My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Year of the Snake – a Question of Identity

Last week, people around the world celebrated the Lunar New Year. In the Chinese Zodiac, 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake. It marks a time of growth, letting go, transformation, renewal, wisdom, and adaptability.

It’s definitely a year for change, encouraging people to reflect on their paths.

How appropriate is that for this time on our planet?!

It also resonates with this chapter in my life. How about you?

Letting Go – Lessons from the Snake

I go much more in depth about the symbolism of the snake in my 2020 blog post about this painting, “Letting Go”.

Basically, its skin is too small to contain its growth, so the snake rubs its head against something hard to cut it open. Then it wriggles its way out by crawling through tight places, leaving its inside-out skin and parasites behind.

If done properly and gently, the moulting process is painless, leaving the snake with a healthy vibrant new skin.

Gently and properly…. If not, it causes discomfort and anxiety for the snake.

What a great lesson!

Reading my 2020 painting post again, my heart said “Yes!” to the words:

“Created from a thick layer of golden mica chips, (the snake shape is) infused with the energy of love & compassion. True letting go is not about rejection, anger, new layers of hatred, or disgust. Rather, it’s about loving compassionately enough to recognize what we’ve outgrown and what needs to be left behind.”

Thinking of what’s happening on the world stage, I truly hope people connect to love vs. fear and all the emotions that it can spark.

As human consciousness rises and the skins of old beliefs, patterns, and negative behaviours fall away, may humanity shine more vibrantly.

As we wriggle out of discomfort using tight spaces to our advantage, may we all embrace this time of renewal with greater adaptability and wisdom.

May our moulting process, as a species, lead to new growth, free of all that no longer serves us. So be it.

A Question of Identity

Who am I? Truly.

A few times after receiving Guidance to move in with my father in Ottawa, I stood along the Rideau River to just feel…

The capital of Canada is my hometown, yet I haven’t resonated with its energy for decades.

Don’t get me wrong, Ottawa is a beautiful city filled with opportunities, and I’m always grateful for so much when I’m there.

I just need to discover what my place is in this city energetically and in the present. And I’ll need to give my highly sensitive new skin time to adjust. 

In Newfoundland, I can instantly connect to my roles as a spiritual teacher, artist, nature-walker, soul sister, etc.

But in Ottawa, I’m not sure yet what my identity will be beyond daughter and helper. Will I paint? Where? Will I look for part-time work? Will I continue to develop and deliver online offerings?

It’s a mystery. And that’s OK.

I might need to let go of much of what I’ve used to identify myself to myself and the world for a while. Non-attachment and transformation! Let’s see what it brings!

I’m willing to follow continued Guidance to let go of layers, skins, careers, hobbies, in-person friendships, roles, routines, and hopefully a few bad habits like Netflix in bed…lol. Whatever feels inspired!

So what’s left? The vibrant healthy new skin underneath will bring me back to simply being an individualized expression of the Divine (as we all are).

And that’s a great place to start. The rest will emerge or re-emerge in divine timing if I keep Listening.

There’s no need to concern myself about the details. I just need to pray that I’ll let go of what doesn’t serve me and keep / welcome all that does.

I surrender all my worries about my life and the world to God and my Team of Divine Helpers. 

I know I’ll be inspired to act when and how I can make a difference.

I also have faith that Ottawa will support my growth – inwardly, and outwardly.

That’s what I learned in my first few weeks in Newfoundland, back in 2011, during a Peruvian shamanism retreat.

From a Peruvian shamanistic perspective, returning to one’s hometown is seen as reconnecting with the powerful, supportive energy of the land, including water, mountains, and ancestral spirits.

The land itself, often viewed as sacred, holds healing and grounding energy that can nurture and guide individuals. Mountains, or in my case the Gatineau Hills, are seen as protectors, while water symbolizes purification and connection.

Returning to familiar places can offer emotional healing, re-alignment with ancestral wisdom, and a deeper sense of belonging, as it restores balance and reconnects us to the energies that sustain us.

Thank you, Snake Energy, for reminding me that as I shed my old skins during this time of transition, I will do so with grace and patience, making space for the vibrant new life that awaits me.

What skins do you need to shed in order to glide forward into the sunlit path of new possibilities? May you move forward with ease and purpose dear one.

Remember. You are an individualized expression of the Divine. The details may change, but the essence remains.


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The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again

When you learn to trust your intuition, from baby steps to leaps of faith, you believe that your Team of Divine Helpers has your back.

You have faith that from their vantage point, your Angels and Guides can see the bigger picture of your life in the greater interconnected web of all humanity.

That’s a blessing because often, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Or at least I can’t.

