Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.

Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.

“Wisdom of the Matriarch” – the painting

There's a new relationship in my life. It's with a whole species…

Cynthia’s Divine Storytelling Time Experience

Two and a half years after hiring me to co-create a Divine Storytelling…

The Dreamcatcher Painting & Prayer

My intuitive visionary painting “Dreamcatcher” evolved from a vision of a celestial dreamcatcher during the ArtFusion festival in Mount Pearl. The prayer during a flight.

Birds of a Feather – the painting

The intuitive visionary painting "Birds of a Feather" honours the messages we receive from both angels and birds, like this crane.

Guy’s Soul Energy Portrait & Prayer

Guy Mommaerts has been a godsend in my life since 2011, when…

Planting Seeds – a Visioning Meditation

Are you in need of raising your vibration to plant the seeds…
Re-United sun & moon soul mate painting©2018 Dominique Hurley

Soul Mate Series: Re-United

I wasn't even finished “Twin Flames” when I received…
Soul Mate Series with sun and moon in double vesica pisces©2018 Dominique Hurley

Soul Mate Series: Twin Flames

The intuitive visionary painting “Twin Flames” celebrates the coming together of two ‘haves’ into a whole – as the sun and the moon join in sacred geometry, Vesica Pisces.
Soul Mate Series painting of moon & sun©2018 Dominique Hurley

Soul Mate Series: Betwixt Day & Night

The intuitive visionary painting “Betwixt Day & Night” honours the immortality of Divine Love between soul mates.

Follow Your Bliss – the painting

Can you feel the happy energy vibration emanating from this piece?…

Affirmation Booster 5

How do you surround yourself in life-enhancing affirmative…

Creative Multitasking & The Freedom Effect

Warning... this blog post may ruin your idealized image of…
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