to embrace the mystery of what’s to unfold. I’ve always been creatively resourceful in the past, and so it continues. May we all journey on our Path to our Highest Good with ease & grace. Peace be with us.

Title: Spirit Horse
Year: © 2019
Size:  24“ x  12“ (61 cm x 30.48 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $867 CAD – Buy it here
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Do Chickens Fly? Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

intuitive painting of a snow owl in flight

“Night Vision” (12″x36″) – Prints available in many sizes & mediums. 

Chickens don’t fly very high, very far, or very long. The longest flight recorded was 13 seconds – 10 feet high and 300 feet in distance. So often, they just don’t bother flying at all.

Believe it or not, I’m a big chicken. I’m scared of so much.

People can’t believe that when they look at my life – living and working intuitively in 3 careers on 3 continents and 5 provinces, several returns to school, and now living as a full-time artist & Lightworker.

So maybe it’s not true. But I keep saying it.

After all, I’m concerned at having to figure out my way from the Gatwick airport to Glastonbury with a heavy suitcase in 2 days – 2 trains, a bus, and a taxi after an overnight flight…. scary, right?!

So is the idea of being in a huge crowd of strangers at a Goddess Conference for 9 days. Will I be drained by so much people time? Will I be able to take full advantage of the morning-til-night schedule? Will I have the right clothing for the weather? Will I like my B & B?  Will I have enough sun screen and if not, will I be able to find hypoallergenic natural stuff?  What is this “Gateway” my Team of Divine Helpers told me about?

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

I’m just not a natural risk-taker. I’m not a big fan of change either… but the only thing constant in life is change itself.

The upside to all this is that if I’m guided, nothing stops me. 

I’ve come to trust my intuition. I still feel the fear, but it gets mixed with a level of excitement that’s a sure sign of impending growth. 

Intuition is always a call for growth. Growth means stretching your comfort zones. And stretching can be uncomfortable. Unfamiliar. But oh so worth it!

We’re not meant to stay small. We have to break through that shell that’s our limiting beliefs and fears to spread our wings and fly!

Breath by breath, step by step, keep asking “What would love do now?” Tune into your heart and soar.

One book that really helped me years ago is Susan Jeffers classic ” Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway“. If being a chicken has kept you on the ground or limited the scope of your flight, get yourself a copy. You won’t regret it.

And perhaps stop affirming that you’re a chicken.  Oops, didn’t I just do that?!

Spread Your Owl Wings

Instead, recognize yourself for the wise, powerful, sensitive & agile owl that you are.

You have it in you to appreciate the mystery of the dark nights, seeing with a vision that pierces through the shadows. You too can navigate through the dreamtime to access your Guidance. Through intuition and awareness, you can find your way to new heights and journey new distances.

Emulate the owl. Turn your neck to see a situation from all angles. Your awareness of your fears and of the reality before you will help you gain a more realistic perception of a situation.

Through strategy and awe-inspiring maneuvering, you’ll fly through the challenges to grasp the opportunities.

There’s nothing wrong with chickens. But if you’re ready to claim dominion in this sacred realm that is your life, you may want to start calling yourself an owl instead.

Embrace your magical ability to shift form and reality through the power of your thoughts and actions.

I am.

So here I go. I’m flying to England, embracing the mystery of what my weeks there hold. I’m excited! I’ve done all my research & reservations and now, I just have to trust.

Yes, I feel the fear. I recognize my ego’s desire to keep me in the status quo, to keep me living small, to worry about the “what ifs” and “hows”.

But I also recognize the presence of my True Self. Like the owl, I’m connected to Spirit. I trust that my Guidance can see the big picture and is guiding me each step of the way.

Where are you being a chicken in your life? Are you ready to call in your inner owl instead?

Feel the fear and do it anyway. It’s a much more fulling way to be.

Disclaimer: No identification with actual chickens (living or deceased) is intended or should be inferred. God loves chickens as much as owls. It’s just an expression.

A Close Look at Night Vision II – The Painting

Allow this wise and benevolent owl to open your eyes to a new way of seeing – yourself & the world.  “Night Vision II” has come out of the enchanted forest to guide the way to freer & happier insight.

Note:  The mist in the forest appears white from some angles and iridescent violet and blue from others.

“Night Vision” (12″ x 36″)
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required.

Prints are available in many sizes & mediums.  Order here.