There’s no way I could’ve ever imagined my life being what it is today as I took one inspired action at a time, following my intuition around the world.

I still can’t tell you what it’s going to look like down the road.

But I can tell you I live without regrets.

There have been ups and downs. Challenges and fears. And lots of love, learning, experience, and creativity.

I’m so grateful for every chapter of the 58 years I’ve lived so far. And it’s often only by looking back that I see how one chapter led to the other, all divinely coordinated – even the challenging times.

My job was to keep praying for Guidance for my Highest Good and to be an instrument of Divine Peace. It was also to ask for help from my Team of Divine Helpers every step of the way down the Path they showed me.

So when Spirit Calls come in through clear intuitive Guidance – be it through inner hearing, knowing, seeing, sensing, etc. it’s now much easier to say “Yes”!

Any fear of change, loss, and logistics becomes mixed with excitement and curiosity as to the bigger picture of what’s unfolding. 

That’s intuitive living.

And yes, it’s a huge exercise in non-attachment.

The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again

One day a few weeks ago, during a conversation with my brother about his life, I got a full-body intuitive message. I’m meant to move in with my father to be his helper and companion.

I then confirmed this message with my Team of Divine Helpers using my pendulum. It’s a great tool when emotion isn’t in the way.

I don’t have all the details on the when & how, but as with any intuitive Guidance, the first step is just to say “yes” to the what.

If you read my blog post 2 weeks ago, you’ll know I extended my holiday trip to Ottawa to help out Papa after he experienced heart issues that landed him in hospital a couple of times.

I’m glad to report he’s doing quite well.

We haven’t walked the 7km to the cathedral and back as we did in early December, but we did manage 2km+ this Sunday in the snow to make it to my favourite Mexican restaurant after mass.

At 92, his level of activity has always inspired me. His strong character and attitude have served him well.

I never imagined myself moving back to my hometown. But then again, I never imagined myself living, studying and working on 3 continents and 5 provinces.

These have been the chapters of my intuitive life – with a few different careers in the mix.

The next chapter – Ottawa… again.

Embracing the Mystery through Non-Attachment

So this will be goodbye to Newfoundland after 14 years.

Forever? I have no idea. One inspired step at a time is all I need to know.

I’ve loved my east coast island chapter!

I’ve lived there longer than anywhere else in my adult life.

As a water baby and nature lover, the scenery nourished me on a soul level.

It’s where I became a full time artist / lightworker.

I’ve also connected with some amazing soul sisters and friends.

But nothing in life is constant but change itself.

This is not the first time I’ve been asked to let go and embrace the mystery.

Every inspired action is like adding a piece to the puzzle, even when you don’t know what the big picture is.

Is there a career move, more thriving art practice, life mate, or other purpose down the road? 

I don’t know. And that’s part of the excitement.

For now, my outer mission seems to be helping my father de-clutter the house and transition to another chapter in his life. This in itself feels like sacred service and a blessing.

So I head back to St. John’s on Friday and start my own de-cluttering and letting go process.

I trust the Universe will continue to guide and support me with the details and logistics. I don’t own very much, but I do have over 50 paintings that I can’t imagine bringing east with me.

When am I moving? Not sure. I’ll be honouring previous teaching commitments this spring. So likely after that.

Will I continue my art / intuitive services in Ottawa? Not sure. My focus may be elsewhere for a while. I’ll keep you posted.

For now, all I know is that I’ve received strong intuitive guidance and I’m saying “yes” to it.

Because this decision was made as an answer to a Spirit Call and not something I thought I “should” do, I trust that it’s for my Highest Good and the Highest Good of All.

Amen. So Be it.


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Join Me on Insight Timer: My Meditations Are Now Live!

2025 is shaping up to be a year of profound change.

I’ve already received clear guidance about the shifts ahead in my own life. While the “what” is quite distinct, the “when” and “how” will unfold in Divine Timing as I continue to deepen my connection with my intuition through prayer and meditation.

While in Ottawa with my father, I took an important step: I joined the Insight Timer meditation platform. Since then, I’ve been editing and sharing meditations on this platform designed to help you connect with your intuition and align with your higher purpose—what I call Divine Life Planning.

These meditations are not about following rigid rules or the “shoulds” of life. They’re about guiding you to move forward from a space of inspiration, clarity, and alignment with your highest good.

From personal experience, I can tell you this is the path to not only a fulfilling life—however you define success—but also to lasting inner peace.

You don’t need to have the entire picture of your future in view. All that’s required is to ask for support from your Team of Divine Helpers, those unseen forces that can see the bigger picture far more clearly than we ever can.

Then, simply take one inspired step at a time, trusting that the next piece of the puzzle will reveal itself when it’s time.

