Spirit Calling Cards

Limited Edition 

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I created these for my Vienna Academy of Visionary Art crowdfunding campaign and had a very limited run of 55 sets of decks printed (these are not mass produced).   Each deck is numbered and signed.

What are Spirit Calling Cards?

In January 2013, I handmade a set of 14 index cards with a word and small photo that I used to make up sentences and affirmations to guide me on my day. I was so inspired by them that when it came time to think of what Goods I would offer supporters of my “Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship” crowdfunding campaign, I felt moved to create 2 decks of 44 cards – one based on my photography and one on my paintings. These can be used separately or combined.

Why did I name them “Spirit Calling Cards”?  For years, I have referred to the strong guiding messages I have received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with). These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls.  First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world.  Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden days.auction spread 3How to use them:

Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved.  I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your left hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/ intuition.

1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:

Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week.  Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages.  With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks.  The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together.  Reflection about their meaning / messages comes afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc.  Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.

For example, on one day, I made up:

  • “Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
  • “Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
  • “Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”

And on another:

  • “Create union by trusting love”
  • “Be the spiritual light”
  • “Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
  • “Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”

2 – Daily Picks:

Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day.

3 – Question & Answer:

Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – feel free to write in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)

4 – Past, Present, and Future:

Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation.  The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future.  Reflect about your journey.

5 – Whole Being Perspective:

Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, with your left hand, pick a card to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.

6 – Message of Love:

Tune in to your source of guidance and to a loved one.  Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc.  Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…

7 – Team Brainstorming:

Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning.  Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution.

8 – Relationship Building:

Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level.  They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving another person’s true Self.  This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards and explain how it relates to your day) or on a common question / feeling / etc.  (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow?).

The ways in which you use these are limitless and may evolve with time.  You can also find many different tarot card spreads explained on the Internet.

May these cards enhance your calls to Spirit & Spirit’s calls to you.



Limited Edition – Buy Yours Here

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Sadness Begone – This is a Cause for Celebration

I was talking to another artist this weekend who said he was sad going through my auction site because everything was so cheap. As an artist, this was obviously hard for him to take. If any of you out there are feeling the same, please know that I’m not sad at all! Quite to the contrary, I’m feeling great! Let me explain.

It’s actually very freeing, very fulfilling to know that all my artwork will find good homes (that’s my goal, anyway) and that I won’t need to manage a huge collection from afar. It’s actually a huge relief! Plus, I’ve already gained such benefits from each and every painting in the very act of creating it. Now I’m exercising letting go, detachment, and it’s a lot of fun.

Yes, I agree, they were expensive to produce, and I’ve spent countless hours marketing, moving, exhibiting, etc., but it was all worth it on many levels. Plus, I’ve enjoyed an abundance of sales over the years and for those I am truly grateful as they helped me continue to paint. Now, I love the idea that when I get back, at whole new level as an artist (that’s also the plan), I will start fresh. I’ll be living in the NOW instead of managing the past. More than that, however, I love knowing that the many fans of my work who previously couldn’t afford it now can. I just hope the news of my auction reaches them.

I’m sure many in the art business wouldn’t advise doing what I’m doing for many good reasons, but I’m not following tradition or popular wisdom – I’m following an inner calling that has motivated me to find alternative ways of financing my dreams while giving back to the community. Now that’s uplifting! I trust in the process, and the support I have felt from friends, fans, hosting businesses, and strangers alike has been amazing! I’m learning so much! This is nothing to be sad about – it’s all cause for celebration – a win-win situation indeed!

By the way, I am now guaranteed to reach the financial goals I set for myself last winter and soon I’ll be off to study at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art, so join in my happiness and feel free to spread the news. Thanks. www.32auctions.com/ArtToGo

Art To Go Upload

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Last MoMonday’s Video Compilation

1043953_586485234706302_324133630_nSee 1 minute of everyone’s 10-minute June Mo Monday St. John’s presentation (me included) in this compilation video.

Photography by: Alick Tsui
More photos in MoMonday’s Gallery

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The Hip Triptych – at The Sprout (closed Sundays)

Sama, Lori & I set up our exhibition yesterday – here are a few pictures. There’s more art than seen in the photos.  I invited Sama and Lori to join me in this, my last show in NL before I go to Austria, as well as in my auction to help them with their artistic and financial goals.  It has been a beautiful collaboration!

This show is part of the Art To Go auction at www.32auctions.com/ArtToGo . If you’re in St. John’s, come to The Sprout Restaurant (364 Duckwrorth St.) for a delicious vegetarian meal and pick which pieces you’ll bid on in this online auction. I also have over 100 other pieces in 5 other locations – all part of my fundraising for the The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.

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An Amazing Evening

Treedom_room_lightingThank you so much to my friend Leslie Bridger ) who organized a fundraising gala on this, the last night of my show “Treedom”. Approximately 20 of her family and friends came to share in my art, in delicious culinary delights she prepared, in 2 30-minute presentations by both her and I, and in heavenly harp music by my friend Gayle Tapper. It would have been a success either way as everyone seemed to enjoy the connections and sharing, but I’m thrilled to announce that 7 paintings went home with folks, including this one, Treedom 7(36″ x 60″)- sales tonight will cover the rest of my tuition for my trimester at the The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art! THANK YOU SO MUCH! What’s left to cover is housing and living expenses in Austria (~ $8K). My summer ESL teaching contracts at Memorial University are covering my expenses here before I go and what I’ve already raised on www.RocketHub.com/projects22252 is covering my flight and fundraising production costs. I love it when a plan – and a divine calling come together!