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Get On the Beam – How to Become a Clear Channel

How to become a clear channel

“On the Beam” (12″ x 24″) – $867 CAD – Purchase through “Earth & Sky Gallery” (summer 2021)

Have you heard the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis that starts with “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace”? That’s part of what channeling means to me.

It’s allowing Source, The Universe, our Higher Self and Teams of Divine Helpers to speak to and work through us. It’s about receiving Guidance and co-creating.

For that to happen, it’s important to be a clear channel.

This is as true when

  • I’m inviting a painting to be created through me as it is
  • when I’m tuning into my intuition to take the next inspired action or
  • receiving one of my long vision sequences for a Divine Storytelling Time intuitive reading client.

The tips I share below on how to become a clear channel will help whether you’re interested in channeling intuitive guidance (my focus), healing energy, or becoming a psychic medium.

Becoming a clear channel is a constant practice of fine tuning through conscious effort. That’s why I like to paint reminders for both of us, including this new painting called “On the Beam”, an idiom that means

“on or along the correct or proper track or way of thinking. A reference to the former practice in which aircraft would home in on a radio beam in order to navigate to their destination.”

Do you recognize the symbolism in the painting? It’s a smaller version of “Time of Ascension“. Usually, artists create a smaller one before the larger one, but I had so much fun with the larger one, I wanted to make a smaller variation in monochromatic tones. It’s not the first time I do things differently – lol.

To be on the beam, to live on track, to be guided by the Light is so important if we want to live our Higher Self version of our life. It makes the difference between living small or living big within your Self and in the service of others. Universal energy and Our Teams of Divine Helpers  are happy to help – we just need to remember to ask for that support and to connect to the resources available to do so.

I’m feeling called right now to become an even cleaner clearer channel. I feel like I’m preparing for something big.

Back in November, I was told that my time in Glastonbury would be a gateway. That’s all I know. I’ll be there for the Sun Lover Goddess Conference (which happened to be at the same time as when I was guided to go) and a solo retreat at the Chalice Well Gardens.

When I was a practicing Catholic, we had the 40 days of Lent to prepare us for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Last week, I was asked to take 40 days to consciously prepare for the birth or rebirth of something new in my life.

Co-Creating the “Re-Connecting Collection” of paintings  was part of the original Guided preparation. Now, I’m embracing the mystery and following a call to get more fully on the beam before my trip to the UK.

So this is perfect timing to share some tips on becoming a clear channel. May this also help you tune into your intuition so that you too can allow peace and love to flow through your doing & being.


How to Become a Clear Channel

3 Basic Guidelines:

There are 3 basic guidelines that help you prepare in body, mind & spirit to be a channel.

  1.  Clean Up the Channels:
    Let go of anything that either numbs or overexcites you. Depression and anxiety are like static on the line when trying to communicate with your intuition / Team of Divine Helpers. So avoid what affects any of your senses negatively.
  2. Raise Your Vibration:
    Your Team of Divine Helpers (angels,  Spirit Guides,  Higher Self, Jesus, etc.) vibrate at a very high level, so whatever you can do to raise your vibration will help bridge the gap of communication. Do, be, and have what lifts you up!
  3. Trust & Pay Attention: One reason a child finds the eggs at an Easter egg hunt is because she believes they’re out there and won’t stop until she finds some. The child’s curiosity, wonder, and sense of play fill her heart and open her eyes. Her focus is sharp!  These are all necessary ingredients to being a clear channel. Pay attention with all your inner and outer senses to the psychic signs . Learn more about these in my free 75-minute tutorial. Your trust will grow from baby steps to leaps of faith, making it easier to embrace the mystery.