My own journey has unfolded in ways I couldn’t have predicted, and honestly, I’ve stopped worrying about the “why” or “how.” I’ve learned to trust my intuition. From small steps to bold leaps of faith, I’ve seen it always lead me to the right place.

I hope the tools I’m sharing with you on Insight Timer will help you build the same trust in your own intuition. When you exercise these “muscles,” you open the door to a more joyful, healthy, and purpose-filled life.

Why Insight Timer?

As a meditation guide, I’ve always wanted to offer a peaceful, uninterrupted experience for my listeners. Recently, I found myself increasingly frustrated with feedback that ads are cutting into my meditations on YouTube. It was time to make a change.

So during my 2 months in Ottawa with my father, I’ve been re-mastering many of the meditations I’ve channeled over the last 10 years, adding them to my Insight Timer profile.

I recently received my first rating, review and even a small donation, something I wasn’t aware was part of Insight Timer. 

They arrived in my inbox the day after I was wondering if my investment of time was well placed here. I take this as a sign that yes, I need to keep editing & uploading for the Highest Good of All.

So I invite you to enjoy a completely ad-free, immersive meditation experience on Insight Timer, the #1 free meditation app / website in the world.

May my continued offerings there nurture your well-being in body, mind & spirit.

How to Join Insight Timer

There is only one version of the app and it is completely free with an optional premium subscription which is called MemberPlus. If you accidentally joined the paid option and want out, click here for instructions.

If you haven’t joined yet, when you get to the Free Trial offer, you can skip this step by tapping on the “x” button found at the upper right corner of the offer screen. To know more about MemberPlus, you may refer to their article What is MemberPlus?

Lastly, you can use this link to access my profile on Insight Timer: This can be accessed through the app (download it from the App Store) or through the website if you’re using a computer.

Make sure to Follow me as I’m slowly going through all my meditations to edit and upload those I feel will continue to nourish your transformational journey.

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Peace Beyond the Judgments

Sitting at my father’s bedside in hospital this holiday season, I found myself surprisingly peaceful.

  • No drama.
  • No wishes that we were anywhere else.
  • Not worried about the future or comparing with holidays past.

I was just being as present as possible with Papa when he was awake, and meditating, reading, or texting reports for my out-of-town family while he napped.

When we decided to go to Emergency, we thought a quick stethoscope test and antibiotics would do the trick.

It turned out, however, his heart needed a tune-up that required two hospital stays of 3-4 days each and the draining of fluids in his lungs and legs.

We were both impressed and grateful for the quality and efficiency of care he received both times. He even liked the food!

Luckily, immediate treatment and a medication plan are all that are expected to be needed for him to eventually return to his active 92-year old lifestyle.

We’re back at his house now and returning to our routines. We haven’t done our usual 7 km walk to church and back yet, but maybe we will before I return to Newfoundland at the end of the month. And if not, that’s OK too.

Right now, as I write this, Papa is making shepherd’s pie for supper.

The Bilss Beyond Judgments

I’ll admit, my calm through the whole hospital experience surprised me (and perhaps others too…).

My father’s good spirits and the hospital’s efficient and kind staff certainly contributed.

So did my week of  yoga & meditation practice prior to our hospital experience. I’d actually managed to do my 2-hour routine more regularly while on holiday than back in Newfoundland …

Sitting in the hospital, I was reflecting on this calm acceptance of what was happening, when I turned the page in myLessons in Meditationbook to find the following passage:

“(W)e judge the world according to our likes and dislikes. It is this, above all, that keeps us enslaved in the dream world of matter. The heart’s energy becomes involved and we create an endless stream of desires and repulsions. While we are usually unaware of our constant judgments, they determine our level of happiness more than anything else. They determine whether the world pleases or disappoints us. If in meditation you can pull back from your likes and dislikes and simply observe your mind, you will quickly be able to focus your energy. In fact, Pantajali, an ancient and universally respected sage, gave as his classic definition of yoga, “Yogas chitta vritti nirodh” – ” Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices of likes and dislikes.” The blissful state of union with God waits in the silent calmness just beyond our likes and dislikes.”

I then remembered mention of this during our karma yogi classes while volunteering at Ananda Village last spring.

Since then, every time I listen to the yoga classes I’d recorded during my trip, I’ve been practicing letting go of my instant judgments when the teacher announces certain previously disliked poses.

I still have the momentary “Oh no, not that one!”, but then I smile and ask myself how I would feel if I let go of that judgment. Then I do the pose and keep moving through the practice with much greater ease & grace.

This training served me well in hospital.

Affirmations for Peace

Ananda yoga is also accompanied by mentally repeating affirmations. Each pose has a corresponding affirmation.

