Affirmation Booster 7

This Oprah Winfrey quote in my planner inspired this latest edition of my Affirmation Booster series.

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.”

Isn’t that the truth! It’s another way of saying “Where attention goes, energy flows.”, a principle that keeps coming up for me.

We’re always thinking of something. In fact, I’ve read that experts say we have anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s 2,100 – 3,300 thoughts an hour!

Some research claims that up to 98% of those thoughts are the same as those from the day before. Shocking, right?!

If water keeps running the same course, it forms a groove and becomes a river. If a thought keeps being thought, it forms a neurochemical dynamic process that becomes a belief.

So the question is, what do you believe about yourself? What repeated thought formed that belief?

More importantly, is it true? Is it really true? Who would you be if you didn’t believe that thought?

If you don’t recognize this line of questioning, it’s part of Byron Katie’s life-changing The Work. I recommend her book “Loving What Is”as a introduction to her process.

Affirmations Create New Beliefs

Affirmations are a great way to form new grooves in your belief system. They work if you use them often enough to change the current limiting patterns of belief.

Give these 11 affirmations a try to see how they impact your emotions, decisions & actions.

Then pick your favourite and post it on your mirror to repeat every day this month. It just may be the one that creates the most resistance as this shows you where your groove is currently running deep and going in the opposite direction.

Pause the slideshow and repeat one at a time as often as you need with feeling until you can find an example of it in your life. Let the energy of my art support your process. Then focus on that truth and amplify the feeling. 

Give yourself a high five before going to the next.

Going back to Oprah’s quote, as you dwell on each one, you’ll become it more and more.

Life will then give you opportunities to practice being the truth of that affirmation.

It’ll also provide mirrors for you to recognize your True Self in them.

Enjoy the process!

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The 11 affirmations are:

  1. I am forgiveness.
  2. I am humbleness.
  3. I am mindfulness.
  4. I am Oneness.
  5. I am radiance.
  6. I am reflection.
  7. I am serenity.
  8. I am softness.
  9. I am unconditional love.
  10. I am wellness.
  11. I am a witness.


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