10 Tips to Become a Clear Channel:

  1. Set Your Intention & Ask: Whether it’s through prayer, journaling, goal-setting, etc. make it clear to yourself and The Universe that you want to become a clear channel for Love & Light (use the words that fit your belief system).  Ask and you shall receive. Because of free will, however, you need to ask. Then, open to receiving. If what you receive feels loving, it’s your intuition / Team of Divine Helpers. If it’s not, it’s your ego or an unwelcome presence. So make sure to ask for Guidance from sources of Light & Love working at the Highest Vibration. With a prayer like: “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace”,  the intention and request is there.
  2. Eat Clean: Healthy eating nourishes your body and a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Some Buddhists abstain from onions, garlic & leeks because they excite the senses. I’ve never tasted coffee, so I’m sensitive to anything with caffeine in it. I try to avoid sugar because the effects are immediately clear – it hits my brain like a steam train! Now if I could only cut back on chips! Gluten and processed foods can cause depression, anxiety or fatigue for some people. Get to know how your body reacts to certain foods. What’s healthy for some may not be for you. What’s important is that you eat in a way that elevates your vibration.
  3. Avoid Drugs & Alcohol: I can’t speak from personal experience as I don’t drink and am one of the rare visionary artist who has never tried drugs. But it seems logical to me that if these things affect your competency behind the wheel, they’ll affect your ability to be a clear channel.
  4. Create Space – Meditate:  Meditation is a great way to create space for listening. When you’re constantly running around distracted, you’re likely missing your Team’s many attempts at communicating with you. Life is noisy. You need to be quiet to hear your Self & Team of Divine Helpers. So make space in your schedule as well as your mind. There are many kinds of meditation to help relax the mind, ground in the body, connect through the breath. Find what works for you.  When I’m not listening to one of the visioning mediations that I channel (which help connect you to your intuition for inspired action), then I’m listening to one of Steve Nobel’s transmissions. These bring in the archangels and the crystalline and central sun grids featured in my paintings “On the Beam” (above) and “Time of Ascension”. I also consider some of my painting sessions meditation. You might meditate while doing the dishes. Or do you spend time in quiet contemplation after your prayers? Again, find what works for you.
  5. Breathe: Your breath is your connection to Spirit. Breathe deeply through various yoga practices or get moving outside in the fresh air.  When you get scared, your breath becomes shallow or cut off , disconnecting you from your Self & Guidance. Unfortunately, many of us have learned to breathe up in our chests instead of deep down in our abdomens. So get back to how you breathed when you were a baby – you were super connected to Spirit back  then and can be again!
  6. Get Centered:  Exercise and gentle stretching can help get that oxygen flowing. It also centres & grounds you in your body. I like to do some restorative yoga and dancing on my mini-trampoline before I channel one of my Divine Storytelling Time packages for a client. What does your body crave?
  7. Nature Time:  Yes, being out in nature gets fresh air in your lungs and grounds you. It’s more than that. The Elements and Elementals are there to support your intentions. Next time you’re anxious, try hugging a tree. Just let it suck all the negativity out of you and down into the earth to be recycled into something that will serve the planet. Then let it connect you to the Heavens. Your whole chakra system will benefit from a nice long tree hug or lying down on the ground. Mother Earth nurtures, cleanses, and raises your vibration.  Go where you feel most uplifted. Every time I’m near a creek, river, lake, or ocean, I become an open vessel. Being in beauty (which is abundant in the great outdoors) brings me even higher and closer to the Light and Love that wants to flow through me.  If you haven’t tried an intuitive walkabout yet, it’s one of the fun & easy ways I teach to access your Guidance, especially in nature. And if you can’t get outside, the energy of crystals can be helpful.
  8. Solo Time: Is it easier for an introvert than an extrovert to channel? Maybe. What’s important is to take the time to be quiet and aware of all your senses and the signs. It’s about becoming a good listener.  Watching movies on your own isn’t what I’m talking about… even though that’s my favourite way to disconnect. It’s more about quiet contemplation or conscious channeling exercises like automatic writing, visioning, etc. Daydreaming is good too – imagination is the first of the higher levels of knowledge. Next comes inspiration and intuition.
  9. Record:  Don’t trust your memory! Use a dream journal, intuition notebook, camera, or voice memo app to record your data. I may take notes or photos on an intuitive walkabout but use my voice memo app to record the 1-hour Divine Storytelling Time sessions. When I used these channeled visions/ teachings for my Enter the Mandala: The 12 Universal Laws project, I was often surprised by what I heard but hadn’t remembered. And once, decades ago, I was confused why I was having such difficulty getting into a college program only to discover in my dream journal that I’d misremembered the Guidance I’d written down. When I applied at the suggested neighbouring university instead, I got in without a problem.
  10. Gratitude: Recognize when you’ve received Guidance, act on it, and be grateful for it. Imagine your appreciation opening the door wider each time. As your Team of Divine Helpers experience your gratitude and witness your willingness to take inspired action, it’ll become easier and easier to communicate with them. Your continued practice at creating a welcoming space and clear strong channels will pave the way to a happier & healthier life.

We Are Not Alone

How to become a clear channel. Get on the beam.We’re not alone. We’re all part of the Divine Oneness. So let’s connect to the flow of love & light that’s always available to us – that’s a part of us.

You’ll see. Co-creating is a lot more fun than trying to do everything on your own.