As I continue my almost-daily practice, I can easily recognize the impact these affirmations and my whole practice have had on my inner peace.

  • “Calmness radiates from every fiber of my being.”
  • “Secure in my Self, I accept whatever is.”
  • “I relax from outer involvement into my inner haven of peace.”
  • “I rise joyfully to meet each new opportunity.”
  • “At the center of life’s storms I stand serene.”
  • “I offer myself fully into the flow of grace.”
  • “I relax and cast aside all mental burdens.”
  • “I offer every thought as a bridge to divine grace.”
  • “I welcome every opportunity for further growth.”
  • “I am calm, I am poised.”

I’ve got far to go to master any of this, but I’m glad I got the opportunity to witness the power of the practice.

If any of these affirmations speak to you, I suggest post-it notes on your mirrors.

My Wish For You

We live in very interesting times- be it in the realm of politics, the environment, rapid technological changes, etc. I don’t want to judge them as good or bad. They simply are.

May you too, in 2025, find or deepen the practices that help you connect to your peace beyond the judgments.

May you love what is, and follow Guidance when needing to take inspired action for your Highest Good and the Good of All.

And if you’re looking for a good book that also helps with this, I recommend Byron Katie’s “Loving What Is” that had a huge impact on me 20 years ago.

Not Forcing It – the next blog post

As usual when I leave for holidays, I write and pre-schedule my blog posts so that they continue to publish every Tuesday.

Last week’s Love Oracle 38 was the last I’d prepared before leaving Newfoundland as I was planning to return January 8th.

I’m not sure when my next post will be. I don’t want to force it. So I invite you to peruse my Blog index or Free Resources when you’re in the mood for some more art and inspiration.

Until the next time, peace be with you.

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Love Oracle 37: Messages of Peace & Love

Merry Christmas Dear Soul – or whatever else you are celebrating this holiday season.

Long-time followers of my blog/Art & Inspiration newsletter will recall these Love Oracle Messages inspired by my paintings.

Please accept this latest edition as your Christmas Gift.

Pick a painting that calls most to you right now. Then read its message of peace & love below.

Have fun exploring the layers of meaning this gift delivers to you.

Love Oracle Message 1: Remember Your True Nature

Dear Beloved,

You are so much more than you realize. Your body is a sacred vessel where Spirit and matter meet for this lifetime. You are rooted in the holy garden of Divine Oneness – an individualized expression of the Divine. Life Force flows through your being. Divine Light spreads its radiance from the inside out.

Great Avatars like Jesus chose to come into this world knowing this, living this, helping us remember this.

You too can live from this space of Divine Consciousness. Welcome into your life and commit to practices that help you unite to the Spirit in you – that God-Essence that lives within and connects you to All That Is. Meditation, Service, Unconditional Love … it’s all worth it as it reminds you of the Gift that you are and have always been for this planet.

You deserve to remember who you are. Make it an intention for 2025 to bring into your life more of the stories and lessons of such incarnate divine teachers as Jesus. Find the holy teachers that speak to your soul. Open yourself to the Light, Love, Peace that have always been a part of you and of Source. Be inspired to be fully you! The Real You!

Painting: Vesica Pisces (SOLD). Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Peace is Letting Go

Dear Beloved,

Take a slow deep conscious breath, hold it a few seconds and then slowly exhale.

As you breathe in, welcome the light and cosmic energy from Infinite Spirit. Fill yourself with this Life Force. It’s your connection to your intuition, your bridge to Spirit.

Allow that healing breath to travel through your body enhanced with the power of prayer. Call your Team of Divine Helpers to support your efforts. Visualize your breath collecting any physical ailments, thoughts, anxieties, limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you.

Then release them all to the Universe through your breath. If it helps to imagine blowing all your troubles into a balloon, do so. Then let go, trusting that celestial air currents will carry them away to where the Universe can transmute them into what will serve the Greater Good of All.

Once you feel you’ve created space for greater peace within you, repeat this cycle but with positive intentions, dreams, and high vibrational wishes.

Connect to your Highest Life. Breathe in the vision and feelings of this life. Have fun visualizing that energy nourishing every cell of your body. Then let go of these too into an imaginary balloon that you release to the Universe.

Having let go of what no longer serves you and having welcomed what’s in alignment with your Higher Self, you are now free to be. Just be. Greet every new moment as an opportunity to live from this space of peace, knowing that it will evolve in divine timing to be something that might even be better than you imagined.

With every breath in and out, let go of the past and the future to be fully present in the now.

Painting: Letting Go for Peace (24″ x 36″).   Buy the Original.  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Peace Be With You

Dear Beloved,

Doves have long been a symbol of peace. They’re mentioned several times in the Bible.

