Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.
Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.
Do Chickens Fly? Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
Chickens don't fly very high, very far, or very long. The…
Re-Connecting #10- Journey of Self-Discovery
ho am I? This is an ageless question asked by seekers on their journey of self-discovery ... and the source of this intuitive painting.
Meet Me in the Middle for Romance
The intuitive painting “Meet Me in the Middle” celebrates the unconditional love that's possible when a couple unites in sacred space.
Are You Aligned With Your Core Values?
Are you living in alignment with your core values?
Get On the Beam – How to Become a Clear Channel
May these 10 tips to become a clear channel help you tune into your intuition so that you too can allow peace and love to flow through your doing & being.
Relax, Release & Re-Connect Meditation
This is the last of the guided visioning meditations I recorded…
Re-Connecting #9 – Time of Ascension
As you contemplate the visionary painting "Time of Ascension" breathe light from the Central Sun & energy from the crystalline grid.
Re-Connecting # 8 – Nature Bound
Intuitive visionary painting # 8 in my Re-Connecting Collection, "Nature Bound", honours the role of Mother Nature in shaping who we are.
The Crystal Cave Meditation
What a blessing it was to channel a guided visioning meditation…
Re-Connecting #7- Communing With Community
Hours after I decided to include Notre Dame's Rose Window…
A Change of Scenery – All Within An Hour
Can you go weeks without leaving the house? I confess, I could.
The Perfect Unfolding Meditation
Today's gift is another meditation I recorded live during my…