Does Religion Matter?

painting of meditator with light rays from the heart

“One In Love” (9″ x 12″) – $357

Someone asked me this week: “Can I still benefit from your services if I have a traditional religious belief system?

It’s not the first time someone asks, so I’m glad to share.

My intuitive readings, guided meditations or energy painting commissions aren’t part of any one religion, nor are they meant to go against any.

In my opinion, my visionary skills are complimentary to your belief system, no matter what that is.

I offer what I do to help strengthen your Connection, your intuition, your ability to hear your Inner and Greater Guidance.

The true answer, though,  lies in how you feel.

I believe you’ll benefit no matter your religion, as long as you’re open to seeing your Self through the eyes of Unconditional Love.

The names and labels we put on that will vary.

But if you believe that you’re being supported by something greater than your human incarnation, then you’ll be open to the messages that flow through me.

I’ve come to realize that no matter the religion or language used, the essence and purpose are the same: to unite as One In Love (the name of this painting).

It’s about letting love in, so it can shine back into the world and beyond – whatever you call that.  

It’s about being the best we can be for our own Highest Good and the good of all humanity.

So it’s not about the names or categories of benevolent helpers that matter. It’s your openness to receiving their help.


Are you religious ?

I’m a deeply spiritual person.

My personal relationship with Source has been dear to me my whole life.

I was raised Catholic and am grateful for that upbringing because it put a language and context to the connection I already felt within me and around me.

Having lived in several continents and across Canada, however, my spirituality has become more universal.

I’m equally comfortable with

  • God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and saints
  • The Universe, Divine Oneness,
  • Great Spirit and totem animals
  • your ancestors
  • Hindu gods/goddesses like Ganesh or Saraswati
  • Mother Earth and the elementals
  • Father Sun, Mother Moon, astrology
  • Buddha and other wise teachers
  • Higher Self
  • Angels, Spirt Guides
  • Quantum physics
  • etc.

Will you know which of my Guides are working with you ?

Although I’m a highly visual person who’s been blessed with the gift of visions, I usually sense the presence of what I sometimes refer to as your “Team of Divine Helpers” or “Higher Council”.  I don’t necessarily see them, but the symbolism they want you to work with.

The essence of your team comes through me as One for you to meet them within your own belief system.

I feel their love flowing through me to you, but I don’t see them in a way that would allow me to identify them.  Not usually, anyway.

Who and what you’ll meet along the way (in a guided meditation, for example) will be unique to you. My offerings often present an opportunity for you to meet them, which is the real purpose.


How do your intuitive services fit within traditional religious belief systems ?

My intuitive readings, guided meditations, and energy paintings are simply tools to access your own Guidance.

If you’ve been curious about my offerings, this in itself is a sign that there may be something here for you.

The beauty is that you’re always free to take what serves you and leave the rest.

I offer my own exploration and expression of my love of beauty and the beauty of love to help you on your path.

Listen to your heart, and you’ll know if I can be of service to you.

And if you have any other questions, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

P.S. You can find “One In Love” in the Original Paintings section of my online shop.

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How Inner Guidance Talks. Are You Listening?

This is an article I wrote for the latest  NL Wellness Expo newsletter.  Mark your calendars St. John’s. I will have a booth there.  Sept. 19-20, 2015
"Life by Design" – original and reproductions available.

“Life by Design” – original and reproductions available.

Are you well? Are you happy? Are you living a life of passion and purpose? These questions are all asking the same thing: are you listening to your inner guidance? 

