Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.
Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.
Enter the Mandala: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Here it is! #8 in the Enter the Mandala Project, a series…
Grateful For Grocery Store Miracles
Have you ever left the grocery store with tears in your eyes?…
Challenges Happen For You, Not To You
How did you feel when you read that title? Do you agree?
Enter the Mandala: The Law of Attraction
Follow your bliss and you'll attract the keys to unlock…
I’m an 8. You? It’s All About Choice.
"On a scale of 1-10, how content are you?"
My housemate…
“Pétales Musicales” Painting from the NL Folk Festival
Remember when I wrote that live painting was a stretch of…
Enter the Mandala: The Law of Compensation
Holy Camoly! Where do I start?
How about with "I…