But they’ve also been a powerful symbol in Native American stories, Aztec tradition, Greek mythology, and more.

What do they represent for you? If you picked this painting, you’re asked to dive into the symbolism of the dove in your life and to spread your wings with more of these qualities in both your thoughts and your actions.

Is the dove a nurturing symbol of motherly care, devotion, purity and peace for you?

Or is it a sign of a soul’s return to celestial realms and heavenly visitations? Is there anyone on the other side that you’d like to connect with on a soul level right now?

Is the dove a representation of the Divine, a symbol for Christ? Is it asking you to bring more of His essence back into your Christmas rituals?

Perhaps doves’ gentle calls or soft hues simply remind you of your need for softness, tenderness, and love in your holiday season and life in general. How are you inspired to do that?

Whatever the dove is saying to you right now, pause and let the vibration of its call bring peace to you in these busy times.

For it’s in this space of peace that you can help bring peace and love to others.

Painting: Peace Be With You (SOLD).   Order prints here.   


Feel free to refer to the Love Oracle Index anytime you seek Guidance in your life.


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Solstice Nature Art & Prayer

Happy Solstice Week Beautiful Soul!

This year, Winter Solstice is on Saturday, December 21st at 4:19 am EST.

Winter Solstice reminds us that the sun rises again even after the longest night. This is a time of new beginnings and brighter days.

I wrote this post before heading to Ottawa to spend a month with my father, so I’m not sure yet what I’ll be doing for Solstice.

My intention and my invitation to you is to celebrate the return of the Light, the rebirth of the Sun, by spending meditative creative time in nature.

You can do this alone, or, like in the video above, create a sacred opportunity for friends to commune with each other and nature. 

If you’ve already watched the video, you’ll have seen that it was created November 11th, during the 11:11 Gateway with my friends Leslie, Teresa and Angela.

You may not have any leaves left on the ground to glue with honey or molasses. But don’t let this example limit you from your inherent creativity.

You may be on a beach, where stones and seashells inspire the creation of a mandala.

You may be deep in snow, inspired to snowshoe and decorate a heart-shaped path or labyrinth that you can walk with a candle.

You may feel moved to collect pinecones and other gifts from nature to create a wreath for your front door or holiday table.

How about gathering around a bonfire to share songs of love & hope? You could write intentions for the year ahead on small pieces of paper and release them into the fire.

The possibilities are endless.

Whether you’re drawn to playful messy fun or a more meditative creative ceremony, let’s reflect on our inner light as we welcome this continuous cycle of growth and renewal.

Feel your way to the Light with some sacred Solstice art & prayer.

You’re welcome to use, adapt and share this Winter Solstice Prayer I wrote back in 2015.

A Winter Solstice Prayer

Dear God and Guiding Spirits, Angels of Light & Love
Universe, Divine Consciousness, Source
and all Higher Powers in whatever names you are addressed

Thank you!

Thank you for 2024 with all its challenges and blessings.
You’ve helped me stretch my comfort zones and grow in ways I couldn’t have expected.
You’ve listened to my prayers and supported me in my dreams.

Your unconditional love was always present, even when I was too busy to connect.
You found ways and messengers to reach me, even when I was too overwhelmed to listen.

Help me let go of whatever no longer serves me
And welcome with an open heart what does.

Thank you for the abundance in my life.
I have lacked for nothing and have been blessed by much.

Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart,
So that I may better serve others.
Thank you for helping me gain clarity on my Path
And for the courage to continue embracing the mystery of what lies ahead.
From baby steps to leaps of faith,
I know you’re with me.

May I continue to be an instrument of thy peace in the year ahead
As I explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love.
Please help me recognize Spirit in everyone I meet
No matter their choices and circumstances
That I may move in harmony with the Divine Oneness.

As we approach Winter Solstice
I open myself to its transformational shifts.
I join with the Light – within me and all beings.
That together we may shine at our brightest
As it was meant to be.

Om. Amen. Peace.



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Finding Direction through Divine Storytelling Time

Have you ever delved into dream analysis?

It’s filled with answers. But it’s challenging.

You not only have to filter through the reprocessing of emotions and daily events,  you also have to remember what you dreamed in the first place.

I once applied for a program at Algonquin College in Ottawa because I woke up in the Czech Republic during my first year of teaching English as a Foreign Language convinced my earlier dreams had instructed me to go there.

It was only after a series of obstacles, including no one showing up for my scheduled in-person interview, that I went back to my dream journal and saw in black & white that I was meant to go to Carleton University. I’d obviously remembered wrong waking up hours later and acted on that false memory. Once I applied to Carleton, however, I got in without a hitch.

