Relax, Release & Re-Connect Meditation
This is the last of the guided visioning meditations I recorded live while Artist in Residence in Carbonear last April.
I listened to it twice in the week before writing this post and both experiences were completely different:
- my intentions
- the scenery
- what I released
- my inner child memories
- emerging qualities
- the area of my life I chose to explore
- the people and members of my team of Divine Helpers that I connected with
- the inspired actions I’m inspired to follow up with
That’s the beauty of guided visioning meditations. They’re different every time you listen to them, depending on what you need, what you ask for.
Interestingly, some of what happened in this inner story that evolved as I listened didn’t seem to have anything to do with the initial intention.
That’s where further reflection helped me realize how they were indeed connected.
Remember that song, “Dem Bones” with lyrics such as:
Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone
Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone
Neck bone connected to the head bone
Everything in our lives is connected to everything else.
I may have been asking about cashflow, which may not seem related to the person’s inner child I met in the Cavern of Joy, but with further thought, it makes a lot of sense.
So give it a try for yourself. See how your story evolves and what or who comes up for you.

“I was a little reluctant to try the meditation as I don’t sit still well… my mind and body always keep me busy. I was so surprised to see that I was able to sit still, relax, and disconnect my busy mind and allow myself to follow Dominique’s voice. I highly recommend giving it a try and taking some time for yourself. You will not regret it.”
Are you ready to give yourself this 42 minutes to explore your inner landscape, relax, release, and re-connect to who you truly are?
Enjoy the journey! And journal or reflect upon its various elements after to see how everything is connected. Deeper layers of meaning await beyond the experience itself.
Relax, Release & Re-Connect Meditation
(audio-only version below)
Music: “A Pure Embrace” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Featured painting:”Time of Ascension” – (previous blog post) – Original & prints available now.