I’m so filled with gratefulness and happiness that it will take me a while yet to fall asleep… but that’s OK!


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“Treedom” Artist Talk & Primp My Nest, Saturday May 25

There are 2 events this Saturday, May 25 at Eastern Edge Gallery (72 Harbour Dr., St. John’s, NL).
1) Artist Talk & Mingle for my exhibition “Treedom” (2-4pm, Free).  I’ll give a half hour presentation / Q&A starting at 2:30pm.
2)  Eastern Edge’s PRIMP MY NEST (Fun)draiser! Come in for the Primp My Nest Workshop on May 25, anytime between 12 and 5 to decorate your own birdhouse (materials cost $10)! On June 9, 8-11pm there will be a Gala-art-party-silent-live-auction event and mine will be one of several birdhouses donated for the auction! That’s the night after I take my show down.  I’ve included photos here of the birdhouse I painted this weekend and added to my exhibition – definitely goes with the theme of trees.
DLH_1767 DLH_1769 DLH_1770 DLH_1775DLH_1774  DLH_1779 DLH_1781 DLH_1786 DLH_1788 DLH_1790 DLH_1794
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“Treedom” starts today

Treedom Postcard

Watch a 1-minute video my friend Leslie Bridger shot right after we finished setting up last night.


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Exhibition Opening Photos & Video


Thanks to those who made it out to the MUN Botanical Garden Inc. last night and to those who sent their good wishes. Yay for my first red dot! The show runs until May 25th (when the gallery isn’t rented out for meetings). To find out viewing times, call 864-8590.


I totally forgot to explain the real reason behind my exhibition title “Rise & Shine” last night (see video link below). In addition to the awakening of nature here in Newfoundland, it’s about how the current rise in human consciousness is leading more and more people to nurture the seeds of their True Selves to live on a path of meaning and purpose- you know, “This little Light of mine, I’m going let it shine….”. This is what I’m doing and what the artwork encourages in others.

Here’s a video of my show at the MUN Botanical Garden, with an intro by its director, Liz Klose and me.

This art exhibition in St. John’s, NL Canada is one of the many fundraising events I’m organizing this spring/summer. I’m answering a Spirit Call to be part of the inaugural class at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts in Austria for a trimester starting in September 2013 and your support will make it happen. I am also offering unique Goods in exchange during my crowdfunding campaign at www.rockethub.com/projects/22252 from April 11- July 11.


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Spirit Calling Cards – one of the Goods in my upcoming crowdfunding campaign

When I first told my friend Cheryl about my decision to attend a trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts and my need to raise funds for it, she told me about crowdfunding.  My research revealed that crowdfunding websites “provide Internet platforms which support the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources for projects initiated by other people”. I was very impressed by the multitude of art / social projects out there and the visible support they were gathering – just like with the art patrons of olden days, but on a mass scale.  In the modern version, patrons also receive Goods in exchange for their contribution, which is why I was inspired to create these “Spirit Calling Cards”.  I just finished writing the instruction sheet to go along with them, so I thought I’d share that here to give you a glimpse of the Goods that I’ll be giving through my crowdfunding campaign (April 11-July 11).  Feedback on it is welcome – just leave a comment.

spirit card combination

Spirit Calling Cards by Dominique Hurley

In January 2013, I handmade a set of 14 index cards with a word and small photo that I used to make up sentences and affirmations to guide me on my day. I was so inspired by them that when it came time to think of what Goods I would offer supporters of my “Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship” crowdfunding campaign, I felt moved to create 2 decks of 44 cards – one based on my photography and one on my paintings. These can be used separately or combined.

Why did I name them “Spirit Calling Cards”?  For years, I have referred to the strong guiding messages I have received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with). These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls.  First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world.  Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden days.

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How to use them:

Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved.  I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your left hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/ intuition.

1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:

Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week.  Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages.  With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks.  The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together.  Reflection about their meaning / messages comes afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc.  Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.

For example, on one day, I made up:

  • “Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
  • “Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
  • “Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”

And on another:

  • “Create union by trusting love”
  • “Be the spiritual light”
  • “Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
  • “Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”

2 – Daily Picks:

Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day.

3 – Question & Answer:

Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – feel free to write in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)

4 – Past, Present, and Future:

Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation.  The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future.  Reflect about your journey.

5 – Whole Being Perspective:

Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, with your left hand, pick a card to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.

6 – Message of Love:

Tune in to your source of guidance and to a loved one.  Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc.  Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…

7 – Team Brainstorming:

Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning.  Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution.

8 – Relationship Building:

Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level.  They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving another person’s true Self.  This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards and explain how it relates to your day) or on a common question / feeling / etc.  (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow?).

The ways in which you use these are limitless and may evolve with time.  You can also find many different tarot card spreads explained on the Internet.

May these cards enhance your calls to Spirit & Spirit’s calls to you.

photo deck shot

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