Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.

Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.

New Beginnings

Welcome to 2021! May the gifts that blossomed from the…

Goodbye & Hello

Every day is a new day. No two sunrises are alike. These two…

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius – painting & wishes

Happy New Year dearest one! Can you feel the Light coming…

Embrace the Hugs

Ready for a hug? May you feel totally hugged this holiday…

Truth On Fire – Painting & Prayer

The visionary painting "Truth On Fire" comes from the fiery energy of Archangel Michael to transmute suffering expressed in prayer requests.

“Beyond the Veil” Painting

The Holy Trinity revealed Itself during the intuitive evolution of the painting, “Beyond the Veil”, created in prayer, connected to my human community here on Earth and to my Team of Divine Helpers beyond the veil.

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

Were you kicked off the hamster wheel when COVID-19 hit?…

When the Soul Protests, Listen!

Can you feel when your body, mind or soul protest the track…

20% OFF Energy-Art Prints November 19-25

Feel the Shift. Raise your Vibration. 20 % OFF All Energy-Art…

The Art of Sacred Ceremony

Co-creating sacred ceremony with friends is a powerful way…

Hug a Tree For Me, For You, For Us & For Them All

Do you miss hugs? I do. COVID-19 has put a real damper…

In Thanksgiving – Tors Cove Video

Gratitude is a powerful thing. When you keep finding things…
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