Blue Lotus Feet Music Video

I’m elated to finally share this “Blue Lotus Feet” music video with you! I say “finally” because if you know me, I like to go from inspiration to realization in as short and intensive a burst of creative energy as possible.

This music video took over a year in 3 countries to create!

First, was the joy of manifesting my vision of the dancer Paramjyoti C. Stieber in front of the blue roof of the Temple of Light at Ananda Assisi in the summer of 2023.  This was at the tail end of my 2 months in Italy getting my Transformative Art Certification.

I fell in love with the iconic blue roofs of Ananda – they remind me of both a lotus flower and some sort of bloom arched over to protect its precious people.

Once I had Paramjyoti on video, I had a vision of what I wanted to paint on my own personal drum (featured in the video above). I’d painted & sold 26 drums, but didn’t have one of my own yet.

When it came time to write my blog post introducing the Temple Dancer Drum, I decided to make a video, licensing the chant “Blue Lotus Feet” composed by Paramhansa Yogananda sung on the Divine Mother Chants album available from Crystal Clarity Publishers.

But then, I was guided to spend 2 months volunteering at Ananda Village in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains in Northern California. So I decided to bring my drum – not only to chant at the weekly kirtan sessions, but also to finish shooting the music video.

I was looking forward to drumming in front of the Temple of Light (seen at the end of the video).  I also discovered I could do so in front of the blue roof of the Moksha Mandir (Swami Kriyananda’s final resting place) in the Crystal Hermitage Garden (seen at the beginning of the video).

I received plenty of inspiration at the Crystal Hermitage Garden during my many visits throughout March & April 2024. Shooting through the sprinklers at sunrise was pure awe-inspiring joy! My eyes and heart could hardly contain the beauty of the sun rays piercing through the water streams.

Then, one day, fellow karma yogi Kelsey Britton showed up to our volunteer shift with blue toe nails and well, that clinched it. I had her personify Divine Mother’s blue lotus feet by standing on a carpet of pink Chinese camellia petals I found by the gate, stepping out of the century-old Burmese standing Buddha statue at the upper pond, and gently enjoying the water of the lower pool. I also included the blue feet of a Shiva statue in one of the village’s residential neighbourhoods and the lap of a Babaji statue in the Crystal Hermitage Garden laden with floral offerings.

There are layers of footage and symbolism in this video. Enjoy discovering what they all mean for you. Chant along and feel your vibration rise!

And if you’re interested in donating towards my creative efforts, I welcome your contributions through PayPal here.

Who is the Divine Mother?

The Divine Mother is the feminine aspect of the Divine. For you, that may be the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, Mother Earth, Kali, Lakshmi, Dhurga or so many others. She is both personal and impersonal.

Paramhansa Yogananda says:

The Divine Mother is so beautiful! But remember, in Her higher manifestation even that beauty is formless. She is in everything. Her divine, compassionate love is expressed in the raindrops. Her beauty is reflected in the colors of the rainbow. She offers fresh hope to mankind with the rose-tinted clouds at dawn. Above all, be ever conscious of Her presence in your heart.

If you’d like to read more about the Divine Mother, I recommend these 2 articles:

  1. “Who is Divine Mother?” by Swami Kriyananda
  2. “The Many Faces of Divine Mother” by Tyagi Jayadev

Want a Drum?

I currently have 2 other one-of-a-kind drums available for sale for $999 Canadian.

The Labyrinth Drum – see it here

The Mother Drum – see it here

Drum commissions are $1111.  Contact me to discuss your vision or allow my Team of Divine Helpers to channel it with the help of your own.



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