This isn’t an easy thing to do, especially in this day and age when our inner and outer worlds have become so noisy. We’ve learned to turn a deaf ear to both our intuition and signals from our bodies. From the time we were born, we’ve been trained to please each other, taking on the conditions of our parents, teachers, and society. We’ve rejected our own emotions and developed a gamut of unhealthy coping mechanisms.
When the Body Talks:
As Dr. Gabor Maté writes in his book “When the Body Says No – The Hidden Costs of Stress”,
What has happened is that we have lost touch with the gut feelings designed to be our warning system… (T)he salient stressors in the lives of most human beings today – at least in the industrialized world – are emotional. Just like laboratory animals unable to escape, people find themselves trapped in lifestyles and emotional patterns inimical to their health. The higher the level of economic development, it seems, the more anesthetized we have become to our emotional realities.”
If we ignore the whispers of our emotions and intuition, however, our Higher Selves may feel the need to shout – creating a state of such discord or dis-ease that we finally stop and listen. As Abraham, a group of evolved spiritual teachers channelled through Esther Hicks, explains:
“If you were more unwilling to put up with negative emotions, your lives would go a whole lot better for you. You have trained yourselves to be willing to endure misalignment and then you make decisions without clarity…. after a while, you get really tired of feeling bad.”
When You Start to Listen:
"Exaltation" - reproductions available.

“Exaltation” – reproductions available.

Luckily, there’s a huge shift happening. People are waking up to the costs of living a life that is disconnected to their heart’s callings.  They’re choosing wellness. They’re choosing happiness.  They’re choosing healing, which simply means aligning with their true essence, with Source.

How do you do that? Your emotions will act as your guidance system as you ask and listen. How can you truly be your Self in the world? What are your governing values? What are your passions? What’s your perfect fit in terms of diet, fitness, creativity, work, hobbies, lifestyle, etc.?
This is the time to create your Life by Design – a life that is as unique as you are. It’s not selfish. To be who you truly are, in all your love and beauty, is the Greatest Gift to all. As Marianne Williamson shares,
“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.”  
Hearing Aids for Your Transformational Journey: 
Transforming your inner and outer realities isn’t easy. It takes courage to let go of beliefs, patterns and choices that no longer serve you.
There are many empowering tools available to help you connect to your true essence on this transformational journey. It’s not necessarily the choice of tools that matters, but your intention. In selecting tools that resonate with you, you’re creating the necessary expectation of healing that opens yourself up to their benefits.
It’s important to remember though, that alignment with your Higher Self is a moment-by-moment process – one that takes time, patience and unconditional love.   You deserve it!

Download a free print and “Top Ten Tips to Empower Your Space”. Sign-up to my monthly newsletter.

What are your favourite hearing aids?  

Please share in the comments below.


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Life by Design: When Symbolism Speaks

birch tree layers photoI thrive on the power of symbolism.  It’s how my intuition speaks to me.

My job as an active listener is to first spot those symbols. Then I can interpret them as they relate to the questions I’ve asked the Universe.

Some symbols, like the butterfly, are universal in nature – common for people of various ages and cultures.

Others, however, are quite unique to our life experiences. That’s why we’re the best ones to truly know what a symbol means to us. Learning to trust that is very empowering.

Heres’ an example. A trail of breadcrumbs will mean something quite different to someone who grew up with the horrific fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel than to someone who used to spend every Sunday with their beloved grandmother taming the ducks with them.

When I do an intuitive reading, I basically take you on a recorded 30+ minute guided visual journey through a mini-movie filled with symbols that your Guides give me. Because the story and symbols are unique to you, it’s your job to interpret them, using my worksheets. This is fulfilling transformative work if you’re willing to do it.

What Symbols Speak to You?

It’s also helpful to add the power of symbolism to your home and work environments.

Take a look around. What are your walls saying to you? Does your art support you in this chapter of your life? Does it inspire you? Does it keep you stuck?

If you’re experiencing a time of transformation, for example, what would help you?

How about the birch tree above?  Does it remind you to accept the natural cycles of life? Does it invite you to let go of what no longer serves you? Does it encourage generosity and  non-attachment?

Or would you resonate more with a colourful butterfly  – celebrating freedom and beauty after its challenging stage as a chrysalis?

Explore the power of symbols in my new online shop. Which paintings speak to you right now, in this chapter of your life? As you look through the galleries of images, pay attention to your feelings and your energy levels?


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