Every Soul Energy Portrait commission I have the honour of co-creating is bound to be as unique as the beautiful soul for whom it’s meant. After all, each piece is guided by the person’s team of angels and spirit guides and tailored to their needs. Layers of symbols, meaning, love, energy, and paint are fused through this intuitive painting process to help the client connect to their essence and to provide them with an empowering tool for their spiritual journey.
“Tania’s Magnific-Essence”
My latest client, Tania, was gracious enough to allow me to share part of the creative process here with you.
As for many of my clients, Tania was drawn to my art as part of her welcoming a transformational shift in her life.
Here’s a glimpse into how her painting, “Tania’s Magnific-Essence” came into being.
The Energy Painting Process
So how does it work?
First, Tania asked me to focus on a specific theme and chose a 12″ x 12″ size for her energy painting.
I then started with a ceremony.
- I smudged myself, the space, and the art supplies – letting go of anything that no longer served and making space for what did.
- I then used prayer, intention, and holy water from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury to prepare myself as the channel and the canvas as the manifestation.
- I asked Source to be present and called in her team of Divine Helpers. These are the Angels and Spirit Guides that have been with Tania during her entire journey on this Earth in this lifetime. I always feel their joined Love and Guidance throughout the process, knowing, seeing, and/or hearing their messages. It’s different every time.
Next, I recorded an intuitive Guided Meditation that I sent to Tania, announcing the opening of our process together.
Throughout the next several days, I emailed her photos of the various layers, symbolism, and messages I received for her during the intuitive painting process. There were so many images, reminders, and connectors – a truly blissful and meaningful experience.
Sometimes, I felt called to simply sit with the painting in meditation.
One morning, I was asked to channel energy for Tania and her painting. It was a most profoundly loving energy filled with messages of self-care. My whole being became a manifestation of the Mother Goddess cradling her child. Not being a mother myself, I had never felt the full power of this energy before. I immediately wrote to Tania to deliver the soothing messages and advice I received for her. That night, she emailed back to tell me about major shifts that happened that day and how she implemented her Guides’ advice.
Please note, I will only include energy work if I am given permission by the recipient. If someone is commissioning a piece for a friend or family member, I require that person’s permission. If not, the painting will still be infused with intention, love, prayer, and guided symbolism.
While the varnish was still drying, Tania wrote:
“I love everything about this process. It has been so much fun to be a part of this daily, as you work through the creative and energetic process. It has been a very important part of my overall healing journey, and I am sure it will continue to be. I feel very blessed to have worked with you on this.”
Once it was completely dried, I packaged Tania’s Soul Energy Portrait along with a few other gifts I was guided to include. These were shipped with a 5-page letter detailing the process, the messages from her Divine Helpers, and the meaning of the various symbolism.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
I didn’t send Tania a photo of her final Soul Energy Portrait before shipping it to her. I wanted her to meet “Tania’s Magnific-Essence” live.
Once she received it, she wrote:
“Magnific-Essence is a powerful visual reminder that as I seek oneness with Spirit and have faith, all that I need will be provided. As I root my feet into the ground while stretching my branches open and wide to what the universe has to offer, I will receive the clarity I need to shine my light into the world. There are limitless possibilities and this truly is a gift.”
Thank you Tania for the opportunity to be of service in this way. Doing this work is such an honour and a true pleasure.
I truly believe that investing in our personal and spiritual growth is a gift that keeps on giving.
As Marianne Williamson says,
“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.”
I also believe that all the answers are within us. I know from experience, however, that we sometimes need tools to help us tune into that inner guidance. An energy painting commission is one such tool – one that I feel moved to offer those who feel called to welcome such a transformational experience into their lives.

“You did such a great job of involving me throughout the process that it was like a daily gift of joy. I felt so a part of the entire experience even though we were a thousand miles apart. I would definitely recommend your service. If you love art, there is nothing more precious than having a unique piece that is created in your energy. It delivers a message specifically to your needs and its beauty magnifies over time.”