Spirit Calling Cards
Limited Edition
I created these for my Vienna Academy of Visionary Art crowdfunding campaign and had a very limited run of 55 sets of decks printed (these are not mass produced). Each deck is numbered and signed.
What are Spirit Calling Cards?
In January 2013, I handmade a set of 14 index cards with a word and small photo that I used to make up sentences and affirmations to guide me on my day. I was so inspired by them that when it came time to think of what Goods I would offer supporters of my “Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship” crowdfunding campaign, I felt moved to create 2 decks of 44 cards – one based on my photography and one on my paintings. These can be used separately or combined.
Why did I name them “Spirit Calling Cards”? For years, I have referred to the strong guiding messages I have received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with). These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls. First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world. Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden days.How to use them:
Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved. I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your left hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/ intuition.
1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:
Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week. Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages. With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks. The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together. Reflection about their meaning / messages comes afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc. Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.
For example, on one day, I made up:
- “Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
- “Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
- “Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”
And on another:
- “Create union by trusting love”
- “Be the spiritual light”
- “Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
- “Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”
2 – Daily Picks:
Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day.
3 – Question & Answer:
Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – feel free to write in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)
4 – Past, Present, and Future:
Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation. The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future. Reflect about your journey.
5 – Whole Being Perspective:
Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, with your left hand, pick a card to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.
6 – Message of Love:
Tune in to your source of guidance and to a loved one. Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc. Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…
7 – Team Brainstorming:
Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning. Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution.
8 – Relationship Building:
Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level. They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving another person’s true Self. This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards and explain how it relates to your day) or on a common question / feeling / etc. (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow?).
The ways in which you use these are limitless and may evolve with time. You can also find many different tarot card spreads explained on the Internet.
May these cards enhance your calls to Spirit & Spirit’s calls to you.
Limited Edition – Buy Yours Here