Dominique Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration Blog.
Within this blog page, you will find a variety of inspirational and spiritual stories and events. Please feel free to find additional inspiration stay up-to-date by following our Facebook Page, or feel free to contact me with any questions about our blog, original art, prints, or services offered.
Mental Health Task Force – Communities that Care
In May 2022 Gary Summers entered into partnership with the Mental Health Task Force to develop and share resources for mental health.
Embracing the Fog – embracing the mystery
How thrilling to watch the fog roll in to the St. John's harbour. As I explored the landscape, I was reminded of lessons on intuitive living.
Honouring The Ingredients of Your Journey
My most recent project for Meranda Squires was to share historic VHS footage from her 17 years in India - "Mridula Blossoms"(ages 20-37).
Holy Encounter – the painting
The painting "Holy Encounter" honours that moment of connection in whatever form it manifests into your life. So why cats? Find out.
Jewels of Ireland Video – 2 weeks in 2 hours
Here's a chance to experience 2 weeks around Ireland in 2 hours in this Jewels of Ireland video featuring both my photography & videography.
Love Oracle 23: Dance to the Rhythms of Life
If you'd like to dance through life with ease & grace, pay attention to the lessons of these, the last 3 of 12 Universal Law mandalas presented in the Love Oracle series. They'll help you transform your life from the inside out.
Love Oracle 22: Celebrate Life
This week's Love Oracle messages bring to mind & heart your invitation to join the party to celebrate life - yours and the life all around you.
Love Oracle 21: Intuition into Action
Pick the painting that speaks most to you right now and scroll down to read the best way for you to access your inner guidance this week.
Love Oracle 20: Beneath the Surface
The 3 tree paintings in this week's Love Oracle series all…
Love Oracle 19: Recharge Your Batteries
You are a wellspring of energy, connected to the Power House…
Love Oracle 18: Consciously Co-Creating with the Universal Laws
Let your heart & intuition guide you to picking the Universal Law Mandala that will most help you consciously co-create your very best life this week.
Love Oracle 17: Time Passages
Have you befriended time? In this week's Love Oracle series,…