Also, if you’re at all stressed or depressed, some of the imagery from your dreams can be disturbing. Those states of distress are like static on the line between your little and Higher Self  – they stop you connecting to your intuition.

I hardly ever write my dreams down anymore. Why? I value my sleep too much. It takes a lot of effort and discipline to sit up, turn on the light, and write several times during the night. I will get up to pee now, but that’s about it.

That’s why my Divine Storytelling Time Package is such a great tool to both sharpen your intuition and take inspired action in your life.

Finding Direction through Divine Storytelling Time

Imagine having a 1-hour audio recording of a dream-like story that you can listen to over and over again.

Imagine if that story came from your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers, so it was filled with uplifting imagery and messages.

That’s the main piece of a Divine Storytelling Time Package.

Just like your computer magically connects to the Internet to deliver a world of information at your fingertips, I connect through my intuitive channels to your Team of Divine Helpers to download a story that is meant specifically for you.

All I need is your permission. I connect energetically without your needing to be there in person or even online.

And for an hour with my eyes closed, I record everything I’m seeing, hearing, feeling in the visions that appear like a dream-like Disney-Pixar movie  – but without the bad guys.

I don’t tell you what the various bits of the story means. That’s your job. Each time you listen, a different chapter in the story will attract your attention and provide symbol-rich imagery to help you understand what’s happening in your life and help you make decisions.

You’re like a detective working a most precious case – your life. Deciphering the messages can be fun and helps you to both develop and trust your intuition the more you work with it.

“I’ve purchased several Divine Storytelling Time Packages by Dominique over the years. I’ve found that they give me a sense of direction, a path on which to embark and embrace. They show me the important lessons that Spirit wants me to learn. And I love how, if I’m willing to open up and embrace these lessons, they show me how my life will become so much more fulfilling and beautiful.”

~Karen Cook – Artist / Energy Healer

What many clients love about these stories is that layers of meaning reveal themselves over time. 

It’s a tool that can make a huge difference in your life if you go past the first entertaining listening. One client listened to it daily on her way to work for almost a year! Others come back to their story each time they face an issue or decision.

“Dominique’s Divine Storytelling sessions have helped guide me in a lot of different ways. The most immediate support I receive is knowing that there is a whole team of divine helpers cheering me on as I make my way through life and my spiritual journey – even if I don’t see any “evidence” in my day-to-day. Every now and then, a “scene” will come to mind, and it reminds me I’m not alone in my challenges and aspirations, and I’m able to relax in the comfort of that knowledge. In turn, that allows me to hear my intuition with more ease.

So far, I’ve had four of these sessions, the first of which I received in 2016. Each of them are an intricate medley of visions, woven together in a way that only I could ever recognize. They are rich in symbolism, and if you are a visual listener like me, they’re a lot of fun to listen to. Some of these messages come through many months later, that’s when I know I’ve still got work to do!” 

~Cynthia Ferrie – Serial Entrepreneur & Perpetual Tourist

So what else is included in a Divine Storytelling Time Package?

For $247 Canadian (~$175 U.S.), you’ll receive a link in your email to download:

  • your 1-hour recording (mp3)
  • instructions & worksheets
  • print-sized jpg of your Spirit Calling Card reading (5 cards)
  • your Visual Gift – a custom piece of digital art inspired by your reading

What’s the Visual Gift?

I co-create your Visual Gift with Spirit, layering several of my photographs captured around the world. This provides more symbolic and location-based data for you to work with.

Immediately after recording your story, I’m guided to peruse through my library of over 36,000 photos to choose images that relate to the feelings or chapters of your story.

For example, Karen’s image was created with 7 different photos. She received links to see the originals too in case they individually help her connect to Guidance.

Her photos included:

  • a dolphin in Hawaii
  • a salamander at a chapel door in California
  • a plant sculpture of Mother Earth from Quebec City, Canada (I rarely use images twice but this one came up twice recently)
  • an old woman at a historic village in New Brunswick
  • a lotus flower in Bali at a painting retreat
  • an iceberg in St. John’s, Newfoundland
  • flowers in front of an archway in the U.K
When you’re ready to order a Divine Storytelling Time Package, you’ll receive 2 versions of your digital art piece – one with an affirmation and the other without. The files are large enough to have them printed for your wall at your local photo shop.

Your Next Step – for yourself or as a gift

It takes me 3-5 hours to co-create your Divine Storytelling Time Package. You’ll receive a link in your email to download all your pieces and to start working with them.

For now, this custom intuitive service is only $247 Canadian ($175 U.S.).

I can do a few before Christmas and am taking orders for the new year too.

You’re also welcome to order a gift certificate for someone you feel would benefit and enjoy such a valuable intuitive resource. I’ll only create the package once I’ve connected with them by email.

