Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.

Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.

Take your Pick and see how mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Tune In #15: Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

No matter the size of the tree, it either started as a nut or…

Dancing With Dolphins Painting

I thought I was finished preparing for my "Connection with Self…
Pick your favourite from the Blossoming Collection and see what it means

Tune In #14: Turn Over a New Leaf

Are you ready to turn over a new leaf? Want guidance on how to…
"Unison" by Dominique Hurley

A Painting called “Unison”

Want to feel grounded & calm? That's what the painting…
Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection and see what it means

Tune In #13: Are You Connected?

Are you connected? It's so easy to feel disconnected in body,…
Peace Be With You intuitive painting

Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You emerged from the process of painting The Journey-…
Pick a photo and learn how it can liberate your treedom of expression

Tune In #12: What’s your Treedom of Expression?

A walk in nature can be both grounding and uplifting. It can…
It's Elemental Newfoundland Painting

It’s Elemental My Dear – For the Joy of It

When I moved to the island of Newfoundland from the prairies…
Take the Test 11: Connect ot he Shades of Time

Tune In #11: Connect to the Shades of Time

From our past emerges our present. But life isn't about hanging…
YouTube video of Connection Art Exhibition

Video: Guided Tour of the Connection Art Exhibition

My Connection Art Exhibition at Ocean View Gallery in Carbonear,…
Pick your favourite photo from the Connection collection

Tune In #10: Do You Get the Connection?

Do you get the connection between symbolic imagery and the messages…
Dominique Hurley

The Journey- All the Way Home to My Self

The intuitive visionary energy painting "The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self " is a 20-layered chakra balancing labyrinth piece.
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