We knew all this as young kids. We just have to remember how to do it. Hopefully, these tips have helped. They’re all meant to help you be the joyous you that can more easily connect to your Truth.

I’d love to hear which of these tips you find most useful. Please share your experiences in the comments below.

Title: On the Beam – SOLD
Year: © 2019
Size: 24 “ x 12 “ (60.96 cm x 30.48 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art


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A Lesson From the Saints

Do you pay attention when you’re reading, listening, or watching and your whole being says “Yes!”, “I want that”, “Oh….. wouldn’t that be nice!”?

These soul urgings often come through as a feeling of expansion in your body, mind, or spirit. 

It may not be a heart calling for the exact details of what you’re looking at, but an invitation to explore its essence for what it is you truly want.

“Witness” from the Treedom Photography Collection

This happened to me during my recent trip to Ottawa.

I picked up a book on my parents’ shelf on the life of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi. I’d seen several movies in preparation for my artist retreat in Italy in 2014, but this less romanticized book was based on recent revelations.  I was curious.

Growing Up with the Saints

When I was a young child, I really liked a series of inspirational booklets on the saints.

I was impressed at how true to their Selves and Source these men and women had remained, often in the face of persecution.

These stories were building blocks on my lifelong quest to understand unconditional love.

What struck me the most about Saint Francis at the time was that he could speak to the animals, promoting harmony between humans and nature.

I remember my thrill when I later heard that the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York even welcomed an elephant during their annual Feast of Saint Francis blessing of the animals procession. Any saint that could fill a church with animals had my admiration!

But I digress…

How Saint Francis Speaks to Me Now

Saint Francis’s prayer “Make me an instrument of Thy peace” is one I’ve had in my heart for as long as I can remember.

But then I also prayed God regularly that He not call me to become a nun…. I liked boys too much.

But I digress again…

path to a blue bench

“Contemplation” from the Connection Photography Collection 

If you’re not familiar with Saint Francis, he started an order based on compassion and caring service. His brothers walked the Earth bare foot to spread the word of Jesus, much like the first disciples did.

In this book, I learned that the original brothers’ nomadic lifestyle of service allowed for periods of up to 40 days in caves or hermitages for personal devotions.

That’s when my soul said “yes!”.

I long for regular blocks of times in nature or to hermit in my studio to paint and connect to Spirit without the Internet, appointments, and other social or entrepreneurial obligations.

I can get so overwhelmed by all the stimulus and noise (internal and external).

Checking emails and Facebook 20 times a day definitely isn’t healthy. It saps my energy and scatters my focus.

The soul urging I received while reading about the saints and their orders was a confirmation that I need to better structure my days, weeks, and months so that I can both be and serve in ways that nourish my soul.

As I’m still in the early years of figuring out how to not only survive but thrive as a full-time artists, this has been tricky.

Creating a life by design requires constant listening to our hearts, trial & error, and making adjustments.

So one of the many lessons I gleaned from my reading about Saint Francis and Saint Clare is that to be an instrument of the Creator’s peace, I need to ensure my own peace first.

By carving out uninterrupted times of connection in nature or in my studio sanctuary, I can better serve my clients.

What Is Calling You?

So here’s your invitation.

dolphins in sunset sky

“Dolphin Sky” from the Connection Photography Collection

Pay attention to when your soul urges you through that inner “Ah! Yes!” on any level as you go through your days.

Then explore the essence of those calls and take inspired action to bring you closer to your ideal Life by Design.



P.S. Feel free to share some of your recent heart callings in the comments below.

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Journey into the Labyrinth

There are many benefits to journeying into the labyrinth, whether you see it as a walking prayer, meditation, or intuitive hearing aid.  If nothing else, it’ll help you get centred and relaxed – a huge bonus in stressful times.

It took 6 years for me to find out that there was an indoor walking labyrinth here in St. John’s – just 20 minutes walk from home, in the chapel of the Waterford Hospital (open to the public Wednesdays from 12PM – 1PM).  It’s a permanent 30-foot, Chartres style floor labyrinth, but they also have a few finger ones that I enjoy .  What a blessing!

Is there one in your town? If not, you could make your own or download a finger labyrinth from The Labyrinth Society and decorate it, much as you would a mandala.

My love of labyrinths is parallel to my love of spirals. I’m sure you’ve noticed those in both my art and my logo!

It’s all about journeying inward to the centre in order to better venture outward – by going deep into the core of your Truth to find peace, strength, courage, etc.

