Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.

Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.

2 More Drum Commissions

What an honour and blissful co-creative thrill to have been commissioned to paint 3 more drums in addition to my original 8-painted-drum-fundraiser.

The Helping Hands Drum – a commission

When you're of service to someone, it most often benefits…

Cosmic Gateway – painting 2 from Flora Bowley’s Reunite Workshop

Don't give up as you pass through the Cosmic Gateway on your journey to ascension. The ups & downs are all part of the process!

Crystal Journey Meditation accompanied by Joan Dohey on Crystal Bowls

Enjoy this 50-minute Crystal Journey Meditation recorded live during a fundraiser event in collaboration with Joan Dohey of Time to Heal.

The Unity Consciousness Drum

The Unity Consciousness Drum symbols& energies call us to unite to ourselves, others, Nature and to the Divine.

Letting Go For Peace – the painting

Imagine putting your intention into a balloon & surrendering it to the Universe. That's "Letting Go For Peace" - the painting & practice.

Wolf Moon Drum

The Wolf Moon Drum is a journeying drum that honours the Divine Feminine, the moon and its cycles, wolf spirit and St Germain’s Violet Flame.

The Making of “Dripping Sunshine” during Flora Bowley’s Reunite Retreat

The creation of "Dripping Sunshine" in Flora Bowley's retreat was a teacher and reminder to shine our light as we naturally unfurl into peace & freedom.

The Angel Drum

Can you feel the unconditional love, compassion, gentle acceptance, recognition, comfort, and protection in The Angel Drum? Read Vici's touching story of why she brought it home.

The Activation Drum

The Activation Drum feels like a Divine Call to say 'Yes!' to all that lies dormant or is germinating that is meant to come into full bloom.

The Seed Drum

The Seed Drum's message is a valuable reminder on our growth journey as we emerge more fully into who we already are at our core.

The Rainbow Harmony Drum

The Rainbow Harmony Drum was the first drum to be painted in…
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