Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.
Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.
Love Oracle 15: Life is (Up) in the Air
Pick the painting that speaks most to your heart right now and scroll down to read its transformational Love Oracle message.
Love Oracle 14: Appreciating the Textures of Life
May this week's Love Oracle painting messages help you shift your perception to better appreciate the textures of your life.
Love Oracle 13: Your Unique Journey
Pick the painting that speaks most to you today and read the message your heart would like you to hear in support for your unique journey.
Love Oracle 12: Living Large with the Universal Laws
Having a successful and abundant life may look different for you than for me. May these Universal Law mandalas help you live large.
Love Oracle 11: You’re Always a Winner
Pick the painting that speaks most to you, revealing the Love Oracle message that confirms for you that you're always a winner.
Love Oracle 10: Keep the Hope Alive
Nothing in life is constant but change itself.
I don't…
Love Oracle 9: Emerge More Fully into Joy
Pick which intuitive painting speaks to you and scroll down to read its love oracle guidance. May it help you emerge more fully into joy.
Love Oracle 8 – Creature Comforts of a Different Kind
What creature comforts of a different kind are your body,…
Love Oracle 7: Embracing Tree Wisdom
Which tree paintings speaks to you most? Open to tree wisdom. Trust that its Love Oracle message will nourish your transformational journey.
Love Oracle 6 – Rise up with the Universal Laws
Pick a painting then scroll below to read its Oracle message.The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out.
Love Oracle 5 – Go With Your Flow
This week, let's turn to the wonders of the water world to help…