Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.

Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.

©2019 Dominique Hurley

Do Chickens Fly? Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

Chickens don't fly very high, very far, or very long. The…
©2019 Dominique Hurley

Re-Connecting #10- Journey of Self-Discovery

ho am I? This is an ageless question asked by seekers on their journey of self-discovery ... and the source of this intuitive painting.
Sacred Romance - Meet Me in the Middle - painting of couple in Vesica Pisces©2019 Dominique Hurley

Meet Me in the Middle for Romance

The intuitive painting “Meet Me in the Middle” celebrates the unconditional love that's possible when a couple unites in sacred space.
©2019 Dominique Hurley

Are You Aligned With Your Core Values?

Are you living in alignment with your core values? Are…
©2019 Dominique Hurley

Get On the Beam – How to Become a Clear Channel

May these 10 tips to become a clear channel help you tune into your intuition so that you too can allow peace and love to flow through your doing & being.

Relax, Release & Re-Connect Meditation

This is the last of the guided visioning meditations I recorded…

Re-Connecting #9 – Time of Ascension

As you contemplate the visionary painting "Time of Ascension" breathe light from the Central Sun & energy from the crystalline grid.

Re-Connecting # 8 – Nature Bound

Intuitive visionary painting # 8 in my Re-Connecting Collection, "Nature Bound", honours the role of Mother Nature in shaping who we are. 

The Crystal Cave Meditation

What a blessing it was to channel a guided visioning meditation…
The final Communing with Community painting©2019 Dominique Hurley

Re-Connecting #7- Communing With Community

Hours after I decided to include Notre Dame's Rose Window…

A Change of Scenery – All Within An Hour

Can you go weeks without leaving the house? I confess, I could. I…

The Perfect Unfolding Meditation

Today's gift is another meditation I recorded live during my…
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