Are you ready for yours so you can start 2025 aligned with the Guidance from your Higher Self? Order yours here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to hear from you.


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Kirsten’s Private Intuitive Painting Day

Have you ever admired someone or their work and thought “I wish I could spend time with them”?

Did you follow up on it?

What’s the worst they can say? “No” or nothing at all if the message doesn’t make it to them.

But what if they say “yes”?

May Kirsten’s story encourage you to take inspired action to reach out to someone you admire to ask for whatever it is you wish for.

Here’s what happened.

Matthew asked his wife Kirsten what she would like for her birthday this year.

Having been to many of my art & spirituality events, she thought a day painting with me would be great.

She emailed. I loved the idea. We set a date!

“I have to tell you how excited I am, and nervous at the same time! When I am in your presence, I feel the presence of the divine so clearly…although I know we’re all vessels, sometimes my own anxious/ human reaction is to shy or hide away from such “greatness”. I know how silly it sounds and I’m embarrassed even to admit it, but I’ve been needing to put that out there for a while. I really think a lot of you and what you do in the world.” ~ Kirsten

Kirsten’s Private Intuitive Painting Day

We started at 8am with ceremony & intention setting.

Then, layer by layer, Kirsten worked on her painting as I guided the steps, held the space, offered support, cleaned the tools, prepared lunch, channeled a meditation, and enjoyed witnessing both her process and her paintings.

By 5:30pm, we were both thrilled with our day – a perfect way to start both our birthday weeks.

In Kirsten’s Words

“Where do I begin to describe this experience?!

It was a lived reminder to delight and fully trust in the process; that is painting, art, life….

I came into it with no expectations or ideas about what my piece would become. When I received images of balloon-trees and Cheerios boxes in my guided visioning meditation, I have to admit that my first thoughts were “what am I going to do with this?!”

When I opened my eyes after the meditation and gazed at the canvas as Dominique instructed, the end product just came to me, like magic.

As I continue to reflect on my completed piece, it feels very much like a response to the intention I set at the beginning. I feel as though I’ve placed a puzzle piece I’ve had in my hands for a while, heralding the next step on my journey.” ~Kirsten

Ask & You Shall Receive

Isn’t that inspiring?

Now it’s your turn. Think of someone you’d like to reach out to and why.

Make the ask – to them and to the Universe so that it (or something even better) manifests in your life for your Highest Good.

May it be so.


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Intergalactic Peace Council – Transformative Art Workshop

Halloween has traditionally encouraged children and adults alike to stretch their imaginations, role play, and practice asking & receiving. Leaving the tricks aside, there are a lot of treats in this seasonal skill set.

These are the same treats I hope to bring into more schools in 2024-25 thanks to the ImmersArt micro-grant program for Canadian French Immersion junior and senior high schools.

This program fosters links between Canadian schools, cultural organizations and artists. I found out about it thanks to the Newfoundland & Labrador chapter of  Canadian Parents for French (CPF).

Last week, CPF brought me to Ascencion Collegiate in Bay Roberts, where 50 grade 11 students were the first to experience my “Intergalactic Peace Council” workshop I plan to deliver through the ImmersArt Program.

This 1-hour transformative art workshop came out of a teacher request to touch upon the theme of diversity and an appreciation for various cultures and languages. 

How thrilling to help these students stretch their comfort zones to explore creative movement, visualization, visual expression, visionary word play and experiential sharing!

How fun to hear that different students preferred different parts of the activity. One young man said visualizing perfect peace on Earth was the most powerful for him. This brought a smile to my heart and a tear to my eye.

It was also the first time I got to use my new Visionary Word Cards in a group setting. (Don’t forget that if you’d like a set before Christmas, you have until November 1st to pre-order / pre-pay. Learn more here. )

Here’s a description of what we did in case you know of any French immersion high schools in Newfoundland & Labrador  (or Ottawa mid-December to mid-January) that may want to bring me in. I will travel out of St. John’s if we can get more than 1 school in a region.

Also contact me if you’d like to bring me in to lead the Intergalactic Peace Council or other transformative art program with your group (teens or adults) in French or English in your work setting, social gathering, etc.

Intergalactic Peace Council – the workshop

Intergalactic Peace Council – a transformative art experience with Dominique Hurley

The year is 2222. Earth has experienced absolute peace for 111 years. Students become ambassadors throughout the galaxies to convey the experience of peace through the universal language of movement and colour. They then provide advice on how to achieve this appreciation and respect for diversity through visionary word play and creative visual expression. In this 1-hour session, students will use visualization, imagination and personal process before debriefing in groups.