Walking the labyrinth is a process of holistic growth that naturally flows from releasing what no longer serves us in order to connect to Spirit and the cosmic energies.

Labyrinths are also a great space to practice intuitive walkabouts, as described in a previous post.

Ask a question before you enter the labyrinth and then pay attention to the messages you receive through all your senses as you slowly wind your way to the centre and then back out again.

My Intuitive Walkabout with Courtney Milne

When I was looking through my computer files to find pictures for you, I found a letter I’d written in 2006 on the first day of my internship with internationally renown photographer and author Courtney Milne (1943-2010) and his wife / co-author Sherrill Miller in Saskatchewan. Working with them on their spiritual and artistic projects for the following 2 years was one of many blessings in my life.

I didn’t find any pictures, but these words paint the picture.

“Right before dinner, Courtney led me through a large labyrinth he built in the backyard. As we followed the path in silence for what seemed like half an hour, I became acutely aware of how it was speaking to me. Its tales and lessons are what I’d like to share with you now.

The path of the labyrinth is not unlike life’s roundabout journey. Freshly freed from its snowy coat, the flattened brownish grass was not always easy to navigate. At times, I was grateful to have Courtney’s footsteps guiding me – having created it and walked it many times before, his experience alleviated the need for questioning and struggle, leaving more time for meditation and observation.

I observed, for example, that red brick markers were placed strategically along certain bends to make the path clearer. These markers, placed by the labyrinth’s creator, weren’t unlike the many signs and synchronicities God places along our Path to guide us through our lives. They aren’t always as obvious as these red bricks, but if we simply let go and live in the flow with awareness, not fighting the current of life, we too can easily see and turn at the bends.

Prickly bushes along the path also caught my attention. These natural markers reminded me that nature provides us with an opportunity to reconnect with our soul and our life’s purpose. Their subtle clues can be as powerful or even more meaningful than the manmade red bricks.

The labyrinth offered other lessons too. It clearly showed how the path gets clearer and easier to navigate the more others have walked on it ahead of us. For the more people have walked it, flattening the grass, the clearer its twists and turns are. How many times have our journeys been helped by the fact that others have journeyed there before and now offer their lessons in order to lighten our load along the way? How many times have I heard or read that everyone’s purpose in life is to help others through whatever experience we have successfully navigated through ourselves?

The lessons were a lot more than about how to navigate through life, however – they were also about our choices on how to live it.

Once in awhile, my analytical side got involved, wondering if we were turning back towards the beginning or whether this was leading us anywhere in particular. Time became an issue during those moments that I became goal oriented. That’s when Courtney would stop, bend down and pick up some wild sage to smell – a nice reminder that life is indeed a journey, not a destination. Literally stopping to smell the flowers – enjoying the process – is so important. Just noticing someone else doing so helped bring me back to the present moment.

I started noticing more after that – like the small piles of deer scat here and there. I couldn’t help but smile and remember that scene in the movie “Forest Gump” when the slogan “Shit happens” came to being. Well, that’s just it. Shit does happen and instead of getting all dramatic about it, we can always choose to smile and lift our feet a little higher to step over it without missing a beat on our meditative journey.

And then, just as I had let go of trying to figure out where this journey was leading me to, we came to an unexpected opening, the centre of the labyrinth where Courtney and I sat and broke our silence to talk about our hopes and goals for the next 3 weeks.

This was a truly beautiful beginning to working together. The long quiet walk to the center, with its reminders, lessons and reflections, helped create the space for our spirits to communicate.

But just as I was feeling the profundity of the moment, the labyrinth offered me yet one more lesson – the importance of humour.

Sherrill came out of the house and straight to the center of the labyrinth, bypassing all the twists and turns and any ceremonious “rules” and seriousness to ask if I would be willing to eat mixed grains that weren’t organic as part of the dinner she was preparing. And just as her actions had modelled, I answered that I was happily willing to be flexible with my diet. After all, being too serious and making everything a struggle can’t be healthy!

After having been given that gift of humour, I wasn’t too disgruntled that we too, on our way out, chose not to walk the labyrinth back, as I had been taught to do. There was something quite freeing about bee-lining it back to the house for dinner. The labyrinth was obviously teaching me to loosen-up a little – always a good lesson!”

I got to walk that labyrinth quite a few more times after that and found within it exactly what I needed at the time.

Feel free to share your labyrinth stories in the comments below? Where was it? How did you benefit?

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