“It was a refreshing opportunity for students to express themselves creatively in French, and also invoke feelings of serenity and calm. I would describe the experience as unique and enriching.”  

Susan Higdon – Grade 11 French Immersion Teacher, Ascension Collegiate, Bay Roberts


Conseil de paix intergalactique – une expérience artistique transformatrice avec Dominique Hurley

Nous sommes en 2222. La Terre connaît une paix absolue depuis 111 ans. Les étudiants deviennent des ambassadeurs à travers les galaxies pour transmettre l’expérience de la paix à travers le langage universel du mouvement et de la couleur. Ils fournissent ensuite des conseils sur la manière de parvenir à cette appréciation et à ce respect de la diversité grâce à des jeux de mots visionnaires et à une expression visuelle créative. Au cours de cette séance d’une heure, les étudiants utiliseront la visualisation, l’imagination et le processus personnel avant de débriefer en groupe.

“J’ai eu le plaisir d’accueillir Dominique dans ma classe de 11e année. Sa passion pour l’art a retenu notre attention lorsqu’ils sont entrés dans la salle. La séance a incité les étudiants à sortir de leur zone de confort. Dominique a mélangé une expression artistique authentique de langue française, encourageant les étudiants à s’engager avec le matériel. Merci pour cette séance mémorable !”

Morgan Kearly – French Department Head, Ascension Collegiate, Bay Roberts

Visionary Word Cards

There are so many possibilities of how to use these 111 large Visionary Word Cards, alone and in groups:

  • poetry or journal prompts
  • word / painting of the day
  • randomly pick 3-5 cards and create an affirmation for the day
  • as oracle cards
  • ice-breakers
  • French/English learning
  • framing / decorating (each card is 5″ x 7″)
  • etc.

I’m only printing as many decks this year as I’ll need in schools or as pre-ordered / pre-paid by you. A set of activity suggestions is included.

$177 (shipping included).

Watch the video here.

Pre-pay yours here for shipping before Christmas.

May they enhance your creativity and intuition, nourishing your transformational journey.


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Celebrating Creativity – J. Light’s Art Journal

We are creative beings. Yes, you too!

There are so many ways to be creative in our lives:

  • hobbies
  • social gatherings and ceremonies
  • problem solving
  • cooking
  • gardening, landscape design
  • house decorating
  • play
  • childrearing
  • dressing
  • the arts
  • intuitive living
  • the list is endless

Creativity is part of who we are! 

Witnessing other people’s creativity is inspiring – a gift that keeps on giving.

How delightful to find out what inspires them, and how that inspiration is translated through their ways of being and doing.

J. Light’s story is one that touched my life directly.

Her initial contact and our conversation was a pleasant surprise. And her request inspired my own creativity.

May it continue to give to her and to all those who are touched by her idea-come-to-life.

J. Light and Her Art Journal

I received an email from J. Light in California on September 14th:

I have a handmade journal that I bought from an artist in Ireland. I have been meeting, inviting and commissioning artists to add art to her pages. Can we discuss this possibility?”

Of course I was intrigued. Following a beautiful Zoom call connection, I was on board. Her journal was on my doorstep days later.

In her own words, J. Light explains the “why” behind this project:

My art journal project began as a way to connect with my friends. I was feeling isolated, craving connection and beauty. It was a practice in inviting women to participate, as I am usually not one to make requests of others. I have asked each contributor to include a heart somewhere in the image. I love how each piece reflects the uniqueness and style of its artist. It was noteworthy, after three local contributors, how I wanted to send the journal out of state. And then, even out of the country. It is my hope to support artists, and make new friends in this process. I intend to eventually invite poets to choose an image from the journal to inspire a piece of writing.
Here’s to HeArt Around the World…the joy of creative expression and friendship.

My Contribution

The vision for my double-page spread started floating in my consciousness a few days before I started work on the project. But as many of my paintings, it evolved layer by layer as I was painting.

Adding to this personal nomadic art collection was an honour.

Enjoying the contributions of others was a part of the process.

The message that came through for J. Light is one that can benefit us all. Micheal Beckwith expresses it so well:

“Grow deep roots to harvest rich fruit! When your roots run deep, you cannot help but bear the fruit of the Spirit.”

Painting the tree of life within the sideways Vesica Piscis represents the birthing and rebirthing of limitless love and life – the roots and fruits of which expand beyond the boundaries of time and space. 

When J. Light’s journal arrived back in California, she wrote:

Your contribution fills my heart and speaks to my soul. I thank you.

What other symbolism or messages can you feel come through for you in this image? Feel free to comment below.

May your days be filled with your own unique and creative ways of being and doing. And may we all continue to inspire each other. 

Here’s to celebrating creativity!



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